
tech2022-08-19  147


This article on Contributing to WordPress was originally published by Torque Magazine, and is reproduced here with permission.

这篇有关对WordPress的贡献的文章最初由Torque Magazine发行 ,并经许可在此处转载。

WordPress is huge, and so is its community. What’s more, WordPress was built on collaboration and has always been welcome to new developers contributing to the project. However, while you may want to help the platform grow even further, it can be hard to know where you could apply your skills.

WordPress庞大 ,其社区也是如此。 而且,WordPress建立在协作之上,并且一直欢迎为该项目做出贡献的新开发人员。 但是,尽管您可能希望帮助平台进一步发展,但可能很难知道可以将技能应用到哪里。

Fortunately, getting started with WordPress development is easy, regardless of how you’d like to take your first steps. There’s almost certainly a task that will suit you perfectly, whether that’s contributing directly to the WordPress core, testing for bugs, or helping out in one of many other ways.

幸运的是,无论您如何采取第一步,都可以轻松开始WordPress开发。 几乎可以肯定,一项任务非常适合您,无论是直接对WordPress核心做出贡献,测试错误还是以许多其他方式之一提供帮助。

This piece will look closer at the several different areas of WordPress and how you can start contributing to them. However, first, we’ll talk about what contribution entails, and why you’d want to do it. Let’s dive in!

本文将更详细地介绍WordPress的几个不同领域,以及如何开始为它们做出贡献。 但是,首先,我们将讨论需要做出什么贡献以及为什么要这样做。 让我们潜入吧!

对WordPress的贡献是什么 (What Contributing to WordPress Means)

Regular readers of the Torque blog will know that we’ve discussed the reasons you’d want to develop using WordPress previously, and also explored some of the misconceptions that can arise about developing for the platform. Rather than repeating ourselves here, we’ll just say that we think WordPress is the future of web development.

Torque博客的普通读者会知道,我们之前已经讨论过您想使用WordPress开发的原因,并且还探讨了有关为平台开发可能引起的一些误解 。 除了在这里重复自己,我们只是说我们认为WordPress是Web开发的未来。

There are plenty of recent and future WordPress innovations you may want to get involved with. These include exciting technologies such as the REST API (including how WordPress can become ‘headless’) and the impending Gutenberg editor. In fact, here on the blog Josh Pollock recently looked at how WordPress’ two biggest innovations work with each other to potentially create stunning designs.

您可能想参与很多最近和将来的WordPress创新。 其中包括令人兴奋的技术,例如REST API (包括WordPress如何变得“无头” )和即将到来的Gutenberg编辑器 。 实际上, Josh Pollock最近在博客上介绍了WordPress的两项最大创新是如何相互配合以潜在地创建令人惊叹的设计的。

For the uninitiated, WordPress’ open-source nature means that everyone can potentially get involved. If you’re a developer, the door opens even wider and enables you to actively contribute not only to the base code, but to documentation, support requests, and more. In the next section, we’re going to talk about the specifics of how to actually contribute to WordPress’ development.

对于刚起步的人,WordPress的开源性质意味着每个人都有可能参与其中。 如果您是开发人员,那么大门将更加广阔,使您不仅可以为基础代码做出积极贡献,而且还可以为文档,支持请求等做出积极贡献。 在下一节中,我们将讨论如何为WordPress的开发做出实际贡献的细节。

如何开始为WordPress捐款(3种方式) (How You Can Start Contributing to WordPress (3 Ways))

Contributing to WordPress as a developer takes three main forms for first-timers – dive into the Codex, work on core platform code, or help out with WordPress’ myriad other areas. Let’s take a look at each approach in turn.

为开发人员贡献WordPress可以采用三种主要形式供初学者使用-深入研究Codex ,开发核心平台代码或在WordPress的众多其他领域提供帮助 。 让我们依次看一下每种方法。

1.改善WordPress文档 (1. Improve WordPress’ Documentation)

Even if you have no development knowledge, you’ve probably browsed at least one page of the official WordPress Codex. This is a community-run initiative that aims to document every aspect of WordPress in a wiki-style format. Think of it as the knowledge base for both the entire WordPress platform, and the user base as a whole.

