
tech2022-08-19  146


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WordPress plugins offer easy ways to add or extend the functionality of a WordPress site. There are hundreds of these plugins on the market. But which ones you choose will generally be determined by the type or niche of your website. Although a few of them are helpful or even necessary for any website you design.

WordPress插件提供了添加或扩展WordPress网站功能的简便方法。 市场上有数百种这样的插件。 但是,您选择哪种类型通常取决于您网站的类型或细分。 尽管其中一些对您设计的网站很有帮助甚至是必需的。

Adding or improving on a website's functionality generally involves a great deal of work. We talk about the designer and the developer. Plugins can do all the work for you — great news if you're a WordPress aficionado.

添加或改进网站的功能通常涉及大量工作。 我们谈论设计师和开发商。 插件可以为您完成所有工作-如果您是WordPress爱好者,则是个好消息。

Having a few "must-have" plugins on hand is always a good idea. Not every one of those listed here will be essential in your case. Yet, there are at least several you really don't want to be without.

手头有几个“必备”插件总是一个好主意。 在您的情况下,并非此处列出的所有内容都是必不可少的。 但是,至少有几个您真的不想要没有。

That being the case – we're pleased to share these top plugins and tools with you.


1. wpDataTables (1. wpDataTables)

Not every website requires charts and tables to get its message across, but the minute you find yourself attempting to create one that does, you'll want a tool that makes the process as easy as possible; one that does it right and saves you a ton of time in the process.

并非每个网站都需要图表来传达其信息,但是当您尝试创建一个能做到这一点的分钟时,您将需要一种使该过程尽可能容易的工具。 一个正确的方法,可以为您节省大量时间。

If average is good enough, and you're not pressed for time, there are plenty of chart/table building tools to choose from.


If, however, you want –


Professionally prepared charts or tables that draw attention

专业准备的图表或表格可以引起注意 Accurate and informative charts or tables created from large (even huge) amounts of data

使用大量(甚至是巨大)数据创建的准确且内容丰富的图表或表格 Charts or tables that are responsive and easily customizable and editable

响应Swift且易于自定义和编辑的图表或表格 Charts or tables featuring conditional formatting that allow you to highlight cells, rows, or columns,

具有条件格式的图表或表格,可让您突出显示单元格,行或列, And do any or all of these quickly with minimal effort on your part, far and away the best plugin for you is wpDataTables.


wpDataTables gives you an all-in-one solution for working with large amounts of data and is the only chart/table-building solution fully supporting MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL databases.

wpDataTables为您提供用于处理大量数据的一体化解决方案,并且是唯一完全支持MySQL,MS SQL和PostgreSQL数据库的图表/表构建解决方案。

2. 阿米莉亚 (2. Amelia)

Designed for businesses that heavily depend on appointment bookings, Amelia ensures appointment can be made any time, correctly and trouble-free, and properly managed.


In short, Amelia fully automates a business's booking and appointments process. In doing so, it saves the businesses' owners and managers countless hours, hours that would feature costs involved in managing the process manually and less efficiently.

简而言之,Amelia完全自动化了企业的预订和任命过程。 这样,它可以为企业的所有者和经理节省大量的时间,而这些小时所花费的时间将涉及人工管理效率较低的成本。

This exceptionally useful plugin is flexible, easy to set up, and provides an award-winning UX. It easily integrates key business systems like PayPal, Stripe, Google Calendar, and of course WooCommerce. More than 1,000 users signed up for Amelia during the first 6 months following the launch date.

这个非常有用的插件灵活,易于设置,并提供屡获殊荣的UX。 它可以轻松集成关键业务系统,如PayPal,Stripe,Google Calendar,当然还有WooCommerce。 在发布日期后的前6个月中,有1000多名用户注册了Amelia。

Maybe it's time to let Amelia take and manage your appointments. It will do so 24/7 in while taking care of your employees' schedules and availability.

