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Web forms are essential for common data collection tasks, such as collecting email addresses, visitor information, feedback, surveys and member registrations. Even the humble contact form is usually found on most websites.

Web表单对于常见的数据收集任务至关重要,例如收集电子邮件地址,访问者信息,反馈,调查和成员注册。 在大多数网站上,甚至都可以找到卑微的联系表。

Searching for the term “contact form” on the WordPress Plugin Directory yields thousands of results! To help navigate the volume of options and cut through the noise, I’ll cover some of the most popular, regularly updated and free WordPress contact form plugins available.

在WordPress插件目录中搜索“联系表”一词会产生数千个结果! 为了帮助您浏览选项的数量并消除噪音,我将介绍一些最受欢迎,定期更新和免费的WordPress联系人表单插件。

1)Jetpack的联系表格模块 (1) Jetpack’s Contact Form Module)

Jetpack is a popular and feature-rich WordPress plugin with more than 30 modules. With these modules, you can add different features to your WordPress website depending on your needs.

Jetpack是一个流行且功能丰富的WordPress插件,具有30多个模块。 使用这些模块,您可以根据需要向WordPress网站添加不同的功能。

One of Jetpack’s most commonly used modules is the Contact Form module, which provides a simple and elegant form creator. Jetpack will send an email notification for each contact form response and you can customize the email address to which the notifications will be sent.

Contact Pack模块是Jetpack最常用的模块之一,它提供了一个简单而优雅的表单创建者。 Jetpack将为每个联系表单回复发送电子邮件通知,您可以自定义将通知发送到的电子邮件地址。

If you’re using the Akismet plugin, every form submission will be checked for spam as well.


If you want to find out more about Jetpack or install it on your site, visit the Jetpack page on the WordPress.org repository.

如果您想了解有关Jetpack的更多信息或将其安装在您的网站上, 请访问 WordPress.org存储库上的Jetpack页面 。

2)联络表格7 (2) Contact Form 7)

Contact Form 7 is one of the most downloaded, popular, and flexible free contact form plugins. With over 54+ million downloads on WordPress.org and 3+ million active installs, Contact Form 7 is one of the most used WordPress plugins in existence. In fact, it ranked third in the Most Popular Plugins of 2014 and remains a strong contender to this day.

Contact Form 7是下载最多,最受欢迎,最灵活的免费联系表插件之一。 Contact Form 7在WordPress.org上的下载量超过54+百万次,活跃安装量超过3百万次,是现有的最常用的WordPress插件之一。 实际上,它在2014年“最受欢迎插件”中排名第三,并且一直是今天的有力竞争者。

Let’s explore why it’s so popular. First, Contact Form 7 provides a user-friendly interface. You can create and manage multiple forms. It supports Ajax-powered submission, CAPTCHA, and Akismet spam filtering. It’s also available in more than 60 languages.

让我们探究为什么它如此受欢迎。 首先,联系表7提供了一个用户友好的界面。 您可以创建和管理多个表单。 它支持Ajax支持的提交,CAPTCHA和Akismet垃圾邮件过滤。 它也支持60多种语言。

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits to using Contact Form 7 is the number of extensions that exist to bring extra features to the base plugin.

使用Contact Form 7的最大好处之一可能就是现有扩展的数量,这些扩展可以为基本插件带来额外的功能。

To find out more or to download Contact Form 7 visit the WordPress.org repository.

要了解更多信息或下载Contact Form 7,请访问WordPress.org存储库。

3)忍者形式 (3) Ninja Forms)

Ninja Forms is another popular plugin to create contact forms. With drag and drop features, you can very easily create contact forms, email address collection, and any other type of forms within minutes. With Ninja Forms, all the magic happens within a drag-and-drop interface in your WordPress dashboard.

Ninja Forms是另一个用于创建联系表单的流行插件。 使用拖放功能,您可以在几分钟之内轻松创建联系表单,电子邮件地址收集以及任何其他类型的表单。 借助Ninja Forms,所有神奇的事情都发生在WordPress仪表板的拖放界面内。

If you’re a developer, Ninja Forms offers hooks and filters so you can do absolutely anything. You can also contribute and help make Ninja Forms better since the Ninja Forms framework is available on GitHub.

如果您是开发人员,Ninja Forms提供了挂钩和过滤器,因此您可以做任何事情。 由于Ninja Forms框架在GitHub上可用,因此您也可以做出贡献并帮助改善Ninja Forms。

A number of premium Ninja Forms extensions are also available. This provides you premium features like front-end editing and posting, file uploads, conditional logic, multi-part forms, PayPal integration, and email marketing support.