即使您没有开发知识,也可能已经浏览了至少WordPress官方Codex的一页。 这是一项由社区运营的计划,旨在以Wiki格式记录WordPress的各个方面。 可以将其视为整个WordPress平台以及整个用户群的知识库。

With this in mind, you can imagine that keeping a project such as this up to date is difficult, especially with WordPress’ update schedule. In addition, because the Codex is a community project, there’s an inevitable ‘waxing and waning’ related to which pages and sections are regularly updated. For example, hot WordPress topics such as Gutenberg or the REST API see more attention than esoteric aspects such as specific function calls and hooks.

考虑到这一点,您可以想象保持这样的项目最新是很困难的,尤其是使用WordPress的更新时间表 。 另外,由于食品法典委员会是一个社区项目,因此不可避免地出现“打蜡和消瘦”,这与定期更新哪些页面和部分有关。 例如,热门的WordPress主题(例如Gutenberg或REST API)比深奥的方面(例如特定的函数调用和钩子)受到更多关注。

For this reason, contributing to the WordPress Codex provides immense value to the whole community. Once you’ve signed up, created a user page, and read the guidelines, there are three key areas that need assistance:

因此, 为WordPress Codex做出贡献可为整个社区带来巨大价值。 注册,创建用户页面并阅读指南后,需要三个关键领域的帮助:

Maintaining and administering to the Codex, including tagging and categorizing pages, and checking recent changes.


Creating and managing the content itself, including translation and editing the example code.


Involving yourself in the growth and evolution of the Codex. You can do this by joining the dedicated mailing list and the regular group chats.

让自己参与食典的发展和演变。 您可以通过加入专用邮件列表和常规群组聊天来做到这一点。

2.帮助开发WordPress的核心,主题和插件 (2. Help to Develop WordPress’ Core, Themes, and Plugins)

If you’re a WordPress user with development experience, you might want to get your hands dirty under the hood. The open-source nature of the platform means that not only can you develop themes and plugins using WordPress’ own guidance, you can also contribute directly to the platform’s core code. In fact, there’s a document on the Make WordPress site discussing just how to get involved – the Core Contributor Handbook.

如果您是具有开发经验的WordPress用户,则可能想使您的手变得肮脏。 该平台的开源性质意味着您不仅可以使用WordPress自己的指南来开发主题和插件 ,还可以直接为平台的核心代码做出贡献。 实际上,Make WordPress网站上有一个文档讨论了如何参与进来– 核心贡献者手册 。

This resource is practically the bible for contributing code to WordPress. It also introduces the plethora of additional ways developers can lend a hand. This handbook is just one of many covering nearly all aspects of WordPress, such as its design, accessibility, and much more.

该资源实际上是向WordPress提供代码的圣经。 它还介绍了开发人员可以提供帮助的多种其他方式。 这本手册只是涵盖WordPress几乎所有方面(例如其设计,可访问性等等) 的众多手册之一 。

Given the far-reaching scope of WordPress, it’s important to make sure everyone contributing to the platform is (literally) on the same page – especially when it comes to core contributions. Even a quick glance at WordPress’ organization should clue you in to just how large the scope of core contribution can be.

考虑到WordPress的影响范围很广,重要的是要确保每个为平台做出贡献的人(字面上)都在同一页面上-特别是在涉及核心贡献时。 即使快速浏览WordPress的组织,也可以帮助您了解核心贡献的范围。

Ultimately, there are three ways to contribute to WordPress’ core:


Testing the platform.

测试平台 。

Writing code that directly improves WordPress’ functionality.

编写直接改善WordPress功能的代码 。

Updating the associated documentation that helps make the platform accessible to others.

更新相关文档 ,以帮助其他人访问该平台。

We’ve already discussed one aspect of contributing to documentation, but there are also inline and JavaScript file docs to consider. The latter of these is especially important, given WordPress’ move towards a focus on that language.

我们已经讨论了对文档做出贡献的一个方面,但是也需要考虑内联和JavaScript文件文档。 考虑到WordPress逐渐专注于该语言 ,其中的后者尤其重要。

3.在Make WordPress网站上找到另一个感兴趣的领域 (3. Find Another Area of Interest at the Make WordPress Website)

It’s worth considering that the platform’s core is just one part of the larger picture, and some of your skills may be transferable to other areas. In fact, depending on your exact skill set, you could contribute at a much higher level than you previously thought.

