
tech2022-08-30  110


There are lots of advantages to working away from the office, both for developers and for the companies that employ them. Think about avoiding the daily commute, the cost of office space, the cost of living in or traveling to the city for rural or international workers, the inconvenience of office work for differently abled people or those with unusual family or life responsibilities, and the inflexibility of trying to keep traditional 9–5 hours as more and more of our workforce adapts to the gig economy by taking on second jobs or part-time side hustles.

对于开发人员和雇用他们的公司而言,离开办公室工作有很多好处。 考虑避免日常通勤,办公空间的成本,农村或国际工人在城市中的生活或出差的成本,有能力的人或有特殊家庭或生活责任的人的办公室工作带来的不便以及僵化努力保持传统的9-5个小时,因为我们越来越多的员工通过从事第二职业或兼职工作来适应演出经济。

Remote work can help address many of these difficulties while improving team transparency and putting the focus of work back on the reasons you were hired for your job in the first place. It also opens up a world of possibilities for companies, including broader recruitment opportunities, improved worker transparency, lower infrastructure costs, and more scalable business models based on actual worker productivity.

远程工作可以帮助解决许多这些困难,同时提高团队透明度,并将工作重点重新放在最初被录用的原因上。 它还为公司开辟了无限的可能性,包括更广泛的招聘机会,更高的工人透明度,更低的基础设施成本以及基于实际工人生产率的更具可扩展性的业务模型。

But working from home or from a co-working space can also present new challenges, and learning how to recognize them and overcome them can make the difference between a productive, happy work experience and endless hours of misery, loneliness, and frustration.


Think I’m being overdramatic? Let me explain.

认为我过分夸张了吗? 让我解释。

I’ve had the experience of being the remote worker who didn’t think he needed to pay attention to interpersonal office dynamics, or keep track of his time and accomplishments. I’ve worked long into the evening because I didn’t notice when the work day ended. I’ve struggled with inefficient tools that might have worked fine in an office environment, but proved woefully inadequate when it came to remote collaboration.

我曾经作为一名远程工作者的经验,他认为他不需要关注人际交往的动态,也不必跟踪自己的时间和成就。 我已经工作到很晚了,因为我没有注意到工作日何时结束。 我一直在努力寻找效率低下的工具,这些工具在办公环境中可能效果很好,但是在进行远程协作时却被证明是远远不够的。

So I’ve learned to cope with these issues myself, and for years I’ve been coaching engineering teams by working on-site, remotely, and in various combinations of the two. Depending on your situation, there are a number of useful tools, tricks, and fundamental practices that can make your remote working experience so much better than it is today — for yourself, your team, your manager, and your company.

因此,我已经学会了自己解决这些问题,多年来,我一直在现场,远程工作以及以两种不同的组合来指导工程团队。 根据您的情况,对于您自己,您的团队,您的经理和您的公司而言,有许多有用的工具,技巧和基本实践可以使您的远程工作体验比现在更好。

Looking for your next role? The SitePoint Remote job board helps you find the best remote jobs in tech.

寻找下一个角色? SitePoint远程作业板可帮助您找到技术上最好的远程作业。

远程自我管理 (Remote Self-management)

For better or for worse, most of us are used to having a manager decide what our working hours are, where we’re going to sit, what equipment we’re going to use, and whom we’re going to collaborate with. That’s a luxury that comes with the convenience of working together in a shared space, where management can supervise and coordinate our efforts. It may not always feel luxurious, but you may well find yourself missing the support of an attentive manager when you start working from home and realize you have to make these decisions for yourself.

不管是好是坏,我们大多数人习惯于让经理决定我们的工作时间,坐的位置,要使用的设备以及与谁合作。 这是一种奢侈,伴随着在共享空间中共同工作的便利,管理人员可以在此监督和协调我们的工作。 它可能并不总是那么豪华,但是当您从家中开始工作并意识到自己必须自己做出这些决定时,您可能会发现自己失去了一位细心的经理的支持。

制定时间表并坚持下去! (Set a Schedule and Stick to It!)

The first tip I offer for anyone starting out a remote role is to establish the hours you’re going to work, and stick to those hours.


It’s not as easy as it sounds. When you’re working from home, you won’t have all of the little cues that come with office life to tell you when to pause for lunch, when to take a break, and when to stop working for the day. Working from a co-working space or a coffee shop can help, but it’s not the same as having your colleagues around you to exert that not-so-subtle social pressure. What’s more, if you start to feel anxious about whether people at the office know how hard you’re working, you may find yourself wanting to compensate by putting in a few extra hours.

这并不像听起来那么容易。 当您在家工作时,您将没有办公室生活中附带的所有小提示来告诉您何时暂停午餐,何时休息以及何时停止工作。 在共同工作的地方或咖啡厅工作可能会有所帮助,但这与让您周围的同事施加这种不太微妙的社会压力并不相同。 而且,如果您开始担心办公室的人是否知道您的工作辛苦,您可能会发现自己想通过多花几个小时来弥补。

Some people find that it’s easier to compartmentalize remote work by using a co-working space, simulating the effect of going out to work and then coming back at the end of the day. If you’re working from home, your professional and personal lives can start to blend. You’re going to find yourself washing the dishes, feeding the cat, answering the telephone, and attending to all the other chores that crop up in your living space. And you know what? That’s just fine! … as long as it doesn’t start to interfere with your productivity on the job.

有人发现,通过使用共同工作空间,模拟外出工作然后在一天结束后再回来的效果,将远程工作分隔开更加容易。 如果您在家工作,您的职业和个人生活将开始融合。 您会发现自己要洗碗,喂猫,接电话以及照顾生活空间中所有其他繁琐的杂事。 你知道吗? 很好! …只要不开始影响您的工作效率。

Decide up front on your morning and afternoon work hours and respect them. Write them down somewhere you won’t forget to see them, so you can’t pretend you don’t know what they are. The same advice applies to teams working together in an office or people using co-working spaces, but it’s even more critical if you’re working from home.

决定早上和下午的工作时间,并尊重他们。 将它们写下来,您将不会忘记看到它们,因此您无法假装不知道它们是什么。 相同的建议适用于在办公室中一起工作的团队或使用共同工作空间的人们,但是如果您在家工作,这一点尤为重要。

让所有人知道您将在何时何地工作 (Let Everyone Know When and Where You’ll Be Working)

Building on the theme of scheduling, a remote worker needs to let anyone who works with them know how to get in touch, and may need to encourage that kind of contact regularly. Remote workers can feel isolated or even excluded — left out of important decisions because people at the office simply forgot about them. It’s up to the person who’s working off site to make their existence known throughout the work day, and to advocate for visibility.

基于调度的主题,远程工作者需要让与他们合作的任何人都知道如何取得联系,并且可能需要定期鼓励这种联系。 远程工作人员可能会感到孤立,甚至被排斥在外-被重要的决策遗漏了,因为办公室里的人们只是忘记了他们。 在异地工作的人必须在整个工作日内公开他们的存在,并倡导能见度。

This can be easier said than done. One of the advantages of remote work is the ability to focus without interruption for extended periods. Sometimes just the knowledge that the bubble of isolation can be broken is enough to foster distraction and make it harder to concentrate. This can make the experience draining and unproductive, and negate most of the advantages.

说起来容易做起来难。 远程工作的优点之一是能够长时间无间断地专注。 有时,仅仅知道隔离泡沫可以打破的知识就足以引起分心,使注意力更加难以集中。 这会使体验变得枯燥乏味且无用,并抵消了大多数优势。

It’s not a bad idea to start off just using email to stay in touch with the team for typical group communications. And as a personal productivity tip, try to establish set times during the day to check that email — perhaps three or so over the course of a day. Checking your email constantly can establish a pattern of behavior that puts your attention at the mercy of anyone who wants to reach out to you for anything at any time. Email is asynchronous by nature, so use that to your advantage when you’re working from home.

