
tech2022-08-22  146


Alongside your ecommerce needs, you’ll also want to develop responsive development skills as well. Take a look at the SitePoint Premium course Responsive Tips and Tricks for details!

除了您的电子商务需求之外,您还需要开发响应式开发技能。 请查看SitePoint Premium课程的“ 响应性提示和技巧”以了解详细信息!

If you have ever wanted to sell anything online you will have wrestled with the issue of how to do it. There are many tools available, such as shopping carts and payment processors of various kinds. If you’re new to the process of accepting payments online, one of the easiest ways to do it is by making use of a third-party service such as PayPal.

如果您曾经想在网上出售任何商品,那么您将不知如何处理。 有许多可用的工具,例如购物车和各种付款处理程序。 如果您不熟悉在线接受付款的过程,最简单的方法之一就是使用第三方服务,例如PayPal。

All that’s necessary is to set up a PayPal account, connect it with your bank and you’re good to go. When you set up payments you can choose to use settings which come with PayPal or to add a custom payment button. You will also need a website to place the buttons on, of course. In this tutorial, you will install it in a WordPress site.

只需设置一个PayPal帐户,并将其与您的银行建立联系,您就可以开始了。 设置付款时,您可以选择使用PayPal随附的设置或添加自定义付款按钮。 当然,您还将需要一个网站来放置按钮。 在本教程中,您将其安装在WordPress网站中。

在WordPress中实现PayPal按钮 (Implementing a PayPal Button in WordPress)

The first step is to log into PayPal. When you do so, you will see several tabs on the top-left portion of the site. You will use these to navigate to the section where you can create PayPal buttons.

第一步是登录贝宝。 这样做时,您将在网站的左上方看到几个选项卡。 您将使用它们导航到可创建PayPal按钮的部分。

Getting there is a bit convoluted, though. The first step is to click on the More tab and select Sitemap from the drop down.

不过,到达那里有点令人费解。 第一步是单击“更多”标签,然后从下拉菜单中选择“站点地图”。

This brings up the Sitemap page. Under the Tools heading, click on “Create PayPal Button”.

这将打开“站点地图”页面。 在“工具”标题下,单击“创建PayPal按钮”。

This brings up the My Saved Buttons Page. As you can see, I’ve created many buttons in the past. Here, you can create new buttons, edit old ones, manage checkout page styles, look at recurring payments and more. To keep things simple, you will learn how to create a new button and add it to your WordPress post or page. You will also learn how to create and use a custom button, independent of PayPal’s style choices. Many marketers do that for reasons of styling, branding or testing new buttons that could potentially convert better.

这将打开“我的保存的按钮”页面。 如您所见,过去我创建了许多按钮。 在这里,您可以创建新按钮,编辑旧按钮,管理结帐页面样式,查看定期付款等等。 为简单起见,您将学习如何创建新按钮并将其添加到WordPress帖子或页面中。 您还将学习如何独立于PayPal的样式选择来创建和使用自定义按钮。 许多营销人员之所以这么做,是出于样式,品牌或测试可能会带来更好转换效果的新按钮的原因。

创建贝宝按钮 (Creating the PayPal Button)

To get started, click on the Create a New Button link under the Related Items section.


This brings up the Create PayPal payment button page. As you can see, there are many settings here. We will look at each one in turn.

这将打开“创建PayPal付款”按钮页面。 如您所见,这里有许多设置。 我们将依次研究每个。

The first one is the button type. As you can see in the drop-down menu, there are six options.

第一个是按钮类型。 如您在下拉菜单中看到的,有六个选项。

Shopping cart

购物车 Buy Now

立即购买 Donations

捐献 Subscriptions

订阅内容 Automatic Billing

自动计费 Installment Plan.


If you are selling a single product or service, the Shopping Cart or Buy Now buttons will do the trick. If you want donations, the Donations button would be the right one to use. If you sell memberships or subscriptions to your product or service, the Subscriptions or Automatic Billing buttons would be a good bet. The Installment Plan option is something you might want to use if you offer clients the ability to pay a fee over a few months, rather than all at once.

