
tech2022-08-16  160


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本文是与BAWMedia合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Multipurpose WordPress themes like those listed here are great for any web designer. They are more than suitable for just about anything in terms of website types or uses that you can throw at them. The old argument that a tool that's designed to do a wide range of tasks can only do some of them flawlessly is simply not true in this case.

此处列出的多用途WordPress主题非常适合任何Web设计师。 就网站类型或您可以扔给他们的用途而言,它们几乎不适合任何事物。 原来的说法是,旨在执行多种任务的工具只能完美地执行其中的一些任务,在这种情况下根本不成立。

You will, however, notice that several specialty themes have been included in the mix. Closer examination will show you why this has been done. It's not that the multipurpose themes aren't up to the task. We've simply found a couple of tools that can make your design work even easier.

但是,您会注意到混合中包含了几个专业主题。 仔细检查会告诉您为什么这样做。 并不是说多功能主题不能满足任务。 我们只是找到了一些工具,可以使您的设计工作更加轻松。

These products are the best of their kind on the market today. So you needn't worry about making a less than ideal choice.

这些产品是当今市场上同类产品中最好的。 因此,您不必担心做出不理想的选择。

1. BeTheme –响应式多用途WordPress主题 (1. BeTheme – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme)

Once you take into account BeTheme's 40 core features, first and foremost of which is the selection of 320+ professionally-designed pre-built websites, you're going to conclude that this multipurpose WordPress theme is indeed capable of handling anything you can throw at it in terms of website design requirements and web-building performance.


Searching for a theme that's the best fit for an obscure business niche is often a time-consuming, frustrating task that can take hours. With BeTheme, the same task can usually be accomplished in minutes. Not only is finding a perfect match highly likely, finding one that's nearly perfect is just as good since each of these pre-built websites is easily customizable.

寻找最适合晦涩的商业环境的主题通常是一项耗时,令人沮丧的任务,可能需要数小时。 使用BeTheme,通常可以在几分钟内完成同一任务。 不仅很可能找到一个完美的匹配,而且找到一个几乎完美的匹配也是一样好,因为每个预建网站都可以轻松自定义。

You can install one with a single click and then let Be's Muffin Builder, Options Panel, Shortcode Generator and other design options and special effects make their contributions.

您可以单击安装一个,然后让Be's Muffin Builder,选项面板,Shortcode Generator和其他设计选项以及特殊效果发挥作用。

Given the size of Be's user base and the fact it's a top 5 ThemeForest best-seller would suggest that you give this premium multipurpose theme some serious thought.


2. 总计 (2. Total)

Total is a top selling WordPress theme for a reason. With 500+ Customizer styling options, up to 100+ drag&drop page builder elements, and compatibility with popular free & premium plugins it's easy to see why so many people choose Total.

道达尔(Total)是最畅销的WordPress主题,这是有原因的。 拥有500多种Customizer样式选项,多达100多种拖放页面构建器元素以及与流行的免费和高级插件的兼容性,您不难理解为什么有这么多人选择Total。

Getting started with a new website couldn't be easier. Just install Total and use the demo importer to have your website ready to launch in no time. The extended WPBakery Visual Page Builder makes it easy to create custom page layouts with pricing tables, callouts, buttons, contact forms, galleries and more. Plus the included premiums sliders mean you can further customize your pages to really stand-out on the web.

开始使用新网站再简单不过了。 只需安装Total并使用演示导入器即可立即启动您的网站。 扩展的WPBakery可视页面生成器使创建带有定价表,标注,按钮,联系表格,画廊等的自定义页面布局变得容易。 加上随附的高级滑块,您可以进一步自定义页面,使其在网络上脱颖而出。

While Total is a great fit for folks building their own websites, developers will love Total as well. Hundreds of custom filters and snippets in addition to built-in hooks and well -commented code means customizing client sites is super easy.

虽然Total非常适合建立自己的网站的人们,但开发人员也会喜欢Total。 数百个自定义过滤器和摘要以及内置的挂钩和注释良好的代码意味着自定义客户端站点非常容易。

3. 波尔图–终极WordPress +电子商务主题 (3. Porto – Ultimate WordPress+eCommerce Theme)

Porto is a free eCommerce-oriented theme that is easy and flexible to work with, responsive, and super-fast! As it is built around a Bootstrap 4 framework, you can expect both speed and high performance.

波尔图是一个免费的面向电子商务的主题,使用起来方便灵活,响应Swift且超快速! 由于它是基于Bootstrap 4框架构建的,因此可以期待速度和高性能。

In the Porto package, you'll find demos, a nice selection of home page layouts and skins and internal and special page layout styles. You'll also find a useful selection of shop pages, 4 different portfolio layouts, and 4 different blog layouts. Visual Composer with Ultimate addons is Porto's page builder.

在Porto程序包中,您将找到演示,主页布局和外观以及内部和特殊页面布局样式的不错选择。 您还将找到有用的商店页面选择,4种不同的投资组合布局和4种不同的博客布局。 带有Ultimate附加组件的Visual Composer是Porto的页面构建器。

This multipurpose theme is WooCommerce compatible as you would expect and includes shop and product archive pages, an Ajax filtering feature, wish list functionality, and a WooCommerce catalog mode – everything you want to set up an online shop.


