
tech2022-08-23  147

Thank Zhihao Tao for your hard work. The document spent countless nights and weekends, using his hard work to make it convenient for everyone. If you have any questions, please send a email to


1. `flowbits`1.1 `flowbits`安装1.2 `flowbits`匹配1.2.1 `flowbits: set, name`1.2.2 `flowbits: isset, name`1.2.3 `flowbits: toggle, name`1.2.4 `flowbits: unset, name`1.2.5 `flowbits: isnotset, name`1.2.6 `flowbits: noalert`

1. flowbits





示例: 当你看第一条规则时,你会注意到如果它匹配,如果不是在规则末尾的flowbits:noalert,它就会生成一个警报。该规则的目的是检查userlogin上的匹配项,并在流中进行标记。因此,无需生成警报。


void DetectFlowbitsRegister (void) { sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].name = "flowbits"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].desc = "operate on flow flag"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].url = DOC_URL DOC_VERSION "/rules/flow-keywords.html#flowbits"; sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].Match = DetectFlowbitMatch; sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].Setup = DetectFlowbitSetup; sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].Free = DetectFlowbitFree; sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].RegisterTests = NULL; /* this is compatible to ip-only signatures */ sigmatch_table[DETECT_FLOWBITS].flags |= SIGMATCH_IPONLY_COMPAT; DetectSetupParseRegexes(PARSE_REGEX, &parse_regex, &parse_regex_study); }

1.1 flowbits安装

解析flowbits具有的6种不同的动作: noalertissetisnotsetsetunsettoggle int DetectFlowbitSetup (DetectEngineCtx *de_ctx, Signature *s, const char *rawstr) { DetectFlowbitsData *cd = NULL; SigMatch *sm = NULL; uint8_t fb_cmd = 0; char fb_cmd_str[16] = "", fb_name[256] = ""; if (!DetectFlowbitParse(rawstr, fb_cmd_str, sizeof(fb_cmd_str), fb_name, sizeof(fb_name))) { return -1; } if (strcmp(fb_cmd_str,"noalert") == 0) { fb_cmd = DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_NOALERT; } else if (strcmp(fb_cmd_str,"isset") == 0) { fb_cmd = DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISSET; } else if (strcmp(fb_cmd_str,"isnotset") == 0) { fb_cmd = DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISNOTSET; } else if (strcmp(fb_cmd_str,"set") == 0) { fb_cmd = DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_SET; } else if (strcmp(fb_cmd_str,"unset") == 0) { fb_cmd = DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_UNSET; } else if (strcmp(fb_cmd_str,"toggle") == 0) { fb_cmd = DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_TOGGLE; } else { SCLogError(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "ERROR: flowbits action \"%s\" is not supported.", fb_cmd_str); goto error; } 对noalert设置SIG_FLAG_NOALERT选项。 switch (fb_cmd) { case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_NOALERT: if (strlen(fb_name) != 0) goto error; s->flags |= SIG_FLAG_NOALERT; return 0; case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISNOTSET: case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISSET: case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_SET: case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_UNSET: case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_TOGGLE: default: if (strlen(fb_name) == 0) goto error; break; } 分配flowbits id,并加入到签名的匹配条件中。 isset和isnotset加入DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH组。set、unset及toggle加入DETECT_SM_LIST_POSTMATCH组。 ... cd = SCMalloc(sizeof(DetectFlowbitsData)); if (unlikely(cd == NULL)) goto error; cd->idx = VarNameStoreSetupAdd(fb_name, VAR_TYPE_FLOW_BIT); de_ctx->max_fb_id = MAX(cd->idx, de_ctx->max_fb_id); cd->cmd = fb_cmd; SCLogDebug("idx %" PRIu32 ", cmd %s, name %s", cd->idx, fb_cmd_str, strlen(fb_name) ? fb_name : "(none)"); /* Okay so far so good, lets get this into a SigMatch * and put it in the Signature. */ sm = SigMatchAlloc(); if (sm == NULL) goto error; sm->type = DETECT_FLOWBITS; sm->ctx = (SigMatchCtx *)cd; switch (fb_cmd) { /* case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_NOALERT can't happen here */ case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISNOTSET: case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISSET: /* checks, so packet list */ SigMatchAppendSMToList(s, sm, DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH); break; case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_SET: case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_UNSET: case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_TOGGLE: /* modifiers, only run when entire sig has matched */ SigMatchAppendSMToList(s, sm, DETECT_SM_LIST_POSTMATCH); break; // suppress coverity warning as scan-build-7 warns w/o this. // coverity[deadcode : FALSE] default: goto error; } return 0; error: if (cd != NULL) SCFree(cd); if (sm != NULL) SCFree(sm); return -1; }