如果您只销售一种产品或服务,则可以使用“购物车”或“立即购买”按钮来解决问题。 如果您想要捐赠,则使用捐赠按钮将是正确的选择。 如果您出售产品或服务的成员资格或订阅,则“订阅”或“自动计费”按钮将是一个不错的选择。 如果您让客户能够在几个月内而不是一次全部支付费用,则可能需要使用分期付款计划选项。

To give you an idea of what these buttons look like, click on the “Which button should I use?” heading at the top-right.

为了让您大致了解这些按钮的外观,请单击“我应该使用哪个按钮?” 朝右上方

Above are your options.


Directly below the button type options is where you set a name for your item and an ID number or name for tracking. Below that, you set the price and currency. If you need to make use of multiple currencies, you would click on the “Customize” link in the “Customize Button” section.

在按钮类型选项的正下方,您可以在其中设置商品的名称以及要跟踪的ID号或名称。 在此之下,您可以设置价格和币种。 如果您需要使用多种货币,则可以单击“自定义按钮”部分中的“自定义”链接。

Once you have filled out the above settings, it’s time to look at the “Customize Button” section, as above. We will look at the options in turn and a preview will be displayed on the right, what you would see on your website.

填写完以上设置后,就该查看“自定义按钮”部分了。 我们将依次查看这些选项,并在右侧显示预览,与您在网站上看到的一样。

Here are the options when the first check box is enabled and how the button will be displayed as seen in the preview on the right.


Here are your options when the second drop-down checkbox is enabled and how the button will be displayed as seen in the preview on the right.


And here are the options available when the third checkbox is enabled and how the button will be displayed as seen in the preview on the right. As you can see, PayPal gives you a lot of control.

这是启用第三个复选框时可用的选项,以及按钮的显示方式,如右侧预览中所示。 如您所见,贝宝为您提供了很多控制权。

When you’re done with the “Customize Button” section, you set the shipping amount (if any), the tax (if any) and then you can choose to use either your merchant ID or your primary email address on the account. If you choose to use a secure merchant account ID, PayPal links your merchant account to your primary email address, making the email invisible to spammers.

完成“自定义按钮”部分的设置后,您可以设置发货金额(如果有),税款(如果有),然后可以选择在帐户上使用商家ID或主要电子邮件地址。 如果您选择使用安全的商家帐户ID,PayPal会将您的商家帐户链接到您的主要电子邮件地址,从而使垃圾邮件发送者看不到该电子邮件。

Now, it’s time to move to Step 2, Track Inventory, Profit and loss (optional). If you are in the business of selling a lot of inventory, this step could be very beneficial.

现在,该到第2步了,跟踪库存,损益(可选)。 如果您要出售大量库存,那么此步骤将非常有益。

Normally, the checkboxes are not selected here. Briefly, we will select each one and look at the options. The first checkbox enables you to save your button at PayPal and protect from fraudulent charges. You also have two other options in this section, Track Inventory and Track Profits and Losses.

通常,此处未选中复选框。 简要地说,我们将选择每个选项并查看选项。 第一个复选框使您可以将按钮保存在PayPal并防止欺诈性收费。 您也可以在本节中选择两个其他选项,即跟踪库存和跟踪盈亏。

As you can see, you can track inventory by item and if an item is sold out, customers can buy it or not. When shoppers click on the Continue Shopping button on the “item sold out” page, you can direct them to a web page of your choice. If you enable the Track profit and losses checkbox, you can add the price into the By item section (which is currently grayed out).

如您所见,您可以按项目跟踪库存,如果某项目售罄,则客户可以购买或不购买。 当购物者单击“项目已售罄”页面上的“继续购物”按钮时,您可以将他们定向到您选择的网页。 如果启用“跟踪损益”复选框,则可以将价格添加到“按项目”部分(当前为灰色)。

Once you’ve completed this section, it’s time to move to Step 3, Customize Advanced Features (optional). In general, I go with the defaults on this page. The only settings I change are “Take customers to this URL when they cancel their checkout” and “Take customers to this URL when they finish their checkout”. Of these two, the second is most important. In this case, you would probably want to send them to the checkout or download page for your product or service.

完成本节后,就可以转到第3步,自定义高级功能(可选)。 通常,我在此页面上使用默认设置。 我更改的唯一设置是“取消结帐时将客户带到该URL”和“结帐时将客户带到该URL”。 在这两个中,第二个最重要。 在这种情况下,您可能希望将它们发送到产品或服务的结帐或下载页面。

Also, in this section, you will need to click on the Create Button icon at the bottom of the page. This will create the code for your button and display it on another page. You will need this for your website.

