
tech2022-08-29  115


It’s IoT Week at SitePoint! All week we’re publishing articles focused on the intersection of the internet and the physical world, so keep checking the IoT tag for the latest updates.

这是SitePoint的IoT周! 我们整周都在发布有关互联网与物理世界交汇点的文章,因此请继续检查IoT标签以获取最新更新。

A whole week of mostly IoT resources on every channel and, yes, that includes PHP. What? “PHP and IoT!? Surely you’re mistaken!”, you must be thinking. No, dear reader. PHP and IoT go well together – better than one might expect.

整个星期的每个通道上大部分都是物联网资源,是的,其中包括PHP。 什么? “ PHP和物联网!! 您肯定会误会!”,您必须在思考。 不,亲爱的读者。 PHP和IoT结合得很好–超出了人们的预期。

In this post, we’ll list some getting started resources. Throughout the remainder of the week, we’ll have some amazing hands on posts for you – everything from creating a drinks machine with PHP, to a real life alarm when a door in Minecraft opens (yes, really!) – and that’s just on our channel. Be sure to check out the others, too!

在这篇文章中,我们将列出一些入门资源。 在本周的剩余时间里,我们将为您提供一些令人惊奇的动手操作-从使用PHP创建饮料机到在Minecraft的门打开时发出真实的警报(是的,真的!)的一切-就是这样我们的频道。 请务必也检查其他人!

Without further ado, here’s some introductory material for you if you feel like dabbling before we dive in properly!


硬件 (Hardware)

Electronic Components: when starting out, it’s sometimes difficult to know how to use electronic components, or how to plug them into a circuit. This little guide by the excellent Christopher Pitt is helpful for figuring out a handful of common components.

电子元件 :刚开始时,有时很难知道如何使用电子元件或如何将其插入电路。 出色的克里斯托弗·皮特 ( Christopher Pitt )撰写的这份小指南有助于弄清一些通用组件。

Arduino: a neat hobbyist development platform. It abstracts the steps from resisters and wires to functional computation. You program Arduino boards using C/C++, and this guide will fill in the details to get you started…

Arduino :简洁的爱好者开发平台。 它抽象了从电阻和导线到功能计算的步骤。 您使用C / C ++对Arduino板进行编程,本指南将填写详细信息以帮助您入门……

Onion IoT: a hardware platform like Arduino, but allegedly more flexible and more language agnostic, in that it also supports PHP. The devices and addons are fairly cheap, and very easy to mix and match with other hardware, from generic electronics to Arduinos.

Onion IoT :类似于Arduino的硬件平台,但据称更灵活,并且与语言无关 ,因为它还支持PHP。 这些设备和附加组件非常便宜,并且很容易与其他硬件(从通用电子产品到Arduinos)混合使用。

Intel Developer Zone Hardware Store: Intel’s developer zone contains a nice catalogue of hardware designed specifically for IoT. Well, not really – it’s just your general purpose electronics – but all bundles together into one store focused on IoT. So if ordering online is more your forte, this is the place to get equipped.

英特尔开发人员专区硬件商店 :英特尔开发人员专区包含一个专门为IoT设计的硬件目录。 好吧,不是真的–只是您的通用电子产品-而是将所有捆绑在一起的商店集中在IoT上。 因此,如果您更喜欢在线订购,那么这里就是装备齐全的地方。

Gas sensors: when I was in grade school, I built a breathalyzer with LEDs showing the alcohol level for a competition. Those were arguably simpler times for building stuff, but it was much, much more complicated to find proper hardware. These days, things are reverse – the hardest part to find was a gas based resistor sensor, and that’s exactly what sites like these have to offer.

气体传感器 :上小学时,我制造了一个带LED的呼气测试仪,显示比赛的酒精含量。 可以说,那是建造材料的简单时期,但是找到合适的硬件要复杂得多。 如今,情况正好相反-最难找到的部分是基于气体的电阻传感器,而这正是这些站点所能提供的。

软件和教程 (Software and Tutorials)

Firmata (JavaScript based): when you’re starting out with Arduino, you may not have the time or desire to learn C/C++ just to be able to program a board. Luckily you don’t have to. This guide introduces Firmata, in one of the many languages that can communicate with it.

