
tech2022-08-18  161


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本文是与Ktree合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

In this article are looking at how Magento cookies can create issues with the login functionality of both the customer-facing front-end and admin back-end, the reason it occurs and how it should be resolved.

本文探讨了Magento Cookie如何在面向客户的前端和管理员后端的登录功能上产生问题,发生的原因以及如何解决。

This is also known as the looping issue, as the screen redirects itself to the same screen, even though the username and password is correct.


A script is provided at the end of the article which can help detect a few of the issues. Feel free to use and modify as per your needs.

本文末尾提供了一个脚本,它可以帮助检测一些问题。 根据您的需要随意使用和修改。

什么是Cookie? (What is a Cookie?)

A cookie is a piece of text that a web server can store on a user’s hard drive, and can also later retrieve it. Magento uses cookies in Cart & Backend Admin functionalities, and they may be the source of a few problems when unable to login to Magento.

Cookie是Web服务器可以存储在用户硬盘上的一段文本,以后也可以检索它。 Magento在Cart&Backend Admin功能中使用cookie,当无法登录Magento时,它们可能是一些问题的根源。

什么是会议? (What is a Session?)

A session is an array variable on the server side, which stores information to be used across multiple pages. For example, items added to the cart are typically saved in sessions, and when the user browses the checkout page they are read from the session.

会话是服务器端的一个数组变量,它存储要在多个页面上使用的信息。 例如,添加到购物车中的项目通常保存在会话中,并且当用户浏览结帐页面时,将从会话中读取它们。

Sessions are identified by a unique ID. Its name changes depemnding on the programming language — in PHP it is called a ‘PHP Session ID’. As you might have guessed, the same PHP Session ID needs to be stored as a cookie in the client browser to relate.

会话由唯一的ID标识。 它的名称随编程语言的变化而变化-在PHP中,它称为“ PHP会话ID”。 您可能已经猜到过,需要将相同PHP会话ID作为Cookie存储在客户端浏览器中进行关联。

Magento的会话存储 (Magento’s storage of Sessions)

Magento can store sessions via multiple session providers and this can be configured in the Magento config file at app/etc/local.xml. These session providers can be chosen here.

Magento可以通过多个会话提供程序存储会话,可以在app/etc/local.xml的Magento配置文件中对其进行配置。 这些会话提供者可以在这里选择。



<session_save><![CDATA[files]]></session_save> <session_save_path> <![CDATA[/tmp/session]]> </session_save_path>



Allowing sessions to store themselves in the database is done in /app/etc/local.xml by adding <session_save><![CDATA[db]]></session_save>.


Magento applications store sessions in the Core\_session table.




<session_save>db</session_save> <redis_session> <host></host> <port>6379</port> </redis_session>



session_save><![CDATA[memcache]]></session_save> <session_save_path> <![CDATA[tcp://localhost:11211?persistent=1&weight=2&timeout=10&retry_interval=10]]> </session_save_path>

Magento用法 (Magento Usage)

Magento uses two different cookies named 'frontend' and 'adminhtml'. The first one is created when any page is browsed. The same cookie is also updated whenever the customer logs in, and the next one is created when a backend user is logged in. You can check whether the cookies have been created by clicking Inspect Element > Application, as in the below picture (from Chrome):

Magento使用两个名为“ frontend”和“ adminhtml”的不同cookie。 浏览任何页面时都会创建第一个。 每当客户登录时,相同的cookie也会更新,而后端用户登录时将创建下一个cookie。您可以通过单击Inspect Element> Application来检查 cookie是否已创建,如下图(来自Chrome) ):

Cookies are configured in Magento via the Configuration admin menu – System > Configuration > General > Web.

通过配置管理菜单- 系统>配置>常规>网络,在Magento中配置Cookie。

问题:登录失败并重定向到登录页面 (Problem: Login Fails & Redirects to Login Page)

If you haven’t experienced this problem, then you haven’t worked with Magento long enough!


This is how it typically happens: when you login by entering your username and password, you will be redirected to the same login page and URL, and your browser is appended with nonce id. This happens for both the customer front-end and the Magento back-end login.

这通常是这样的:当您通过输入用户名和密码登录时,您将被重定向到相同的登录页面和URL,并且您的浏览器附加了随机数ID。 客户前端和Magento后端登录均会发生这种情况。

Let's look at a few reasons why this happens, and how we should resolve those issues.


原因1:Cookie域与服务器域不匹配 (Reason #1: Cookie domain does not match server domain)

Let’s say your Magento site is and the cookie domain in Magento is configured as

假设您的Magento网站为 ,而Magento中的cookie域配置为 。

In this scenario both Magento cookies will set Domain Value as, but for validating the session Magento will consider the domain through which the site was accessed — in this case Since it won’t be able to find an active session with the domain value, it will redirect the user to the login page even when valid credentials are provided.

