
tech2022-08-29  168

Tomorrow (March 8th) marks the first Laracon Online – the official Laravel conference, all online. It was started as an effort to allow people who generally can’t afford to visit the actual conference to attend.

明天(3月8日)是第一个Laracon Online –正式的Laravel会议,全部在线。 它起初是为了使通常负担不起实际会议费用的人们参加。

I’ll be live covering/commenting the conference in this post (scroll down), but I’d like to talk about this unconventional conference format first.


内向的天堂 (Introvert Heaven)

I’ve been to my fair share of conferences, and one thing that always happens is there’s a clique of us relatively talkative types (I suppose as speakers, we tend to feel empowered), and a whole lot, and I mean a whole lot of very quiet and reserved fellows, looking like Ed Sheeran queueing up to meet Ed Sheeran.

我参加过相当多的会议,经常发生的一件事是,有一个集团谈论我们相对健谈的类型(我想作为演讲者,我们往往会感到有能力),还有很多,我的意思是很多非常安静和内向的人,看起来像埃德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)排队去见埃德·希兰(Ed Sheeran)。

(image via Reddit)

( 图片来自Reddit )

They’ll have the swag, they’ll have the laptops, and they’ll be in every talk’s audience, but getting them to take a step forward and say the first word will be almost impossible. If you’re one of these introverts, I feel you. I used to be just like that. In many scenarios I still am, and as far as I know, there’s still no definitive cure. Sometimes, the major deterrent is apparent expertise of the person you don’t dare talk to (almost always fake – everyone you ever meet will know something you don’t), sometimes it’s just general awkwardness (/me raises hand), but it usually ends with cliques being formed and all the introverts being largely left behind.

他们会遇到麻烦,会拥有笔记本电脑,并且会在每个演讲的听众中看到,但要让他们向前迈一步,说出第一个单词几乎是不可能的。 如果您是这些内向的人之一,我会感觉到您的。 我曾经就是那样。 据我所知,在许多情况下我仍然是,并没有确定的治疗方法。 有时候,主要的威慑力是你不敢和他说话的人的明显专业知识(几乎总是假的-遇到的每个人都会知道你不知道的事情),有时这只是一般的尴尬(/ me举手),但是通常结束时会形成集团,所有内向的人都会被抛在后面。

That’s not to say price isn’t a big deterrent – visiting a conference can cost one well in excess of $1000, what with the flight, the ticket, and accommodation, but I know for a fact that while most people inherently want to network, few are extroverted enough to just do it.

这并不是说价格不是一个很大的威慑力–参加会议的费用可能超过1000美元,包括机票,机票和住宿的费用,但是我知道,虽然大多数人本来都想联网 ,很少有外向的人能做到 。

That’s why I think a conference such as this one is introvert heaven. Not only has the financial barrier for attending been all but completely removed, but it also places all attendees and speakers into an environment that is, by default, comfortable to all. We’ll shy away from interacting with people face-to-face, but most of us will talk our fingers off when in chat mode. Laracon has an official Slack team which you’ll get invited to you when you buy a ticket and everyone is there – there’s no easier way to make connections, talk to speakers directly about topics that might seem interesting or to clear up confusions you felt during their talks, or just mingle and make friends – maybe set up a meet for the next real in-person conference.

这就是为什么我认为像这样的会议是内向的天堂。 参加会议的财务障碍不仅被消除了,而且已被完全消除,而且还使所有与会者和演讲者处于默认情况下所有人都舒适的环境中。 我们会回避与人面对面的互动,但是当我们处于聊天模式时,我们大多数人都会把手指放开。 Laracon有一个正式的Slack团队,您在购买机票后就会被邀请您参加,而且每个人都在那里–没有更简单的方法来建立联系,直接与演讲者讨论似乎有趣的主题或消除您在会议期间感到的困惑他们的演讲,或者只是结交朋友,也许是为了下一次真正的面对面会议而开会。

Other advantages of online conferences include easier code sharing for discussing and demoing, discussing several contexts with several groups at the same time, attending in your underwear, and more.