Like the theme itself, Porto's support team's mission is lightning-fast service.


4. TheGem –创意多功能高性能WordPress主题 (4. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme)

TheGem is a visually stimulating responsive WordPress creative multipurpose website theme. TheGem is a robust platform for the development of all sorts of beautiful modern websites in a speedy and uncomplicated manner and with plenty of freedom for visual and creative styling.

TheGem是一种视觉刺激的响应式WordPress创意多用途网站主题。 TheGem是一个强大的平台,可用于快速,简单地开发各种精美的现代网站,并具有足够的视觉和创意样式自由。

The authors of the theme had in mind a veritable Swiss Army knife of website-building tools in mind when they produced TheGem. This multipurpose theme offers every tool you'll ever need to create stunning one page or multipage business or creative websites. There's a great selection of blog and portfolio layouts as well, plus 70+ design concepts and 200 demos to get you off to a solid start. Take TheGem for a spin.

该主题的作者在制作TheGem时,牢记着名副其实的瑞士军刀,是构建网站的工具。 这个多用途主题提供了创建令人惊叹的一页或多页业务或创意网站所需的所有工具。 博客和作品集的布局也很丰富,另外还有70多个设计概念和200个演示,可以帮助您踏上坚实的第一步。 以TheGem旋转。

5. 胡泽兹 (5. Houzez)

Houzez is a specialty theme dedicated for use in the real estate sector. The real estate niche tends to be busy in good times and bad, making it a potential goldmine for any web designer who has an interest in the area. Houzez is responsive, easy to work with, and has the features realtors and real estate agencies want and need.

Houzez是专门用于房地产领域的特殊主题。 房地产利基市场在忙碌的时代和忙碌的日子里往往很忙,这使其成为对该领域感兴趣的任何网页设计师的潜在金矿。 HouzezReact灵敏,易于使用,并具有房地产经纪人和房地产经纪人想要和需要的功能。

These include Google geolocation, advanced and radius search, and customizable listings layouts.


6. Uncode –创意多用途WordPress主题 (6. Uncode – Creative Multiuse WordPress Theme)

We all want to be able to create award-winning websites, but we aren't always sure how to go about it. Uncode has the tools and features needed to produce award winners, and if you visit their website, you can see what their customers have done using this multipurpose, creative WordPress theme.

我们所有人都希望能够创建屡获殊荣的网站,但我们并不总是确定如何去做。 Uncode具有产生获奖者所需的工具和功能,如果您访问他们的网站,则可以使用此多功能,富有创意的WordPress主题查看其客户的所作所为。

Uncode's showcase, and it's a big one, is impressive as well as a source of inspiration. Visit the website, take notes, and make your purchase!

Uncode的展示柜非常大,既令人印象深刻,又是灵感的来源。 访问网站,做笔记,并进行购买!

7. Themify Ultra (7. Themify Ultra)

You can quickly set up a site with Themify Ultra's unique collection of pre-made demo sites, skins, and other design elements. The skins can be used to transform your site's appearance, or you can set up a sample site in minutes and experiment with different skins with just a click until you get the look you want.

您可以使用Themify Ultra独特的预制演示站点,外观和其他设计元素集合来快速设置站点。 皮肤可以用于改变网站的外观,或者您可以在几分钟内建立示例站点,然后单击一下就可以尝试不同的皮肤,直到获得所需的外观。

Selections of post, header, and footer layouts, page layouts, and a free post type plugin are included.


8. 图层WP (8. Layers WP)

Layers is SEO friendly, responsive, WooCommerce ready, and free! There are various extensions that can be used with this multipurpose theme, extensions you must pay for, and there is also a Layers Pro version.

Layers是SEO友好,响应Swift,WooCommerce就绪且免费的 ! 此多功能主题可以使用多种扩展程序,您必须付费购买扩展程序,还有Layers Pro版本。

This default free version with its point and click editor will enable you to create awesome websites. We suggest you download the free version, give it a try, and see if you need any of the extensions.

该默认的免费版本及其指向和单击编辑器使您可以创建很棒的网站。 我们建议您下载免费版本,尝试一下,看看是否需要任何扩展。

9. 卡利亚斯 (9. Kallyas)

Kallyas is a super-fast, responsive, high-performance multipurpose theme that's loaded with the tools you need to address the needs of any client, regardless of the website type or business niche involved.


Key features include a selection of pre-made website templates to get projects underway and the integrated visual builder. 6 months of dedicated support come with your purchase, plus you'll get free updates and have access to Kallyas' 150 video tutorials.

关键功能包括一些可供选择的预制网站模板,以使项目正在进行中;集成的视觉生成器也是如此。 您购买时将获得6个月的专用支持,此外,您还将获得免费更新并可以访问Kallyas的150个视频教程。

10. Pofo –创意组合和博客WordPress主题 (10. Pofo – Creative Portfolio and Blog WordPress Theme)

Pofo is fast, responsive, SEO friendly and modern design WordPress theme! Its designs are pixel perfect, fully responsive, and in line with the latest web design trends. Pofo is ideal for building websites in which portfolios pay a key role since the quality of a portfolio can have a major impact on a site's conversion rate.