还提供了许多高级Ninja Forms扩展。 这为您提供了高级功能,例如前端编辑和发布,文件上传,条件逻辑,多部分表单,PayPal集成以及电子邮件营销支持。

Ninja Forms Version 3+ requires WordPress 4.6 or higher, Ninja Forms has 900,000+ installs at the time of writing and has a 4.4-star average rating.

《 Ninja Forms 3+》要求WordPress 4.6或更高版本,《 Ninja Forms》在撰写本文时已安装900,000+次,平均评分为4.4星。

You can get your hands on Ninja Forms on WordPress.org.

您可以在WordPress.org上使用Ninja Forms 。

4)快速安全联系表 (4) Fast Secure Contact Form)

Fast Secure Contact Form is another widely used and up-to-date forms plugin with over 400,000+ active installs. This free plugin allows you to create multiple forms and modifies confirmation emails. It also includes CAPTCHA and Akismet support to block spam.

快速安全联系表单是另一个使用广泛且最新的表单插件,具有超过40万个活动安装。 这个免费的插件可让您创建多种形式并修改确认电子邮件。 它还包括CAPTCHA和Akismet支持以阻止垃圾邮件。

There is also a feature of redirecting visitors to a specific URL after the form submitted. All the main form fields are supported, including text, textarea, checkbox, radio, select, attachments, date and time.

提交表单后,还有一个将访问者重定向到特定URL的功能。 支持所有主要的表单字段,包括文本,文本区域,复选框,单选,选择,附件,日期和时间。

The user-friendly backend area of this plugin offers a great form creation experience. Forms can be inserted anywhere in your website using a simple shortcode.

该插件的用户友好后端区域提供了出色的表单创建体验。 可以使用简单的短代码将表单插入网站中的任何位置。

WordPress 3.4.2 or higher is required to use this plugin. This plugin is updated on regular basis.

使用此插件需要WordPress 3.4.2或更高版本。 该插件会定期更新。

If you’d like to check it out, download the Fast Secure Contact Form, from WordPress.org.

如果要查看,请从WordPress.org下载快速安全联系表 。

5)联系表 (5) Contact Form)

At present, with more than 200,000+ active installations and an average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars, Contact Form is another great option. Contact Form is also updated on regular basis.

目前,Contact Form拥有超过200,000多个活动安装,并且平均评分为4.3(满分5星),是另一个不错的选择。 联系表格也会定期更新。

This plugin is available in more than 15 languages. Like many popular plugins, a premium version is also available if you’re looking for more features. For a simple contact form, the free version is great. Version 4.07 of this plugin requires WordPress 3.9 or higher.

该插件支持超过15种语言。 与许多流行的插件一样,如果您正在寻找更多功能,还可以使用高级版本。 对于简单的联系表,免费版本很棒。 此插件的版本4.07需要WordPress 3.9或更高版本。

For more details, download your copy of Contact Form at WordPress.org.


6)非常简单的联系表 (6) Very Simple Contact Form)

Many free and premium plugins let you create multiple and advanced contact forms. If you are looking for a very simple contact form plugin with all of the basic options, you should try this plugin. It is a very simple, responsive, and translatable contact form.

许多免费和高级的插件使您可以创建多个高级联系表。 如果您正在寻找具有所有基本选项的非常简单的联系表单插件,则应尝试使用此插件。 这是一种非常简单,响应Swift且可翻译的联系方式。

It only contains Name, Email, Subject, and Message. A simple CAPTCHA is also available to prevent spam submissions. You can add a contact form to any page, post, or widget with a [contact] shortcode. This simple form and up-to-date plugin requires WordPress version 3.7 or higher.

它仅包含名称,电子邮件,主题和消息。 一个简单的CAPTCHA也可以防止垃圾邮件的提交。 您可以使用[contact]短代码将联系人表单添加到任何页面,帖子或窗口小部件。 这个简单的表格和最新的插件需要WordPress 3.7或更高版本。

Download the Very Simple Contact Form plugin.

下载Very Simple Contact Form插件。

结论 (Conclusion)

This is just a small selection of some of the most popular free contact form plugins for WordPress. The above-mentioned plugins are free and up-to-date as of this writing. You can use these plugins with the latest version of WordPress.

这只是WordPress中一些最受欢迎的免费联系表单插件的一小部分。 上述插件是免费的,并且在撰写本文时是最新的。 您可以在最新版本的WordPress中使用这些插件。

There are many options available if the above suggestions don’t suit your needs. Two of the popular paid plugin options include Gravity Forms and Formidable. However, for most simple contact forms, the above recommendations should be more than suitable.

如果以上建议不符合您的需求,则有许多可用的选项。 两种流行的付费插件选项包括Gravity Forms和Formidable 。 但是,对于大多数简单的联系表,以上建议应该绰绰有余。

This post was updated in July 2017 to keep its content current!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/6-best-free-contact-form-plugins-for-wordpress/

