
tech2022-08-31  119


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Digital design technology is forever changing. Design trends come, and design trends go. Some design tools keep pace with the latest trends, and some don't.

数字设计技术将永远改变。 设计趋势来了,设计趋势就去了。 一些设计工具跟上了最新趋势,而有些则没有。

An effective way to keep a competitive edge is to maintain an awareness of the best tools and resources. You need to know where you might be able to use them to your advantage.

保持竞争优势的有效方法是保持对最佳工具和资源的意识。 您需要知道可以在哪里使用它们以发挥自己的优势。

There's a problem with that approach. It's that you'll find yourself having to sort among an embarrassment of riches. Not all tools and resources can qualify as being top-of-the-line of course. To find the best of the best can involve quite a bit of searching.

这种方法存在问题。 这是因为您会发现自己不得不在尴尬的财富中进行分类。 当然,并非所有工具和资源都可以成为顶级工具。 要找到最好的最好的,可能涉及很多搜索。

We've pulled together a nice little collection of top site, tools, apps, and resources. All of them are designed to make your work easier, and keep you up with the times. They can help you maintain that competitive edge.

我们收集了一些不错的顶级站点,工具,应用程序和资源。 所有这些都旨在使您的工作更轻松,并与时俱进。 他们可以帮助您保持竞争优势。

Starting with:


1. 元素 (1. Elementor)

Elementor is the world's best builder. Simple, powerful & flexible. Empowering designers to do it all. With over 2 million active installs and over 4500 5 star reviews on WordPress, it is by far the most popular page editor.

Elementor是世界上最好的建筑商。 简单,强大和灵活。 使设计师能够做到这一切。 在WordPress上有超过200万活跃安装和超过4500个5星级评论,它是迄今为止最受欢迎的页面编辑器。

Design your vision faster and break free from repetitive tasks. Don't miss the Pro version – equipped with cool new features like pop-ups, forms, and the theme builder letting you design the header, footer, and archive pages of your site.

更快地设计愿景,摆脱重复性工作。 Pro版本不容错过-配备了许多很棒的新功能,如弹出窗口,表单和主题生成器,可让您设计网站的页眉,页脚和存档页面。

2. Fiverr的AND CO (2. AND CO from Fiverr)

AND CO is an invoicing software that helps you spend less time invoicing and more time on the work you love. With both a web app and a mobile app available, you can send invoices quickly from wherever you are. Customize your invoices with your own branding and logo, so you always present a professional image to your clients.

AND CO是开发票软件,可以帮助您减少开发票的时间,将更多的时间用在您喜欢的工作上。 借助网络应用程序和移动应用程序,您可以随时随地快速发送发票。 使用您自己的品牌和徽标自定义发票,因此您始终可以向客户展示专业的形象。

You have an option to attach relevant files or documents to your invoices, and create recurring invoices for clients you work with regularly.


Accept payments directly on your invoices by creating your own PayMe page. Clients can click a button to pay via credit card, ACH, or PayPal. You'll be notified when it's time to invoice again, anytime a payment is received, or when your payment becomes overdue. Receive AND CO alerts on your desktop, mobile device, or via Slack, so you stay on top of your cash flow at all times.

通过创建自己的PayMe页面,直接在发票上接受付款。 客户可以单击按钮以通过信用卡,ACH或PayPal付款。 当您需要再次开票,何时收到付款或付款过期时,都会收到通知。 在台式机,移动设备上或通过Slack接收AND CO警报,因此您始终可以随时掌握现金流量。

As well as invoicing, you can create proposals and contracts or track your time in AND CO, and everything is integrated so you can even generate invoices automatically from this data. Save time, and get paid faster with AND CO.

除了开具发票外,您还可以在AND CO中创建投标和合同或跟踪您的时间,并且所有功能都已集成,因此您甚至可以从该数据自动生成发票。 节省时间,并通过AND CO更快地获得付款。

3. 胡泽兹 (3. Houzez)

Every time realtors and real estate agencies are led to believe a Houzez' based site has all the features and functionality they could reasonably expect, or even need, along comes a new update that provides them with an even greater range of options.


As you would expect with any top tool, its authors and designers are firm believers that there's always room for improvement. The basics that have made Houzez so popular are still there of course; including advanced search capabilities, the property management system, and a range of listings options.

正如您对任何顶级工具所期望的那样,它的作者和设计师坚信始终存在改进的空间。 当然,仍然使Houzez如此受欢迎的基本知识仍然存在。 包括高级搜索功能,物业管理系统和一系列列表选项。

Custom fields builder for adding a new property page, currency type options, listings sorted by price, data, and region, and property status and luxury home tour scheduling are among the newly added features.


A Houzez-based site is easy to create and easy to use, and much of what is new is based on designer and user feedback.


