
tech2022-08-29  133


Ben Strickland is Founder and CEO of Alliance Software, a custom software development firm. He also founded Noble Samurai, an online marketing company that at one stage was one of the top five tools in the world for SEO, as well as Web2Tv, an in-house television service for the aged care industry that was recently purchased by Swift Networks, a Perth-based publicly listed firm.

Ben Strickland是定制软件开发公司Alliance Software的创始人兼首席执行官。 他还创立了在线营销公司Noble Samurai,该公司一度是SEO的全球五大工具之一,另外还成立了Web2Tv,这是一家针对老年人护理行业的内部电视服务,最近被Swift Networks收购。 ,这是一家位于珀斯的上市公司。

Despite his many successes, Ben has also experienced an extreme failure with Email Samurai. Overconfident from the creation and successful launch of Market Samurai, an online marketing solutions venture, his team thought they could create anything in that field. So, they developed Email Samurai, an email marketing solutions program, yet soon realized it wasn’t a problem that needed to be solved when seeking customers. From this experience, they grew knowledge and customer awareness.

尽管取得了许多成功,但Ben在Email Samurai方面也经历了一次极端失败。 在线市场营销解决方案企业Market Samurai的创立和成功推出让他们感到过分自信,他的团队认为他们可以在该领域创造任何东西。 因此,他们开发了电子邮件营销解决方案计划Email Samurai,但很快意识到这并不是寻找客户时需要解决的问题。 通过这些经验,他们获得了知识和客户意识。

Ben’s experience in executing and operating businesses led him to the realization there are two common results when starting up and they’re polar opposites; it’s either going to be a real struggle or a booming success without much in the middle. To avoid the struggle, Ben suggests there are clear methods to undertake, ensuring the scales are tipped in your favor. It all starts with your commitment of time.

Ben在执行和运营业务方面的经验使他意识到,创业时有两个共同的结果,它们是相反的。 在中间没有太多准备的情况下,这要么是一场真正的斗争,要么是一次蓬勃发展的成功。 为了避免挣扎,Ben建议采取明确的方法进行操作,以确保对您有利。 这一切都始于您对时间的承诺。

How much time would you invest to dramatically help your start up?


Investing your time in research to thoroughly understand — or at the very least expose yourself — to the market place you’re entering is the most valuable and smartest thing you can do for your business. Offset complications and failures by knowing your customer and their needs to ensure your product solves an existing problem, and that takes time.

在研究上投入时间,以彻底了解(或至少使自己暴露于)您要进入的市场是您可以为企业做的最有价值和最明智的事情。 通过了解您的客户及其需求以确保您的产品解决现有问题,从而抵消了复杂性和失败,这需要时间。

In Ben’s Master Series presentation with WeTeachMe he also breaks down four options for those looking to get into business ownership, as well as their full list of pros and cons: start a normal business, buy a franchise, buy an established business, and start a startup. During his talk, he then further delves into how to “be smart” for each option.

在Ben的WeTeachMe大师系列演讲中,他还为希望拥有企业所有权的人以及他们的利弊清单细分了四个选项:开办正常业务,购买特许经营权,购买已建立的业务并开展业务。启动。 在演讲期间,他随后进一步研究了如何对每个选项“变得聪明”。

Ben Strickland (right) at WeTeachMe’s Masters Series WeTeachMe的大师赛系列的Ben Strickland(右)

On offering sage advice for implementing market research, Ben shares an example of “smart” spending using test marketing that worked for him:


We made pages and put up videos that pretended the product existed. And we sent traffic to these things and asked [people] to buy a product that didn’t exist. And when they went to buy it, we said it doesn’t exist but when it does we’ll give it to you for free.

我们制作了页面,并张贴了假冒该产品存在的视频。 我们将流量发送到这些东西,并要求[人们]购买不存在的产品。 当他们去购买时,我们说它并不存在,但是当它购买时,我们将免费提供给您。

Another example of how to “be smart” for a startup is to conduct a problem vs solution interview. That is, when networking potential customers, decide to ask them questions about what their problem is or questions about solutions to a problem. After a multitude of discussions with potential customers, these two styles of questions offer definitive answers, allowing you to determine if your product is needed or not.

对于初创企业如何“变得聪明”的另一个例子是进行问题与解决方案面试。 也就是说,在与潜在客户建立联系时,决定向他们询问有关他们的问题是什么或有关问题的解决方案的问题。 在与潜在客户进行大量讨论之后,这两种问题类型提供了明确的答案,使您可以确定是否需要您的产品。

View Ben’s full presentation to gain his insights here:


And here’s a useful Q&A that followed the talk:



