
tech2022-08-27  96


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本文是与BAWMedia合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

It can be a little embarrassing when you can’t meet a client’s website requirements. It can be even worse if you can’t meet requirements at all.

当您无法满足客户的网站要求时,可能会有些尴尬。 如果根本无法满足要求,那就更糟了。

Perhaps the problem was an inability to build a table given a large amount of complex data. Or, you’ve been unable to tie a website into social media networks in a manageable way. Maybe, you’ve had to deal with grid system constraints that made it difficult to create the right layout on a page.

也许问题出在给定大量复杂数据的情况下无法构建表。 或者,您一直无法以可管理的方式将网站绑定到社交媒体网络。 也许,您不得不处理网格系统的约束,这些约束使在页面上创建正确的布局变得困难。

Take a look at this selection of WordPress plugins. They address some of the problems that web designers often face. These plugins can even serve to make good sites even better.

看看这个精选的WordPress插件。 他们解决了网页设计师经常面临的一些问题。 这些插件甚至可以使优质站点变得更好。

Dive right in and see if there’s a plugin or two that can make your work a little easier.


1. wpDataTables (1. wpDataTables)

With the wpDataTables plugin you’ll find it much easier to complete your chart and table-building tasks. You’ll save countless hours and avoid bouts of pure frustration by not having to take on what can be an extremely difficult task; creating a chart or table from large amounts of complex data, ensuring the results are correct and readable, the chart or table is responsive, and the finished product is editable, even after the website is published.

使用wpDataTables插件,您会发现完成图表和表构建任务要容易得多。 您不必承担可能非常困难的任务,就可以节省大量时间,并避免因无奈而沮丧。 使用大量复杂数据创建图表或表格,即使在网站发布后,也可以确保结果正确且可读,图表或表格具有响应性,并且成品是可编辑的。

wpDataTables does all of that for you, and often in minutes if not seconds. The results are not only flawless, but data rows, columns, and cells, or lines in a chart can be highlighted or color coded.

wpDataTables可以为您完成所有这些工作,通常只需数分钟(如果不是几秒钟)。 结果不仅完美无缺,而且图表中的数据行,列和单元格或折线也可以突出显示或进行颜色编码。

It’s worth mentioning that all of this can be accomplished without the need of a single line of code. It’s also worth mentioning that this plugin is so easy to use, so powerful, and so popular that web designers have left other platforms behind and signed up for WordPress just to be able to use wpDataTables.

值得一提的是,所有这些都可以实现,而无需一行代码。 还值得一提的是,此插件易于使用,功能强大且如此流行,以至于Web设计人员抛弃了其他平台并注册了WordPress,以便能够使用wpDataTables。

2. LayerSlider (2. LayerSlider)

LayerSlider is not your typical WordPress slider plugin. You’ll be able to create a wide variety of uniquely designed sliders for many different uses, but there’s more to this plugin than that.

LayerSlider不是您典型的WordPress滑块插件。 您将能够为各种不同的用途创建各种独特设计的滑块,但是此插件还有更多功能。

LayerSlider is a premium multi-purpose animation platform from which you can create image galleries, landing pages, slideshows, pop ups, and even a complete website.


An ever-growing selection of professionally-crafted slider templates is one of the most popular and useful LayerSlider features. These templates cover most themes and niches and provide an excellent starting point for most web design projects. There are also several simpler templates to help beginners get their projects off to a great start.

专业制作的滑块模板的不断增长的选择是最受欢迎和有用的LayerSlider功能之一。 这些模板涵盖了大多数主题和适当位置,并为大多数Web设计项目提供了一个很好的起点。 还有一些更简单的模板可以帮助初学者开始他们的项目,这是一个很好的开始。

Other notable features include versatile layout options and a drag and drop visual editor that makes coding unnecessary. LayerSlider is responsive, so anything you build will adapt to any screen size.

其他值得注意的功能包括通用的布局选项和拖放式可视化编辑器,从而无需进行编码。 LayerSlider具有响应能力,因此您构建的任何内容都将适应任何屏幕尺寸。

3. NextGEN Gallery和NextGEN Pro (3. NextGEN Gallery & NextGEN Pro)

NextGen Gallery is a free open-source WordPress plugin that is the most powerful software solution of its type. It has been looked upon as an industry standard for more than a decade, and it can currently boast of 1.3 million active users and over 20 million downloads.

NextGen Gallery是一个免费的开源WordPress插件,是同类软件中功能最强大的软件。 十多年来,它一直被视为行业标准,目前可以拥有130万活跃用户和超过2000万下载量。

NextGEN Gallery is free. Although it is intended for experienced designers and newbies alike, the latter especially like it as it offers an easy way to create small to mid-size galleries.

NextGEN Gallery是免费的。 尽管它既适合有经验的设计师也适合新手,但后者尤其喜欢它,因为它提供了一种轻松的方式来创建中小型画廊。

NextGen Gallery’s companion, NextGEN Pro, features a much more varied and extensive gallery and eCommerce extensions.

NextGen Gallery的伴侣NextGEN Pro具有功能更丰富,功能更广泛的画廊和电子商务扩展。

NextGEN’s front-end features include slideshow and thumbnail gallery styles, album styles, and a host of design styles. The back-end features include the gallery management system, a data import and upload capability, image grouping and thumbnail editing.