劣势? (Disadvantages?)

Granted, there are some disadvantages to online conferences.


For one, the communication flow is slower and less sincere. Opinions and feelings don’t come across as smoothly in chat (modern emojis don’t help much), and it takes longer to type something out than it does to just say it and explain it with gestures.

其一,沟通流程较慢,缺乏诚意。 在聊天中观点和感受不会那么顺畅(现代表情符号的作用不大),而且键入内容所花的时间要比仅用手势说出和解释的时间长。

While code sharing is simpler, demonstrating it isn’t – I’ve been in several situations where I coded something right in front of someone who said they did the same thing, only to prove that it does indeed work. I’ve also been on the receiving end of such instructions.

尽管代码共享更简单,但事实证明并非如此–我曾在几种情况下在有人说他们做过相同事情的人面前编码了某些东西,只是为了证明它确实有效。 我也一直在接受此类指示。

Meeting people in person leaves a much more complete impression – it’s easier to remember people that way, and to assess their knowledge and mental compatibility to you. Online conference chatrooms pretty much guarantee to stay only in the context of the conference’s talks, while real conferences will see a lot of unofficial mingling and getting to know people on a personal level, seeing how well you fit and, potentially, how well you’d work together one day.

与人见面会给人留下更完整的印象-这样更容易记住人,并评估他们的知识和与您的心理相容性。 在线会议聊天室几乎可以保证只保留在会议的讨论范围内,而真正的会议将看到很多非正式的交往,并在个人层面上结识朋友,了解您的适应能力,以及潜在的适应能力。 d一起工作一天。

None of these are dealbreakers, given the price of the conference in question and the average level of expertise in the speaker department, but still worth keeping in mind. I definitely encourage you to try and attend as many conferences as possible – both online and offline. Whatever their advantages and disadvantages, both can only benefit you.

考虑到会议的价格和发言人部门的平均专业水平,这些都不是破坏交易的因素,但仍然要牢记。 我绝对鼓励您尝试并参加尽可能多的在线和离线会议。 无论它们的优点和缺点如何,都只能使您受益。

结论与覆盖 (Conclusion and coverage)

Let me know in the comments what you think about online conferences and other advantages and disadvantages they have over regular conferences, and stay tuned for live coverage below! Also, don’t miss the chance to grab your own ticket – even if you can’t make it, the videos will be online afterwards for viewing at your convenience, and with the lineup that’s been announced, it’s sure to be worth the $20 – a lot of experts will be giving you their precious time.

在评论中让我知道您对在线会议的看法以及它们与常规会议相比的其他优缺点,请继续关注下面的实时报道! 另外,不要错过抓住自己的门票的机会-即使您不能买到,这些视频也将随后在线发布,以方便您查看,而且已经宣布的阵容肯定值得20美元–很多专家会给您宝贵的时间。

Stream is starting on March 8th, noon CET time.


3月8日CET更新14:45 (Update 14:45 CET, March 8th)

With a whopping 4000 attendees, and 3000 of those in Slack, the chat rooms are insane. The conference is gearing up, and Ian Landsman took the “stage” to introduce the conference and sponsors. The chat is well organized by region, country, and even technology of interest. Additionally, there are separate channels for questions for each speaker – so it’s a discussion with the speaker, at any time, all the time, not restricted to immediately after the talk itself.

聊天室有4000名与会者,而Slack中有3000名与会者,这简直是疯了。 会议正在加紧进行,而伊恩·兰德斯曼 ( Ian Landsman )则通过“舞台”介绍了会议和赞助商。 聊天按地区,国家(甚至是感兴趣的技术)进行了很好的组织。 此外,每个演讲者都有单独的问题提问渠道,因此这是与演讲者随时随地进行的讨论,而不仅限于演讲后立即进行。

3月8日CET更新15:15 (Update 15:15 CET, March 8th)

Jeffrey Way of the excellent LaraCasts.com talks about Laravel and front-end. Specifically, he explains Webpack, and why to use it over other current JS tools. We’ve talked about Webpack here at SitePoint, so be sure to check it out: Webpack posts, but in a nutshell, it’s a fast, efficient way to compile ALL assets and get an optimized JavaScript / CSS file for direct inclusion in a web page. The main difference is that Webpack is able to replace ALL the modern JS tools: it’s both a bundler, a compiler, an optimizer, and more.

