
tech2022-09-01  102


HTML has revolutionized the way we communicate. It formats the colossal amounts of information we read online, and is often used beyond the web to format books and other reading materials.

HTML彻底改变了我们交流的方式。 它格式化我们在线阅读的大量信息,并且经常在网络之外用于格式化书籍和其他阅读材料。

Yet, until the advent of Markdown, it was a clumsy exercise to mark up plain text with HTML tags. It’s virtually unthinkable to go through a whole document and add tags manually. But even WYSIWYG editors are painful to use, requiring you to highlight each bit of text you need to format and click buttons.

但是,在Markdown出现之前,用HTML标签标记纯文本是一项笨拙的工作。 遍历整个文档并手动添加标签几乎是不可想象的。 但是,即使是所见即所得的编辑器也很难使用,要求您突出显示需要格式化的每一位文本并单击按钮。

Markdown is a brilliantly simple innovation that lets you add simple markup to plain text that is then converted to HTML automatically. For example, add a simple # to the front of your heading text and Markdown wraps that text with <h1> tags. Markdown in itself is simple and readable, meaning that you can focus on your writing and yet still understand its structure.

Markdown是一项非常简单的创新,可让您将简单的标记添加到纯文本中,然后将其自动转换为HTML。 例如,在标题文本的前面添加一个简单的# ,然后Markdown使用<h1>标签将文本包装起来。 Markdown本身是简单易读的,这意味着您可以专注于写作,但仍了解其结构。

Authors writing for publications — including SitePoint — are more and more expected to submit their writing in Markdown format, so it pays to be familiar with this very simple syntax. It takes literally minutes to learn.

人们越来越期望为出版物(包括SitePoint)写作的作者以Markdown格式提交其著作,因此,熟悉这种非常简单的语法值得一提。 学习实际上需要几分钟。

Our cheat sheet covers core Markdown syntax, some extended syntax, tools for processing Markdown and other resources. Enjoy!

我们的备忘单涵盖了Markdown核心语法,一些扩展语法,用于处理Markdown的工具以及其他资源。 请享用!



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Looking for more on Markdown? Check out these great links:

寻找更多有关Markdown的信息? 查看以下重要链接:

The Best Markdown Editor for Windows


Make the Most of Markdown in WordPress


Spicing up Your Emails with Markdown


7 Atom Add-ons for Running Code and Previewing Changes


Creating PDFs from Markdown with Pandoc and LaTeX