Firmata (基于JavaScript):当您开始使用Arduino时,可能没有时间或渴望学习C / C ++只是为了对电路板进行编程。 幸运的是,您不必这样做。 本指南以可以与之通信的多种语言之一介绍了Firmata。

MakeyMakey: electronics can be super fun for kids! Get them started with the MakeyMakey. It emulates a keyboard/joystick, which you can make your favorite games work with.

MakeyMakey :电子产品对孩子们来说可能非常有趣! 让他们开始使用MakeyMakey。 它模拟了一个键盘/游戏杆,您可以使用它来玩自己喜欢的游戏。

UnoJoy: if you’ve got an Arduino lying around, and want to turn it into a MakeyMakey, this library is just what you need. It includes conversion kits (and you’ll be able to restore it back to being just an Arduino) and examples.

UnoJoy :如果您有一个Arduino,并且想将其转换为MakeyMakey,则此库正是您所需要的。 它包括转换工具包(您将能够将其还原为Arduino)和示例。

Arduino + Serial PHP Communication: you don’t have to use Firmata to control your Arduino. This guide demonstrates how to create a custom serial communication channel between PHP and your Arduino. It’s a good place to start when you need to use special C/C++ controlled components alongside a PHP application.

Arduino +串行PHP通信 :您不必使用Firmata来控制Arduino。 本指南演示了如何在PHP和Arduino之间创建自定义串行通信通道。 当您需要在PHP应用程序中使用特殊的C / C ++控制的组件时,这是一个很好的起点。

Arduino + Firmata PHP Communication

Arduino + Firmata PHP通信

Power LED bulbs with PHP and Arduino


Gorilla PHP Extension: Once you’ve got Firmata running on your Arduino, you’ll need a sweet communication library for your PHP applications to tie into. This is it!

Gorilla PHP扩展 :在Arduino上运行Firmata之后,您将需要一个漂亮的通信库来配合您PHP应用程序。 就是这个!

Onion IoT Cloud: the true entry point to the “cloud” and the real internet in Internet of Things, the aforementioned Onion hardware platform has this dedicated app cloud for deploying Onion apps and connecting your various devices and electronics

洋葱物联网云 :真正的入口点“云”和物联网真正的互联网 ,上述洋葱硬件平台具有部署洋葱应用程序和连接的各种设备和电子产品这个专用的应用程序的云

Build a PHP app that uses GPS data from an IoT device: Develop PHP apps for the Internet of Things with IBM Watson IoT Platform, Bluemix, and MQTT. Turn your Android phone into a GPS sensor that constantly publishes its location to the Bluemix cloud. Then, connect a PHP application with this data stream and use it to track the location of the Android phone in real time in your web browser.

构建一个使用来自IoT设备的GPS数据PHP应用程序:使用 IBM Watson IoT Platform,Bluemix和MQTT开发用于物联网的 PHP应用程序。 将您的Android手机变成一个GPS传感器,该传感器不断将其位置发布到Bluemix云中。 然后,将PHP应用程序与此数据流连接,并使用它在Web浏览器中实时跟踪Android手机的位置。

A simple PHP library to communicate with Azure IoT Hub: an introductory tutorial to a PHP library which can be used to communicate with the Azure IoT hub.

与Azure IoT中心进行通信的简单PHP库 :PHP库的入门教程,可用于与Azure IoT中心进行通信。

接下来是什么? (What next?)

Now that you’re equipped to get started, go ahead and dabble. Think of ideas, imagine scenarios, and go out to your electronics store to get a $10 fistful of hardware – by the time you’re back, we’ll have plenty of hands-on tutorials for you.

现在您已经准备好开始,请继续学习。 想出主意,想象场景,然后到您的电子产品商店购买10美元的一把硬件-等您回来时,我们将为您提供大量的动手教程。

Have any more resources that might fit into this list? Let us know in the comments, and happy IoTing!

还有更多资源可能适合此列表吗? 在评论中让我们知道,祝您物联网愉快!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/do-php-and-iot-have-a-future-together/

