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tech2022-08-31  115

保加利亚 乱码

BulgariaPHP is a PHP conference consisting of one workshop day, and two talk days with two tracks each. Just like last year, this year’s conference happened in the SEC (Sofia Event Center) in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the top floor of the Paradise Mall.

BulgariaPHP是一个PHP会议,由一个工作日和两个谈话日组成,每个谈话日有两条轨道。 与去年一样,今年的会议在位于天堂购物中心顶层的保加利亚索非亚的SEC(索非亚活动中心)举行。

Unlike last year, however, this year’s edition had a theme.


Excellently organized by the event team at SiteGround, a shared and cloud hosting provider 500 employees strong, the conference was all up in retro gaming, from the attendee badges and decals, to the surroundings and micro-events within the event. Even the crew were all dressed as Super Mario, which I’m sure would have caused an aneurysm or two in the minds of Nintendo’s lawyers had they gotten wind of it.

会议由SiteGround的活动团队出色地组织, SiteGround是一个共享的云托管提供商,拥有500名员工,会议完全是复古游戏,从与会者徽章和贴花到活动中的周围环境和微型活动。 甚至船员们都打扮成超级马里奥,我敢肯定,任天堂的律师们若不知所措,就会在动脉瘤中引起一两个动脉瘤。

演讲者:被宠坏了 (Speaker: Spoiled)

As speakers, we were taken on a fantastic trip in the countryside which culminated in a great feast in a viking-like hall, and then a tour through a recently unearthed ancient Thracian temple. Witnessing something so old and big is just about the closest thing to a spiritual experience a non-religious logical modern person can have, so I greatly appreciated it.

作为演讲者,我们被带去了乡村,进行了一次奇妙的旅行,最终在一个类似维京人的大厅里举行了盛大的盛宴 ,然后参观了最近出土的古老色雷斯人庙宇 。 见证这么大又古老的事物,几乎是非宗教逻辑的现代人所能拥有的最接近精神体验的事物,因此,我非常感激。

The (slightly too long) bus ride over also provided ample opportunity for us to get to know each other. After some games of Heads Up, and some Pringles tasting, we were like family.

公交车(时间稍长)也为我们提供了充分的认识的机会。 经过几场对决和品酒会品尝后 ,我们就像一家人。

This morning.. Some of the amazing #phpbus crew @bgphpconf #bgphp16 #php #phpc @bgphp pic.twitter.com/dHT7kt4vH1

今天上午。一些惊人的#phpbus船员@bgphpconf #bgphp16 #PHP #phpc @bgphp pic.twitter.com/dHT7kt4vH1

— 7PHP :: Khayrattee (@7php) October 5, 2016

— 7PHP :: Khayrattee(@ 7php) 2016年10月5日

The trip ended in a large brewery with yet another feast, and with spirits high and stomachs low, we felt immense pressure to not let the organizers down – our talks had better be good.


与会者:被宠坏了 (Attendee: Spoiled)

The speaker line-up was something else.


From the ever-present Phil Sturgeon to the wise and calm Mark Baker, from cape-less heroes like Jordi Boggiano to community motivators like Cal Evans, from relative newbies like me, to ambitious and smart people who are definitely going places and I’m hoping to see more from at other conferences like Andrew Carter, Elena Kolevska, Lyubomir Filipov and many others too numerous to name, I personally learned about:

从永远存在的Phil Sturgeon到明智而冷静的Mark Ba​​ker ,从像Jordi Boggiano这样的无斗篷英雄到像Cal Evans这样的社区激励者,从像我这样的相对新手,再到那些雄心勃勃而又聪明的人,他们肯定会流连忘返 。希望从其他会议上看到更多信息,例如安德鲁·卡特 ( Andrew Carter) , 埃琳娜·科列夫斯卡 ( Elena Kolevska) , 卢博米尔· 菲利波夫 ( Lyubomir Filipov)以及许多其他不知名的会议,我个人了解到:

using PHP’s generators to parse GPX data and find runaway cats

使用PHP的生成器来解析GPX数据并查找失控的猫 using Redis as more than a dumb cache

使用Redis不仅仅是哑缓存 pouring beer with Raspberry Pi, a pump, and PHP

用Raspberry Pi,泵和PHP倒啤酒 using fuzzy matching to track and log utility outages in a Bulgarian city

使用模糊匹配来跟踪和记录保加利亚城市的公用事业中断 being good to the community as authors, fans, and contributors

作为作者,粉丝和贡献者对社区有益 and much, much more.


Even some impromptu workshops happened on the floor of the venue, gathering non-trivial crowds and spreading unscheduled knowledge!


