
tech2022-09-01  104


Composer has revolutionized package management in PHP. It upped the reusability game and helped PHP developers all over the world generate framework agnostic, fully shareable code. But few people ever go beyond the basics, so this post will cover some useful tips and tricks.

Composer彻底改变了PHP中的程序包管理。 它提高了可重用性游戏,并帮助全世界PHP开发人员生成了与框架无关的,可完全共享的代码。 但是很少有人会超越基础知识,因此本文将涵盖一些有用的技巧和窍门。

全球 (Global)

Although it’s clearly defined in the documentation, Composer can (and in most cases should) be installed globally. Global installation means that instead of typing out

尽管在文档中对其进行了明确定义,但Composer可以(并且在大多数情况下应该是)全局安装。 全局安装意味着无需输入

php composer.phar somecommand

you can just type out


composer somecommand

in any project whatsoever. This makes starting new projects with, for example, the create-project command dead easy in any location on your filesystem.

在任何项目中。 这使得使用例如create-project命令启动新项目在文件系统上的任何位置都很容易。

To install Composer globally, follow these instructions.

要全局安装Composer,请遵循以下说明 。

在里面 (Init)

To create a new composer.json file in a project (and thus initialize a new Composer-powered project), you can use:


composer init

You can also pass in some options as defaults.


正确安装软件包 (Installing packages the right way)

When reading tutorials or README files of projects, many will say something like:


Just add the following to your composer.json file: { "require": { "myproject": "someversion" } }

But this has several downsides. One, the copy-pasting may introduce some errors. Two, for a newbie, figuring out where to place the code if you already have an extensive composer.json file in your project can be tedious and also introduce errors. Finally, many people will be encountering Composer for the first time and in a command line, so covering all the use cases in which they may find themselves isn’t feasible (do they have a GUI text editor or are they on the command line? If it’s the latter, do they have a text editor installed, and if so which? Do you explain the editing procedure or just leave it? What if the file doesn’t exist in their projects? Should you cover the creation of the file, too?).

但这有几个缺点。 第一,复制粘贴可能会引入一些错误。 第二,对于一个新手来说,弄清楚如果您的项目中已经有一个广泛的composer.json文件,那么将代码放置在何处可能会很麻烦,而且还会引入错误。 最后,许多人将是第一次在命令行中遇到Composer,因此涵盖所有可能发现自己的用例是不可行的(他们是否具有GUI文本编辑器,或者是否在命令行上?如果是后者,他们是否安装了文本编辑器,如果是的话,是什么呢?您解释编辑过程还是只保留它?如果文件在他们的项目中不存在该怎么办?您应该涵盖文件的创建,太?)。

The best way to add a new requirement to a composer.json file is with the require command:

向composer.json文件添加新需求的最好方法是使用require command :

composer require somepackage/somepackage:someversion

This adds everything that’s needed into the file, bypassing all manual intervention.


If you need to add packages to require-dev, add the --dev option, like so:

如果需要将软件包添加到require-dev ,请添加--dev选项,如下所示:

composer require phpunit/phpunit --dev

The require command supports adding several packages at once, just separate them with a space. Note that there is no need to specify the version in this approach, as seen in the code snippet above – installing a package this way automatically grabs the most recent version of a package, and tells you which one it picked.

require命令支持一次添加多个软件包,只需用空格分隔即可。 请注意,无需使用这种方法来指定版本,如上面的代码片段所示–以这种方式安装软件包会自动获取软件包的最新版本,并告诉您选择了哪个版本。

锁定档案 (Lock Files)

The composer.lock file saves the list of currently installed packages, so that when another person clones your project at a date when the dependencies may have been updated, they still get the old versions installed. This helps make sure everyone who grabs your project has the exact same package environment as you did when the project was developed, avoiding any bugs that may have been created due to version updates.

composer.lock文件保存当前安装的软件包的列表,以便当其他人在依赖项可能已更新的日期克隆您的项目时,他们仍然会安装旧版本。 这有助于确保抓住项目的每个人都具有与开发项目时完全相同的程序包环境,避免了由于版本更新而造成的任何错误。

composer.lock should almost always be committed to version control. Maybe.

composer.lock应该几乎总是致力于版本控制。 也许吧 。

composer.lock also contains the hash of the composer.json file, so if you update just the project author, or some contact info, or a description, you’ll get a warning about the lock file not matching the json file – when that’s the case, running composer update --lock will help things, updating only the lock file and not touching anything else.

composer.lock还包含composer.json文件的哈希,因此,如果您仅更新项目作者,某些联系信息或说明,则将收到有关锁文件与json文件不匹配的警告。在这种情况下,运行composer update --lock会有所帮助,仅更新lock文件,而不接触其他任何东西。

版本标志 (Version flags)

When defining package versions, one can use exact matches (1.2.3), ranges with operators (<1.2.3), combinations of operators (>1.2.3 <1.3), best available (1.2.*), tilde (~1.2.3) and caret (^1.2.3).