出色的LaraCasts.com的 Jeffrey Way谈到了Laravel和前端。 具体来说,他解释了Webpack,以及为什么要在其他当前JS工具上使用它。 我们已经在SitePoint上讨论过Webpack,所以一定要检查一下: Webpack帖子 ,但总而言之 ,这是一种编译所有资产并获得优化JavaScript / CSS文件以直接包含在Web中的快速有效的方法。页。 主要区别在于Webpack能够替代所有现代JS工具:它既是捆绑器,编译器,优化器,还是更多。

3月8日CET更新15:45 (Update 15:45 CET, March 8th)

With Jeffrey’s talk over and Webpack praised to high heaven, we’re ready to dive into asset compilation with Webpack. I personally would have preferred if he used Yarn, but all in all instructions were very clear and could even be followed along if you’re fast. Even though we went through Webpack’s configuration step by step, the tool’s configuration syntax is still confusing and unintuitive, and there’s no amount of training that’ll make that better – it’s like the needle/haystack situation from PHP, it just needs to be improved at the lowest levels. For example, the unintuitive loader loading from right to left (you’ll know what I mean if you used it, and you’ll find out if you don’t when you try it) is just nonsensical. We went through loaders and custom rules which trigger them, including CSS via JavaScript (dynamic inlining!), even images. He explained why Webpack was erroring out at times, but again, the errors – when encountered in real life – are 100% unclear, JavaScript-ecosystem style. The cases Jeff explains are common enough for the Webpack team to know of them and to recognize them natively and at the very least give detailed errors.

在Jeffrey的演讲和Webpack受到高度赞扬的情况下,我们已准备好使用Webpack进行资产编译。 如果他使用Yarn ,我个人会更喜欢,但是所有说明都非常清楚,如果您很快的话,甚至可以遵循。 即使我们逐步进行了Webpack的配置,该工具的配置语法仍然令人困惑和不直观,并且没有大量的培训可以使它变得更好–就像PHP的针/草堆情况一样,它只需要改进在最低级别。 例如,从右到左加载的不直观的加载程序(您会明白我的意思,如果使用过,尝试时会发现是否不加载)只是荒谬的。 我们经历了加载器和触发它们的自定义规则,包括通过JavaScript(动态内联!)CSS甚至图像。 他解释了为什么Webpack有时会出错,但是同样,在现实生活中遇到的错误是100%不清楚JavaScript生态系统样式。 Jeff解释的案例足以使Webpack团队了解并识别它们,至少会给出详细的错误。

We also went through Babel and its own cryptic configuration, and wrapped things up with plugins in Webpack, finalizing things with environments – reading from environment variables via NodeJS (or by passing the -p flag to Webpack when running it), and then only including production-focused plugins when we’re in production. What I would have loved to see covered was splitting CSS into multiple files, depending on the route used in the app, but that might actually pop up on the already in-development WebpackCasts.

我们还介绍了Babel及其自己的加密配置,并使用Webpack中的插件将其包装起来,使用环境来完成这些事情-通过NodeJS读取环境变量(或在运行它时将-p标志传递给Webpack),然后仅包括在生产中以生产为重点的插件。 我希望看到的是将CSS拆分为多个文件,具体取决于应用程序中使用的路由,但这实际上可能会在已经开发的WebpackCasts中弹出 。

Jeff also covered Laravel Mix: a pre-installed setup of Webpack inside Laravel itself when you install the app with composer create-project. It’ll install prerequisite JS packages, it’s optimized for various JS frameworks, and it offers a decent scaffold for compiling your JS code without losing any hair during the process. All in all, a great start to the confernece – let’s see what’s next, and we’ll take a look at Laravel Mix soon in a dedicated post!