If you joind the improvised #bgphp16 hallway #phpunit unit testing workshop, find my slides at https://t.co/705nI9Poh4 (photo: @Mark_Baker) pic.twitter.com/34k2i6Zmee

如果您joind即兴#bgphp16走廊#phpunit单元测试车间,找到我的幻灯片在https://t.co/705nI9Poh4 (照片: @Mark_Baker ) pic.twitter.com/34k2i6Zmee

— Michelangelo van Dam (@DragonBe) October 9, 2016

— Michelangelo van Dam(@DragonBe) 2016年10月9日

For a full speaker line-up and the topics that were covered, please see this list and keep an eye on this post or the official BGPHP twitter hashtag to find out when the videos of all the talks are out. They’ll all be on Youtube and watching them is sure to make you feel like you’re missing out a little less.

有关演讲者的完整阵容和所涉及的主题,请参阅此列表,并留意本帖子或BGPHP官方Twitter标签,以了解所有讲座的视频何时发布。 他们都会出现在YouTube上,看着他们肯定会让你觉得自己少了一些 。

技术上和主题上 (Technically and Thematically)

The “Game On” theme of the event was perfectly placed in an audience mainly consisting of programmers, so there were loads of people enjoying their nostalgia trip into retro-gaming-land. The music was right up our alley, too, with a healthy mixture of metal and chiptunes.

该活动的“ Game On”主题完美地放置在主要由程序员组成的观众中,因此有很多人喜欢怀旧之旅,进入复古游戏世界。 音乐与金属和Chiptune的健康混合物也恰到好处。

Granted, I could see it as being a little too intense for non-gamers, but nothing was “in your face” uncomfortable, and plenty of non gamers found fun in playing regardless – they simply hadn’t been exposed to this type of entertainment previously.


The venue was full of old, original arcade machines and old PCs, which let us test our decades old skills on each other.


All attendees were encouraged to challenge speakers to duels in various games, which further contributed to socialization and mingling and made me personally meet some people I probably wouldn’t have met otherwise.


Technically, the conference was just as flawless – the projectors at the venue are super high res, and were able to render the rows of code we showed all the way to the last row without distortion, and audio was on par. What could be improved was the internet – even though there was a speaker-only WiFi too, it did have a tendency to lose connection sometimes. Not often, but enough to be noticed. This problem was easily bypassed, however, as the organizers even gave all us speakers local SIM cards with 2 GB of traffic included, which let us tether flawlessly without worrying about jumping from hotspot to hotspot.

从技术上讲,这次会议同样完美无缺–会场上的投影机具有很高的分辨率,并且能够将我们显示的所有代码行一直渲染到最后一行而不会失真,并且音频水平相当。 可以改善的是互联网-即使也有仅扬声器的WiFi,它有时也有失去连接的趋势。 并不常见,但足以引起注意。 但是,这个问题很容易被绕开,因为组织者甚至给了我们所有演讲者包括2 GB流量的本地SIM卡,这使我们可以完美地进行捆绑,而不必担心从一个热点跳到另一个热点。

赞助商和休息 (Sponsors and Breaks)

The coffee and food breaks were evenly distributed throughout the day, with snacks and drinks available at all times. While I’m personally responsible for draining about 30% of the coffee supply, there were pastries, soda drinks, rich and diverse vegetarian-friendly lunches, and rejuvenation potions in, for all intents and purposes, unlimited amounts.

全天平均分配咖啡和食物休息时间,并随时提供小吃和饮料。 虽然我个人负责消耗约30%的咖啡,但出于所有目的和目的,其中有糕点,苏打饮料,丰富多样的素食午餐以及回春药水,无论数量多少。

A photo posted by Bruno Škvorc (@bit.falls) on Oct 6, 2016 at 11:02pm PDT

BrunoŠkvorc(@ bit.falls)发表的照片 PDT 2016年10月6日晚上11:02

The sponsors went all out, and nothing felt lacking.


没有一个路易吉 (Not a Single Luigi)

Sneak peek at last-minute setup for @bgphpconf 2016. We’re excited again to be the driving force behind this event. Game ON! #bgphp16 pic.twitter.com/NAGvXU7UwW

偷窥@bgphpconf 2016的最后一分钟设置。我们很高兴再次成为此活动的推动力。 游戏开始! #bgphp16 pic.twitter.com/NAGvXU7UwW

— SiteGround (@SiteGround) October 7, 2016

— SiteGround(@SiteGround) 2016年10月7日

An unprecedented level of professional organization and structure was on display at BGPHP – we found out eventually that SiteGround, the main sponsor of the conference – actually has an events team which deals exclusively with their presence at other conferences and with organizing events such as these, so the ridiculously overworked and inhumanly ambitious Tina and her team knew exactly what they were doing and handled it all without a hitch.