定义软件包版本时 ,可以使用精确匹配( 1.2.3 ),带运算符的范围( <1.2.3 ),运算符的组合( >1.2.3 <1.3 ),最佳( 1.2.* )和波浪号( ~1.2.3 )和脱字号( ^1.2.3 )。

The latter two might warrant further explanation:


tilde (~1.2.3) will go up to version 1.3 (not included), because in semantic versioning that’s when new features get introduced. Tilde fetches the highest known stable minor version. As the docs say, we can consider it as only the last digit specified being allowed to change.

tilde( ~1.2.3 )将会升级到1.3版(不包括在内),因为在语义版本控制中 ,是引入了新功能的时候。 Tilde获取已知的最高稳定次版本。 正如文档所说,我们可以将其视为仅允许更改的最后一位数字。

caret (^1.2.3) means “only be careful of breaking changes”, and will thus go up to version 2.0. According to semver, that’s when breaking changes are introduced, so 1.3,1.4 and 1.9 are fine, while 2.0 is not.

脱字号( ^1.2.3 )的意思是“仅注意打破更改”,因此将升级到2.0 。 据semver,被引入重大更改的时候,所以1.3 , 1.4和1.9的罚款,而2.0则不是。

Unless you know you need a specific version, I recommend always using the ~1.2.3 format – it’s your safest bet.


配置和全局配置 (Configuration and Global Configuration)

The default values are not fixed in stone. See the full config reference for details.

默认值不是一成不变的。 有关详细信息,请参见完整的config 参考 。

For example, by specifying:


{ "config": { "optimize-autoloader": true } }

you force Composer to optimize the classmap after every installation/update, or in other words, whenever the autoload file is being generated. This is a little bit slower than generating the default autoloader, and slows down as the project grows.

您会在每次安装/更新后(或换句话说,每当生成自动加载文件时)强制Composer优化类映射。 这比生成默认的自动加载器要慢一些,并且随着项目的增长而降低。

Another useful option might be the cache-files-maxsize – in enormous projects like eZ Publish or Symfony, the cache might get full pretty fast. Increasing the size would keep Composer fast longer.

另一个有用的选项可能是cache-files-maxsize在eZ Publish或Symfony之类的庞大项目中,缓存可能很快就满了。 增加大小将使Composer保持更快的速度。

Note that configuration can be set globally, too, so it’s consistent across projects. See here for how. For example, to add the cache size setting to our global configuration, we either edit ~/.composer/config.json or execute:

请注意,配置也可以全局设置,因此在项目之间是一致的。 有关详情,请参见此处 。 例如,要将缓存大小设置添加到我们的全局配置中,我们可以编辑~/.composer/config.json或执行以下命令:

composer config --global cache-files-maxsize "2048MiB"

简介和详细 (Profile and Verbose)

You can add a --profile flag to any command you execute on the command line with Composer, and it’ll produce not only a final output like this:


[174.6MB/54.70s] Memory usage: 174.58MB (peak: 513.47MB), time: 54.7s

but also prefix each line it outputs with the exact total duration of the command’s execution so far, plus the memory usage:


[175.9MB/54.64s] Installing assets for Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle into web/bundles/sensiodistribution

I use this command often to identify the bottleneck packages and to observe how the stats improve or degrade on different versions of PHP.


Likewise, the --verbose flag will make sure Composer outputs more information with each operation it performs, helping you understand exactly what’s going on. Some people have even aliased their composer command to include composer --verbose --profile by default.

同样,-- --verbose标志将确保Composer对其执行的每个操作输出更多信息,从而帮助您准确了解正在发生的事情。 甚至有人默认使用composer --verbose --profile作为别名的composer命令。

自订来源 (Custom Sources)

Sometimes, you just want to install from a Github repo if your project isn’t yet on Packagist. Maybe it’s under development, maybe it’s locally hosted, who knows. To do that, see our guide.

有时,如果您的项目尚未安装在Packagist上,则只想从Github存储库进行安装。 谁知道呢,也许它正在开发中,或者它是本地托管的。 为此,请参见我们的指南 。

Likewise, if you have your own version of a popular project that another part of your project depends on, you can use custom sources in combination with inline aliasing to fake the version constraint like Matthieu Napoli did here.

