%hh% 星期 怎么表示

tech2022-08-30  133

%hh% 星期 怎么表示

This sponsored article was created by our content partner, BAW Media. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

这篇赞助文章是由我们的内容合作伙伴BAW Media创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Little gems hidden in an array of Cyber Monday details are easy to miss. If you're looking for the kind of top value deal that doesn't come your way all that often, you won't want to miss this one.

隐藏在一系列“网络星期一”详细信息中的小宝石很容易遗漏。 如果您正在寻找那种并非经常出现的最高价值交易,那么您将不会错过这一交易。

Perhaps you've already found something that made you squeal with excitement. If so, it's a good thing you didn't stop right there, because you've just come across this year's #1 Cyber Monday deal.

也许您已经找到了令您兴奋不已的东西。 如果是这样,这是一件好事,您没有就此止步,因为您刚刚遇到了今年的第一大网络星期一交易。

This offer comes from Elegant Themes, the creator of Divi, the world's most popular premium WordPress theme.

此优惠来自世界上最受欢迎的高级WordPress主题Divi的创建者Elegant Themes。

They've gone all out with their biggest ever discount: 25% off on their Developer and Lifetime accounts, and they've added in free Divi layouts.

他们全力以赴,享受有史以来最大的折扣: 其开发人员和终身帐户享有25%的折扣,并添加了免费的Divi布局。

关于优雅主题 (About Elegant Themes)

Here's what you need to know about Elegant Themes' wildly popular WordPress toolkit, if you didn't already:

如果您还没有,这是您需要了解的有关Elegant Themes广受欢迎的WordPress工具包的信息:

1.这是终极的WordPress工具包 (1. It's the ultimate WordPress toolkit)

An Elegant Themes membership gives you access to 87 themes and 3 plugins, one of which is Divi, the ultimate WordPress Theme and Visual Page Builder. Divi will change your approach to website building forever.

典雅主题会员资格使您可以访问87个主题和3个插件,其中之一是Divi,终极WordPress主题和可视页面生成器。 Divi将永远改变您建立网站的方式。

2.您将获得无限使用 (2. You'll get unlimited use)

The one-time fee gives you unlimited use, so you needn't concern yourself about per-website pricing. There's a 25% Cyber Monday discount on the fee by the way, which means your membership gives you access to the most value-packed collection of WordPress tools on the market.

一次性费用可让您无限使用,因此您不必担心按网站定价。 顺便说一下, 网络星期一的费用可享受25%的折扣 ,这意味着您的会员资格使您可以访问市场上最具价值的WordPress工具集合。

3.定价计划简单 (3. The pricing plan is SIMPLE)

There's none of the "this plan gives you this, that plan gives you that” nonsense. It's a single membership, a one-time fee, and you get the entire collection of themes and plugins. Period.


4.您将获得可以信赖的产品 (4. You'll get products you can trust)

Elegant Themes didn't establish itself as a leader in WordPress theme and plugin development without some very good reasons. They've been at it for the past decade, during which time constant improvement of each and every product has been the norm.

没有一些很好的理由,Elegant Themes并没有将自己确立为WordPress主题和插件开发的领导者。 在过去的十年中,他们一直在努力,在此期间,每个产品的不断改进一直是常态。

网络星期一特惠带来的好处 (What You Get with the Cyber Monday Deal)

Let's get into some of the details that make this Cyber Monday deal a not-to-be-missed opportunity. We strongly suspect that you'll like what you see.

让我们深入探讨一些细节,使这次“网络星期一”交易成为不容错过的机会。 我们强烈怀疑您会喜欢您所看到的。

Divi –世界上最受欢迎的高级WordPress主题 (Divi – The World's Most Popular Premium WordPress Theme)

Divi is Elegant Theme's flagship theme. If BuiltWith.com's stats are an indication, Divi is the most widely-used premium WordPress theme in the world. Calling Divi a theme is somewhat of an oversimplification however.

Divi是优雅主题的旗舰主题。 如果显示BuiltWith.com的统计数据,那么Divi是世界上使用最广泛的高级WordPress主题。 但是,将Divi称为主题有点过于简单。

A website-building framework would be a more accurate description; a framework that allows you to design beautiful websites without coding, and without requiring assistance from a collection of disjointed plugins.

