nginx 502错误

tech2022-08-30  133

nginx 502错误

This doesn’t apply to you if you’re using Apache to do local development


I was doing some local dev work recently, but for the first time in my “new” browser – Opera. I set up my Homestead Improved instance and its virtual hosts as usual, but then couldn’t get anything other than a 502 error to show up:

我最近在做一些本地开发工作,但是这是我第一次使用“新”浏览器Opera。 我像往常一样设置了Homestead Improvementd实例及其虚拟主机,但是除了显示502错误外,什么也没得到:

If you inspect the dev tools, you’ll notice the status is 502 – typical of an Nginx bad gateway error.

如果您检查开发工具,则会注意到状态为502 –典型的Nginx网关错误。

I then spent around 30 minutes starting at dead empty error logs in my VM, and re-checking the PHP socket and ports, until it hit me that I was looking in the wrong place:


Opera has VPN on by default in the version that’s current at the time of this writing, and when you try to visit a valid TLD (.com, .app, .dev, etc) with the VPN on, it crashes. The error you see is the one from Opera’s VPN which is, incidentally, running Nginx.

在撰写本文时,Opera默认启用了当前版本的VPN,当您尝试使用VPN来访问有效的TLD(.com,.app,.dev等)时,它会崩溃。 您看到的错误是Opera的VPN中的一个错误,该错误是正在运行Nginx。

To solve the issue, all one has to do is turn off the VPN during local development and it’ll work.


Hope this helped someone avoid more unnecessary log hunting.



nginx 502错误