在这种情况下,两个Magento cookie都会将Domain Value设置为 ,但是为了验证会话,Magento将考虑访问站点所通过的域,在本例中为 。 由于它将无法使用example.com域值来查找活动会话,因此即使提供了有效的凭据,它也会将用户重定向到登录页面。



After login or logout, the Magento system will regenerate the session using the following script:


public function renewSession() { $this->getCookie()->delete($this->getSessionName()); $this->regenerateSessionId(); $sessionHosts = $this->getSessionHosts(); $currentCookieDomain = $this->getCookie()->getDomain(); if (is_array($sessionHosts)) { foreach (array_keys($sessionHosts) as $host) { // Delete cookies with the same name for parent domains if (strpos($currentCookieDomain, $host) > 0) { $this->getCookie()->delete($this->getSessionName(), null, $host); } } } return $this; }



Magento will validate the session for every request with the following method:


public function init($namespace, $sessionName=null) { if (!isset($_SESSION)) { $this->start($sessionName); } if (!isset($_SESSION[$namespace])) { $_SESSION[$namespace] = array(); } $this->_data = &$_SESSION[$namespace]; $this->validate(); $this->revalidateCookie(); return $this; }

You may normally see this when you migrate your Magento instance from one domain to another domain, for example from Production to Staging, and forget to change the cookie domain.


Note: you can run the provided cookieTest.php script, which validates what the server cookie domain is, and what is set in the Magento config.




Change the Cookie Domain via the Configuration admin menu. Go to System > Configuration > General > Web, as per the screenshot.

通过“配置”管理菜单更改Cookie域。 根据屏幕快照,转到“ 系统”>“配置”>“常规”>“ Web ”。

Alternatively you can change this by running these SQL queries.


For validating the cookie domain use this select query to get the configuration:


SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path = 'web/cookie/cookie_domain';

After executing this query, we will get the results. Verify the 'value' column is the same as your domain. Update the value if it is not the same as your domain.

执行完此查询后,我们将获得结果。 确认“值”列与您的域相同。 如果该值与您的域不同,请更新。

To update the cookie domain, use this query:


UPDATE core_config_data SET VALUE = "" WHERE path = 'web/cookie/cookie_domain';

原因2:使用了多个子域,Magento的Cookie配置不正确 (Reason #2: Multiple subdomains used and Magento’s cookie configuration is incorrect)

Let’s say your site is Logging into works fine.

假设您的网站是 。 登录到可以正常工作。

But on your staging/QA site, for example, you are unable to login without deleting all cookies. The system may allow logins to, but when we login again to, your next click on kicks you back to the login page. Similar behavior is experienced for customers using the front-end login as well.

但是,在您的登台/ QA网站上,例如 ,如果不删除所有cookie便无法登录。 系统可能允许登录到 ,但是当我们再次登录到 ,您对staging.example.com的下一次单击staging.example.com您带回到登录页面。 使用前端登录的客户也会遇到类似的行为。

解决方案1 (Solution 1)

Option A: If your main domain and subdomains are hosted on the same server


Change the Cookie Domain via the Configuration admin menu. Go to System > Configuration > General > Web, as per the screenshot.

通过“配置”管理菜单更改Cookie域。 根据屏幕快照,转到“ 系统”>“配置”>“常规”>“ Web ”。

See if Cookie Domain is, or (note the period in front). If not, set it to

查看Cookie域是example.com还是 (请注意前面的句点)。 如果不是,请将其设置为 。

Option B: If your main domain and subdomains are hosted on different servers


Change the Cookie Domain via the Configuration admin menu. Go to System > Configuration > General > Web, as per the screenshot.

通过“配置”管理菜单更改Cookie域。 根据屏幕快照,转到“ 系统”>“配置”>“常规”>“ Web ”。

See if the Cookie Domain is, or (note the period in front). If not, set it to

查看Cookie域是www.example.com还是 (注意前面的句点)。 如果不是,请将其设置为 。

In the shop, set the Cookie Domain to on the test environment.


Alternatively, change this by running these sql queries.


For validating the cookie domain use the following select query to get the configuration:


SELECT * FROM core_config_data WHERE path = 'web/cookie/cookie_domain';

After executing the above query we will get the results. Verify whether the 'value' column is the same as your domain or not. Update the value if it is not same as your domain.

