
tech2022-09-01  122


This article was originally published on Blockchain Review. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文最初发表在《 区块链评论》上 。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

What is consensus and why does it matter?


The world of Bitcoin and underlying technologies of distributed ledger and blockchain are experiencing rapid change and growth.


As low-trust digital systems gain adherents and differing use cases, developers are creating new variant blockchains to deal with the inevitable fragmentation between public, consortium and private blockchain technologies.


Let’s note the differences between public, consortium and private blockchains.


Public  — Fully decentralized and uncontrolled networks with no access permission required — anyone can participate in the consensus process to determine which transaction blocks are added. There is usually little or no pre-existing trust between participants in a public blockchain.

公用 -完全分散且不受控制的网络,无需访问权限-任何人都可以参与共识过程以确定要添加哪些交易块。 公共区块链参与者之间通常很少或没有预先存在的信任。

Consortium  — The consensus process for new transaction blocks is controlled by a fixed set of nodes, such as a group of financial institutions where pre-existing trust is high.

联盟 -新交易块的共识过程由一组固定的节点控制,例如一组预先存在较高信任度的金融机构。

Private  — Access permissions are tightly controlled, with rights to read or modify the blockchain restricted to certain users. Permissions to read the blockchain may be restricted or public. [1]

私有 -访问权限受到严格控制,读取或修改区块链的权限仅限于某些用户。 读取区块链的权限可能受到限制或公开。 [ 1 ]

There is usually some degree of pre-existing trust between at least some private blockchain participants.


The degree of pre-existing trust that an organization requires, as well as necessary control over participant permissions, will determine what type of blockchain to use.


Different blockchain solutions have advantages and disadvantages. Take for example the difference between how transactions are validated within each type of blockchain:

不同的区块链解决方案各有利弊。 例如,在每种类型的区块链中如何验证交易之间的区别:

Proof of Work (PoW): About "mining" transactions utilizing a resource-intensive hashing process, which (a) confirms transactions between network participants and (b) writes the confirmed transactions into the blockchain ledger as a new block.

工作量证明(PoW) :关于利用资源密集型哈希处理过程进行的“挖掘”交易,该过程(a)确认网络参与者之间的交易,并且(b)将确认的交易作为新块写入到区块链总账中。

The accepted new block is proof that the work was done, so the miner may receive a 25 BTC (Bitcoins) payment for successfully completing the work. The problem with PoW is that it is resource-intensive and creates a centralizing tendency among miners based on computer resource capability.

接受的新区块可证明工作已完成,因此矿工可能会因成功完成工作而获得25 BTC(比特币)付款。 PoW的问题在于它是资源密集型的,并基于计算机资源能力在矿工之间产生集中化趋势。

Proof of Stake (PoS): About "validating" blocks created by miners and requires users to prove ownership of their "stake" [2]. Validation introduces a randomness into the process, making the establishment of a validation monopoly more difficult, thereby enhancing network security.

权益证明(PoS) :关于“验证”矿工创建的区块,并要求用户证明其“权益”的所有权[ 2 ]。 验证在过程中引入了随机性,使验证垄断的建立更加困难,从而增强了网络安全性。

One problem with PoS is the "nothing at stake" issue, where miners have nothing to lose in voting for different blockchain histories, preventing a consensus from being created. There are several attempts to solve this problem underway.

PoS的一个问题是“无所不包”问题,矿工在投票支持不同区块链历史时不会失去任何利益,从而无法达成共识。 解决该问题的尝试有多种。

Additional developments in this area hope to combine PoW with PoS to create hybrid blockchains with the highest security and lowest resource requirements.


To that end, some developers are focused on enhancing network security through 'consensus without mining.' [3]

为此,一些开发人员专注于通过“无需挖掘即可达成共识”来增强网络安全性。 [ 3 ]

Tendermint co-founder Jae Kwon has published a paper describing his firm's concept and approach in this regard.

Tendermint联合创始人Jae Kwon发表了一篇论文,描述了该公司在这方面的概念和方法。

Existing Proof of Work and Proof of Stake protocols have various problems, such as requiring huge outlays of energy usage and increasing centralization (PoW) or participants having nothing at stake (PoS) possibly contributing to consensus disruption on mined blocks.


Kwon's solution is twofold and does not require Proof of Work mining:


A ⅔ majority of validators is required to sign off on block submission, with no more than ⅓ able to sign duplicate blocks without penalty

block要求大多数验证者签署块提交,但不超过⅓个签名者可以签署重复的块而不会受到处罚 The protocol raises the penalty of double-spend attacks to unacceptably high levels by destroying the malicious actor's Bitcoin account values.