NextGEN的前端功能包括幻灯片放映和缩略图库样式,专辑样式以及多种设计样式。 后端功能包括图库管理系统,数据导入和上传功能,图像分组和缩略图编辑。

4. Blog2Social (4. Blog2Social)

Blog2Social’s media post automation feature is a genuine time saver when you need to customize, manage, and post social media information to a network of social media sites. With Blog2Social, you can easily vary the format, content, and images of individual posts within the network to give every post a personal touch.

当您需要自定义,管理社交媒体信息并将其发布到社交媒体网站网络时,Blog2Social的媒体发布自动化功能可以真正节省时间。 使用Blog2Social,您可以轻松更改网络中各个帖子的格式,内容和图像,以使每个帖子都具有个人风格。

The Social Media Calendar allows you to schedule, color code, and track posts, and use drag and drop to rearrange a schedule – another extremely popular and useful feature.


5. REXPANSIVE – WordPress的页面构建器 (5. REXPANSIVE – Page Builder for WordPress)

The Rexpansive Builder offers a simple, time-saving way to create layouts without any need for coding. It is not just another page-building plugin however. Rexpansive’s method of automatically expanding content is unique and is what sets this plugin apart. To alter the size of an image or a block of content, designers typically specify the desired dimensions first, and then fit the content to those dimensions. With Rexpansive, you automatically resize by zooming in or out until you achieve the desired result.

Rexpansive Builder提供了一种简单,省时的方式来创建布局,而无需进行编码。 但是,它不仅仅是另一个页面构建插件。 Rexpansive的自动扩展内容的方法是独特的,这是此插件与众不同的地方。 为了更改图像或内容块的大小,设计人员通常会先指定所需的尺寸,然后再将内容调整为这些尺寸。 使用Rexpansive,您可以通过放大或缩小自动调整大小,直到获得所需的结果。

6. CSS Hero (6. CSS Hero)

You can customize the appearance of a WordPress site in one of two ways, the difficult way, or the easy way. Assuming your vote is for the latter, the CSS Hero plugin is more than up to the task. Its WYSIWYG interface and CSS Editing Tool enable you to perform non-destructive tweaking of a page’s CSS. It also allows you to see the result in real time as the page will appear on mobile devices.

您可以使用以下两种方式之一自定义WordPress网站的外观:困难的方式或简单的方式。 假设您对后者投了赞成票,那么CSS Hero插件不仅可以完成任务。 它的WYSIWYG界面和CSS编辑工具使您能够执行页面CSS的非破坏性调整。 由于该页面将出现在移动设备上,因此您还可以实时查看结果。

7. Helpie知识库Wiki (7. Helpie Knowledge Base Wiki)

Helpie Knowledge Base is a WordPress plugin that can be used for several purposes. With Helpie, you can create a Wiki website for your team, a private knowledge source for your clients, or a repository of documents and products and services information for website users.

Helpie知识库是一个WordPress插件,可以用于多种目的。 使用Helpie,您可以为团队创建Wiki网站,为客户创建私有知识源,或者为网站用户创建文档,产品和服务信息的存储库。

You can define knowledge base user roles and it can be password protected.


8. 英雄知识库 (8. Heroic Knowledge Base)

Heroic Knowledge Base provides some additional features you could find useful. Once a knowledge base is established, you can apply this plugin’s feedback analytics processes. They enable you to determine the extent to which the knowledge base is proving to be beneficial to its users and pinpoint content that needs improvement.

英雄知识库提供了一些其他有用的功能。 建立知识库后,您可以应用此插件的反馈分析过程。 它们使您能够确定知识库在多大程度上被证明对用户有益,并确定需要改进的内容。

You can order knowledge base content however you want to, as well as make selected files downloadable to the users.


9. 最终瓷砖画廊 (9. Final Tiles Gallery)

The Final Tiles Gallery plugin is designed to get you out of a rut; a rut in which every gallery you create exhibits a certain sameness to every other gallery. This can happen when galleries are constrained to use images having the same size and aspect ratio.

Final Tiles Gallery插件旨在使您摆脱困境。 在一个车辙中,您创建的每个画廊都与其他所有画廊都具有某种相同性。 当画廊被限制使用具有相同大小和纵横比的图像时,可能会发生这种情况。

With Final Tiles Gallery at your fingertips, you can create a gallery featuring a mixture of image sizes and aspect ratios – a sure way to create unique and engaging layouts.

触手可及的Final Tiles Gallery,您可以创建同时包含图像尺寸和高宽比的画廊,这是创建独特且引人入胜的布局的可靠方法。

10. Essential Grid WordPress插件 (10. Essential Grid WordPress Plugin)

The Essential Grid WordPress plugin is another useful tool to have when you want to avoid sameness in the layouts you create. This, the #1 WordPress grid-building software solution, makes it possible for you to display content in a custom grid system of your own choosing.

当您要避免创建的布局相同时,Essential Grid WordPress插件是另一个有用的工具。 这是WordPress排名第一的网格构建软件解决方案,使您可以在自己选择的自定义网格系统中显示内容。

The Essential Grid plugin is a great tool to have for creating image galleries and portfolios, WooCommerce shop layouts, blogs, and social media formats.

Essential Grid插件是创建图像画廊和作品集,WooCommerce商店布局,博客和社交媒体格式的绝佳工具。

结论 (Conclusion)

Imagine what you would be able to do if you owned all 10 of these plugins!


We suggest taking what may be a more realistic approach. Select only the one or two that address a specific need, and your clients and the end users are bound to be impressed.

我们建议采取可能更现实的方法。 仅选择满足特定需求的一两个,您的客户和最终用户一定会留下深刻的印象。

You will as well.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/improve-your-website-in-2018-with-these-top-wordpress-plugins/