执行完上面的查询后,我们将得到结果。 验证“值”列是否与您的域相同。 如果该值与您的域不同,请更新。

For updating the cookie domain, use the following query:


UPDATE core_config_data SET VALUE = "" WHERE path = 'web/cookie/cookie_domain';

解决方案2 (Solution 2)

Check whether your php.ini file has the same cookie domain as in your Magento config — if not change it to the same as the Magento config, as below:


cookie\_domain =

解决方案3 (Solution 3)

This is not the recommended approach, but if all options fail you can try this code, changing the option by changing the adminhtml cookie name for subdomains. Copy the file action.php and keep it in the same folder path as local so your core code file can be overridden.

这不是推荐的方法,但是如果所有选项都失败,则可以尝试以下代码,通过更改子域的adminhtml cookie名称来更改选项。 复制文件action.php并将其保留在与本地相同的文件夹路径中,以便可以覆盖您的核心代码文件。

There are two changes to make in the file app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Action.php.

在文件app/code/core/Mage/Core/Controller/Varien/Action.php 。

In the preDispatch function, change these lines:


/** @var $session Mage_Core_Model_Session */ $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => $this->_sessionNamespace))->start();



$namespace = $this->_sessionNamespace.($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']==''?'_subdomain':''); /** @var $session Mage_Core_Model_Session */ $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => $namespace))->start();

In the function setRedirectWithCookieCheck, change:

在函数setRedirectWithCookieCheck ,更改:

/** @var $session Mage_Core_Model_Session */ session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => $this->_sessionNamespace));



$namespace = $this->_sessionNamespace.($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']==''?'_subdomain':''); /** @var $session Mage_Core_Model_Session */ $session = Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => $namespace));

After that, search for the following text in all files:


Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'adminhtml'));`

If any occurrences are found, replace them with:


Mage::getSingleton('core/session', array('name' => 'adminhtml'.($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']==''?'_subdomain':'')));

原因3:双前端Cookie导致间歇性登录问题 (Reason #3: Double front-end cookies causing intermittent login issues)

In a few scenarios, there is the possibility of the system creating multiple frontend cookies, which prevents the system from allowing you to login..


场景1 (Scenario 1)

When your Magento system has the same configuration for your main domain and subdomain in the Magento config, and if the user logs in to both the sites, Magento creates two cookies. One has 'Domain Value' set with the main domain, and another with the subdomain. As such we will have two front-end cookie sessions, so we won't be able to login to the system.

当您的Magento系统在Magento配置中的主域和子域具有相同的配置时,并且如果用户登录到两个站点,则Magento将创建两个cookie。 一个在主域中设置了“域值”,另一个在子域中设置了“域值”。 因此,我们将有两个前端cookie会话,因此我们将无法登录到系统。


Change the Cookie Domain setting to for both the domain and subdomain configurations.

将域和子域配置的Cookie域设置更改为 。

方案2 (Scenario 2)

In this scenario, let’s say in your php.ini, no cookie domain is configured and the Magento Domain Value of is configured. Now when the user logs in via, the system creates a cookie with a Domain Value of from the Magento config. When the user logs out, Magento will regenerate the cookie with a Domain Value from the URL accessed (i.e, since in php.ini no cookie domain was specified. Note that if the user logs in using or a cookie domain is configured in php.ini, no issues will arise.

在这种情况下,假设您在php.ini ,未配置任何cookie域,并且未配置example.com的Magento 域值 。 现在,当用户通过www.example.com登录时,系统会从Magento配置中创建一个具有example.com域值的cookie。 当用户注销时,Magento将根据访问的URL(即 )使用域值重新生成cookie,因为在php.ini未指定cookie域。 请注意,如果用户使用example.com登录或在php.ini配置了cookie域,则不会出现任何问题。

解决方案1 (Solution 1)

Add a cookie domain to your php.ini file that is the same as your Magento config.


session.cookie\_domain =

解决方案2 (Solution 2)

Change the Cookie Domain to for both domain and subdomain configurations.

对于域和子域配置,都将Cookie域更改为 。

Note: Use our cookieTest.php script to see if you have double frontend cookies.


原因#4:无法创建(读取)会话ID (Reason #4: Failed to create (read) session ID)

Recoverable Error: session\_regenerate\_id(): Failed to create(read) session ID: user (path: /var/lib/php/sessions) in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php on line 492

This is an error you may see in the exception log, and might occur only for PHP7, as PHP7 does strict type checking.


The solution for this is to change the Magento core read function by typecasting. More on this here.