同样,如果您拥有自己的流行项目的版本,而该项目的另一部分依赖于该版本,则可以结合使用自定义源和内联别名来伪造版本约束,就像Matthieu Napoli 在此处所做的那样 。

加快作曲家的速度 (Speeding up Composer)

As per this excellent trick by Mark Van Eijk, you can speed up Composer’s execution by making it run on HHVM.

按照Mark Van Eijk的出色技巧,可以通过使Composer在HHVM上运行来加快其执行速度。

Another way is forcing it to use --prefer-dist which downloads a stable, packaged version of a project rather than cloning it from the version control system it’s on (much slower). This is on by default, though, so you shouldn’t need to specify it on stable projects. If you want to download the sources, use the --prefer-source flag. More info about this in the options of the install command here.

另一种方法是强制它使用--prefer-dist ,它会下载项目的稳定,打包版本,而不是从项目所在的版本控制系统中克隆它(速度要慢得多)。 不过,默认情况下此功能处于启用状态,因此您无需在稳定的项目中指定它。 如果要下载源,请使用--prefer-source标志。 有关此内容的选项更多信息install命令在这里 。

使您的Composer项目更轻便 (Making your Composer project lighter)

If you’re someone who develops Composer-friendly projects, you might want to do your part, too. Based on this Reddit thread, you can use a .gitattributes file to ignore some of the files and folders during packaging for the --prefer-dist mode above.

如果您是开发对Composer友好的项目的人,那么您可能也想尽自己的一份力量。 基于此Reddit线程 ,您可以使用.gitattributes文件在上述--prefer-dist模式的打包过程中忽略某些文件和文件夹。

/docs export-ignore /tests export-ignore /.gitattributes export-ignore /.gitignore export-ignore /.travis.yml export-ignore /phpunit.xml export-ignore

How does this work? When you upload a project to Github, it automatically makes available the “Download zip” button which you can use to download an archive of your project. What’s more, Packagist uses these auto-generated archives to pull in the --prefer-dist dependencies, and then unarchives them once downloaded (much faster than cloning). If you thus ignore your tests, docs and other logically irrelevant files by listing them in .gitattributes, the archives won’t contain them, becoming much, much lighter.

这是如何运作的? 当您将项目上传到Github时,它会自动使“下载zip”按钮可用,您可以使用该按钮下载项目的存档。 更重要的是,Packagist使用这些自动生成的存档来提取--prefer-dist依赖关系,然后在下载后取消存档(比克隆要快得多)。 如果您因此通过将它们列出在.gitattributes而忽略了它们的测试,文档和其他与逻辑无关的文件,则归档将不包含它们,从而使它们变得轻巧得多。

Naturally, people who want to debug your library or run its tests should then specify the --prefer-source flag.

自然, 想要调试您的库或运行其测试的人应该然后指定--prefer-source标志。

The PhpLeague has adopted this approach and included it in their Package skeleton, so any project based on that is automatically “dist friendly”.

PhpLeague已采用此方法并将其包含在其Package框架中 ,因此基于此的任何项目都将自动“远程友好”。

表演 (Show)

If you ever forget what version of PHP or its extensions you’re running, or need a list of all the projects (and their descriptions) that you’ve installed inside the current project and their versions, you can use the show command with the --platform (short -p) and --installed (short -i) flags respectively:

如果您忘记了正在运行PHP版本或其扩展名,或者需要列出当前项目及其版本中已安装的所有项目(及其说明)的列表,可以将show命令与--platform (short -p )和--installed (short -i )标志:

$ composer show --installed behat/behat v3.0.15 Scenario-oriented BDD framework for PHP 5.3 behat/gherkin v4.3.0 Gherkin DSL parser for PHP 5.3 behat/mink v1.5.0 Web acceptance testing framework for PHP 5.3 behat/mink-browserkit-driver v1.1.0 Symfony2 BrowserKit driver for Mink framework behat/mink-extension v2.0.1 Mink extension for Behat behat/mink-goutte-driver v1.0.9 Goutte driver for Mink framework behat/mink-sahi-driver v1.1.0 Sahi.JS driver for Mink framework behat/mink-selenium2-driver v1.1.1 Selenium2 (WebDriver) driver for Mink framework behat/sahi-client dev-master ce7bfa7 Sahi.js client for PHP 5.3 behat/symfony2-extension v2.0.0 Symfony2 framework extension for Behat behat/transliterator v1.0.1 String transliterator components/bootstrap 3.3.2 The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web. components/jquery 2.1.3 jQuery JavaScript Library doctrine/annotations v1.2.4 Docblock Annotations Parser doctrine/cache v1.4.1 Caching library offering an object-oriented API for many cache backends doctrine/collections v1.3.0 Collections Abstraction library doctrine/common v2.5.0 Common Library for Doctrine projects doctrine/dbal v2.5.1 Database Abstraction Layer doctrine/doctrine-bundle v1.4.0 Symfony DoctrineBundle doctrine/doctrine-cache-bundle v1.0.1 Symfony2 Bundle for Doctrine Cache doctrine/inflector v1.0.1 Common String Manipulations with regard to casing and singular/plural rules. doctrine/instantiator 1.0.4 A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors doctrine/lexer v1.0.1 Base library for a lexer that can be used in Top-Down, Recursive Descent Parsers. egulias/listeners-debug-command-bundle 1.9.1 Symfony 2 console command to debug listeners ezsystems/behatbundle dev-master bd95e1b Behat bundle for help testing eZ Bundles and projects ezsystems/comments-bundle dev-master 8f95bc7 Commenting system for eZ Publish ezsystems/demobundle dev-master c13fb0b Demo bundle for eZ Publish Platform ezsystems/demobundle-data v0.1.0 Data for ezsystems/demobundle ezsystems/ezpublish-kernel dev-master 3d6e48d eZ Publish API and kernel. This is the heart of eZ Publish 5. ezsystems/platform-ui-assets-bundle v0.5.0 External assets dependencies for PlatformUIBundle ezsystems/platform-ui-bundle dev-master 4d0442d eZ Platform UI Bundle ezsystems/privacy-cookie-bundle v0.1 Privacy cookie banner integration bundle into eZ Publish/eZ Platform fabpot/goutte v1.0.7 A simple PHP Web Scraper friendsofsymfony/http-cache 1.3.1 Tools to manage cache invalidation friendsofsymfony/http-cache-bundle 1.2.1 Set path based HTTP cache headers and send invalidation requests to your HTTP cache guzzle/guzzle v3.9.3 PHP HTTP client. This library is deprecated in favor of hautelook/templated-uri-bundle 2.0.0 Symfony2 Bundle that provides a RFC-6570 compatible router and URL Generator. hautelook/templated-uri-router 2.0.1 Symfony2 RFC-6570 compatible router and URL Generator imagine/imagine 0.6.2 Image processing for PHP 5.3 incenteev/composer-parameter-handler v2.1.0 Composer script handling your ignored parameter file instaclick/php-webdriver 1.0.17 PHP WebDriver for Selenium 2 jdorn/sql-formatter v1.2.17 a PHP SQL highlighting library knplabs/knp-menu v1.1.2 An object oriented menu library knplabs/knp-menu-bundle v1.1.2 This bundle provides an integration of the KnpMenu library kriswallsmith/assetic v1.2.1 Asset Management for PHP kriswallsmith/buzz v0.13 Lightweight HTTP client league/flysystem 0.5.12 Many filesystems, one API. liip/imagine-bundle 1.2.6 This Bundle assists in imagine manipulation using the imagine library monolog/monolog 1.13.1 Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services nelmio/cors-bundle 1.3.3 Adds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Symfony2 application ocramius/proxy-manager 0.5.2 A library providing utilities to generate, instantiate and generally operate with Object Proxies oneup/flysystem-bundle v0.4.2 Integrates Flysystem filesystem abstraction library to your Symfony2 project. pagerfanta/pagerfanta v1.0.3 Pagination for PHP 5.3 phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 2.0.4 phpspec/prophecy v1.4.1 Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+ phpunit/php-code-coverage 2.0.16 Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information. phpunit/php-file-iterator 1.4.0 FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes. phpunit/php-text-template 1.2.0 Simple template engine. phpunit/php-timer 1.0.5 Utility class for timing phpunit/php-token-stream 1.4.1 Wrapper around PHP's tokenizer extension. phpunit/phpunit 4.6.4 The PHP Unit Testing framework. phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects 2.3.1 Mock Object library for PHPUnit psr/log 1.0.0 Common interface for logging libraries qafoo/rmf 1.0.0 Very simple VC framework which makes it easy to build HTTP applications / REST webservices sebastian/comparator 1.1.1 Provides the functionality to compare PHP values for equality sebastian/diff 1.3.0 Diff implementation sebastian/environment 1.2.2 Provides functionality to handle HHVM/PHP environments sebastian/exporter 1.2.0 Provides the functionality to export PHP variables for visualization sebastian/global-state 1.0.0 Snapshotting of global state sebastian/recursion-context 1.0.0 Provides functionality to recursively process PHP variables sebastian/version 1.0.5 Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects sensio/distribution-bundle v3.0.21 Base bundle for Symfony Distributions sensio/framework-extra-bundle v3.0.7 This bundle provides a way to configure your controllers with annotations sensio/generator-bundle v2.5.3 This bundle generates code for you sensiolabs/security-checker v2.0.2 A security checker for your composer.lock swiftmailer/swiftmailer v5.4.0 Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer symfony-cmf/routing 1.3.0 Extends the Symfony2 routing component for dynamic routes and chaining several routers symfony/assetic-bundle v2.6.1 Integrates Assetic into Symfony2 symfony/monolog-bundle v2.7.1 Symfony MonologBundle symfony/swiftmailer-bundle v2.3.8 Symfony SwiftmailerBundle symfony/symfony v2.6.6 The Symfony PHP framework tedivm/stash v0.12.3 The place to keep your cache. tedivm/stash-bundle v0.4.2 Incorporates the Stash caching library into Symfony. twig/extensions v1.2.0 Common additional features for Twig that do not directly belong in core twig/twig v1.18.1 Twig, the flexible, fast, and secure template language for PHP white-october/pagerfanta-bundle v1.0.2 Bundle to use Pagerfanta with Symfony2 whiteoctober/breadcrumbs-bundle 1.0.2 A small breadcrumbs bundle for Symfony2 zendframework/zend-code 2.2.10 provides facilities to generate arbitrary code using an object oriented interface zendframework/zend-eventmanager 2.2.10 zendframework/zend-stdlib 2.2.10 zetacomponents/base 1.9 The Base package provides the basic infrastructure that all packages rely on. Therefore every component relies on this package. zetacomponents/feed 1.4 This component handles parsing and creating RSS1, RSS2 and ATOM feeds, with support for different feed modules (dc, content, creativeCommons, geo, iTunes). zetacomponents/mail 1.8.1 The component allows you construct and/or parse Mail messages conforming to the mail standard. It has support for attachments, multipart messages and HTML mail. It also interfaces with SMTP to send mail or IMAP, P... zetacomponents/system-information 1.1 Provides access to common system variables, such as CPU type and speed, and the available amount of memory.