BGPHP展示了前所未有的专业组织和结构水平-我们最终发现,会议的主要赞助商SiteGround实际上拥有一个活动小组,专门处理他们在其他会议上的出席以及此类活动的组织,因此, 蒂娜(Tina)和她的团队荒谬,过度劳累,雄心勃勃的团队确切地知道了他们在做什么,并毫不费力地处理了所有事情。

New favorite conference? Yep. #bgphp16 has permanently raised the bar (or several!) What a team these guys are! ★★★★★ pic.twitter.com/aDyi2sQYlQ

新喜欢的会议? 是的 #bgphp16永久提高了标准(或几个!)这些家伙是一支多么棒的球队! ★★★★★ pic.twitter.com/aDyi2sQYlQ

— Bruno Skvorc (@bitfalls) October 9, 2016

— Bruno Skvorc(@bitfalls) 2016年10月9日

Dressed as Mario all the way through the event, each and every one of the volunteers and crewmen were decidedly Super, and ready to assist anyone at any time with any problem, ranging from transport and replacement laptops to me begging for awesome posters…


资金与慈善 (Funds and Charity)

BGPHP was one of the few conferences which actually turned a profit as the closing speech revealed. Unselfishly, the organizers decided give this extra income away.

闭幕演讲显示,BGPHP是为数不多的真正盈利的会议之一。 组织者无私地决定捐出这笔额外的收入。

.@irintchev announcing that half of the @bgphpconf proceeds will be going to support programming education in a local school #bgphp16 pic.twitter.com/1jyKstQIKH

。 @irintchev宣布的一半@bgphpconf收益将要支持的编程教育在当地一所学校#bgphp16 pic.twitter.com/1jyKstQIKH

— Jeremy Mikola™ (@jmikola) October 9, 2016

— Jeremy Mikola™(@jmikola) 2016年10月9日

The proceeds would be split between Bulgaria’s PHP user group, for beer, pizza, hardware, software, events, and everything else a good PHP group needs. Well deserved, given how much of a good job they did with the conference.

收益将分配给保加利亚PHP用户组,包括啤酒,比萨饼,硬件,软件,活动,以及一个良好PHP组所需的其他一切。 鉴于他们在这次会议上做了多少出色的工作,当之无愧。

The other half (half!) of this still non-trivial amount would be given to a local school which needs funds and technical upgrades – and getting kids into tech these days is the most important educational upgrade one should do. Kudos to the team for this generous gesture!

这笔数额仍然很小的一半(一半!)将拨给需要资金和技术升级的当地学校-这些天让孩子们学习技术是应该做的最重要的教育升级。 慷慨地向团队表示敬意!

结论 (Conclusion)

Due to the amazing experience I had as both speaker and attendee, I’d recommend submitting a talk to BGPHP’s CFP as soon as it opens – I know I will, and even if I don’t get accepted, I’m there as an attendee. I give this conference 5 out of 5 elephpants, easy.

由于我既是演讲者又是与会者,所以经验非常丰富,因此我建议在BGPHP的CFP开放后立即提交演讲-我知道我会的,即使我没有被接受,我也会作为参加者。 我给这次会议5分中的5分,很简单。

Granted, my pleasure was further enhanced by the environment which was designed like a nostalgia trip specifically for me, and I got to wreck some innocent souls in quite a few games (I’ll get you in Mortal Kombat next time, Lyubo!), but the talks, the technical aspect, the level of structure and organization invested, the donation of money to a school at the end, and the surprisingly high-quality of the speaker line-up – all those and more are what make this conference the best one I’ve attended yet. Objectively, it’s downright unbelieveable that this was only the second edition of BGPHP.

的确,我的愉悦感因特别为我而设计的怀旧之旅的环境得到了进一步的增强,我在很多游戏中都击碎了一些无辜的灵魂(下次我会在《真人快打》中让你, Lyubo !),但是,会谈,技术方面,投资的结构和组织水平,最终向学校的捐款以及演讲者阵容出奇的高质量–所有这些以及更多这些使这次会议成为我参加过的最好的一个。 客观地讲,这仅仅是BGPHP的第二版,简直令人难以置信。

I want to thank the team for having me, for putting on such a great show, and for helping the PHP ecosystem thrive. Here’s to many more!

我要感谢团队的支持,感谢我的参与,举办了如此精彩的表演以及帮助PHP生态系统蓬勃发展。 还有更多!

pops open the last conference beer


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/a-review-of-bulgaria-php-game-on/

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相关资源:论文研究 - 保加利亚石油和天然气工业发展的经济因素