解决方案是通过类型转换来更改Magento核心读取功能。 更多关于此这里 。

public function read($sessId) { //return $data; return (string)$data; }

原因5:会话数据文件不是由您的uid创建的 (Reason #5: Session data file is not created by your uid)

Warning: session_start(): Session data file is not created by your uid in app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php on line 125

解决方案1 (Solution 1)

This error occurs if you are saving sessions in files, and the folder or files lack webserver user permission. So in the case of nginx, if your webserver user is www-data, you need to grant ownership to the folder using:

如果将会话保存在文件中,并且一个或多个文件夹缺少Web服务器用户权限,则会发生此错误。 因此,对于Nginx,如果您的Web服务器用户是www-data,则需要使用以下方式授予文件夹所有权:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data

解决方案2 (Solution 2)

If you are running on Vagrant, you may have to make sure or change the file session path.


解决方案3 (Solution 3)

Another reason is that there could be some old sessions in the var/sessions folder — delete them and test whether that fixes the problem.


Note: If you have the option to use different session providers, switch to another. For example, go from Redis to file. Clear your var/cache folder and see if it works — and again, only try this in your development environment.

注意:如果可以选择使用其他会话提供程序,请切换到其他会话提供程序。 例如,从Redis转到文件。 清除您的var/cache文件夹,看看它是否有效-再次,仅在开发环境中尝试此操作。

用于检测Cookie问题PHP脚本 (A PHP Script to Detect Cookie Issues)

<?php ini_set('display_errors', 1); $mageFileName = getcwd() . '/app/Mage.php'; require $mageFileName; Mage::app(); echo "<b> Server Cookie Domain Configuration : </b> ".ini_get('session.cookie_domain')."<br>"; foreach (Mage::app()->getStores() as $store) { echo "<b>" . $store->getName() . "</b><br>"; $configCookieDomain = Mage::getStoreConfig('web/cookie/cookie_domain', $store->getId()); $storeConfigUrl = Mage::getStoreConfig('web/unsecure/base_url', $store->getId()); $sourceUrl = parse_url($storeConfigUrl); $storeDomain = $sourceUrl['host']; $cookieDomainResult = ($configCookieDomain == $storeDomain || $configCookieDomain == '.' . $storeDomain) ? "" : "not"; echo "Config cookie Domain : " . $configCookieDomain . " and Store Domain: " . $storeDomain . " " . $cookieDomainResult . " configured properly<br>"; } //echo "<b>Request Cookies:</b> "; $requestCookie = Mage::app()->getRequest()->getHeader('cookie'); $requestCookieArr = explode(';', $requestCookie); $sessionIds = array(); foreach ($requestCookieArr as $requestCookieItem) { $cookieValue = explode('=', $requestCookieItem); // echo $requestCookieItem."<br>"; if (trim($cookieValue[0]) == 'frontend' || trim($cookieValue[0]) == 'adminhtml') { $cookieName = trim($cookieValue[0]); $sessionId = trim($cookieValue[1]); $sessionIds[$cookieName][] = $sessionId; } } $areas = array("frontend", "adminhtml"); foreach ($areas as $area => $cookieName) { echo "<b>validating " . $cookieName . " cookie </b><br>"; $cookieExpires = Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->getLifetime($cookieName); $cookiePath = Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->getPath($cookieName); $cookieDomain = Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->getDomain($cookieName); $cookieSecure = Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->isSecure($cookieName); $cookieHttpOnly = Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->getHttponly($cookieName); echo "Cookie Lifetime : " . $cookieExpires . " <br>"; echo "Cookie Path : " . $cookiePath . " <br>"; echo "Cookie Domain : " . $cookieDomain . " <br>"; echo "Cookie Is Secure : " . $cookieSecure . " <br>"; echo "Cookie Httponly : " . $cookieHttpOnly . " <br>"; if (count($sessionIds[$cookieName]) > 1) { echo "<span style='color:red'><b>We have " . count($sessionIds[$cookieName]) . " " . $cookieName . " Cookies with values : </b>" . implode(',', $sessionIds[$cookieName]) . "<br>"; //$encryptedSessionId = Mage::getSingleton("core/session")->getEncryptedSessionId(); $encryptedSessionId = Mage::getModel('core/cookie')->get($cookieName); echo "Original Cookie value : " . $encryptedSessionId . "<br>"; echo "Please verify the Subdomain and Main Site Cookie Domain Configuration</span><br>"; } } ?>



Magento Store EN Config cookie Domain : and Store Domain: configured properly Magento Store FR Config cookie Domain : and Store Domain: configured properly validating frontend cookie Cookie Lifetime : 31536000 Cookie Path : / Cookie Domain : Cookie Is Secure : Cookie Httponly : 1 validating adminhtml cookie Cookie Lifetime : 31536000 Cookie Path : / Cookie Domain : Cookie Is Secure : Cookie Httponly : 1


