
tech2022-08-22  132

FlappyBird是曾经风靡一时的现象级游戏,今天参考了油管大神的视频Making Flappy Bird in Python,制作了简易版本的FlappyBird,主要的思路是:

一、使用pygame进行游戏可视化界面的管理; 二、编写Bird类实现小鸟在直线上的类自由落体运动; 三、编写ObstacleManager类实现对移动障碍物舞动的管理; 四、使用碰撞检测方法colliderect实现游戏结束的判定。 五、主函数使用while循环不停更新游戏的状态并且输出到屏幕。


import pygame import random pygame.init() win_w = 1280 win_h = 720 win = pygame.display.set_mode((win_w, win_h)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() class Bird: def __init__(self): self.x = win_w * 0.2 self.y = win_h * 0.5 #TODO:What's vsp? Guess Velocity Speed self.vsp = 0 self.jumpsp = win_w * 0.0075 #grv is short for = gravity self.grv = win_h * 0.001 # modify the size of the rectangle self.body = pygame.Rect(self.x,self.y,win_h*0.05,win_h*0.05) def jump(self): self.vsp = -self.jumpsp def move(self): self.vsp += self.grv self.y += self.vsp self.body.y = self.y def checkfordeath(self,obstacles): for obstacle in obstacles: if self.y>win_h or self.y < 0 or bird.body.colliderect(obstacle) or bird.body.colliderect(pygame.Rect( obstacle.x, obstacle.y-win_h*1.25, obstacle.width, obstacle.height )) : pygame.quit() class ObstaclesManager: def __init__(self): self.obstacles_list = [] def generateobstacles(self): can_gen = True for obstacle in self.obstacles_list: if obstacle.x > win_w*0.5: #调障碍物之间的宽度 can_gen = False if can_gen: self.obstacles_list.append( pygame.Rect( win_w, random.randint(win_h*0.25,win_h*0.75), #随机生成障碍物的高度 win_w*0.1, #调障碍物的宽度 win_h ) ) def scrollscene(self): for obstacle in self.obstacles_list: obstacle.x -= win_w*0.0075 if obstacle.x < -obstacle.width: self.obstacles_list.remove(obstacle) manager = ObstaclesManager() bird = Bird() game_resumed = False while True: clock.tick(60) win.fill((0,0,0)) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: bird.jump() manager.generateobstacles() manager.scrollscene() bird.move() bird.checkfordeath(obstacles=manager.obstacles_list) pygame.draw.rect(win,(255,255,255), bird.body) for obstacle in manager.obstacles_list: pygame.draw.rect(win,(255,0,0),obstacle) pygame.draw.rect(win,(255,0,0),pygame.Rect( obstacle.x, obstacle.y - win_h*1.25, obstacle.width, obstacle.height ) ) pygame.display.update()