从仅使用电子邮件与团队保持联系以进行典型的小组交流开始,这不是一个坏主意。 作为个人效率提示,请尝试在一天中确定设置时间来检查该电子邮件-一天中可能大约三遍。 不断检查您的电子邮件可以建立一种行为方式,使您的注意力落在任何想要随时与您联系的人的摆布上。 电子邮件本质上是异步的,因此在家中工作时可以利用它来发挥优势。

Apart from direct communication, it’s good to get your team using a messaging tool such as Slack or HipChat. These services can run in the background on every team member’s computer, or even on their mobile devices, providing a shared space for inter-team, intra-team, and cross-functional messaging. There are secure ways for companies to make services like these available for sensitive internal communications, and they can work both on site and off site, establishing virtual shared message boards to keep teams aligned.

除了直接沟通之外,让您的团队使用Slack或HipChat之类的消息传递工具也是一件好事 。 这些服务可以在每个团队成员的计算机甚至移动设备上在后台运行,从而为团队间,团队内和跨功能消息传递提供共享空间。 公司可以通过安全的方式使此类服务可用于敏感的内部通信,并且它们可以在现场和非现场工作,建立虚拟共享留言板以使团队保持一致。

紧急沟通计划 (Plan for Urgent Communication)

But what if somebody needs to get in contact with you right away? Of course you’re working, so you should be available to your team in case of an emergency. Depending on how often this sort of thing occurs in your type of job, it’s a good idea to offer your team and your manager a backup way to get in touch with you directly for urgent communication. Texting or telephone calls can work for this, and the group messaging tools I mentioned also support notifications, but some teams like to use a third-party application that’s not tied to the company and supports group chats and notifications such as WhatsApp or Telegram, especially when the team has international members.

但是,如果有人需要立即与您联系,该怎么办? 当然,您正在工作,因此在紧急情况下应与团队保持联系。 根据您工作中这种情况发生的频率,最好为您的团队和经理提供备用方法,以便与您直接联系以进行紧急沟通。 短信或电话可以解决此问题,我提到的群组消息工具也支持通知,但是一些团队喜欢使用与公司无关的第三方应用程序,并支持群组聊天和通知,例如WhatsApp或Telegram ,尤其是当团队有国际成员时。

In fact, it’s not a bad idea to have everybody on the team make their emergency contact information available in one centralized location. This is one of the enhancements that show how supporting remote workers can improve the productivity of an entire team. Just pay attention to whether people start to abuse the privilege, and manage expectations appropriately.

实际上,让团队中的每个人都在一个集中的位置提供他们的紧急联系信息不是一个坏主意。 这是增强功能之一,它显示了支持远程工作人员如何提高整个团队的生产力。 只要注意人们是否开始滥用特权,并适当地管理期望。

Once you’ve established a workable schedule, get feedback and buy-in from anyone you need to coordinate with on a regular basis. Doing this consciously can help you recognize when you need to be focusing on the job, and when it’s appropriate to step out for a bit of shopping. Most importantly, it helps you decide when the day is over so you can turn off and truly relax, knowing you’ve completed your work.

建立可行的时间表后,请定期与需要协调的任何人取得反馈和支持。 有意识地这样做可以帮助您识别何时需要专注于工作,以及何时适合进行一些购物。 最重要的是,它可以帮助您决定一天的结束时间,从而在知道自己已经完成工作的情况下关闭并真正放松。

建立工作空间和设备 (Establish Work Space and Equipment)

You may think that the logistics of working at home will be as easy as rolling over in your bed, pulling out your regular laptop, and logging in to the office computer. That can work, but it may not be the most productive approach. It’s important to establish clear distinctions between your work and home screen time in order to help you focus when you’re working, and relax when you’re not.