也许是时候让Amelia接管您的约会了。 它会24/7全天候这样做,同时还要照顾您员工的日程安排和可用性。

3. NextGEN Gallery和NextGEN Pro (3. NextGEN Gallery & NextGEN Pro)

NextGEN Gallery has been an industry standard WordPress gallery plugin for the past 12 years. This WordPress plugin is currently receiving more than 1.5 million new downloads every year. This free version is quite easy to use for creating simple photo galleries, but the tools are there to meet the demands of professional photographers, visual artists and other imaging professionals.

在过去的12年中,NextGEN Gallery已经成为行业标准的WordPress Gallery插件。 这个WordPress插件目前每年收到超过150万次新下载。 这个免费版本很容易用于创建简单的照片画廊,但是那里的工具可以满足专业摄影师,视觉艺术家和其他影像专业人士的需求。

NextGEN Gallery enables its users to efficiently and effectively manage and display thousands of images, choose among a wide range of gallery display types, organize albums, and sell prints and digital downloads via PayPal or Stripe, or by personal check.

NextGEN Gallery使它的用户能够有效地管理和显示数千张图像,在各种画廊显示类型中进行选择,组织相册,以及通过PayPal或Stripe或通过个人支票出售印刷品和数字下载。

NextGEN Gallery can be upgraded for a fee to incorporate various Pro extensions, or you may opt to sign up for the premium NextGEN Pro version. Whatever route you choose to take, your success in building awesome slideshow or thumbnail galleries, albums, and more, is assured.

可以付费升级NextGEN Gallery,以包含各种Pro扩展,或者您可以选择注册高级NextGEN Pro版本。 无论选择哪种方式,都可以确保您成功构建出色的幻灯片放映或缩略图画廊,专辑等。

4. 排名数学SEO (4. Rank Math SEO)

If you've ever owned a Swiss Army knife you know how unbelievably useful it can be at times. Your experience with the Rank Math SEO plugin will be similar in that it has everything needed for On-page SEO, WooCommerce SEO, Local SEO, and more.

如果您曾经拥有过瑞士军刀,那您有时会知道它有多么难以置信的实用性。 您对Rank Math SEO插件的体验将相似,因为它具有页面上SEO,WooCommerce SEO,Local SEO等所需的一切。

Also worth mentioning, is Rank Math's Content Analysis feature that will help you write SEO friendly content. This super-useful WordPress plugin loads super fast and it's easy to work with.

同样值得一提的是,Rank Math的内容分析功能将帮助您编写SEO友好的内容。 这个超级有用的WordPress插件加载速度非常快,并且很容易使用。

5. Logic Hop – WordPress的个性化营销 (5. Logic Hop – Personalized Marketing for WordPress)

Personalization is all about displaying targeted content to different audiences. And it works – with sites easily performing 200% better. Logic Hop’s toolbox of ready-made solutions makes it easy for anyone to personalize their site based on pay-per-click and display ads, geolocation, social media posts, actions visitors take on your site, and even what they’re interested in. Logic Hop is a must-have plugin for marketers and anyone making money online. Don’t miss out. Start personalizing!

个性化就是将目标内容显示给不同的受众。 而且它可以正常工作-网站的效果轻松提高200%。 Logic Hop的现成解决方案工具箱使任何人都可以轻松地基于每次点击付费和展示广告,地理位置,社交媒体帖子,访问者对您的网站进行的操作,甚至是他们感兴趣的内容,来个性化其网站。 Logic Hop是营销人员和任何在线赚钱的人的必备插件。 不要错过。 开始个性化!

6. MapSVG WordPress地图插件 (6. MapSVG WordPress map plugin)

Been looking for a top-quality WordPress mapping plugin? You can stop right here. With MapSVG you can incorporate Google maps, customized interactive vector maps, or image maps into your websites.

是否一直在寻找顶级的WordPress映射插件? 您可以在这里停下来。 使用MapSVG,您可以将Google地图,自定义的交互式矢量地图或图像地图合并到您的网站中。

Want to overlay a custom SVG file on a Google map, create a map from a JPEG or PNG file, add markers or directory information? No problem. All countries from Afghanistan to Zambia are included.