The algorithm is based on a modified version of the DLS protocol and is resilient up to ⅓ of Byzantine participants.


Kwon and his team at Tendermint hope to bring speed, simplicity and security to blockchain app development.


So, how does one decide on what type of blockchain to use and their relevancy for your company use case? [4]

那么,如何决定使用哪种类型的区块链及其与贵公司用例的相关性呢? [ 4 ]

Below are a few examples of different types of blockchains, depending on the organization's greatest prioritized need:


One consideration is confidentiality. For example, in the case of a public financial blockchain, all the transactions appear on the ledgers of each participant. So while the identities of the transacting parties are not known, the transactions themselves are public.

一个考虑因素是保密性。 例如,在公共金融区块链的情况下,所有交易都出现在每个参与者的分类账上。 因此,虽然不知道交易方的身份,但交易本身是公开的。

Some companies are developing 'supporting' blockchains to avoid this problem, by storing or notarizing the contracts in encrypted form, and performing some basic duplicate detection. Each company would store the transaction data in their own database, but use the blockchain for limited memorialization purposes.

一些公司正在通过以加密形式存储或公证合同并执行一些基本的重复检测来开发“支持”区块链来避免此问题。 每个公司都将交易数据存储在自己的数据库中,但将区块链用于有限的纪念目的。

A second consideration is whether you need provenance tracking. Existing supply chains are rife with counterfeit and theft problems. A blockchain that collectively belongs to the supply chain participants can reduce or eliminate breaks in the chain as well as secure the integrity of the database tracking the supply chain.

第二个考虑因素是您是否需要溯源。 现有的供应链上充斥着假冒和盗窃问题。 集体属于供应链参与者的区块链可以减少或消除链条中的中断,并确保跟踪供应链的数据库的完整性。

A third example is the need for record-keeping between organizations, such as legal or accounting communications. A blockchain that timestamps and provides proof of origin for information submitted to a case archive would provide a way for multiple organizations to jointly manage the archive while keeping it secure from individual attempts to corrupt it.

第三个例子是需要在组织之间保持记录,例如法律或会计通讯。 时间戳记并为提交给案件档案的信息提供来源证明的区块链将为多个组织提供一种共同管理档案的方式,同时保持档案的安全性,以防止个人破坏档案。

Blockchains fundamentally operate on the basis of how consensus is agreed upon for each transaction added to the ledger.


What are the benefits of each type of consensus mechanism, and in which situation are they best utilized?


Proof of Work  — Miners have a financial incentive to process as many transactions as quickly as possible. PoW is best utilized by high-throughput requirement systems.

工作量证明 —矿工有经济动机来尽快处理尽可能多的交易。 PoW最好用于高通量需求系统。

Proof of Stake — Transaction Validators receive rewards in proportion to the amount of their "stake" in the network. This arguably improves network security by discouraging duplicitous attacks. PoS is best used by computing power constrained organizations.

股权证明 —交易验证者按其在网络中的“股权”数量获得奖励。 可以通过阻止重复攻击来提高网络安全性。 PoS最好由受计算能力限制的组织使用。

Delegated Proof of Stake [5] — Network parameters are decided upon by elected delegates or representatives. If you value a "democratized" blockchain with reduced regulatory interference, this version is for you.

委托权益证明 [ 5 ]-网络参数由当选代表决定。 如果您看重具有减少监管干扰的“民主化”区块链,那么此版本适合您。

PAXOS  — An academic and complicated protocol centered around multiple distributed machines reaching agreement on a single value. This protocol has been difficult to implement in real-world conditions.

PAXOS —一个学术性和复杂的协议,围绕着多个分布式机器达成一致,从而达成单一价值。 在现实条件下很难实现该协议。

RAFT  — Similar to PAXOS in performance and fault tolerance except that it is "decomposed into relatively independent subproblems", making it easier to understand and utilize.

RAFT —在性能和容错性方面类似于PAXOS,只是它“分解为相对独立的子问题”,从而更易于理解和利用。

Round Robin  — Utilizing a randomized approach, the round robin protocol requires each block to be digitally signed by the block-adder, which may be a defined set of participants. This is more suited to a private blockchain network where participants are known to each other.

循环(Round Robin) —使用随机方法,循环协议要求每个块都由块加法器进行数字签名,加法器可以是一组定义的参与者。 这更适合参与者彼此认识的私有区块链网络。

Federated Consensus  — Federated consensus is where each participant knows all of the other participants, and where small sets of parties who trust each other agree on each transaction and over time the transaction is deemed valid. Suitable for systems where decentralized control is not an imperative.