您可能会认为在家工作的后勤工作就像在床上翻身,拿出普通笔记本电脑并登录到办公室计算机一样容易。 那可以奏效,但可能不是最有效的方法。 重要的是要在工作时间和主屏幕时间之间建立清晰的区分,以帮助您在工作时集中精力,在不工作时放松身心。

The first thing to do is to secure dedicated equipment that you can use for work. If you try to use your home computer, you’re going to find yourself distracted very easily by non-work projects. You might be surprised to discover how appealing that unfinished work project sitting in the corner of your desktop can be late when you’re off the clock. Work can eat into your personal time when you should be refreshing your mind with other ideas.

首先要做的是保护可用于工作的专用设备。 如果您尝试使用家用计算机,您会发现自己很容易因非工作项目而分心。 您可能会惊讶地发现,当您不工作时,坐在桌面角落的未完成的工作项目多么有吸引力可能会迟到。 当您应该用其他想法使您的思想焕然一新时,工作可能会占用您的个人时间。

There are potential financial and business implications as well. Using your home computer for work means you may be spending money on duplicate software or balancing work across different versions of the same software, let alone the the wear and tear on your equipment. That’s an expense that should be supported by the company you’re working for. There may also be significant security issues associated with using personal equipment for work. You may be creating hidden security issues for yourself and your company.

也有潜在的财务和业务影响。 使用家用计算机进行工作意味着您可能会花钱购买重复软件或平衡同一软件的不同版本之间的工作,更不用说设备的磨损了。 这是您应该为之工作的公司提供的费用。 使用个人设备上班可能还会有重大的安全问题。 您可能正在为自己和公司制造隐藏的安全问题。

It’s a good idea to establish dedicated space in your home for work. It should be an area that you can isolate from your personal life so you won’t be distracted. Even if you live in a studio, you might want to set aside a small desk or table in one corner, facing away from the rest of the room, that you’ll only use for work. It’s much harder to slip in a few extra hours of work when it involves moving to a different space and using separate equipment. And depending on where you live and your employment status, there may also be tax incentives allowing you to write off a percentage of your housing costs for space that is dedicated to work.

在您的家中建立专用的工作空间是个好主意。 这应该是一个可以与您的个人生活隔离的区域,这样您就不会分心。 即使您住在工作室,您可能也想在一个角落摆放一张小桌子或桌子,背对着房间的其余部分,这只能用于工作。 当涉及转移到另一个空间并使用单独的设备时,要花费额外的几个小时的工作要困难得多。 并且,根据您的居住地和就业状况,可能还会有税收优惠政策,使您可以冲销一定比例的住房成本以用于专用于工作的空间。

Your home office may not need to be completely soundproof, but you should keep in mind how noise might affect your ability to concentrate so that you don’t have to tell anyone you live with to turn off the television or shut down their lives just because you’re working. You may need to barter for quiet time with roommates when you have to participate in remote meetings where noise levels can be an issue.

您的家庭办公室可能不需要完全隔音,但请记住,噪音可能会如何影响您的注意力集中度,因此您不必告诉与您生活在一起的任何人就可以关掉电视或关掉他们的生活,你在工作 当您必须参加可能会引起噪音水平的远程会议时,可能需要与室友交换安静的时间。

If you have a separate room where you can work, all the better. That will allow you to close the door and focus while you’re on the job, and then make a clean break from work at the end of the day. Just be sure network access, power, lighting, and seating ergonomics are all suitable to support the span of your work day.

如果您有单独的房间可以工作,那就更好了。 这样一来,您就可以在上班时关上门,集中精力,然后在一天结束时彻底休息一下。 只要确保网络访问,电源,照明和座椅人体工程学都适合您的工作时间即可。

遥控工具 (Remote Tools)

Having the right tools, both at the office and away, can make all the difference for remote workers. Software and online services can be used to help you stay in sync with your teammates, track and share evidence of what you’ve been up to outside the office, and calm any nagging concerns about how you’re spending your time. In some cases these may be tools you are already familiar with, but you may not have taken advantage of the ways that they can be used to support remote team members.