Jeff还介绍了Laravel Mix :在使用composer create-project安装应用程序时,在Laravel本身中预安装了Webpack。 它将安装必备的JS软件包,针对各种JS框架进行了优化,并且提供了不错的支架来编译JS代码,而不会在此过程中造成任何麻烦。 总而言之,会议的一个很好的开始–让我们看看下一步是什么,我们将很快在专门的帖子中介绍Laravel Mix!

3月8日CET更新16:15 (Update 16:15 CET, March 8th)

After a short delay, Evan You joined us all the way from Shangai to present the templating engine of the fantastic VueJS framework. We’re currently being exposed to some magic behind magic behind magic, and just marveling at how deep this rabbit hole of JavaScript framework design really is. Interesting tidbit: Virtual DOM is far lighter in weight than a DOM object itself. In a virtual dom, an element is just a JS object, while in a browser, an actual DOM object is much more. This cheapness in weight is what allows for Vue’s fast rendering.

短暂的延迟之后,Evan You从上海出发一直加入我们,展示了梦幻般的VueJS框架的模板引擎。 目前,我们正处于魔术背后的魔术背后,而惊叹于JavaScript框架设计的真正漏洞有多深。 有趣的花絮:虚拟DOM的重量比DOM对象本身轻得多。 在虚拟dom中,元素只是一个JS对象,而在浏览器中,实际的DOM对象则更多。 重量的便宜是Vue快速渲染的原因。

3月8日CET更新16:45 (Update 16:45 CET, March 8th)

Another interesting tidbit: server side rendering in VueJS and JS in general, is mostly just taking the virtual DOM and stringifying it on the server.


Evan also got a lot of requests to add server side rendering into PHP’s V8 (yes, it exists) but for various reasons (a missing Node environment notwithstanding) this isn’t feasible. Nevertheless, the VueJS and Laravel projects are looking into a better integration and ease of use for server side rendering, and we should have updates about that soon.

Evan也有很多要求将服务器端渲染添加到PHP的V8中(是的, 它存在 ),但是由于各种原因(尽管缺少Node环境),这是不可行的。 尽管如此,VueJS和Laravel项目正在寻求更好的集成和服务器端渲染的易用性,我们应该尽快对此进行更新。

While Evan did his best to introduce a very mystical and complex topic to an audience of PHP developers, I fear that his talk about template engine details, while interesting, flew way over the head of the most of the attendees. I did learn some implementation details, but what I learned above all else was that I never want to try and write a template engine or compiler in JavaScript.

虽然Evan尽力向PHP开发人员介绍了一个非常神秘而又复杂的话题,但我担心他对模板引擎细节的讨论虽然很有趣,却飞跃到了大多数与会者的头上。 我确实了解了一些实现细节,但是最重要的是,我从来不想尝试用JavaScript编写模板引擎或编译器。

3月8日CET更新17:25 (Update 17:25 CET, March 8th)

After a chaotic mingling session in chat (and new contacts made!), we’re moving onto Rachel’s talk about CSS. She’s covering CSS grids, flexbox, and other modern layouting shenanigans. Not exactly PHP related, but an important part in this three-piece puzzle we’re assembling (JS, PHP, and CSS). Interestingly, this is the third front-end oriented talk in a row at a PHP conference – just goes to show how incredibly intertwined our disciplines are!

在聊天中进行了混乱的混合会话(并建立了新的联系人!)之后,我们开始讨论Rachel关于CSS 的讨论。 她涵盖了CSS网格,flexbox和其他现代布局设计。 与PHP不完全相关,但是在我们组装的这个三部分难题(JS,PHP和CSS)中很重要。 有趣的是,这是PHP会议连续第三次面向前端的演讲–只是说明我们的学科之间有多么不可思议的交织!

3月8日CET更新18:00 (Update 18:00 CET, March 8th)

After Rachel’s very strong introduction into CSS, I’m amazed at the power of CSS grids and can’t wait for those to arrive in all browsers. Basically, as one Slack chatter put it: `grid-auto-flow` === 'magic'. The layout decisions those directives make warrant some thinking as it almost seems like AI (quote directly from speaker: “Nothing particularly with grid is quite obvious what you’re doing”), and I had to go re-read this to clear things up further. Could it be that we’re finally getting easy to use CSS? Looks like it, and in all modern browsers by next week it seems!