联合共识 -联合共识是每个参与者都知道所有其他参与者的地方,并且彼此信任的一小部分各方就每笔交易达成协议,随着时间的推移,该交易被视为有效。 适用于不需要分散控制的系统。

Proprietary Distributed Ledger  — A PDL is one where the ledger is controlled, or proprietary, to one central entity or consortium. The benefits of this protocol is that there is already a high degree of pre-existing trust between the network participants and agreed-upon security measures. Suitable for a consortium or group of trading partners, such as supply chains.

专有分布式分类帐 — PDL是其中一个分类帐被控制或专有给一个中央实体或财团的分类帐。 该协议的好处在于,网络参与者和商定的安全措施之间已经存在高度的预先存在的信任。 适用于财团或贸易伙伴组,例如供应链。

PBFT  — In a PBFT system, each node publishes a public key and messages are signed by each node, and after enough identical responses the transaction is deemed valid. PBFT is better suited for digital assets which require low latency due to high transaction volume but do not need large throughput.

PBFT —在PBFT系统中,每个节点发布一个公共密钥,并且消息由每个节点签名,并且在足够相同的响应之后,该事务被视为有效。 PBFT更适合于数字资产,这些数字资产由于交易量大而需要较低的延迟,但不需要大的吞吐量。

N2N  — Node to node (N2N) systems are characterized by encrypted transactions where only the parties involved in a transaction have access to the data. Third parties such as regulators may have opt-in privileges. Suitable for use cases where a high degree of transaction confidentiality is required.

N2N —节点到节点(N2N)系统的特征在于加密的事务,其中仅事务中涉及的各方可以访问数据。 监管者等第三方可能具​​有选择加入的特权。 适用于需要高度交易保密性的用例。

The above list represents the current major consensus mechanisms in operation or from research.


Due to the initial visibility of Bitcoin, the financial services industry has been early in researching the possible uses of consensus mechanisms to streamline operations, reduce costs and eliminate fraudulent activity.


The multi-trillion dollar global financial services industry is really composed of many different sectors, from lending to smart contracts, trading execution, letters of credit, insurance, payments, asset registration, regulatory reporting and more.


For example, the process of securing a letter of credit, which is an important import/export trading service, would likely utilize a 'consortium' approach to achieving transaction consensus.


In August, 2016 a banking consortium, R3CEV, successfully designed and executed trading smart contracts. These types of contracts could then be applicable to accounts receivable invoice factoring and letter of credit transactions.

2016年8月,一家银行联盟R3CEV成功设计并执行了智能合约交易。 这些类型的合同然后可以应用于应收帐款发票保理和信用证交易。

For the use case example of cross border remittances, which would involve many individuals on both sides of the transaction, a 'public' consensus mechanism would likely be a relevant choice.


Since remittances would need to have a relatively short time latency for transaction completion, a solution involving a Proof of Stake approach with its low resource requirement to validate transactions along with potentially higher security, would be compelling.


In sum, the state of blockchain development is rapidly gaining speed worldwide, yet there is much work to be done.


Numerous Global 2000 companies led by their technology executives and consultants are beginning to participate in development and testing of this revolutionary technology sector.


Organizations that begin first-hand learning about the power of blockchain technologies will have increased opportunity to lead their industry.


If you stumbled upon this post and would like to find a quick link to the original article, see How Does the Blockchain Work?.

如果您偶然发现了这篇文章,并想找到原始文章的快速链接,请参阅区块链如何工作? 。

The rest of the series is here:


How does the Blockchain Work? Part 1

区块链如何运作? 第1部分

How does the Blockchain Work? Part 2 – the top 5 things you need to know.

区块链如何运作? 第2部分 – 您需要了解的5件事 。

How does the Blockchain Work? Part 4 – what’s the difference between private, public, and consortium blockchain?

区块链如何运作? 第4部分 – 私有,公共和联盟区块链之间有什么区别?

I’m always interested in meeting blockchain founders, academic researchers, and technologists who are working on challenging projects, so please feel free to contact me on LinkedIn, or by email at collin@intrepid.ventures.


Looking for a new cryptocurrency? Check out the introduction to Metabase.

寻找新的加密货币? 查看Metabase的介绍。

Want to launch your own ICO? Apply now at Token Deck.

想启动自己的ICO吗? 现在在Token Deck申请。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-does-the-blockchain-work-pt-3/