4. TheGem –创意多功能高性能WordPress主题 (4. TheGem – Creative Multi-Purpose High-Performance WordPress Theme)

With its incredible wide selection of pre-build websites and demo pages, all designed in collaboration with best designers of Behance network, TheGem is the absolute design winner and trendsetter among all premium WordPress themes on the market.


Made with mobile and performance-first approach, TheGem hits the best page speed scores out there and is SEO ready. It is also equipped with industry leading Page Builder, premium plugins and features like header & footer builder.

TheGem采用移动技术和性能至上的方法制作而成,创下了最佳页面速度得分,并已做好SEO准备。 它还配备了行业领先的Page Builder,高级插件和页眉和页脚构建器等功能。

5. 取消编码 (5. Uncode)

Uncode is one of the creative ThemeForest top sellers of all time with over 50,000 sales. It is a powerful, user-friendly theme with all the functionality you need to build a stunning portfolio or any type of website you want. You can use an Uncode-supplied template or, if you wish, design and build your own templates to work from.

Uncode是有史以来最具创意的ThemeForest畅销产品之一,销售量超过50,000。 这是一个功能强大,用户友好的主题,具有构建令人惊叹的产品组合或您想要的任何类型的网站所需的所有功能。 您可以使用未提供代码的模板,也可以根据需要设计和构建自己的模板以供使用。

The best way to see what Uncode brings to the table is to visit their showcase of user-built websites.


6. 阿米莉亚 (6. Amelia)

Amelia is a powerful, award-winning WordPress plugin that can save business owners significant amounts of time and money if they rely heavily on efficiently managed client or customer appointments.


Amelia runs itself for all intents and purposes. It makes bookings, manages changes or cancellations, matches client requests to employee schedules, and even accepts payments. Over 2,000 users uses Amelia for bookings on their WordPress website and gave it a 4.85+ user rating.

Amelia出于各种意图和目的而运行。 它可以进行预订,管理更改或取消,使客户的请求与员工计划相匹配,甚至接受付款。 超过2,000位用户使用Amelia在其WordPress网站上进行预订,并给予其4.85+用户评分。

7. wpDataTables (7. wpDataTables)

wpDataTables provides an all-in-one solution for anyone faced with the task of summarizing huge amounts of data in attractive, interactive, and easily understandable tables and charts. 21,000 active users have given this premier WordPress plugin a 4.7 star average rating. It is the only table and chart-builder that fully supports MySQL, MS SQL, and PostgreSQL database queries.

wpDataTables为面临将有吸引力的,交互式的和易于理解的表格和图表中的大量数据汇总的任务的任何人提供了一个一体化的解决方案。 21,000位活跃用户已将此顶级WordPress插件给予4.7星平均评分。 它是唯一完全支持MySQL,MS SQL和PostgreSQL数据库查询的表和图表构建器。

wpDataTables' features include front-end editing, full customization of table designs, and conditional formatting (highlighting based on values).


8. 移动 (8. Mobirise)

Mobirise is an offline website builder. As such, it gives you the advantage of not being tied to any platform or host; giving you in effect total control over your site. Mobirise is free for both personal and commercial use. It's easy to use, drag and drop, and requires no coding.

Mobirise是一个离线网站构建器。 这样,它为您提供了不受任何平台或主机约束的优势; 使您实际上可以完全控制自己的网站。 Mobirise免费提供个人和商业用途。 它易于使用,拖放并且不需要编码。

Website templates, blocks, and themes come with the package, and your sites will be crazy-fast and 100% mobile friendly. Download Mobirise to give it a try.

该软件包随附了网站模板,块和主题,您的网站将变得疯狂快速且100%移动友好。 下载Mobirise进行尝试。

9. Logic Hop – WordPress的个性化营销 (9. Logic Hop – Personalized Marketing for WordPress)

There's nothing clients love more than a strong ROI and personalized content can make it happen. Logic Hop for WordPress makes it easy to use UTM codes, visitor actions and more to create personalizations that generate huge increases in conversions. With Logic Hop you'll have more billable hours and your clients will love the results. Don't be the agency that doesn't offer personalization – Check out Logic Hop today.

客户所钟爱的投资回报率不高,个性化内容可以实现这一目标。 WordPress的Logic Hop可让您轻松使用UTM代码,访客操作以及更多功能来创建个性化设置,从而大大提高转化率。 有了Logic Hop,您将有更多的可计费时间,您的客户会喜欢结果。 不要成为不提供个性化服务的代理商-立即查看Logic Hop。

10. 圆形图标包– 38,000个图标和插图 (10. Round Icons Bundle – 38,000 icons and illustrations)

Roundicons Bundle is the world's largest icons and illustrations bundle, with 38,000 (and growing) premium, royalty-free images and icons to choose among. The bundle comes with a commercial use license and can be yours for a one-time payment. Use coupon code "GETBIG" for a 20% discount. Up to 10,000 new icons are expected to be added over the next 12 months.

