
tech2022-08-15  155


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Much like a single parent doing all the cooking, cleaning, and parenting, a solopreneur must be all things to their business. They must be tech oriented and able to throw together a good looking and functional website. They must be the sole salesperson and one person marketing team. They are often the accountant, shipping clerk, customer service associate, and pretty much any other role you can think of. That’s a lot of hats and a ton of pressure on your shoulders. But if it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right?

就像一个单亲父母做所有的烹饪,清洁和养育子女一样,一个企业家必须是他们生意的全部。 他们必须以技术为导向,并能够将美观且功能强大的网站整合在一起。 他们必须是唯一的销售人员和一个人的营销团队。 他们通常是会计,货运业务员,客户服务助理以及几乎您可以想到的任何其他角色。 那顶帽子很多,肩膀上压力很大。 但是,如果这很容易,那么每个人都会这样做,对吗?

This article is about taking a few things off your plate. Easing the pressure and helping you, the solopreneur, for a change. If you can save some time and increase your overall performance, then you can focus on more important things or even take a day of. Without further ado, here are 6 essential plugins for your WordPress site:

本文是关于摆脱困境的。 减轻压力并帮助您(一位企业家)进行改变。 如果您可以节省一些时间并提高整体性能,那么您可以专注于更重要的事情,甚至花一天的时间。 事不宜迟,这里是您的WordPress网站的6个基本插件:

1. Tawk.to (1. Tawk.to)

Offering live chat as a solopreneur isn’t easy. Yet with the Tawk.to plugin you can get it done. Tawk.to is a free messaging app that lets you chat with your website visitors.

作为一个单身汉提供实时聊天并不容易。 但是,使用Tawk.to插件可以完成它。 Tawk.to是一个免费的消息传递应用程序,可让您与网站访问者聊天。

Each page you designate on your website will get a handy chat window in the bottom right corner that you can fully customize to your needs. Once your visitor clicks on the chat window, they are prompted to enter their name and email to start chatting.

您在网站上指定的每个页面都会在右下角提供一个方便的聊天窗口,您可以完全根据自己的需要进行自定义。 一旦您的访客单击聊天窗口,就会提示他们输入姓名和电子邮件以开始聊天。

Tawk.to can be monitored directly from the backend of your WordPress site, from the Tawk.to website dashboard, or even from an app on your phone. You can set it to send notifications just like a text message so you can chat with website visitors on the go. If you are offline, you can set your status to reflect that, which gives your visitors a nice offline message while still giving them the option to leave a message for you to respond to when you return.

Tawk.to可以直接从WordPress网站的后端,Tawk.to网站仪表板甚至是手机上的应用程序进行监控。 您可以将其设置为像短信一样发送通知,以便您可以随时随地与网站访问者聊天。 如果您处于离线状态,则可以将状态设置为反映该状态,从而为访问者提供不错的离线消息,同时仍然为他们提供留下消息的选项,以便您在返回时做出响应。

Last but not least, you get a live dashboard that gives you real-time stats about your visitors and useful customer service metrics like engagement, availability, and positive sentiment. For a solopreneur, Tawk.to is a great way to provide next level customer service with no added costs.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,您将获得一个实时仪表板,该仪表板为您提供有关访问者的实时统计信息以及有用的客户服务指标,例如参与度,可用性和积极情绪。 对于一个企业家来说,Tawk.to是提供更高级别客户服务而又不增加成本的好方法。

2.相扑 (2. Sumo)

Sumo is like the swiss army knife of marketing. It is the ideal choice for a one-person marketing operation with little to no technical skills.

Sumo就像瑞士行销的军刀一样。 对于几乎没有技术技能的单人营销操作而言,这是理想的选择。

Downloading Sumo for your WordPress site gives access to a huge suite of tools that give your website a professional touch, helping you get more conversions.


With heat maps, you get a visual of where your visitors are clicking and how they are scrolling through your website. This gives you greater insight to how effective certain writing, buttons, or visuals are doing to convert to sales and sign ups.