1.2 flowbits匹配

如果DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH有匹配项,进行注册Match函数注册。 int DetectEnginePktInspectionSetup(Signature *s) { ... if (s->sm_arrays[DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH]) { if (DetectEnginePktInspectionAppend(s, DetectEngineInspectRulePacketMatches, NULL) < 0) ... } 遍历DETECT_SM_LIST_MATCH中所有选项进行匹配。 static int DetectEngineInspectRulePacketMatches( DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, const DetectEnginePktInspectionEngine *engine, const Signature *s, Packet *p, uint8_t *_alert_flags) { ... if (sigmatch_table[smd->type].Match(det_ctx, p, s, smd->ctx) <= 0) { ... } 对不同类型的flowbits进行匹配。 int DetectFlowbitMatch (DetectEngineThreadCtx *det_ctx, Packet *p, const Signature *s, const SigMatchCtx *ctx) { const DetectFlowbitsData *fd = (const DetectFlowbitsData *)ctx; if (fd == NULL) return 0; switch (fd->cmd) { case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISSET: return DetectFlowbitMatchIsset(p,fd); case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_ISNOTSET: return DetectFlowbitMatchIsnotset(p,fd); case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_SET: return DetectFlowbitMatchSet(p,fd); case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_UNSET: return DetectFlowbitMatchUnset(p,fd); case DETECT_FLOWBITS_CMD_TOGGLE: return DetectFlowbitMatchToggle(p,fd); default: SCLogError(SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_VALUE, "unknown cmd %" PRIu32 "", fd->cmd); return 0; } return 0; }

1.2.1 flowbits: set, name


static int DetectFlowbitMatchSet (Packet *p, const DetectFlowbitsData *fd) { if (p->flow == NULL) return 0; FlowBitSet(p->flow,fd->idx); return 1; }

1.2.2 flowbits: isset, name


static int DetectFlowbitMatchIsset (Packet *p, const DetectFlowbitsData *fd) { if (p->flow == NULL) return 0; return FlowBitIsset(p->flow,fd->idx); }

1.2.3 flowbits: toggle, name


void FlowBitToggle(Flow *f, uint32_t idx) { FlowBit *fb = FlowBitGet(f, idx); if (fb != NULL) { FlowBitRemove(f, idx); } else { FlowBitAdd(f, idx); } } static int DetectFlowbitMatchToggle (Packet *p, const DetectFlowbitsData *fd) { if (p->flow == NULL) return 0; FlowBitToggle(p->flow,fd->idx); return 1; }

1.2.4 flowbits: unset, name


static int DetectFlowbitMatchUnset (Packet *p, const DetectFlowbitsData *fd) { if (p->flow == NULL) return 0; FlowBitUnset(p->flow,fd->idx); return 1; }

1.2.5 flowbits: isnotset, name


static int DetectFlowbitMatchIsnotset (Packet *p, const DetectFlowbitsData *fd) { if (p->flow == NULL) return 0; return FlowBitIsnotset(p->flow,fd->idx); }

1.2.6 flowbits: noalert


static inline void DetectRulePacketRules( ThreadVars * const tv, DetectEngineCtx * const de_ctx, DetectEngineThreadCtx * const det_ctx, Packet * const p, Flow * const pflow, const DetectRunScratchpad *scratch ) { ... if (!(sflags & SIG_FLAG_NOALERT)) { /* stateful sigs call PacketAlertAppend from DeStateDetectStartDetection */ if (!state_alert) PacketAlertAppend(det_ctx, s, p, 0, alert_flags); } else { /* apply actions even if not alerting */ DetectSignatureApplyActions(p, s, alert_flags); } ... }