空跑 (Dry Runs)

To just see if an installation of new requirements would go well, you can use the --dry-run flag with Composer’s install and update command. This will throw all the potential problems at you, without actually causing them – no changes will really be made. Excellent for testing big requirement and setup changes before actually committing to them.

要仅查看新要求的安装是否顺利,可以在Composer的install和update命令中使用--dry-run标志。 这将把所有潜在问题扔给您,而不会真正引起它们-不会真正进行更改。 非常适合测试大型需求并在实际提交之前进行设置更改。

composer update --dry-run --profile --verbose

建立专案 (Create Project)

Last but not least, we must mention the create-project command, applicable to anything and everything.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们必须提到适用于所有事物的create-project命令 。

Create project takes a package name as the argument, then clones the package and executes composer install inside it. This is fantastic for bootstrapping projects – no more finding out the exact Github URL of the package you want, then cloning, then manually going into the folder and executing install.

Create project将软件包名称作为参数,然后克隆该软件包并在其中执行composer install 。 这对于引导项目非常有用–无需再查找所需软件包的确切Github URL,然后克隆,然后手动进入文件夹并执行install 。

Major projects such as Symfony and Laravel use this approach to bootstrap a skeleton application, and many others are jumping on board.


With Laravel, for example, it’s used like this:


composer create-project laravel/laravel --prefer-dist --profile --verbose

The create-project command also accepts two parameters. The first is the path into which to install. If omitted, the project’s name is used. The second is the version. If omitted, the latest version is used.

create-project命令还接受两个参数。 第一个是安装路径。 如果省略,则使用项目的名称。 第二个是版本。 如果省略,则使用最新版本。

结论 (Conclusion)

Hope this list of tips and tricks has been helpful! If we missed some, do tell us and we’ll update the post! And remember – if you forget about some of the commands or switches, just check out the cheatsheet. Happy Composing!

希望此提示和技巧列表对您有所帮助! 如果我们错过了一些,请告诉我们,我们将更新帖子! 记住-如果您忘记了某些命令或开关,只需查看备忘单 。 快乐作曲!