想要在Google地图上覆盖自定义SVG文件,通过JPEG或PNG文件创建地图,添加标记或目录信息吗? 没问题。 从阿富汗到赞比亚的所有国家都包括在内。

7. 英雄知识库 (7. Heroic Knowledge Base)

Heroic Knowledge Base has the tools you need to create and manage a successful knowledge base for your WordPress site. Not only will users find your knowledge base helpful thanks to features such as the lightning-fast Ajax search capability, but you'll benefit from the article feedback and actionable analytics this WordPress plugin provides to you.

Heroic知识库具有为WordPress网站创建和管理成功的知识库所需的工具。 借助闪电般的Ajax搜索功能等功能,用户不仅会发现您的知识库很有用,而且此WordPress插件为您提供的文章反馈和可行分析将使您受益。

In short, Heroic Knowledge base helps your users find what they want, and helps you identify any areas in which your website needs improving.


8. 英雄常见问题解答 (8. Heroic FAQs)

It's probably a truism to say that most questions users ask have been asked and answered before – and probably many times. With Heroic FAQs, you can create, order, and group questions and answers with drag and drop ease, insert images, lists, or videos, and customize one of the pre-defined FAQ styles to match your site.

可以说大多数用户提出的大多数问题以前曾被询问过并且可能已经回答过很多次,这可能是不言而喻的。 使用Heroic FAQ,您可以轻松地创建,订购和分组问题和答案,插入图像,列表或视频,并自定义一种预定义的FAQ样式以匹配您的站点。

The FAQ pages you create will display perfectly on desktops and mobile devices and are optimized for touch devices.


9. WordLift (9. WordLift)

AI is cropping up more and more in our daily news. Here's a use that will benefit you — artificial intelligence for SEO. WordLift translates articles and pages into machine-friendly content, measures the performance of that content, and allows you to improve both the content and navigation of a website to improve its UX and its rankings.

人工智能在我们的日常新闻中越来越多。 这将使您受益-SEO的人工智能。 WordLift将文章和页面转换为机器友好的内容,测量该内容的性能,并允许您同时改进网站的内容和导航,以改善其用户体验和排名。

As this WordPress plugin goes about the business of building a knowledge graph from the content of your website, you and search engines will learn more about as well.


10. Blog2Social – WordPress的智能社交媒体自动化 (10. Blog2Social – Smart Social Media Automation for WordPress)

The Blog2Social WordPress plugin gives you an all-in-one social media solution for scheduling and sharing your posts and notices when and where you wish, and in whatever formats you choose to present.

Blog2Social WordPress插件为您提供了一种多合一的社交媒体解决方案,可以按您希望的时间和地点以及您选择呈现的任何格式安排和共享您的帖子和通知。

You can post on LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+, and 13 other social media networks, or all 16 at once. Blog2Social features include a social media calendar to help you with your scheduling tasks.

您可以在LinkedIn,Facebook,Google +和其他13个社交媒体网络上发布信息,也可以一次在全部16个社交媒体上发布信息。 Blog2Social功能包括一个社交媒体日历,可帮助您执行计划任务。

结论 (Conclusion)

Chances are you can find a good use for more than one of these top-of-the-line WordPress plugins. But if you only select one, you're still apt to save a ton of time. Not to mention all the effort that would be required to create the same functionality on your own.

您有可能找到多个顶级WordPress插件中的一个以上的好用途。 但是,如果您仅选择一个,那么您仍然倾向于节省大量时间。 更不用说您自己创建相同功能所需的全部工作。

When you think about it, plugins are more than software program extensions. They extend your own capabilities and opportunities as well.

考虑一下时,插件不仅仅是软件程序扩展。 它们也扩展了您自己的能力和机会。



翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/10-popular-plugins-to-extend-or-enhance-your-wordpress-site/