值得考虑的是,平台的核心只是大局的一部分,您的某些技能可能会转移到其他领域。 实际上,根据您的确切技能,您可以做出比以前认为更高的水平。

We’ve mentioned the Make WordPress site in previous sections. Now, let’s take a closer look at it. This is essentially the central hub for all areas of WordPress development. You’ll find the various facets of WordPress represented by dedicated teams, specializing in design, accessibility, mobile apps, and more. The Make WordPress site is in a way the endpoint for each area of WordPress, and this makes it an ideal place to find a way to get involved.

我们在前面的部分中提到了Make WordPress网站 。 现在,让我们仔细看一下。 这实际上是WordPress开发所有领域的中心枢纽。 您会发现由专门的团队代表的WordPress的各个方面,这些团队专门研究设计,可访问性,移动应用程序等。 Make WordPress网站是WordPress每个区域的终结点,这使其成为寻找参与方式的理想场所。

For example, the Mobile team is focused on making the WordPress experience smooth on smaller devices. If you read the blurb on the home page, you’ll see that developers with Java, Objective-C, or Swift knowledge are going to be welcomed with open arms. In addition, you may also be interested in the following teams:

例如, 移动团队致力于使WordPress在较小设备上的使用体验更加流畅。 如果您阅读主页上的内容简介,您会发现拥有Java,Objective-C或Swift知识的开发人员将受到欢迎。 此外,您可能也对以下团队感兴趣:

Tide. If you’ve ever seen PHP or other compatibility warnings when viewing a plugin or theme on WordPress.org, you’ve met the Tide team. Tide is a series of automated tests run on plugins and themes and is an important part of the approval (and ongoing quality control) process.

潮汐 。 如果在WordPress.org上查看插件或主题时曾经见过PHP或其他兼容性警告,那么您已经遇到了Tide团队。 Tide是在插件和主题上运行的一系列自动化测试,并且是批准(和持续的质量控制)过程的重要组成部分。

WP-CLI. The WordPress Command Line Interface (WP-CLI) is a great way to manage WordPress sites from your Terminal, and the team is constantly striving to make the tool better.

WP-CLI 。 WordPress命令行界面(WP-CLI)是从您的终端管理WordPress网站的好方法,并且团队一直在努力使该工具变得更好。

Test. In short, the WordPress Test team “patrols, curates, and tests the WordPress experience” using a Quality Assurance (QA) mindset. They study the flow of the entire WordPress ecosystem on as many devices as possible. They also test document, and report on WordPress’ User Experience (UX).

测试 。 简而言之,WordPress测试团队使用质量保证(QA)心态 “巡逻,策划和测试WordPress体验”。 他们研究了尽可能多的设备上整个WordPress生态系统的流程。 他们还测试文档,并报告WordPress的用户体验(UX)。

Regardless of your current abilities, there’s going to be an area where your expertise is welcome and wanted. Contributing to one (or more) of the smaller teams might be more beneficial to you than simply focusing on the obvious development areas.

无论您目前的能力如何,都会有一个领域受到欢迎和想要您的专业知识。 与只关注明显的开发领域相比,为一个(或多个)较小的团队做出贡献可能对您更有利。

结论 (Conclusion)

WordPress has cornered the market when it comes to publishing websites, thanks to its collaborative foundation. It’s arguably the most versatile and easy-to-use platform available, with the most welcoming community to boot! With that in mind, offering up your skills by contributing to the platform helps you gain experience for your own projects, and lets you give back to the community you’re a part of.

凭借其协作基础,WordPress在发布网站方面垄断了市场 。 它可以说是最通用,最易于使用的平台,并且欢迎最热情的社区来启动! 考虑到这一点,通过为平台做出贡献来提高您的技能可帮助您获得自己的项目经验,并使您回馈属于您的社区。

In this post, we’ve looked at three ways to get involved by contributing to WordPress. Let’s recap them quickly:

在这篇文章中,我们研究了通过参与WordPress参与的三种方式。 让我们快速回顾一下:

Check out the official Codex page on WordPress contribution to see what’s available.

请查看有关WordPress贡献的官方Codex页面 ,以查看可用内容。

Read the Core Contributor Handbook if you’d like to delve into working with WordPress’ core code.

如果您想深入研究WordPress的核心代码,请阅读《 核心贡献者手册 》。

Take in the different areas that require contribution on the Make WordPress website, and lend a hand.

在Make WordPress网站上获取需要贡献的不同区域,然后伸出援手。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/contributing-to-wordpress-guide/

