
tech2022-08-31  96


Every year, Netgen organizes a summer camp on the beautiful Croatian coast. The scope of this camp has evolved from being eZ Publish-only, to being Symfony/PHP + eZ Publish (and calling itself PHPSummerCamp), and finally to being Symfony + PHP + eZ + Design this year, under the name “Web Summer Camp”.

每年, Netgen都会在美丽的克罗地亚海岸举办一次夏令营。 该阵营的范围已从仅由eZ Publish演变为Symfony / PHP + eZ Publish(并自称为PHPSummerCamp),最后发展为今年的Symfony + PHP + eZ + Design,名称为“ Web Summer Camp”。 ”。

Taking place in the wonderful town of Rovinj for the 3rd time in a row, the 5th annual Web Summer Camp was an expected incremental success. More attendees, more thorough workshops, and more technical preparedness were just the tips of the organizational iceberg that Netgen et. al continue to demonstrate.

第五届年度Web夏令营连续第三次在美丽的罗维尼(Rovinj)小镇举行,有望取得成功。 更多的参与者,更彻底的研讨会和更多的技术准备只是Netgen等组织的冰山一角。 我继续示范。

While I was in a speaker capacity this year, and thus haven’t had the opportunity to participate in as many workshops as I may have wanted to, I did come away with some impressions I think are worth sharing.


那个地点 (The Location)

Differing slightly from previous years, this camp’s workshops were based in hotel Lone – a fancy five star hotel with excellent staff, drop-dead-from-stuffing-your-face lunches, and extraordinary WiFi.

与往年略有不同,该营地的工作坊设在Lone酒店 -这是一家五星级的酒店,拥有出色的员工,随心所欲的午餐,以及非凡的WiFi。

Yep, that spaceship-looking marvel of architecture is the Lone hotel.


It was literally right next to the beach, so taking a dip in the strangely warm sea was only a couple of steps away, and it was close enough to everything else for it to still be easily reachable on foot. Dog friendly beaches were another positive, seeing as I brought my beast along.

它实际上就在海滩旁边,因此在奇异的温暖海洋中畅游仅几步之遥,而且它与其他所有地方都足够近,因此仍然可以轻松步行到达。 养狗的海滩是另一个积极因素,因为我把野兽带到了一起 。

In terms of changes to last year, this is definitely a positive one.


讲习班和技术 (The Workshops and Technicalities)

The decision to make all workshops 3-hour-only this year was made long before the CFP opened. This didn’t mean a dramatic decrease in the number of workshops, however – two new tracks were opened. Like last year, a new PHP track was added to accommodate for the additional interest and the missing shorter workshops, and a Design track was added for the non-developer types. The topics were versatile and ranged from generic (OOP without extends) to specific (Writing API Clients with HTTPlug).

今年将所有讲习班设置为仅3小时的决定是在CFP开幕之前就做出的。 但是,这并不意味着车间数量会急剧减少–开辟了两个新的轨道。 与去年一样,添加了新PHP轨道以适应更多的兴趣和缺少的较短的研讨会,并且为非开发人员类型添加了设计轨道。 主题多种多样,范围从通用(无扩展的OOP)到特定(使用HTTPlug编写API客户端)。

My own workshop dealt with building your own framework using third party components – basically a recreation of this but in a much lighter form.

我自己的工作室处理使用第三方组件构建自己的框架-基本上一个娱乐本 ,但轻得多的形式。

There were only two technical issues one could complain about:


The projectors in the lecture halls had really low resolution and only VGA input. This made them somewhat laggy at times, and relatively sub par for displaying content that needed lots of room and lots of text (e.g. code).

演讲厅中的投影仪分辨率很低,只有VGA输入。 这有时使它们有些滞后,并且在显示需要大量空间和大量文本(例如代码)的内容时相对较差。

The Virtualbox appliance used as the basis of the workshops would, in my opinion, have been better as a Vagrant box. A Vagrant box’s network is immediately set up for sharing, so that an approach like a private offline Packagist can be used easily, it works fully out of the box on all operating systems (tested it myself on Windows and OS X), tops out at 500 MB (or 1GB with all the Composer cache, as opposed to the appliance’s 5GB, plus another 5GB for actually keeping it on the machine), uses less CPU and RAM, and perhaps most importantly, can be easily reverted to its starting state in minutes if something goes wrong, which is something that’s not possible with an appliance unless one has a lot of disk space to spare and goes through a rather painful procedure.

在我看来,用作研讨会基础的Virtualbox设备作为Vagrant盒子会更好。 Vagrant Box的网络将立即建立以进行共享,因此可以轻松使用私有脱机Packagist之类的方法,它可以在所有操作系统上完全使用(在Windows和OS X上对其进行了测试)。 500 MB(或所有Composer缓存的1GB,而不是设备的5GB,再加上5GB的实际存储在机器上),使用较少的CPU和RAM,也许最重要的是,可以很容易地恢复到其初始状态如果出现问题,则只需几分钟 ,这对于设备来说是不可能的,除非有足够的磁盘空间来存储并且要经历相当痛苦的过程。

There was talk of using Docker eventually one day, but I think Docker’s learning curve and the difficulty of deploying it (when compared to a simple full-stack deployment on a single server, which is what most apps still are about) won’t do anyone any favors, and would only complicate matters.


That said, the WiFi was amazing, the appliance worked well enough in most cases and much, much better than last year (I had problems running its pre-installed PhpStorm, but everything else worked), and the microphones were of great quality and easy to use. The whole event was, once again, recorded with video cameras and professionally photographed – all the photos in this post are also up on the official Facebook page.