另外,在本部分中,您将需要单击页面底部的“创建按钮”图标。 这将为您的按钮创建代码,并将其显示在另一页上。 您的网站将需要此文件。

On the page above is the code for your website. Note the two tabs above the highlighted code. If you click on the Website tab, you will see the Buyer’s view preview on the right. This is what you will see on your website.

上面的页面是您网站的代码。 请注意突出显示的代码上方的两个选项卡。 如果单击“网站”选项卡,则将在右侧看到“买方视图”预览。 这就是您将在网站上看到的内容。

If you choose the Email option, the view changes dramatically. You can email this link to someone to buy your product or service. You could also use this link with a custom button on your site. Here’s how both options work.

如果选择“电子邮件”选项,则视图会发生巨大变化。 您可以通过电子邮件将此链接发送给某人以购买您的产品或服务。 您还可以将此链接与网站上的自定义按钮一起使用。 这是两个选项的工作方式。

向WordPress添加Paypal按钮 (Adding a Paypal Button to WordPress)

Here, we use the Add New Post option. When you add the code, you must select the “Text” editor option, first. If you put the code into the “Visual” editor section, it will break the code.

在这里,我们使用“添加新帖子”选项。 添加代码时, 必须首先选择“文本”编辑器选项。 如果将代码放入“ Visual”编辑器部分,它将破坏代码。

To preview the result, click on the “Visual” tab. Add any text you wish, such as price and terms and publish your post.

要预览结果,请单击“视觉”选项卡。 添加您想要的任何文本,例如价格和条款,然后发布您的帖子。

使用自定义按钮 (Using Custom Buttons)

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t like the PayPal-styled buttons, or don’t like the way PayPal buttons in WordPress look, you can create your own using a CSS3 button generation program like the one above. Once you have the button, you want to take the final image, load it into your CMS and use it in combination with your PayPal code. Here’s how it works with the Belcher Button.

如果您是不喜欢PayPal样式的按钮或不喜欢WordPress中PayPal按钮外观的人之一,则可以使用上述CSS3按钮生成程序来创建自己的按钮。 按下按钮后,您想要拍摄最终图像,将其加载到CMS中,并与PayPal代码结合使用。 这是Belcher Button的工作方式。

First off, you need to load the button into WordPress. In the dashboard, click on the Media tab and click on Add New. In the loading section, drag and drop to add the image or click on the Select Files button to upload the image.

首先,您需要将按钮加载到WordPress中。 在仪表板中,单击“媒体”选项卡,然后单击“添加新项”。 在加载部分中,拖放以添加图像,或单击“选择文件”按钮以上传图像。

In the attachment details section, you need to grab the URL, which is the location in WordPress where the file has loaded, you will need that for the next step, which is to make the image clickable. The idea is when you click on it the custom PayPal button in WordPress, it will link you directly to the payment page on PayPal.

在附件详细信息部分中,您需要获取URL(即WordPress中文件已加载的位置),下一步将需要使URL可点击。 这个想法是,当您单击它时,可以使用WordPress中的自定义PayPal按钮,它将直接将您链接到PayPal上的付款页面。

Here’s what the code looks like to make the button clickable.


<a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s- xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=YKLG8XTLNBMAN"><img src="http://nathansegal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/belcherbutton- 475x228.jpg" border="0" /></a>

Next, you paste the code (again, under the “Text” tab in your WordPress editor). To make sure it displays correctly, check the Visual tab. As a final step, publish the post, view the result, then click on the add to cart image. This should take you to the PayPal order page!

接下来,粘贴代码(同样,在WordPress编辑器的“文本”选项卡下)。 要确保其正确显示,请检查“可视”选项卡。 最后一步,发布帖子,查看结果,然后单击“添加到购物车”图像。 这应该带您到PayPal订单页面!

Have you added PayPal payment options to your WordPress pages? Feel free to tell us your experiences or leave suggestions in the comments below!

您是否已在WordPress页面中添加了PayPal付款选项? 随时告诉我们您的经验或在下面的评论中留下建议!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/add-paypal-button-in-wordpress/

