
tech2022-07-08  181


Whether you’re starting a new project or your existing blog has moved beyond the WordPress.com or Medium world, at some point you’re going to want to dive into the world of hosting. This is a one-stop shop that’ll give you the information you need to get started.

无论您是开始新项目还是现有博客都已超出WordPress.com或Medium世界,在某个时候您都将想进入托管世界。 这是一站式商店,可为您提供入门所需的信息。

Whether you’re deciding whether to take the hosting plunge at all, comparing your options, you’re focused on trying WordPress or you’re looking at more advanced tooling and systems, here are the best written resources we could find.


简介与比较 (Introductions and Comparisons)

OK, so all you know is you need a website, and it needs something called “hosting”. Here’s everything you need to know about “hosting”.

好的,所以您所需要的就是您需要一个网站,它需要一个称为“托管”的网站。 您需要了解有关“托管”的所有信息 。

Why self-hosting your website can be a bad idea.

为什么自我托管您的网站可能不是一个好主意 。

The pros and cons of cloud-hosting.

云托管的优缺点 。

To www or not, that is the question.

不管是不是www,这就是问题所在 。

The ultimate beginners guide to setting up and running a WordPress site.

终极初学者指南,用于设置和运行WordPress网站 。

A review of SiteGround, our recommended hosting choice.

推荐我们的托管选择SiteGround的评论 。

A beginner’s guide to website staging.

网站分期入门指南 。

How and why to create disaster plans for your sites.

如何以及为什么为您的站点创建灾难计划 。

An intro to multi-domain and reseller plans.

多域和转销商计划简介 。

Or maybe what you really want is an online store – here’s how to choose the right hosting to make that a success.

也许您真正想要的是在线商店– 这是选择合适的主机以成功的方法 。

WordPress的 (WordPress)

If the project you’re hosting is a blog or portfolio site, chances are you’ll opt for the world’s most popular content management system, WordPress. We have a whole section on the site that explores WordPress in detail, but here are some initial resources to make that experience pleasant and effective.

如果您托管的项目是博客或投资组合网站,那么您很可能会选择世界上最受欢迎的内容管理系统WordPress。 我们在网站上有一个完整的部分,详细探讨了WordPress ,但是这里有一些初始资源可以使WordPress的体验愉快而有效。

Already have a WordPress site on WordPress.com, but want to go for the full WordPress experience? Here’s how to migrate from WordPress.com to self-hosted WordPress.

在WordPress.com上已经有一个WordPress网站,但是想获得完整的WordPress体验吗? 这是从WordPress.com迁移到自托管WordPress的方法 。

How to migrate a WordPress site to a new hosting provider.

如何将WordPress网站迁移到新的托管服务提供商 。

If you’re rather not delve into the code yourself, here are 5 of the best WordPress site builders.

如果您不想自己深入研究代码,那么这里是5个最佳WordPress网站建设者 。

How to synchronize WordPress live and development databases.

如何同步WordPress实时数据库和开发数据库 。

Essential WordPress plugins for Solopreneurs.

Solopreneurs的基本WordPress插件 。

How to optimize a WordPress site’s performance.

如何优化WordPress网站的性能 。

Why staging environments are critical for WordPress sites.

为什么分期环境对WordPress网站至关重要 。

7 tips for setting up WordPress, for beginners


The 5 best WordPress themes for SEO visibility.

SEO可见性的5个最佳WordPress主题 。

维护与安全 (Maintenance and security)

Once you’ve got a WordPress site you love, you’ll need to keep it safe, sound, and working well:


Here’s your regular WordPress maintenance checklist.

这是您的常规WordPress维护清单 。

And here’s how to keep it secure


And when all else fails: how to back-up your WordPress site.

当所有其他方法都失败时: 如何备份WordPress网站 。

稍微更高级 (Slightly More Advanced)

Which browsers should your site support?.

您的网站应支持哪些浏览器? 。

Wait, what’s HTTP/2?

等一下,什么是HTTP / 2?

How to make your site lightning fast, with prefetching


If you’re on WordPress, an outline of 5 ways WP-CLI automation can save you time.


With these resources under your belt, you should be able to get your next project up and running and out to your audience with no trouble. But if you still have questions, drop us a line in the comments!

有了这些资源,您应该可以毫无问题地启动下一个项目并将其运行并发布给您的听众。 但是,如果您还有问题,请在评论中给我们留言!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/website-hosting-everything-need-get-started/