无论在办公室还是在办公室外,都有合适的工具对远程工作人员来说,可能会有所不同。 软件和在线服务可用于帮助您与队友保持同步,跟踪和共享您在办公室外所做的事情的证据,以及减轻有关您如何花费时间的烦恼。 在某些情况下,这些可能是您已经熟悉的工具,但是您可能没有利用它们可用于支持远程团队成员的方式。

参与会议 (Stay Involved in Meetings)

It’s a hurdle to get teams used to working together in a physical space to include people who are not in the same room at the same time. But as much as you may try to avoid meetings, these are the times when remote workers need to make their presence known most.

要让团队习惯于在物理空间中一起工作以包括不在同一房间的人,这是一个障碍。 但是,正如您可能会尝试避免开会一样,这是远程工作者最需要引起他们注意的时候。

Using a shared scheduling tool such as Google Calendar or Outlook can help formalize meeting times, and make sure everyone who needs to know about the meetings gets the message. And services such as Skype or Zoom can help make meetings more inclusive for geographically distributed teams. These services support live multi-person conference calling with audio, video, and screen sharing features that can even include on-screen collaboration with remote screen control. If you can get your team to create a shared meeting space in your favorite collaboration tool, and to initialize it at the start of every meeting they have, you have a better chance of staying involved.

使用诸如Google日历或Outlook之类的共享计划工具可以帮助确定会议时间,并确保需要了解会议的每个人都能收到消息。 Skype或Zoom之类的服务可以帮助使地理分布团队的会议更具包容性。 这些服务支持具有音频,视频和屏幕共享功能的实时多人电话会议,甚至可以包括带有远程屏幕控制的屏幕协作。 如果您可以让您的团队在自己喜欢的协作工具中创建一个共享的会议空间,并在每次会议开始时对其进行初始化,那么您就有更大的机会参与其中。

A meeting is a great opportunity to make up for the lack of interaction that comes from working in a different location. Learn to ask questions, participate in the pre-meeting and post-meeting banter, and generally make your engagement known. Much of the value of working on a team comes from the interpersonal dynamic and shared sense of purpose. You don’t want to lose access to that aspect of the job just because you’re not breathing the same air as everyone you work with.

会议是弥补因在不同地点工作而缺乏互动的绝佳机会。 学习提出问题,参加会议前和会议后的玩笑,并通常使您的参与度提高。 在团队中工作的大部分价值来自人际动态和共同的目标感。 您不想仅仅因为您没有与所工作的所有人呼吸相同的气氛而失去工作的机会。

跟踪您的任务和成就 (Track Your Tasks and Accomplishments)

Your career is your responsibility, and doing what you can to make sure your manager is aware of your struggles and successes is critical regardless of where you’re doing the work. It’s easy for the details of daily work to be ignored, and many traditional companies accept that tradeoff as long as they can see workers sitting at their desks. Remote work breaks that anti-pattern, and rightly puts the focus back on what you’ve actually accomplished with your day. As the person working off site, it’s your responsibility to make sure the work you’re doing is tracked and recognized.

您的职业生涯是您的责任,无论您在何处从事工作,确保自己的经理了解自己的奋斗和成功都是至关重要的。 日常工作的细节很容易被忽略,许多传统公司只要能看到工人坐在办公桌前就接受这种折衷。 远程工作打破了这种反模式,正确地将重点放在了您一天实际完成的工作上。 作为不在现场工作的人员,您有责任确保跟踪和认可您所做的工作。

If you’re doing development work, it’s possible your team already uses tools such as JIRA or Pivotal Tracker to define and evaluate the progress of work. As long as you can get to these services and keep them updated, you may not need to do much more than that.

如果您在进行开发工作,则您的团队可能已经使用JIRA或Pivotal Tracker之类的工具来定义和评估工作进度。 只要可以使用这些服务并保持更新,您可能不需要做更多的事情。

For many of us, the project work we take on is not always as clearly defined. In those cases, it’s useful to establish a system for prioritizing and tracking your own work. Tools such as Basecamp and Trello are excellent for this purpose, providing a structure for defining tasks and updating their status easily and transparently as you go. The flavor of tool you choose depends entirely on your comfort and the features you prefer.