使用热图,您可以直观地看到访问者单击的位置以及他们如何浏览您的网站。 这使您可以更深入地了解某些文字,按钮或视觉效果如何有效地转化为销售和注册。

You can create pop-ups that only show when your visitor is about to leave your page. These prompt them for a coupon code to save the sale or premium content to entice them to keep reading.

您可以创建仅在访客即将离开页面时显示的弹出窗口。 这些提示他们输入优惠券代码以保存销售或高级内容,以吸引他们继续阅读。

And that is just a taste of the dozens of marketing tools Sumo gives you. The Sumo tool is essential for anyone who needs a full marketing department without the price of one.

这只是Sumo为您提供的数十种营销工具的味道。 Sumo工具对于需要一个完整的营销部门而不需要一个价格的任何人都是必不可少的。

3. MailChimp for WordPress (3. MailChimp for WordPress)

For solopreneurs, automation is everything. Any task you can get off your plate lets you focus even more time on acquiring and supporting your customers. MailChimp gives you that added automation your business needs through interactive email chains. When a customer signs up to your newsletter or requests a quote, you can set MailChimp to automatically email them with a welcome message or prompt them with a message requesting more information for that quote. This process gives the illusion of a personal touch and can move your potential customer along the sales process without you ever lifting a finger.

对于企业家来说,自动化就是一切。 您可以完成的任何任务都可以让您将更多的时间用于吸引和支持客户。 MailChimp通过交互式电子邮件链为您增加了业务需求的自动化。 当客户注册您的时事通讯或请求报价时,您可以将MailChimp设置为自动向他们发送欢迎消息,或提示他们要求提供有关该报价的更多信息的消息。 这个过程给人一种个人风格的幻觉,可以在销售过程中转移潜在客户,而无需您费劲。

The MailChimp for WordPress plugin connects your WordPress website with your MailChimp account giving you the flexibility to add mobile responsive signup and opt-in methods to your website manipulating any code.

MailChimp for WordPress插件将您的WordPress网站与MailChimp帐户连接起来,使您可以灵活地向网站添加移动响应注册和选择加入方法,以处理任何代码。

When creating user-friendly forms, you can customize everything from button width and height, to background color, and even text size. Pretty much anything you can think of can be customized to your liking without compromising any functionality.

创建用户友好的表单时,您可以自定义所有内容,从按钮的宽度和高度,背景颜色甚至文本大小。 您可以想到的几乎所有内容都可以根据自己的喜好进行定制,而不会影响任何功能。

4.海狸建造者 (4. Beaver Builder)

Solopreneurs wear many hats, and too often one of those hats isn’t programmer or website designer. Luckily, for those of us who weren’t blessed with extensive development knowledge, Beaver Builder can be our champion.

独行侠戴很多帽子,而其中很多帽子不是程序员或网站设计师。 幸运的是,对于那些没有丰富的开发知识的人来说, Beaver Builder可以成为我们的冠军。

Beaver Builder is a one-time cost, WordPress site builder plugin that is designed specifically for the technically challenged. The plugin is advertised as working with any theme and gives you the flexibility of building a beautiful, mobile-friendly website, without ever touching a line of code. All you have to do is create a new page or edit an existing page where you will see a new option to use Beaver Builder’s Page Builder.

Beaver Builder是一次性成本的WordPress网站构建器插件,专门为技术上有挑战的人设计。 该插件的广告宣传可以与任何主题配合使用,并且使您可以灵活地构建美观,适合移动设备的网站,而无需编写任何代码。 您要做的就是创建一个新页面或编辑一个现有页面,在该页面上您将看到一个使用Beaver Builder的Page Builder的新选项。

The Page Builder gives you the power to drag and drop to create and rearrange any section of your site. The best part is all of this is done on the front-end of your website meaning your visitors will see exactly what you create. You can drag in different modules for text boxes, images, videos and more.

页面构建器使您能够拖放以创建和重新排列站点的任何部分。 最好的部分是所有这些操作都是在您网站的前端完成的,这意味着您的访问者将确切地看到您创建的内容。 您可以在不同的模块中拖动文本框,图像,视频等。

5.损坏的链接检查器 (5. Broken Link Checker)

Arguably not the coolest or sexiest of the six plugins here, but no less important. As a solopreneur you likely don’t have the time or resources to apply a relentless attention to detail when it comes to your business and website. Unless you’re outsourcing website maintenance, you likely have a few grammar issues (for that we recommend Grammarly) and a handful of broken links with it. This is where Broken Link Checker becomes your savior.

