vue 父组件视图传递数据

tech2022-08-30  126

vue 父组件视图传递数据

In MVC based architectures, working with template engines is an inevitable part of the development routine. It usually goes like this: we prepare and pass the data to the view. In the view, we print them based on our layout design.

在基于MVC的体系结构中,使用模板引擎是开发例程中不可避免的一部分。 通常是这样的:我们准备数据并将其传递给视图。 在视图中,我们根据布局设计打印它们。

Here is a basic example of how it works using Twig.


<?php // Twig initialization // Preparing data $user = 'user data'; $posts = 'posts'; $comments = 'comments'; $twig->render('', [ 'user' => $user, 'posts' => $posts, 'comments' => $comments, ]); // ...

There are times, however, when the number of variables might be much higher than this: ten or more. In that case, we’ll have a tall list of variables (as an associative array), being passed to the respective template. It gets messy and unreadable quickly. If only there was a way to just list what we need by name, and have PHP take care of the rest for us. Well… there is!

但是,有时变量的数量可能远远大于此:十个或更多。 在这种情况下,我们将有大量的变量(作为关联数组)被传递给相应的模板。 它变得凌乱且无法快速读取。 如果只有一种方法可以按名称列出我们需要的东西,然后让PHP为我们处理其余的工作。 好吧...有!

In this post, we’re going to talk about a trick for passing the defined variables to the view in a somewhat more convenient way: we can use the PHP native compact() function to handpick the data we need, by referring to the variables by name:


<?php // Twig initialization // Preparing data $user = 'user data'; $posts = 'posts'; $comments = 'comments'; $twig->render('', compact('user', 'posts')); // ...

compact() accepts a list of names, looks for variables with those names (within the current scope) and returns them all as one associative array.


Sometimes it’s even more convenient to specify the variables we don’t need instead of those we do. Since there’s no built-in solution in PHP to compact all the variables (within the current scope) with a few of them excluded, we have to do this as a three-step process.

有时,指定我们不需要的变量甚至更方便些。 由于PHP中没有内置的解决方案来压缩所有变量(在当前范围内),而其中的一些变量被排除在外,因此我们必须分三步进行。

First we need to get all the variables within the controller’s scope with get_defined_vars():


<?php // ... $variables = get_defined_vars(); // ...

Then, we filter out the unwanted variable names from wanted ones, by using PHP’s array_diff function.


array_diff compares an array against one or more arrays, and returns the entries in the first array, which are not present in any of the other arrays.

array_diff将一个数组与一个或多个数组进行比较,并返回第一个数组中的条目,这些条目在任何其他数组中都不存在 。

<?php // ... $variables = get_defined_vars(); $including = array_diff(array_keys($variables), ['user', 'posts', 'comments']); // ...

Finally, we can extract our desired variables (listed in $including) out of $variables by using array_intersect_key().

最后,我们可以使用array_intersect_key()从$variables提取所需变量(列在$including array_intersect_key() 。

array_intersect_key() accepts a number of arrays and returns the entries of the first array the keys of which exist in all the other arrays.


Please note since array_intersect_key() compares keys to get the intersection of the arrays, we need to switch the keys with their associated values in $including by using array_flip():

请注意,由于array_intersect_key()比较键以获取数组的交集,因此我们需要使用array_flip()来切换键及其在$including的关联值, $including :

<?php // ... $variables = get_defined_vars(); $including = array_diff(array_keys($variables), ['user', 'posts', 'comments']); $vars = array_intersect_key($variables, array_flip($including)); // ...

Now, to make the procedure reusable, we can abstract the complexity into a helper function:


<?php //Helpers.php // ... if (!function_exists('only_compact')) { function only_compact($values, $keys) { $keys = array_diff(array_keys($values), $keys); return array_intersect_key($values, array_flip($keys)); }

And this is how it will make things easier:


<?php // Twig initialization... // Preparing data $user = 'user data'; $posts = 'posts'; $comments = 'comments'; $anotherOne = 'some value'; $yetAnotherOne = 0; $andAnotherOne = 0; $counter = 0; $test_1 = 1; $test_2 = 2; $test_3 = 3; $test_4 = 4; $test_5 = 5; $test_6 = 6; // Even more variables ... $twig->render('', only_compact(get_defined_vars(), ['counter', 'twig'])); ); // ...

As a result, we get an array of variables with all the unwanted variables excluded.


To use the helper file, we can add it under files (under autoload) in composer.json:

要使用帮助程序文件,我们可以将其添加到composer.json files下(在autoload下):

// ... "autoload":{ "files": [ "helpers.php" ] } // ...

Since we’re using PHP’s built-in functions, the performance impact isn’t noticeable. Below is the result of a quick profile test done with Blackfire, before and after using the above techniques:

由于我们使用的是PHP的内置函数,因此对性能的影响并不明显。 以下是在使用上述技术之前和之后使用Blackfire进行的快速配置文件测试的结果:

Without using the functions:


With using the functions:


As you can see, the results of both profile runs are almost the same.


Hopefully, this trick will save you some typing!


Have any other tips to share in regards to templating and view efficiency? Let us know!

还有其他关于模板化和查看效率的技巧吗? 让我们知道!


vue 父组件视图传递数据