Pofo是快速,敏感,SEO友好和现代设计的WordPress主题! 它的设计是像素完美的,完全响应的,并且符合最新的网页设计趋势。 Pofo是构建投资组合在其中发挥关键作用的网站的理想选择,因为投资组合的质量可能会对网站的转化率产生重大影响。

Pofo uses the WordPress Customizer and custom shortcodes and features 150+ design elements, 25+ home pages, and 200+ demo pages.


11. 赫斯提亚 (11. Hestia)

With Elementor's 50+ templates, the OrbitFox plugin, and the Hestia web design theme within easy reach, you can build anything and do so visually. The free version of Hestia provides all the design horsepower you need to get started, and it may be all you'll ever need. Hestia is based on Material Design principles.

借助Elementor的50多个模板,OrbitFox插件和Hestia网页设计主题,触手可及,您可以构建任何内容并以可视方式进行操作。 免费版本的Hestia提供了入门所需的所有设计能力,而这可能正是您所需要的。 Hestia基于材料设计原则。

This multipurpose theme's single page format makes navigation easier for both the designer and the end users.


12. 暴风雨日 (12. Stormyday)

When its authors created Stormyday, they did so with the intent of helping its users to make a statement. Included in this flexible, responsive multipurpose WordPress blog theme's package is an extensive selection of page layouts and live demos (with one-click install) together with the recently introduced and already gaining in popularity PremiumCoding page builder.

当它的作者创建Stormyday时,他们这样做的目的是帮助其用户发表声明。 这个灵活的,响应Swift的多用途WordPress博客主题包中包括大量的页面布局和实时演示(通过一键安装),以及最近推出的并且已经很受欢迎的PremiumCoding页面构建器。

A host of CSS3 features and animations, Revolution Slider, smooth scrolling, and parallax backgrounds top things off.

大量CSS3功能和动画,Revolution Slider,平滑滚动和视差背景是最重要的事情。

13. Fildisi –响应式多功能WordPress主题 (13. Fildisi – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme)

Since Fildisi adjusts to your rules, rather than the other way around, this multipurpose theme could make your life as a web designer much easier. As is the case with the other multipurpose theme's we've selected, Fildisi is an excellent choice for bloggers, creatives, designers, or whatever business niche or website type your future projects will address.

由于Fildisi会根据您的规则进行调整,而不是反过来进行调整,因此这种多用途主题可以使您作为Web设计师的生活更加轻松。 与我们选择的其他多用途主题一样,Fildisi是博客,创意,设计师或您未来项目将要解决的任何业务细分或网站类型的绝佳选择。

14. Movedo Premium多功能主题 (14. Movedo Premium Multipurpose Theme)

Is website sameness starting to become a problem for you? It happens to almost any web designer. Whether it's happening or not, it's a good time to give Movedo a look. This multipurpose theme offers several cool and outside-the-envelope features like moldable typography, ultra-dynamic parallax effects, unique clipping animations, and other not-so-common design elements designed to spice up any website.

网站相同性开始成为您的问题吗? 几乎所有网页设计师都会遇到这种情况。 不管发生与否,现在都是让Movedo看一眼的好时机。 这个多用途主题提供了一些很酷的功能,例如可模制的字体,超动态视差效果,独特的剪辑动画,以及旨在为任何网站增添趣味的其他不常见的设计元素。

Maybe it's a good time for you to break the mold and rock the user world with Movedo.


15. XStore –响应式WooCommerce主题 (15. XStore – Responsive WooCommerce Theme)

Build an eCommerce store likely to succeed, or build one that absolutely rocks! It's up to you. If the latter appeals to you, give XStore a try. This responsive, minimalist WordPress theme gives you 70 ready-to-go shops to choose from. Having installed one (it takes about one minute), use XStore's premium plugins (that includes the Smart Product Reviewer 360°) to dress your store up.

建立一个可能成功的电子商务商店,或建立绝对成功的商店! 由你决定。 如果后者吸引您,请尝试XStore。 这个响应Swift,极简的WordPress主题为您提供70个现成的商店供您选择。 安装一个(大约需要一分钟)后,请使用XStore的高级插件(包括Smart Product Reviewer 360°)来修饰您的商店。

Be sure to browse XStore's inspirational showcase of customers' websites.


结论 (Conclusion)

There's no shortage of excellent choices here. We realize it might take you some time to narrow the candidates down to 2 or 3 products. But we believe you'll find it's time well spent.

这里不乏出色的选择。 我们意识到,可能需要一些时间才能将候选人缩小为2或3种产品。 但我们相信您会发现现在花了很多时间。

Should you run into a problem, it's because choosing among premium products is seldom an easy task. These are 15 of the very best multipurpose WP themes on the market.

如果您遇到问题,那是因为在优质产品中进行选择很少是一件容易的事。 这些是市场上最好的15个多功能WP主题。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/want-build-stunning-sites-use-multipurpose-wp-themes/