在Rachel对CSS进行了非常强大的介绍之后,我对CSS网格的强大功能感到惊讶,并且迫不及待想要将它们引入所有浏览器。 基本上,就像一个Slack聊天者所说的那样: `grid-auto-flow` === 'magic' 。 布局决定这些指令做出保证一些思考,因为它似乎像AI(报价直接从扬声器:“没有什么特别电网是很明显的你在做什么”),我不得不去重读这个以明确的事情了进一步。 难道是我们终于变得容易使用CSS了? 看起来像这样, 到下周在所有现代浏览器中似乎都出现了!

I can’t shake the feeling, however, that CSS grids would have worked much better as a long term workshop so people get the chance to develop some muscle memory, too.

但是,我不能动摇的感觉是,作为一个长期的研讨会 ,CSS网格本来可以更好地工作,所以人们也有机会发展一些肌肉记忆。

3月8日CET更新18:25 (Update 18:25 CET, March 8th)

Adam Wathan of Nitpick CI in full swing, demoing common TDD dogmae. The first section of his talk demonstrates an application built on the following principles: testable code in isolation, tests shouldn’t touch database, make it all unit tests (small units).

Nitpick CI的 Adam Wathan全面展开,展示了常见的TDD教条。 他的演讲的第一部分演示了基于以下原则构建的应用程序:隔离的可测试代码,测试不应接触数据库,将其全部进行单元测试(小型单元)。

3月8日CET更新18:45 (Update 18:45 CET, March 8th)

The second part of Adam’s excellent talk focused on showing how those principles are overkill, and in fact don’t protect us from anything. The app’s tests break several times because of the way the mocks work and the specific implementation of the tests themselves. The way tests work are interfering with the upgradeability of the app itself, which is nothing but a huge waste of time, long term. His quote:

亚当出色的演讲的第二部分着重于说明这些原则是如何过大的,实际上并不能保护我们免受任何伤害。 由于模拟的工作方式以及测试本身的特定实现,该应用程序的测试多次中断。 测试的工作方式会干扰应用本身的可升级性,这只是长期的大量浪费。 他的话:

Isolated testing is incompatible with #TDD – @adamwathan at @LaraconOnline #LaraconOnline https://t.co/m8dCplLo7m

隔离测试与#TDD不兼容- @LaraconOnline的@adamwathan #LaraconOnline https://t.co/m8dCplLo7m

— Bruno Skvorc (@bitfalls) 8 March 2017

— Bruno Skvorc(@bitfalls) 2017年3月8日

Instead of going for this dogmatic approach, he considers his whole app one unit, and that makes things easier to test, easier to refactor, and easier to manage. In a community like Reddit, his approach would be heresy and a call to fight the system, but its effectiveness cannot be denied. The only thing that really matters is: He who ships, wins.

他没有采用这种教条式的方法,而是将整个应用程序视为一个单元,这使事情更易于测试,易于重构和易于管理。 在像Reddit这样的社区中,他的方法将是异端和呼吁与该系统作斗争 ,但不能否认其有效性。 唯一真正重要的是: 赢得胜利的人。

3月8日,CET更新19:05 (Update 19:05 CET, March 8th)

Adam wraps things up, and tells us not to worry about isolation, and only to introduce boundaries when needed – not to worship “idiots on Reddit”.

亚当总结了一切,并告诉我们不要担心孤立,只在需要时引入界限,而不是崇拜“ Reddit上的白痴”。

He also drops a spoiler about the digital swag bag getting sent to people after the conference – it’ll include a minicourse about testing.


Oh, btw, Adam lifts best bench at 400lb, best squat at 550lb, and best deadlift at 601lb. The man is an animal.