网站建设框架将是更准确的描述; 一个框架,可让您设计美观的网站,而无需编写代码,也无需收集大量不相关的插件。

To date, 500,591 and counting users are building or have built websites with Divi. They make up one of the most empowered WordPress communities on the web.

迄今为止,有500,591个用户正在使用Divi建立或建立网站。 它们构成了网络上功能最强大的WordPress社区之一。

多功能Divi Builder (The Versatile Divi Builder)

The Divi Builder is a visual drag and drop builder that can be used with any theme. This page-building plugin uses the same visual page-building technology that helped make the Divi theme such a roaring success. The only difference is, it's a standalone product so it can be used with any theme.

Divi Builder是一种可视化拖放生成器,可以与任何主题一起使用。 这个页面构建插件使用了相同的可视页面构建技术,该技术帮助使Divi主题取得了巨大成功。 唯一的区别是,它是独立产品,因此可以与任何主题一起使用。

As is the case with the Divi theme, you can use the Divi Builder's visual design interface to build anything and customize everything.

与Divi主题一样,您可以使用Divi Builder的可视化设计界面来构建任何内容并自定义所有内容。

Extra –由Divi Builder提供支持的Ultimate Magazine WordPress主题 (Extra – The Ultimate Magazine WordPress Theme Powered by the Divi Builder)

Extra is a magazine theme that takes the Divi Builder framework and adds a newly-designed set of 40+ post-based modules to extend its power even further. Extra is ideal for creating blogs and online publications. The content modules serve as page-building content blocks (the easy way to do it).

Extra是采用Divi Builder框架的杂志主题,并添加了一组新设计的40多个基于帖子的模块,以进一步扩展其功能。 Extra是创建博客和在线出版物的理想选择。 内容模块用作页面构建内容块(简便的方法)。

Choose the content elements you need, customize them, arrange them, and you're good to go!


Bloom – WordPress的电子邮件选择加入和潜在客户生成 (Bloom – Email Opt-In and Lead Generation for WordPress)

Bloom provides an easy way to gather leads and build a mailing list. If provides six different customizable opt-in types and a sophisticated set of visitors targeting methods.

Bloom提供了一种简单的方法来收集潜在客户并建立邮件列表。 If提供了六种不同的可自定义选择加入类型以及一套完善的访问者定位方法。

Email reigns supreme as a marketing tool. This easy-to-work-with plugin does your list building for you and gives you the means to convert a website's visitors into followers and customers.

电子邮件作为一种营销工具而占据主导地位。 这个易于使用的插件可以为您建立列表,并为您提供一种将网站的访问者转变为关注者和客户的方法。

君主–适用于WordPress的顶级社交媒体共享插件 (Monarch – The Premier Social Media Sharing Plugin for WordPress)

Social Media has become the Internet's lifeblood, and social sharing uses it as a positive force for businesses. Elegant Theme's Monarch plugin enables its users to engage and empower online communities.

社交媒体已成为互联网的命脉,社交共享将其用作企业的积极力量。 Elegant Theme的Monarch插件使用户能够参与并增强在线社区的能力。

Monarch will help you get more shares and followers, and it will do so without negatively impacting website performance.


结语 (Wrapping Up)

Given all that it offers, Elegant Theme's Cyber Monday deal gives you a positively insane amount of value for your investment. After all, Element Theme's products are so popular (Divi being the prime example) that there's never been a need to offer discounts like this one to attract new customers.

鉴于其提供的所有内容, Elegant Theme的“网络星期一”交易为您带来了惊人的投资价值。 毕竟,Element Theme的产品是如此受欢迎(以Divi为例),以至于从来没有必要像这样提供折扣来吸引新客户。

Divi, Divi Builder, Extra, Bloom, and Monarch. You've seen what they can do, which makes this a no-brainer of an offer a very wise investment.

Divi,Divi Builder,Extra,Bloom和Monarch。 您已经看到他们可以做什么,这使报价成为明智的投资。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/cyber-monday-elegant-themes-offers-25-off-in-biggest-discount-ever/

%hh% 星期 怎么表示