可以说这不是六个插件中最酷或最性感的,但同样重要。 作为一个企业家,您可能没有时间或资源来不懈地关注企业和网站的细节。 除非您将网站维护外包,否则您可能会遇到一些语法问题(为此,我们建议使用Grammarly )以及与此相关的一些损坏的链接。 这是“ 损坏的链接检查器”成为您的救星的地方。

This plugin becomes your eyes and ears for seeking out any links on your site that simply don’t work, redirect, or are missing images. It has the capability to actively monitor your pages, blog posts, and any custom fields you desire for any such broken links.

该插件成为您在网站上查找根本不起作用,重定向或图像丢失的链接的耳目。 它具有主动监视您的页面,博客文章以及任何您想要的此类断开链接所需的自定义字段的功能。

In the settings menu, you can see a quick status update of your site which will tell you if you have any broken links found. If there are any found it will tell you how many are in your work queue for you to fix. You’ve also have the option to set how often the plugin checks for broken links and how it notifies you. While this may not be a game changer for your process, it is most certainly going to help you seem more professional. Nothing looks worse for niche authority when you see content is outdated and has broken or redirect links.

在设置菜单中,您可以看到网站的状态快速更新,它会告诉您是否找到了损坏的链接。 如果找到任何内容,它将告诉您工作队列中有多少要修复。 您还可以选择设置插件检查链接断开的频率以及如何通知您。 尽管这可能不会改变您的流程,但无疑可以帮助您显得更专业。 当您看到内容已过时并且断开或重定向链接时,对于利基授权来说,没有什么看起来更糟。


IFTTT stands for “If This Then That” and allows you to create powerful triggers and actions that will automate certain workflows from your WordPress site. The IFTTT Bridge for WordPress plugin allows you to display any processed data from your IFTTT automation directly on your WordPress site. Or alternatively, you can connect your WordPress site with your IFTTT account and create automation with hundred of applets.

IFTTT代表“ If This Then That”,它使您可以创建功能强大的触发器和操作,以自动执行WordPress网站中的某些工作流。 WordPress的IFTTT Bridge插件可让您直接在WordPress网站上显示来自IFTTT自动化的所有处理数据。 或者,您可以将您的WordPress网站与您的IFTTT帐户连接,并使用数百个applet创建自动化。

As a solopreneur, IFTTT takes typically routine and mundane tasks off your plate and assigns them triggers which prompt a workflow with an end result you desire. Here are just a handful of applets you could use to free up time and make your site more powerful:

作为一名企业家,IFTTT通常将日常任务和平凡任务从您的盘子上移开,并为它们分配触发器,这些触发器可以提示工作流程并提供您想要的最终结果。 以下是一些小程序,可用于节省时间并增强网站的功能:

Automate your marketing by sharing any new posts to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.


For added security backup your new WordPress posts to Google Drive.

为了增加安全性, 请将新的WordPress帖子备份到Google云端硬盘 。

Keep up with your editorial calendar by adding a calendar event for each new post.


Stay organized by sending a copy of all posts to your Evernote.


Looking for hosting for your WordPress site? Our partner SiteGround has a proactive and knowledgeable support team of WordPress experts who will be happy to help you with this. SiteGround has WordPress-specific features like WP-CLI, 1-click installer, staging, pre-installed Git, caching and more. SiteGround’s plans are now up to 65% off for SitePoint users.

寻找托管您的WordPress网站? 我们的合作伙伴SiteGround拥有一支积极主动且知识渊博的WordPress专家支持团队,他们将很乐意为您提供帮助。 SiteGround具有WordPress特有的功能,例如WP-CLI,一键安装程序,登台,预安装的Git,缓存等。 现在,SiteGround的计划为SitePoint用户提供了高达65%的折扣。

What plugins are we missing? Share them in the comments below.

我们缺少哪些插件? 在下面的评论中分享它们。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/essential-wordpress-plugins-for-solopreneurs/

