安恒 web类这可不是难题

tech2022-08-29  122

安恒 web类这可不是难题

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What is more satisfying to web designers than to see their designs on display after weeks of hard work?


Designing a new website is not all that easy. In fact, there is always a mixture of excitement and disappointment. Especially when web designers start to build a new website.

设计一个新网站并不是那么容易。 实际上,总是充满着兴奋和失望。 尤其是当网页设计师开始建立新网站时。

And such feelings can crush the spirit of any designer. The real question is how can web designers eliminate the pain that is associated with building a website?

这样的感觉会破坏任何设计师的精神。 真正的问题是,网页设计师如何消除与建立网站相关的痛苦?

The answer is simple. By discovering the great world of pre-built websites.

答案很简单。 通过发现预建网站的伟大世界。

Let's take a journey into this interesting world. You will learn how to eliminate the 5 most irritating website pains.

让我们踏上这个有趣的世界。 您将学习如何消除5个最令人讨厌的网站难题。

And don't be surprised if you feel lighter throughout this journey. That's what happens when you get rid of irritating stuff!

如果您在整个旅程中感到轻松,也不要感到惊讶。 那就是当您摆脱烦人的东西时会发生的事情!

探索预建网站的伟大世界 (Discovering the Great World of Pre-Built Websites)

Pre-built websites make the whole process of designing a website easier. They eliminate all the coding, wireframing, and prototyping. They provide you with an editable layout to get you off on a quick start. You will enjoy working with pre-built websites.

预先构建的网站使设计网站的整个过程变得更加容易。 它们消除了所有编码,线框图和原型制作。 它们为您提供了可编辑的布局,可让您快速入门。 您将喜欢使用预建网站。

Take, for example, the most popular multipurpose WordPress Theme, Be Theme.


Be Theme is enjoying a solid 5-star rating on ThemeForest. It has over 380 pre-built websites. These cover more than 30 different industries.

Be Theme在ThemeForest上获得了稳定的5星级评级。 它拥有380多个预建网站。 这些涵盖了30多个不同行业。

This means that you have lots of design choices available at your disposal. They can help you eliminate your website pains.

这意味着您可以使用许多设计选择。 他们可以帮助您消除网站的烦恼。

Let's take a look.


预制网站将消除这5大网站难题 (Pre-built websites will eliminate these top 5 website pains)

"Help! I have no idea how to start my client's web design. My client is an eco-friendly chihuahua trainer AI robot."


Nowadays websites are so focused and sophisticated. This makes researching new projects even more challenging.

如今,网站是如此集中和复杂。 这使得研究新项目更具挑战性。

Of course, we all know that research plays a very pivotal role in website design. Isn't this why they say "you must know your market before designing a single pixel"?

当然,我们都知道研究在网站设计中起着至关重要的作用。 这不是为什么他们说“在设计单个像素之前必须了解您的市场”吗?

Yes, knowing your market is important. But you should not overheat your brain with unnecessary research.

是的,了解您的市场很重要。 但是,不要因不必要的研究而使大脑过热。

Prebuilt websites make the process easier. Simply browse through the catalogs of pre-built websites. Take a look at those that are available with Be Theme. All they need is a little customization and they are ready to go.

预先建立的网站使这一过程更加容易。 只需浏览预建网站的目录即可。 看一下Be Theme提供的功能。 他们需要的只是一点定制,他们已经准备就绪。

For example, it can be applicable in the case of your eco-friendly chihuahua trainer. WordPress BeTheme pre-built websites can cater to this type of niche. Here are a few:

例如,它可以适用于您的环保吉娃娃教练。 WordPress BeTheme预制网站可以满足此类小众需求。 这里有一些:

BeEcoBeef – a fantastic eco-friendly website

BeEcoBeef –一个很棒的环保网站

BeVet2 – also a great website for pet lovers

BeVet2 –也是宠物爱好者的绝佳网站

BeDrone – a tech-based website for the AI niche

BeDrone –基于AI技术的利基网站

When you use these pre-built websites, you don't need to know about the industry. You also do not need to conduct any form of research. Just edit the pre-built website and add your information.

使用这些预建网站时,您无需了解该行业。 您也不需要进行任何形式的研究。 只需编辑预建网站并添加您的信息即可。

"Bright green is my client's favorite color. She owns a funeral parlor and wants this color for her website."


Some requests your clients make can be painful. How many times have you handed over a project to a client only to hear, "can I get a bigger logo design?" or, "this design is too dull, I like bright colors, can you please change it?"

