
tech2022-09-01  110


Ready for a new edition of sourcehunt? Get those starring-fingers ready!

准备使用新版本的sourcehunt吗? 准备好那些主演的手指!

lavary / crunz [15★] (lavary/crunz [15 ★])

crunz is a Laravel scheduler-inspired cron manager for PHP, fully framework agnostic and independent.

crunz是一个受Laravel调度程序启发PHP cron管理器,与框架完全独立且独立。

In many ways, it’s similar to Jobby and cron-manager, so we’ll leave the comparisons up to you… for now.

在许多方面,它类似于Jobby和cron的经理 ,所以我们不攀比给你... 现在 。

Laravel Hackathon入门套件 [777★] (Laravel Hackathon Starter Kit [777 ★])

We’ll let the README take over here…


If you have attended any hackathons in the past, then you know how much time it takes to get a project started: decide on what to build, pick a programming language, pick a web framework, pick a CSS framework. A while later, you might have an initial project up on GitHub and only then can other team members start contributing. Or how about doing something as simple as Sign in with Facebook authentication? You can spend hours on it if you are not familiar with how OAuth 2.0 works.

如果您曾经参加过任何黑客马拉松,那么您知道启动一个项目需要花费多少时间:决定要构建什么,选择一种编程语言,选择一个Web框架,再选择一个CSS框架。 不久之后,您可能会在GitHub上建立一个初始项目,然后其他团队成员才能开始做出贡献。 还是做一些简单的事情,例如使用Facebook身份验证登录? 如果您不熟悉OAuth 2.0的工作原理,可以花几个小时。

Even if you are not using this for a hackathon, Laravel Hackathon Starter is sure to save any developer hours or even days of development time and can serve as a learning guide for web developers.

即使您没有在hackathon上使用它,Laravel Hackathon Starter也可以确保节省开发人员数小时甚至数天的开发时间,并且可以作为Web开发人员的学习指南。

Laravel Hackathon Starter is a boilerplate application developed with Laravel 5.2 to keep you ahead in hackathons.

Laravel Hackathon Starter是使用Laravel 5.2开发的样板应用程序,可让您在hackathon中保持领先地位。

In many ways this is a sample application not unlike the recently released Laravel Spark, but with a the more features the merrier mindset, designed to get people up and running with an MVP in seconds. This starter kit was inspired by Sahat’s NodeJS starter kit.

从许多方面来看,这是一个示例应用程序,与最近发布的Laravel Spark并没有什么不同,但是它具有更多功能 ,具有更出色的思维方式,旨在使人们在数秒钟内即可使用MVP进行安装和运行。 该入门工具包的灵感来自Sahat的NodeJS入门工具包 。

法基诺 [56★] (Fakerino [56 ★])

The work of our author, Nicola Pietroluongo, Fakerino is an alternative to the popular Faker library for generating fake data for your apps during development. Some of its main features are:

Fakerino的作者Nicola Pietroluongo ( Nicola Pietroluongo )的工作是流行的Faker库的替代方案,用于在开发过程中为您的应用程序生成虚假数据。 它的一些主要功能是:

Fake complex data (e.g. person: name, surname, hobby, country, … ).

伪造复杂数据(例如,人:姓名,姓氏,爱好,国家/地区,…)。 Fake single data (e.g. name, surname, integer, text, …).

伪造单个数据(例如,名称,姓氏,整数,文本等)。 Fake data in different languages.


Fake regular expression data (e.g. url => /www\.\w+\.com/).

假正则表达式数据(例如url => /www\.\w+\.com/ )。

Fake data multiple times.

多次伪造数据。 Fake a database table row/s with one line of code.

用一行代码伪造一个数据库表行。 Fake a Twig string or file automatically (e.g. Hello Mr {{ surname }})

自动伪造Twig字符串或文件(例如,Hello Mr {{姓氏}}) Fake a PHP object/entity in one line of code (fills public properties and setters with fake data).

在一行代码中伪造一个PHP对象/实体(用伪数据填充公共属性和设置器)。 Support JSON, array and string output.

支持JSON,数组和字符串输出。 Support array, Yaml, XML, PHP, Txt and Ini configurations.

支持数组,Yaml,XML,PHP,Txt和Ini配置。 Fake from command line interface.


We’ll take a better look at this library in a future post.


他们说/ laravel-langman [398★] (themsaid/laravel-langman [398 ★])

In a vein not dissimilar to our own with nofw, laravel-langman offers a command-line interface for adding and editing languages for multi-language Laravel applications.

与nofw一样 ,laravel-langman提供了一个命令行界面,用于为多语言Laravel应用程序添加和编辑语言。

As Laravel doesn’t use the native gettext by default, this package needs a different approach to managing the language files. As such, it works great with laravel-translation-manager.