Roundicons捆绑包是世界上最大的图标和插图捆绑包,有38,000个(且还在不断增长)的高级,免版税图片和图标供您选择。 该捆绑包带有商业使用许可证,可以一次性支付。 使用优惠券代码“ GETBIG”可获得20%的折扣。 在接下来的12个月中,预计将添加多达10,000个新图标。

11. 8b网站构建器 (11. 8b Website Builder)

Fast, fresh, and futuristic aptly describes 8b, a brand new website builder that's super-simple to use. With 8b, you can create websites at home or at work on your desktop and on your mobile device when you're out and about. 250+ website sections and 16 slick starter templates will get your projects off to a fast start.

快速,新鲜和未来主义恰当地描述了8b,这是一个使用起来非常简单的全新网站构建器。 使用8b,出门在外时,您可以在家中或工作场所在台式机和移动设备上创建网站。 250多个网站版块和16个漂亮的入门模板,将使您的项目快速启动。

Your sites will feature lightning fast performance and be 100% mobile friendly thanks to Google AMP. 8b is free at the moment.

借助Google AMP,您的网站将具有闪电般的快速性能,并且100%兼容移动设备。 8b目前是免费的。

12. 糖果 (12. Goodie)

The "Goodie way" joins end clients directly with web developers. There is no middleman to deal with, and Goodie will completely code your website at a special $999 price. The only thing required of you is to provide the design. You'll get a carefully coded, high-performance website in return.

“ Goodie方式”直接将最终客户与Web开发人员联系在一起。 没有中间人可以处理,Goodie将以999美元的特惠价格完全编码您的网站。 您唯一需要做的就是提供设计。 作为回报,您将获得一个经过精心编码的高性能网站。

13. HelpJet (13. HelpJet)

Helping customers makes them happy. Enabling them to help themselves makes them happier. With HelpJet you can build a self-service knowledge base that allows both you and your customers to rely less on customer support tickets and reduce response time to questions to near zero.

帮助客户使他们感到高兴。 使他们能够自我帮助使他们更快乐。 借助HelpJet,您可以建立自助服务知识库,从而使您和您的客户都可以减少对客户支持票证的依赖,并将对问题的响应时间减少到接近零。

With a HelpJet knowledge base you can provide answers to your customers' basic questions and others that are commonly asked. HelpJet is easy to customize and no coding knowledge is required.

借助HelpJet知识库,您可以为客户的基本问题和其他常见问题提供答案。 HelpJet易于定制,不需要任何编码知识。

14. Savah App (14. Savah App)

Savah is an advanced prototyping tool designed especially for supporting web and mobile app design and development. As such, Savah supports team and cross-team collaboration. Prototypes can be automatically synced with Box and Dropbox, and a design workflow and approval system is built-in.

Savah是一种高级原型制作工具,专门用于支持Web和移动应用程序的设计和开发。 因此,Savah支持团队和跨团队协作。 原型可以与Box和Dropbox自动同步,并且内置了设计工作流程和批准系统。

A solo designer's paid plan costs only $8/month while a team of 5 pays $40/month. A 30% discount is offered on annual plans.

一个独立设计师的付费计划每月只需花费$ 8,而一个由5人组成的团队每月只需支付$ 40。 包年套餐可享受30%的折扣。

15. WhatFontIs.com (15. WhatFontIs.com)

Ever found a font you really like, but you don't know its name or where to find it? www.WhatFontIs.com 's automatic AI system to the rescue. WhatFontIs works from a database of 550,000 commercial and free fonts. You supply the image, and the AI system tells you what you have in a matter of seconds.

是否曾经找到过您真正喜欢的字体,但是您不知道它的名称或在哪里找到呢? www.WhatFontIs.com的自动AI系统进行救援。 WhatFontIs从550,000个商业和免费字体的数据库中工作。 您提供图像,然后AI系统在几秒钟内告诉您所拥有的。

结论 (Conclusion)

It's obvious you're not going to be needing all 15 of these premier tools and resources. Unless it's super-big and complicated.

显然,您将不需要所有15种主要工具和资源。 除非它超大且复杂。

Hopefully, however, there's at least one for two products you can benefit from instantly. Whether it's a website or page building tool, or something more specialized. Perhaps, a table and chart-building plugin or a bundle of a gazillion different icons.

但是,希望您可以立即受益于至少两种产品。 无论是网站或页面构建工具,还是更专业的工具。 也许是一个构建表格和图表的插件,或者是一大堆不同的图标。

Enjoy your shopping experience in any event.


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/web-design-agencies-are-you-using-these-life-saving-tools-resources/

