
tech2022-08-13  165


“Interoperability” is the act of making a new product or service work with an existing product or service: modern civilization depends on the standards and practices that allow you to put any dish into a dishwasher or any USB charger into any car’s cigarette lighter.


But interoperability is just the ante. For a really competitive, innovative, dynamic marketplace, you need adversarial interoperability: that’s when you create a new product or service that plugs into the existing ones without the permission of the companies that make them. Think of third-party printer ink, alternative app stores, or independent repair shops that use compatible parts from rival manufacturers to fix your car or your phone or your tractor.

但是互操作性只是赌注。 对于真正竞争,创新,充满活力的市场,您需要对抗性的互操作性:这就是您创建新产品或服务的过程, 而这些产品或服务可以插入到现有产品或服务中, 而未经制造它们的公司的允许 。 想想第三方打印机墨水,替代应用商店或独立维修店,它们使用竞争对手制造商的兼容零件来修理您的汽车,手机或拖拉机。

Adversarial interoperability was once the driver of tech’s dynamic marketplace, where the biggest firms could go from top of the heap to scrap metal in an eyeblink, where tiny startups could topple dominant companies before they even knew what hit them.


But the current crop of Big Tech companies has secured laws, regulations, and court decisions that have dramatically restricted adversarial interoperability. From the flurry of absurd software patents that the US Patent and Trademark Office granted in the dark years between the first software patents and the Alice decision to the growing use of “digital rights management” to create legal obligations to use the products you purchase in ways that benefit shareholders at your expense, Big Tech climbed the adversarial ladder and then pulled it up behind them.

但是,目前大量的高科技公司都拥有安全的法律,法规和法院判决,这些都极大地限制了对手的互操作性。 从美国专利商标局在最初的软件专利和Alice决定之间的黑暗年代授予的大量荒谬的软件专利,到越来越多地使用“数字版权管理”以建立法律义务来使用您购买的产品为了让股东自负盈亏,Big Tech攀登了对抗梯,然后将其拉到了身后。

That can and should change. As Big Tech grows ever more concentrated, restoring adversarial interoperability must be a piece of the solution to that concentration: making big companies smaller makes their mistakes less consequential, and it deprives them of the monopoly profits they rely on to lobby for rules that make competing with them even harder.

那可以而且应该改变。 随着大型技术的日益集中,恢复对抗性的互操作性必须是解决该问题的方法:缩小大公司的规模使其错误的后果减少,并且剥夺了他们赖以游说以争取竞争规则的垄断利润。与他们更加努力。

For months, we have written about the history, theory, and practice of adversarial interoperability. This page rounds up our writing on the subject in one convenient resource that you can send your friends, Members of Congress, teachers, investors, and bosses as we all struggle to figure out how to re-decentralize the Internet and spread decision-making power around to millions of individuals and firms, rather than the executives of a handful of tech giants.

几个月以来,我们一直在撰写对抗性互操作性的历史,理论和实践。 该页面以一种便捷的资源将我们在该主题上的论述作为基础,您可以将其发送给您的朋友,国会议员,老师,投资者和老板,因为我们所有人都在努力寻找如何重新分散互联网权力并传播决策权的方法吸引了数百万个人和公司,而不是少数高科技巨头的高管。

Interoperability: Fix the Internet, Not the Tech Companies: a taxonomy of different kinds of interoperability, from “indifferent interoperability” (I don’t care if you plug your thing into my product) to “cooperative interoperability” (please plug your thing into my product) to “adversarial interoperability” (dang it, stop plugging your thing into my product!).

互操作性:修复互联网,而不是技术公司 :从“无差异互操作性”(我不在乎是否将产品插入产品)到“合作互操作性”(请插入您的产品)我的产品)“对抗性互操作性”(晃来晃去,停止将您的产品插入我的产品!)。

Unix and Adversarial Interoperability: The ‘One Weird Antitrust Trick’ That Defined Computing How do you get a ruthless monopolist to sit on its hands while competitors large and small make interoperable versions of one of its inventions? The story of Unix shows the way.

Unix和对抗性的互操作性:定义计算的“一个奇怪的反托拉斯技巧”如何让一个残酷的垄断者坐在它的手上,而大大小小的竞争者都在制造它的一项发明的可互操作的版本? Unix的故事说明了这种方式。

alt.interoperability.adversarial: The history of the alt. hierarchy shows how an Internet dominated by protocols, not products, ensured that users could shape their online experiences. Restoring legal protections to interoperators could turn today’s Big Tech companies back into protocols that anyone could plug a new service into.

alt.interoperability.adversarial : alt的历史。 层次结构显示了以协议而非产品为主导的Internet如何确保用户可以塑造其在线体验。 恢复对互操作者的法律保护可能会使当今的大技术公司重新使用任何人都可以插入新服务的协议。

Adversarial Interoperability: Reviving an Elegant Weapon From a More Civilized Age to Slay Today’s Monopolies: The history of adversarial interoperability and how it drove the tech revolutions of the past four decades, and what we can do to restore it.


Gopher: When Adversarial Interoperability Burrowed Under the Gatekeepers’ Fortresses: Before the Web devoured Gopher, Gopher devoured mainframes.

