kaggle dr检测优胜

tech2022-08-31  104

kaggle dr检测优胜

This article was created in partnership with Alibaba Cloud. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与阿里云合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

As you may have seen, we’ve recently partnered with Alibaba Cloud to find the best tips and tutorials for making the most out of Alibaba Cloud Services, to celebrate the launch of our new Alibaba Cloud Services community forum (maybe we’re being biased here, but our SitePoint Community really is a great place to connect with other cool people, to share ideas, knowledge, ask questions and have a chat – we really encourage you to go check it out!)

如您所见,我们最近与阿里云合作,找到了充分利用阿里云服务的最佳技巧和教程,以庆祝我们新的阿里云服务社区论坛的启动 (也许我们有偏见)在这里,但是我们的SitePoint社区确实是与其他酷人交流,分享想法,知识,提出问题并进行聊天的好地方-我们真的鼓励您去看看!

During the competition we received some really great entries about a plethora of uses, ranging from deploying a VPN on Alibaba Cloud to creating your own forum with Alibaba Cloud ECS. We had a tough time choosing the best ones!

在比赛中,我们收到了很多关于大量用途的非常好的文章,从在阿里云上部署VPN到使用阿里云ECS创建自己的论坛。 我们很难选择最好的!

But alas, the winners had to be chosen and so our judges locked themselves into a windowless room for days on end to debate, argue, fight and deliberate on the entries, only emerging after they had decided on three winners (and probably because they got hungry).


So the winners of the competition were decided, and today we thought it’d be nice to introduce you to the people behind the tutorials.


In first place – András Magyar with his very well written and informative tutorial: Deploy a Laravel application to Alibaba Cloud Container Service using Docker. András is a student from Hungary who is interested in software development. Some recent, cool projects he’s worked on include developing a CMS software for a local news portal https://dbhir.hu/.

首先-AndrásMagyar撰写了非常详尽且内容丰富的教程: 使用Docker将Laravel应用程序部署到阿里云容器服务 。 András是匈牙利的一名学生,对软件开发感兴趣。 他最近从事的一些很棒的项目包括为本地新闻门户https://dbhir.hu/开发CMS软件。

His winning entry was actually his first time trying out Alibaba Cloud and he seems pretty pleased with the experience: “I used containers on other cloud providers before, but on Alibaba Cloud, it was the first time and I am very satisfied with it… I think containers are very effective and flexible solutions, Alibaba Cloud offers great services that help developers who work with containers. I want to learn more about containers and gain more experience. I hope my article will be useful for others.”

他的获奖作品实际上是他第一次尝试使用阿里云,他对此感到非常满意:“我以前在其他云提供商上使用过容器,但是在阿里云上,这是第一次,我对此感到非常满意……我考虑到容器是非常有效且灵活的解决方案,阿里云提供了出色的服务,可帮助使用容器的开发人员。 我想更多地了解容器并获得更多经验。 我希望我的文章对其他人有用。”

In second place was Nhi Nam Ha with his entry: Building a Serverless REST API with Function Compute and MongoDB. Nhi Nam is a solution architect focusing on web applications and cloud computing. He’s been working in the IT industry for more than 10 years with experience in both government and private sectors. He’s currently at Fujitsu Australia as a Senior IT Consultant.

第二名是Nhi Nam Ha,他的文章: 使用Function Compute和MongoDB构建无服务器REST API 。 Nhi Nam是专注于Web应用程序和云计算的解决方案架构师。 他在IT行业工作了10多年,在政府和私营部门都有经验。 他目前在富士通澳大利亚担任高级IT顾问。

His entry was actually part of a wider project he is working on, which is to evaluate and compare cloud services from major providers on the market like AWS, Azure, GCP and Alibaba Cloud. Based on his work, Nhi Nam is quite familiar with Alibaba Cloud, noting that “I have been watching Alibaba Cloud for a while and [am] excited to see how the platform has evolved in the last few years. Its product suite now includes most of [the] key solutions and services which allows the company to efficiently compete with other key cloud service providers on the global market. However, the documentation and educational resources about the platform are not extensive enough and I see that Alibaba Cloud is seriously working on it through a series of promotional programs.”

他的加入实际上是他正在从事的一个更广泛项目的一部分,该项目旨在评估和比较市场上主要供应商(如AWS,Azure,GCP和阿里云)的云服务。 基于他的工作,Nhi Nam对阿里云非常熟悉,并指出:“我已经观看阿里云一段时间了,[我]很高兴看到该平台在过去几年中如何发展。 现在,其产品套件包括大多数关键解决方案和服务,这使该公司能够与全球市场上的其他关键云服务提供商有效竞争。 但是,有关该平台的文档和教育资源还不够广泛,我看到阿里云通过一系列促销计划在认真地致力于该平台。”

And finally in third place was David Banham with Statically compiled Go on Alibaba Cloud Container Service. David is a software developer, entrepreneur and consultant that builds amazing things and helps his clients to do the same. He’s currently working on http://notbad.net.au/, an advocacy initiative that aims to provide a people-powered national broadband network speed monitoring system (it also conveniently provided the boilerplate for David’s entry into the Alibaba Cloud competition).

最后排在第三位的是David Banham,他使用静态编译的Go on Alibaba Cloud Container Service 。 David是一位软件开发人员,企业家和顾问,他致力于开发令人惊叹的产品并帮助他的客户做到这一点。 他目前正在研究http://notbad.net.au/ ,这是一个倡导性倡议,旨在提供一个以人为本的国家宽带网络速度监控系统(它还方便地为David参加阿里云竞争提供了样板)。

David’s been a “big user of containerisation since the early days of Docker. It’s a real game changer for making devops workflows more robust. [He’s] written a couple of open source PaaSes (think Heroku clones) but since Docker and Kubernetes have come along [he hasn’t] found the need for anything else. The fact that it’s largely vendor agnostic is wonderful”. This is also David’s first time using Alibaba Cloud services and he thinks it’s great to get more players in the space to propel the industry forward.

自Docker诞生以来,David一直是“容器化的主要用户”。 它是真正的游戏规则改变者,用于使devops工作流更强大。 [他]写了几个开源的PaaSes(想像Heroku的克隆),但是由于Docker和Kubernetes的出现,[他没有]发现需要其他任何东西。 它很大程度上与供应商无关,这一事实很棒。” 这也是David首次使用阿里云服务,他认为能够吸引更多的参与者来推动行业向前发展真是太好了。

Congratulations to all of our winners. But as I mentioned above, it was very difficult to choose which deserved the prizes, so check out the full collection of entries here. And sign up to Alibaba Cloud to join the fun!

恭喜所有获奖者。 但是,正如我上面提到的,很难选择应得的奖品,因此请在此处查看完整的参赛作品集。 并注册阿里云以加入乐趣!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/get-to-know-the-winners-of-the-alibaba-cloud-competition/

kaggle dr检测优胜