就是说,WiFi令人惊叹,该设备在大多数情况下都能很好地工作,并且比去年好很多(我在运行预装的PhpStorm时遇到了问题,但其他所有东西都可以工作),并且麦克风质量高且简单使用。 整个活动再次用摄像机记录下来并进行了专业摄影-帖子中的所有照片也都显示在Facebook官方页面上 。

The few workshops I did attend were well thought out and planned, and the speakers showed that they knew what they were talking about every step of the way. Five stars for content, no doubt.

我参加过的几个讲习班经过深思熟虑和精心计划,演讲者表明他们知道自己在谈论每一步。 内容无疑是五颗星。

网络与协作 (The Networking and Coworking)

In what seems to be growing into a tradition, the SummerCamp was preceded by a “triathlon” every day – swimming, cycling, and running. While not a competition and more of a stretching and warming up for the day, the triathlon was a great sub-event for some light networking before the workshops begin, and it provided us with the energy required to power through a very active day.

在似乎已经成为一种传统的情况下,SummerCamp每天都在进行“铁人三项”运动-游泳,骑自行车和跑步。 铁人三项虽然不是比赛,而是一天的紧张和热身,但对于研讨会之前的一些轻型联网而言,铁人三项是一个很好的子项目,它为我们提供了在一天非常活跃的一天中提供动力所需的能量。

During downtime (either when skipping workshops or during breaks), the lobby in front of of the presentation halls turned into a great coworking/networking place with loads of (maybe too comfy) sitting space, power sockets, and good internet.


These downtime moments were fantastic for learning about what other people were working on, what problems they were having, and what unconventional solutions to them they were utilizing. They were also an excellent venue for meeting potential new authors, so I’m hoping to see some of our WebSummerCampers on the PHP channel soon :)

这些停机时间非常适合了解其他人正在从事的工作,他们所遇到的问题以及他们正在使用的非常规解决方案。 它们也是与潜在的新作者会面的绝佳场所,因此我希望很快在PHP频道上看到我们的一些WebSummerCampers :)

Apart from the hotel’s lobby, there were other fantastic networking events organized like tequila nights in a Mexican restaurant, not one but two boat trips, wine tasting, open area lunches, and more.


随行曲目 (The Companion Track)

Last but not least, this year introduced the Companion track – a special program for “significant others”. Attendees and speakers could bring their non-coding partners along for a nominal fee, and have them not only attend all our social events, but also provide them with a guided tour of the surrounding cities and nature.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,今年推出了Companion曲目-针对“重要他人”的特别计划。 与会者和演讲者可以以象征性的费用带他们的非编码合作伙伴参加,并让他们不仅参加我们的所有社交活动,还为他们提供有关周边城市和自然风光的导览。

My own companion loved it – they went to the old center of Rovinj, to Pula, and to Motovun, all guided tours that took a good while. Sport was also an option, though minimal – some yoga. They could participate in the “triathlon” with us, but most chose not to as it was too early for those who don’t need to attend workshops immediately afterwards. They also joined us for lunch, and for all events, so we all got to hang out together.

我自己的同伴很喜欢–他们去了罗维尼的旧中心,普拉和莫托文,所有带导游的游览都花了很长时间。 运动也是一种选择,虽然很少,但还是可以的。 他们可以和我们一起参加“铁人三项赛”,但大多数人选择不参加,因为对于那些之后不需要立即参加研讨会的人来说还为时过早。 他们也加入了我们的午餐,参加了所有活动,所以我们都必须一起出去玩。

She liked that she was able to meet so many new people doing things so different from what her and her current clique are doing, and she loved the hangouts she attended. If she’d change anything for next year, it’d be more sporty activities – like going all the way to Motovun by bike, and spending less time idling there. That, to be honest, sounds like something I’d like to join in on as well.

她喜欢自己能够结识许多新来的人,做的事情与她和她当前的派别所做的事情截然不同,而且她喜欢参加的环聊。 如果她明年要进行任何更改,那将是更具运动性的活动-就像骑自行车一路前往Motovun,并减少在那儿闲逛的时间。 老实说,这听起来也像我想加入的东西。

结论 (Conclusion)

With a now already traditional focus on quality, Netgen have once again outdone themselves. The Web Summer Camp was a success no matter whom we ask, and all the tracks seemed to have offered enough for their attendees to come away happy, and with some useful knowledge to take home.

Netgen如今已经非常注重质量,因此再次超越了自己。 无论我们问谁,Web夏令营都是成功的,所有的曲目似乎都为参加者带来了快乐,并带了一些有用的知识带回家。

The practical approach of the conference is still unique in the PHP world, the networking aspect is amazing if nothing else than purely due to the meticulously planned extracurricular activities, and this year’s new companion program gives an added edge to the conference – keeping couples together even through work-vacations.


While I’m sure Netgen is already thinking about next year’s organization, I’d urge you – particularly if you’re a regular speaker at other conferences – to think outside the box, bite the bullet, and ditch the evergreen talk you keep giving at other conferences. Step outside your comfort box and plan out a workshop – show people what you can do, and teach them to do it, too. Be ready when the CFP opens, and join us. You won’t regret it.

虽然我确定Netgen已经在考虑明年的组织,但我还是敦促您-尤其是如果您经常在其他会议上演讲时-跳出固有思维,硬着头皮,放弃您一直在进行的常青谈话在其他会议上。 走出您的舒适之门,计划一个工作坊–向人们展示您可以做什么,并教他们做到这一点。 CFP打开时请做好准备,并加入我们。 你不会后悔的。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/websummercamp-the-one-conference-you-really-shouldnt-miss/