由于Laravel默认不使用本地gettext,因此此软件包需要使用其他方法来管理语言文件。 因此,它与laravel-translation-manager一起使用时效果很好。

We’ll take a more in depth look at multi-language Laravel apps in a future post.


phpthinktank / blast-orm [33★] (phpthinktank/blast-orm [33 ★])

Blast-orm is a framework-agnostic easy-to-use ORM package based on Doctrine2 DBAL. It offers:

Blast-orm是基于Doctrine2 DBAL的与框架无关的易于使用的ORM软件包。 它提供:

Data and relation mapping

数据和关系映射 Decoupled entities as POPO’s (Plain-old PHP objects)

解耦的实体为POPO(普通PHP对象) Auto-Suggesting entity definition as well as configure custom definition

自动建议实体定义以及配置自定义定义 Data hydration to entity and vice versa

数据水化为实体,反之亦然 Repository contracted to a single entity class

存储库签约到单个实体类 Integration of fields from definition

定义中的字段整合 Field type aware converting


It remains to be seen how much better / worse this is than alternatives like Propel or CakeORM – both excellent and very approachable solutions – so if you’d like to do this analysis for us, please get in touch!


gabrielrcouto / php-gui [1243★] (gabrielrcouto/php-gui [1243 ★])

This crazy thing lets PHP developers build desktop apps (full window frame and all) with just PHP – no additional extensions or third party system libraries needed. As the README says:

这个疯狂的事情使PHP开发人员仅使用PHP即可构建桌面应用程序(全窗口框架和全部),而无需其他扩展或第三方系统库。 如自述文件所述:

This project aims to solve the most common problems of existing “GUI Projects”:

该项目旨在解决现有“ GUI项目”中最常见的问题:

The need for installing an extension

需要安装扩展 Cross platform

跨平台 No external dependencies


Easy to install (composer require php-gui) / Easy to use ($button = new Button)

易于安装( composer require php-gui )/易于使用( $button = new Button )

To accomplish this, the library uses a Lazarus app, a Free Pascal binary developed for this specific purpose. You can read more about the science behind it in the docs.

为此,该库使用了Lazarus应用程序,这是为此特定目的而开发的Free Pascal二进制文件。 您可以在文档中详细了解其背后的科学。

One caveat is that you still need PHP installed on the machine you want to run the app on, so that’s definitely a dealbreaker for some (I, for instance, don’t have PHP on my host machine – only in my VMs). What can we say other than that we eagerly await the day when we’ll be able to bundle the PHP runtime with developed desktop apps!

一个警告是,您仍然需要在要运行该应用程序的计算机上安装PHP,因此对于某些用户而言,这绝对是一个大问题(例如,我的主机上没有PHP –仅在我的VM中)。 除此之外,我们还能说些什么,我们热切地等待着能够将PHP运行时与开发的桌面应用程序捆绑在一起的那一天!

snapshotpl /惰性容器 [11★] (snapshotpl/lazy-container [11 ★])

This package lets you “get [a] lazy loadable object from any interop container!”


What that means is you can plug it into any app using a container respecting container-interop, and the container will gain the ability to return objects lazily.

这意味着您可以使用容器将其插入任何应用程序中,并container-interop ,容器将能够延迟返回对象。

What that means is that if you have a super-heavy service, one that needs a bunch of dependencies and sub-services to become usable, you probably don’t want it instantiated at application boot time, but only once it’s needed, if at all. This addon lets you refer to the service as a proxy, a fake shell of its real self, until it’s actually needed. Only once a method is called on it will it be fully built and returned. Performance, yay! If this isn’t something you’d be interested in contributing to, I’d love it if you could add this into nofw!

这也就意味着,如果你有一个超重型的服务,一个需要一大堆的依赖和子服务,成为可用的,你可能不希望它被实例化在应用程序启动时,但只有一次,它的需要,如果在所有。 通过此插件,您可以将该服务称为代理,即真正需要的假壳,直到真正需要它为止。 仅在调用方法后,它才会完全构建并返回。 性能,是的! 如果这不是您感兴趣的内容,那么您可以将其添加到nofw中 ,我会很高兴的 !

Idnan / tweet-cli [8★] (Idnan/tweet-cli [8 ★])

This experiment lets you tweet directly from the command line. The purpose of this package remains questionable, but it’s a nice proof of concept and can be used for experimenting with the Twitter API and command line apps in general.

通过该实验,您可以直接从命令行进行鸣叫。 该软件包的目的仍然值得商,,但这是一个很好的概念证明,可以用于总体测试Twitter API和命令行应用程序。

The tool is just a cUrl wrapper, so feel free to study it and/or suggest addons in the form of proper HTTP clients, SQLite support for username/password saving, and more.

该工具只是一个cUrl包装器,因此可以随意研究它和/或以适当的HTTP客户端,SQLite支持用户名/密码保存的形式建议插件。 [11★] ( [11 ★])

Generates text from templates and pre-supplied data:


Text generation from template

从模板生成文本 Tags replacement

标签更换 Text functions (core functions : random, shuffle, if, loop)

文本函数(核心函数:随机,随机,if,循环) Nested function calls

嵌套函数调用 Skip parts that contain empty values to prevent inconsistency in the generated text


In a nutshell, you provide the package with a template, and then with some variables to interpolate, and it’ll execute the replacements. Unlike a typical template engine, however, this generator will randomize, loop, and customize the output with various utilities. If you find a real use for this, do tell – we’re curious to find out.

简而言之,您为程序包提供了模板,然后提供了一些要插值的变量,它将执行替换操作。 但是,与典型的模板引擎不同,此生成器将使用各种实用程序对输出进行随机化,循环和自定义。 如果您发现这有实际用途,请告诉我们-我们很想知道。

That’s it for April – as always, please throw your links at us with the hashtags #sourcehunt and #php – here’s the link to the combination. Naturally, if you’d like to sourcehunt a project written in another language, alter accordingly.

就是四月了-与往常一样,请使用#sourcehunt和#php标签将您的链接扔给我们-这是组合的链接 。 自然,如果您想寻找其他语言编写的项目,请进行相应的更改。

Happy coding!



