javascript 框架
If you keep up on WordPress news at all, you may be aware that WordPress Core will soon include a JavaScript framework, in addition to Backbone.js (which will remain and continue to be maintained). But the hunt for the correct JavaScript framework for WordPress Core has been an interesting one.
如果您不停地关注WordPress新闻,您可能会意识到WordPress Core除了Backbone.js (将继续保留)之外,还将包括一个JavaScript框架。 但是寻找适用于WordPress Core的正确JavaScript框架的过程很有趣。
Over the course of the weekly JavaScript Chats held on the WordPress contributor Slack on May 23 and on May 30, the decision has been narrowed down to React or Vue.js. The hope is that WCEU meetings would shed further light on the debate.
在5月23日和5月30日在WordPress贡献者Slack上举行的每周JavaScript聊天的过程中,该决定已缩小为React或Vue.js。 希望WCEU会议将进一步阐明辩论情况。
During the course of the discussions, in fact, Evan You himself (the creator of Vue.js) commented with his thoughts.
实际上,在讨论过程中,Evan You本人(Vue.js的创建者) 发表了自己的看法 。
People on both sides of what has shaped up to be a rather fierce debate are, of course, excited to see a new framework being included in Core, but the real question is which one, and why? Here are a few points brought up by people on either side regarding the two candidates:
当然,在一场激烈辩论中,双方的人都为看到Core中包含一个新框架而感到兴奋,但真正的问题是哪个,为什么? 以下是双方就两名候选人提出的几点意见:
Licensing issues (particularly this one)
Some WordPress contributors worry about so tightly linking WordPress to React, and by extension Facebook, a company whose ideology does not quite align with that of WordPress. 一些WordPress贡献者担心将WordPress与React紧密地联系在一起,并因此扩展了Facebook,该公司的意识形态与WordPress的思想不太一致。There are of course many more points, which are neatly summarized in the linked summaries of the weekly JS chats. Additionally, many points are debatable. Licensing issues with React are seen as a nonissue by some, for example; JSX is seen as a similar hindrance when compared to templating; and Evan You points out that community maintainers mitigate some of the danger of Vue.js survivability.
当然,还有更多要点,这些要点在每周JS聊天的链接摘要中进行了巧妙地总结。 此外,很多观点值得商bat。 例如,一些人将React的许可问题视为非问题。 与模板相比,JSX被视为类似的障碍。 和Evan You指出,社区维护者减轻了Vue.js生存能力的某些危险。
And of course, all of this has people talking yet again about WordPress and its future with JavaScript. Which parts of WordPress may be JavaScript in the years to come, or will all of it? The same conversation stirred with’s creation of Calypso, the multi-site admin panel (which uses React), but rumblings have died down some in time since, so it seems as though perhaps the WordPress-PHP community are in for another wild ride through the land of JavaScript frameworks with this debate.
当然,所有这些使人们再次谈论WordPress及其JavaScript的未来。 未来几年,WordPress的哪些部分可能是JavaScript,或者全部? WordPress.com创建了Calypso ,即WordPress.com多站点管理面板(使用React),引发了同样的话题,但是自那以后,谣言逐渐消失了,所以似乎WordPress-PHP社区正在这场辩论引发了JavaScript框架领域的又一次狂热之旅。
What do you think about the future of WordPress and JavaScript? Let us know in the comments!
您如何看待WordPress和JavaScript的未来? 让我们在评论中知道!
javascript 框架