哦,顺便说一句,亚当举起最好的板凳,举重400磅,下蹲最好举起550lb,最佳硬拉举起,举重601lb。 这个人是动物。

3月8日,CET更新19:45 (Update 19:45 CET, March 8th)

Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel, briefly mentions how and why he created Laravel (spoiler: to get away from complicated implementations of authentication and pagination in other frameworks) and reveals that Laravel 4 was initially going to be built on top of Silex, but then went the independent assembled route. He also goes through the typical Laravel request flow, from the very first line of autoloading, to middleware and responses/requests. He’s slowly building up to new features in Laravel 5.4 and going into more and more detail. Likewise, he explains that the powerful Laravel Container can very easily be used outside of Laravel and in legacy apps, by means of a simple Illuminate inclusion.

Laravel的创建者Taylor Otwell简要地提到了他如何以及为什么创建Laravel(破坏者:摆脱其他框架中复杂的身份验证和分页实现),并透露Laravel 4最初将基于Silex构建。然后走了独立的组装路线。 他还介绍了典型的Laravel请求流程,从自动加载的第一行到中间件和响应/请求。 他正在逐步构建Laravel 5.4中的新功能,并且越来越详细。 同样,他解释说,通过简单的Illuminate包含,功能强大的Laravel容器可以很容易地在Laravel外部和旧版应用程序中使用。

3月8日,欧洲中部时间20:15更新 (Update 20:15 CET, March 8th)

With Laravel demystified, Taylor moved onto demonstrating his “how I work on Laravel” workflow, including but not limited to symlinking the Laravel framework’s location in the vendor directory to a new PR he’s working on to avoid having to install an app from scratch, and using Composer‘s path repository.

随着Laravel的神秘化,泰勒开始演示他的“我如何在Laravel上工作”工作流程,包括但不限于将Laravel框架在供应商目录中的位置符号链接到他正在研究的新PR,以避免必须从头开始安装应用程序,以及使用Composer的path repository 。

An informative talk about everyone’s favorite framework, culminating in a teaser of Horizon – Taylor’s new project. Laravel Horizon is going to be a really high quality thing, and the best test he’s written so far, but he was purposefully secretive in order to make it a real surprise at Laracon US, where he’ll be demoing and revealing it.

关于每个人最喜欢的框架的信息丰富的讨论,最终以泰勒(Taylor)的新项目Horizo​​n的预告片告终。 Laravel Horizo​​n将会是非常高质量的东西 ,并且是迄今为止他编写的最好的测试 ,但是他故意保密以使它在Laracon US上真正令人惊讶,在那里他将进行演示和展示。

3月8日CET更新20:35 (Update 20:35 CET, March 8th)

Nick Canzoneri, a runaway dairy farmer currently working for Postmark, a transactional email service. Predictably, he’s talking about sending emails, but going through the steps of the email’s path through the internet – from the local machine, to the MX servers, to email headers, and the recipient’s machine. He’s exposing us to some internal email sending secrets we’re not even remotely aware of, and illustrating what all can go wrong, and why it’s so hard to get email right.

尼克Canzoneri ,失控的奶农当前工作为邮戳 ,事务的电子邮件服务。 可以预见的是,他正在谈论发送电子邮件,但是要经历电子邮件通过Internet的路径,从本地计算机到MX服务器,再到电子邮件标头和收件人的计算机。 他向我们展示了一些内部电子邮件发送秘密,而这些秘密我们甚至还无法远程了解,并且说明了所有错误都会发生,以及为什么很难正确发送电子邮件。

3月8日,欧洲中部时间20:40更新 (Update 20:40 CET, March 8th)

Nick told us about the text-watch content type in emails, which basically only shows up on an Apple Watch. This was genuinely surprising to learn. More info here.

尼克告诉我们有关电子邮件text-watch内容类型的信息,该类型基本上只显示在Apple Watch上。 这真是令人惊讶。 更多信息在这里 。

3月8日CET更新21:00 (Update 21:00 CET, March 8th)

We learned about SPF, DKIM, DMARC – methods of authenticating emails i.e. ourselves and our customers from bad actors.