您的客户提出的一些要求可能会很痛苦。 您多少次将项目交给客户,却听到“我能得到更大的徽标设计吗?” 或者,“这种设计过于呆板,我喜欢鲜艳的色彩,请您更改一下吗?”

That's painful, isn't it?


This is one of the reasons why pre-built websites are so cool. A pre-built website uses a design compatible with the current industry standard. You can design the website to suit your clients as well as visitors' expectations.

这是预建网站如此酷的原因之一。 预先建立的网站使用与当前行业标准兼容的设计。 您可以设计网站以适合您的客户以及访问者的期望。

This is all your clients need to see and to know and it will eliminate their worries.


Here are some examples of Be Theme's bright and bold pre-built websites. Be inspired.

以下是Be Theme明亮,大胆的预建网站的一些示例。 得到启发。







"Is my client really serious? How can I make the logo BIGGER so it pops out on the page?"


Yes, your client is serious. You cannot escape the web designer's nightmare? Not at all! And it's painful.

是的,您的客户很认真。 您无法摆脱网页设计师的噩梦吗? 一点也不! 而且很痛苦。

Clients will always have unexpected requirements, which of course, you don't have to agree to. But remember, your goal is to please the client.

客户总是会有意想不到的要求,当然,您不必同意。 但是请记住,您的目标是取悦客户。

And don't panic or get miserable if your client asks for a BIGGER logo. Be Theme has pre-built websites that will make the company look good. No need for a huge logo anymore.

如果您的客户要求使用更大的徽标,请不要惊慌或痛苦。 Be Theme拥有预建的网站,这些网站可以使公司看起来不错。 不再需要巨大的徽标。

Here are a few examples:












"This is unbelievable! My client wants me to make it look like it moves, without it moving!"


Now you know the true inspiration behind the hashtag #thestruggleisreal.


To design a website from scratch is a struggle. And it is a painful and real struggle especially when you have demanding clients.

从头开始设计网站是一项艰巨的任务。 这是一场痛苦而真实的斗争,尤其是当您有苛刻的客户时。

Don't get frightened though. Truthfully, there are too many boring websites floating on the internet. And as tedious and tiring as it may seem, you will enjoy the end result.

不过不要害怕。 确实,互联网上有太多无聊的网站。 而且,尽管看起来很乏味和累人,但您将享受最终的结果。

Pre-built websites are creating awesome solutions. And awesome solutions is what your client needs. Use your imagination and be creative. You can add fun too, but remain professional with your designs.

预先构建的网站正在创建出色的解决方案。 客户需要的是出色的解决方案。 发挥想象力,发挥创造力。 您也可以添加乐趣,但保持设计专业。

You will love these pre-built websites. Take a peep!

您会喜欢这些预制的网站。 偷看!







"I need an innovative, techy, and stunning website, and I will not settle for less. What did I get myself into?"


Yes, we know…you want to design captivating and stunning websites. That's alright.

是的,我们知道...您想设计迷人而迷人的网站。 没关系。

But the reality is, maybe, it's too overwhelming. There are tons of urgent emails that you need to answer plus several changes to your schedule. It is too much for you to handle. So your plan for that innovative, techy, and stunning website is almost forgotten.

但是现实也许是太压倒性的了。 您需要答复大量紧急电子邮件,并对日程进行一些更改。 您处理得太多了。 因此,您对于该创新,高科技和令人惊叹的网站的计划几乎被遗忘了。

You don't have to brush your thoughts aside. There are over 380 beautiful and innovative pre-built website designs.

您不必将想法抛在一边。 有380多种精美创新的预建网站设计。

For example:








So why settle for less?


结论 (Conclusion)

No one wants to feel annoyed when performing their work.


Using Be Theme's pre-built websites will eliminate the little annoying things. For example, working under extreme pressure to meet deadlines and working on long drawn out projects.

使用Be Theme的预建网站将消除一些烦人的事情。 例如,在极端的压力下工作以按时完成任务,并进行长期的项目开发。

You want to feel great about your job.


When you use pre-built websites you will quickly and easily create stunning websites that will captivate and engage users. Your clients will love that. And the fun part is – you don't have to compromise the quality of your work.

当您使用预建网站时,您将快速轻松地创建吸引用户并吸引用户的出色网站。 您的客户会喜欢的。 而有趣的部分是–您不必牺牲工作质量。

Allow your imagination and your creativity to lead you and enjoy your life as a web designer.


Now, go ahead and examine those pre-built websites that Be Theme has – you will love them!

现在,继续检查Be Theme拥有的那些预建网站-您一定会喜欢的!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-to-eliminate-your-top-5-web-design-pains/

安恒 web类这可不是难题