Gopher:在网守的要塞下挖掘对抗性互操作性时 :在Web吞没Gopher之前,Gopher吞噬了大型机。

Interoperability and Privacy: Squaring the Circle: Big Tech companies created a privacy dumpster fire on the Internet, but now they say they can’t fix it unless we use the law to ban competitors from plugging new services into their flaming dumpsters. That’s awfully convenient, don’t you think?

互操作性和隐私:圈出一角 :大型科技公司在互联网上制造了隐私垃圾箱大火,但现在他们说,除非我们根据法律禁止竞争对手将新服务插入其燃烧的垃圾箱中,否则它们无法解决。 那太方便了,你不觉得吗?

A Cycle of Renewal, Broken: How Big Tech and Big Media Abuse Copyright Law to Slay Competition: Cable TV exists because of adversarial interoperability, which gave it the power to disrupt the broadcasters. Today, Big Cable is doing everything it can to stop anyone from disrupting it.

更新的周期破裂:大技术和大媒体如何滥用版权法杀害竞争者 :有线电视的存在是由于对抗性的互操作性,这使其有能力破坏广播公司。 如今,Big Cable正在竭尽所能阻止任何人破坏它 。

‘IBM PC Compatible’: How Adversarial Interoperability Saved PCs From Monopolization: IBM spent more than a decade on the wrong end of an antitrust action over its mainframe monopoly, but when it created its first PCs, scrappy upstarts like Phoenix and Compaq were able to clone its ROM chips and create a vibrant, fast-moving marketplace.

“ IBM PC兼容”:对抗性互操作性如何从垄断中拯救PC :IBM花了十多年的时间才对大型机垄断采取了反托拉斯行动,但当它制造出第一台PC时,像Phoenix和Compaq这样的草率新贵得以克隆其ROM芯片,创建一个生机勃勃,发展Swift的市场。

SAMBA versus SMB: Adversarial Interoperability is Judo for Network Effects: Microsoft came this close to owning the modern office by locking up the intranet in a proprietary network protocol called SMB…That is, until a PhD candidate released SAMBA, a free/open product that adversarially interoperated with SMB and allows Macs, Unix systems, and other rivals to live on the same LANs as Windows machines.

SAMBA与SMB:网络互作用是对抗性的柔道 :Microsoft通过将内部网锁定在称为SMB的专有网络协议中,从而接近拥有现代化的办公室……也就是说,直到一名博士候选人发布了SAMBA,这是一个免费/开放的产品可以与SMB进行互操作,并允许Mac,Unix系统和其他竞争对手与Windows机器生活在相同的LAN中。

Felony Contempt of Business Model: Lexmark’s Anti-Competitive Legacy: Printer companies are notorious for abusive practices, but Lexmark reached a new low in 2002, when it argued that copyright gave it the right to decide who could put carbon powder into empty toner cartridges. Even though Lexmark failed, it blazed a trail that other companies have enthusiastically followed, successfully distorting copyright to cover everything from tractor parts to browser plugins.

对商业模式的重罪轻蔑:利盟的反竞争遗产 :打印机公司因滥用行为而臭名昭著,但利盟在2002年达到了一个新的低点,当时利盟认为版权使它有权决定谁可以将碳粉放入空的碳粉盒中。 即使Lexmark失败了,它也开辟了其他公司热情追随的道路,成功地扭曲了版权,涵盖了从拖拉机零件到浏览器插件的所有内容。

Mint: Late-Stage Adversarial Interoperability Demonstrates What We Had (And What We Lost): The last great hurrah of Adversarial Interoperability, fought the finance sector…and won!

造币厂:晚期对抗性互操作性展示了我们所拥有的(以及我们失去了什么 ):对抗性互操作性的最后一次巨大挑战,是与金融部门抗争……并赢得了胜利!

Adblocking: How About Nah?: The early Web was infested with intrusive pop-up ads, and adversarial interoperability rendered them invisible. Today, adblocking is the largest boycott in history, doing more to curb bad ads and the surveillance that goes with them than any regulator.

Adblocking:那不怎么样? :早期的Web充满了侵入式弹出广告,而对抗性的互操作性使它们不可见。 如今,封锁是有史以来最大的抵制活动,它比任何监管机构都在抑制不良广告和随之而来的监视方面做得更多。

African WhatsApp Modders are the Masters of Worldwide Adversarial Interoperability: GB WhatsApp started life in the Syrian conflict and is now the leader of the pack in Africa, where it is more popular than Facebook itself — and where it has to compete with other WhatsApp mods, each customized to a different kind of user and use-case.

非洲人WhatsApp Modders是全球对抗性互操作性的大师 :GB WhatsApp在叙利亚冲突中崭露头角 ,现已成为非洲的佼佼者,在非洲比Facebook本身更受人欢迎,并且必须与其他WhatsApp mod竞争,每个都针对不同类型的用户和用例进行了定制。

(Republished from EFF Deeplinks under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license)

( 根据Creative Commons Attribution 4.0许可从EFF深度链接重新发布 )

➤ Read Cory Doctorow’s How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism.

➤阅读科里·多克托洛(Cory Doctorow)的《 如何摧毁监视资本主义》 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/adversarial-interoperability/