我们了解了SPF,DKIM,DMARC – 验证电子邮件的方法,即我们和来自不良行为者的客户。

SPF is a domain based approach which defines which servers are allowed to send emails. It’s domain based, and the receiver of the email does the checking. DKIM is message based and proves that the middleman servers who forward your email along to its destination haven’t tampered with it by using signatures based on private keys added to the email. The private key is located in the DNS, and messages are authenticated against that. DMARC is newest, and a domain based approach that lets the recipient decide what happens to emails which fail SPF or DKIM: nothing (go to inbox), quarantine (go to spam), or reject.

SPF是一种基于域的方法,它定义了允许哪些服务器发送电子邮件。 它是基于域的,电子邮件的收件人进行检查。 DKIM是基于消息的,并证明了基于添加到电子邮件的私钥使用签名的中间人服务器不会篡改电子邮件,该中间人服务器将您的电子邮件转发到目的地。 私钥位于DNS中,并根据该私钥对消息进行身份验证。 DMARC是最新的,并且是一种基于域的方法,使收件人可以决定对未通过SPF或DKIM验证的电子邮件会发生什么:什么(转到收件箱),隔离(转到垃圾邮件)或拒绝。

A very interesting talk in which I learned some new things, but am not sure how to smoothly and easily apply this knowledge to my projects. Will have to investigate, and definitely look into Postmark – they’re doubling all purchased credit for all Laracon attendees. So if you buy $10000, you get $10000.

我在一次非常有趣的演讲中学习了一些新知识,但不确定如何将这些知识轻松顺利地应用于我的项目。 将不得不进行调查,并且一定要调查邮戳–他们正在为所有Laracon与会者增加所有购买的积分。 因此,如果您购买$ 10000,您将获得$ 10000。

3月8日,欧洲中部时间21:50更新 (Update 21:50 CET, March 8th)

Jason JMac McCreary, the author of Laravel Shift, is laying down some brutal honesty about our knowledge of Git – in short, we’re clueless about it, he says. In this talk, he’ll apparently be our Git master and teach us the forgotten (or never discovered) commands that can save lives.

Laravel Shift的作者Jason JMac McCreary对我们对Git的了解奠定了一些残酷的诚实–简而言之,我们对此一无所知。 在本次演讲中,他显然将成为我们的Git大师,并教给我们可以挽救生命的被遗忘(或从未发现)的命令。

3月8日CET更新22:26 (Update 22:26 CET, March 8th)

We learned that:


git add has the -i and -p flag. The first is “interactive” in which you get asked questions about what to do with the uncommitted changes. The latter creates patches from individual code changes, lets you commit only a part of a changed file for example.

git add具有-i和-p标志。 第一个是“交互式的”,在其中您会被问到如何处理未提交的更改的问题。 后者从单个代码更改创建补丁,例如,仅允许您提交更改文件的一部分。

git stash which is usually used when you need to pause work on a branch and check out another but Git won’t let you because it’s uncommited, can actually have the flag --include-untracked which also stashes files you haven’t added yet!

git stash,通常在您需要在分支上暂停工作并签出另一个分支时使用,但是Git不允许,因为它是未提交的,实际上可以带有--include-untracked标志,它也可以隐藏您未add ed的文件然而!

to copy a remote branch, you can use the colon syntax: git push origin master:staging – the master branch will get copied into the staging branch online!

要复制远程分支,可以使用冒号语法: git push origin master:staging – master分支将在线复制到staging分支中!

git rebase and cherry pick supposedly have magical powers, but I’ll have to re-read about those because they just don’t click in my head.

git rebase和cherry pick应该具有神奇的功能,但是我不得不重新阅读这些内容,因为它们只是不会点击我的脑袋。 git bisect is a git loop which takes a starting commit and an ending commit and then goes through them one by one, interactively asking you if each is okay. Useful for finding out when a bug appeared in a very big history.

git bisect是一个git循环,它接受一个开始提交和一个结束提交,然后一个一个地遍历它们,以交互方式询问您是否都可以。 有助于发现错误的历史记录。

We were also shown some amazing shortcuts (like git checkout - which switches to the last used branch), and introduced to some anti-patterns, not the least of which was the overcomplicated Github flow, these days mostly bettered by the arguably simpler Git flow.