对于我们许多人来说,我们从事的项目工作并不总是很明确。 在这种情况下,建立一个优先级和跟踪自己的工作的系统很有用。 为此, Basecamp和Trello等工具非常出色,它们提供了一种定义任务并随身携带透明透明地更新任务状态的结构。 您选择的工具的风格完全取决于您的舒适度和喜欢的功能。

远程配对和围攻 (Remote Pairing and Mobbing)

With the growing popularity of team-oriented agile approaches to development work, it’s reasonable to assume that not everybody is working alone on individual projects. One of the advantages of working as part of a team is that you get to leverage the skills and abilities of your teammates, and working remotely shouldn’t get in the way of that. But what if your team has adopted pairing or mobbing, where two or more developers work together with a shared screen and keyboard?

随着面向团队的敏捷方法在开发工作中的日益普及,可以合理地假设并非每个人都在单独处理单个项目。 团队合作的优势之一是,您可以利用队友的技能和能力,而远程工作不应该妨碍您。 但是,如果您的团队采用了配对或围攻,而两个或多个开发人员使用共享的屏幕和键盘一起工作,该怎么办?

Setting up your workplace to support remote workers can be an advantage for teams that pair and mob. By making sure that information sharing and collaboration tools are available both on site and away, teams get the opportunity to think through the transparency issues that come up when they have resources and data that need to be available across the team. This can lower the bar when it comes to the logistics of getting remote workers set up as part of a pair or a mob.

设置工作场所以支持远程工作者可能是配对和暴民团队的优势。 通过确保信息共享和协作工具在现场和外部都可用,团队可以有机会对团队中需要获得资源和数据时出现的透明性问题进行思考。 当涉及将远程工作人员设置为一对或暴民的一部分时,这可以降低门槛。

In recent years, a number of excellent tools have popped up to make it easier to support pairing and mobbing across different locations. One of the earliest tools for sharing screen control was Screenhero, recently integrated into Slack, but now several other conferencing tools and integrated development environments have integrated remote screen control features, making this ability more commonplace. Which one you choose may come down to personal preference, but you can check out a few and see for yourself what makes the most sense for your team.

近年来,涌现了许多出色的工具,可以更轻松地支持不同位置的配对和围攻。 最早的共享屏幕控制工具之一是Screenhero,最近集成到了Slack中 ,但是现在其他一些会议工具和集成开发环境都集成了远程屏幕控制功能,从而使此功能变得更加普遍。 您选择哪一个可能会因个人喜好而异 ,但是您可以查看其中的一些内容,并亲自了解什么对您的团队最有意义。

接受权衡 (Accept the Tradeoffs)

Working away from your team is not a decision to make lightly. Even in companies where remote work is part of the culture, it’s easy for difficulties to go unnoticed and fester for years without resolution. The potential advantages are numerous, but you don’t want your job satisfaction undermined by lack of preparation for some of the more predictable challenges.

与您的团队一起工作并非轻率的决定。 即使在将远程工作作为企业文化的一部分的公司中,也很容易在没有解决方案的情况下使困难被忽视多年。 潜在的优势是无数的,但是您不希望由于缺乏对一些更可预测的挑战的准备而破坏工作满意度。

If you have off-site co-workers, check in with them and find out directly how they like the experience. If you’re introducing this idea to a team or an organization that’s not used to the idea of supporting remote work, use this article as a starting point and put together a coherent argument in favor of remote work that will address your company’s concerns as well as your own.

如果您有异地同事,请与他们一起检查并直接了解他们是否喜欢这种体验。 如果您是将这种想法介绍给不习惯支持远程工作的团队或组织,请以本文为起点,并提出一致的论点以支持远程工作,这也将解决您公司的问题作为你自己的。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/remote-work-tips-tricks-and-best-practices-for-success/