我们还看到了一些惊人的捷径(例如git checkout -切换到上一个使用的分支),并介绍了一些反模式,其中最重要的就是过于复杂的Github流,这些天大多数时候都可以通过更简单的Git流来改善。

Jason’s talk made me feel like a true Git amateur, and I can’t wait to try and apply some of these tips on the currently biggest repo I manage: SitePoint’s Peer Review Repo. Jason explains all this and much more on Getting Git.

杰森(Jason)的讲话使我感到自己是一名真正的Git业余爱好者,我迫不及待想尝试在我管理的当前最大的回购中应用其中的一些技巧: SitePoint的Peer Review Repo 。 杰森(Jason)解释了这一切,并进一步了解了Geting Git 。

3月8日CET更新22:40 (Update 22:40 CET, March 8th)

Matt Stauffer takes the stage as the final speaker to go into detail about Laravel Container – what Taylor before him said could easily be used outside Laravel itself. Matt is also the author of Torch, a collection of instructions on how to use Laravel packages outside of the framework.

马特·斯塔夫( Matt Stauffer)作为最后一位发言者,讨论了有关Laravel Container的详细信息-泰勒在他之前说过的内容很容易在Laravel本身之外使用。 Matt还是Torch的作者, Torch是关于如何在框架之外使用Laravel软件包的说明集合。

He dives into the way the Container works, what it does, and what DI and IoC means.


3月8日CET更新23:20 (Update 23:20 CET, March 8th)

Matt’s talk was a little underwhelming to me personally – I expected some Container extravagance, but it turned out to be little more than a basic introduction to the component. I’m sure it’s useful for some people, but I’m thinking such introductory content would have been better placed at the beginning of the conference. Again, just my impression.

就我个人而言,Matt的发言对我来说有点不为所动-我希望获得一些Container的奢侈之处,但事实证明,它不过是对该组件的基本介绍而已。 我确定它对某些人有用,但是我认为这样的介绍性内容最好在会议开始时放置。 同样,只是我的印象。

The content certainly was useful, and the defence of the Facade concept in Laravel was well worded (even though I can’t believe that’s still an issue for some people)…




— Taylor Otwell (@taylorotwell) 6 March 2017

—泰勒·奥特威尔(@taylorotwell) 2017年3月6日

I mean, it’s just a word. It’s not like a PDO Driver literally gets into a car and drives. A DB slave isn’t an actual slave. Airship isn’t powered by actual zeppelins, and doesn’t have real landings and lenses instead of controllers and views. Just drop it, eh?

我的意思是,这只是一个字。 这不像PDO Driver真正进入汽车并开车。 数据库从站不是实际的从站。 飞艇不是由真正的齐柏林飞艇提供动力,也没有真正的着陆器和镜头,而不是控制器和视野。 放下吧?

My final impression of the conference is an entirely positive one. It was so cheap it was almost free, the digital swag bag more than made up for it (huge discounts for various online services and courses), and the speakers were all very pleasant people, positive, well spoken, and knowledgeable. Most also did their best to answer as many questions as possible afterwards on an admittedly sub-par platform for such a discussion.

我对会议的最终印象是完全正面的。 它是如此便宜以至于几乎是免费的,数字赃物包远远超过它所能弥补的(各种在线服务和课程都有很大的折扣),而且讲者们都很友好,积极,口语和知识渊博。 多数人随后都在公认的低于标准的平台上尽了最大的努力来回答此类问题。

Laracon Online is a great conference, and I wholeheartedly recommend you join us next year. I’ve learned a lot, gotten more curious about the framework, and intend to dive into 5.4 a bit more seriously now.

Laracon Online是一个很棒的会议,我衷心建议您明年加入我们。 我学到了很多东西,对框架越来越好奇,现在打算更认真地研究5.4。

What did you think? How was it?

你觉得呢? 它怎么样?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/covering-laracon-online-conferences-introvert-heaven/
