
tech2022-09-01  128


The following is an excerpt from The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide by John Sonmez. To get the entire book delivered to your inbox, go here.

以下摘录自John Sonmez的《完整软件开发人员职业指南》 。 要将整本书发送到您的收件箱,请转到此处 。

This post may contain some of the most important career advice you’ll ever receive — no, really. Using this information, you may be able to earn yourself hundreds of thousands or even a million dollars or more over the course of your career.

这篇文章可能包含一些您将收到的最重要的职业建议-不,真的。 使用此信息,您可以在职业生涯中赚取数十万甚至一百万美元甚至更多。

目录 ( Table of Contents)

Know Your Salary Range


Getting the Offer


Salary Isn't Everything






Whoever Names a Number First Loses


Don't Be Afraid to Counteroffer


Everything Is Negotiable


Don't Succumb to Time Pressure


Multiple Offers


Where to Go From Here




The reason why is two-fold.


First, if you negotiate correctly, you can increase your starting salary at a job you take by a fairly large amount — much more than you can ever expect to get from raises.

首先,如果谈判正确, 您可以将所从事的工作的起薪提高很多,这远远超出了从加薪中获得的期望。

And second, raises are almost always based off of a percentage of your current salary.

其次, 加薪几乎总是以您当前薪水的一定百分比为基础的。

That is why it is absolutely critical to get a good salary when starting a new job and to negotiate as best as possible.

这就是为什么在开始新工作时获得高薪并尽可能地进行谈判 绝对至关重要 。

Unfortunately, most developers severely undercut themselves and either don’t even negotiate at all, or immediately roll over and accept the first offer they are given.


I fully understand this mentality, especially if you just want to get a job, but it’s important to think about the long term.


In this post, I’m going to take you from first getting an offer and the things you need to consider, all the way to the negotiation phase, where I’ll give you some of the best advice I have about making a counteroffer.


Looking for more on salaries and getting a job? Check out these great links:

寻找更多关于薪金和找到工作的信息? 查看以下重要链接:

The Software Developer’s Guide to Getting a Job


How to Get a Web Development Job


How to Land a Development Job Without Experience


Best Programming Languages For Job Demand and Salaries


How to Create a Portfolio Site That Will Get You Hired


Podcast: Job Interviews, and Tips for Getting a Web Development Job

播客: 面试和获得Web开发工作的提示

Check out SitePoint Premium for books, courses and free screencasts for web developers.

查看SitePoint Premium,获取针对Web开发人员的书籍,课程和免费截屏视频。

了解你的薪水范围 (Know Your Salary Range)

The first thing you should do is know your salary range, the area of technology, the job title, and the geographic location of the job you are applying for.


Let’s break some of these down.


You should know what the salary range is for the specific job you want at the company. Sites like Glassdoor.com can help you with that.

您应该知道公司想要的特定工作的薪水范围是多少 。 Glassdoor.com等网站可以为您提供帮助。

You can also ask around.


If you know someone who is working at the company, don’t ask, “How much do you get paid?”


Instead ask, “Is x to y dollars a reasonable salary expectation based on what you know? And if not, what would you say is reasonable?”

而是问:“根据您所知道的,x到y美元是否是合理的薪金期望? 如果没有,您说什么合理?”

Whatever number they say, increase it by at least 10%, since no one wants to help someone else get paid more than themselves.


You are not going to have perfect data on this, but before you go into any kind of salary negotiations or evaluate a job offer, you should at least have a pretty good idea of the range whatever company you are applying for usually pays someone in an equivalent title or position.


In fact, large companies might even have an actual official pay scale that you can get your hands on.


For example, when I worked at HP, my manager had an official pay scale with different pay grades that he could show me.


Sometimes, all you have to do is ask.


However, you shouldn’t use this as your only data point.


You should do additional research to find out what software developers of different levels of experience and working with specific technologies are being paid on average.


Ask around and search for this data. It won’t be that difficult to find.

询问并搜索此数据。 找到它不会那么困难。

Yes, I know this is extra work, but it’s also plain old common sense.


Any time you are about to enter serious negotiations on a money matter, you should have your facts straight.


If I’m going to buy a new or used car, you can bet I’m coming prepared with the car’s Kelly Blue Book value, what other dealers or sellers are pricing the same or comparable vehicle at,and the dealer’s invoice, if I can find it.


So many software developers ask me what number they should name when asked about their salary requirement (hint: don’t name any), or whether an offer is good or not, but if they had taken the time to do a little research ahead of time, they’d already know.


Trust me, this research can pay off well, so do it.


获得报价 (Getting the Offer)

So, let’s skip ahead a little bit — since negotiations can happen before or after the offer — and talk about when to expect an offer and what to do when you get one.


Most companies will tell you ahead of time if they are going to send you an offer, although I’ve received a surprise email or courier with one from time to time.

大多数公司会提前告知您是否要向您发送报价 ,尽管我有时会收到一封包含一封意外邮件或快递的邮件。

It’s debatable whether it’s more beneficial to negotiate before the offer is made or after.


If you negotiate before getting the offer, you risk not getting one in the first place.


But, if you negotiate after, you risk not setting the stage properly and getting an extremely low offer that will be difficult to negotiate out of.


All in all, I prefer to do the bulk of the negotiations after getting the offer, because at that point the hiring manager has made a firm decision to hire you, which will be an advantage in negotiations.

总而言之, 我更喜欢在收到要约后进行大部分谈判 ,因为那时候招聘经理已经做出了雇用您的坚定决定,这将是谈判的优势。

When you get an offer, it’s important to remember that an offer is just that: an offer.


It does not mean you absolutely have the job — although chances are likely — and it does not mean you are guaranteed anything in any way.

这并不意味着您绝对有工作 (尽管有机会),但这并不意味着您可以以任何方式得到保证。

Offers can easily be rescinded, although it rarely happens.


You should carefully read the offer and pay attention to any deadlines for responding. (Those can be negotiated.)

您应该仔细阅读报价,并注意任何答复截止日期。 (可以协商。)

Look for the details like the start date, yearly or monthly salary, job title, benefits like vacation or health insurance, and any other details that are important to you.


All of these points are negotiable, so it’s important to consider everything.


You may be tempted to just immediately accept an offer, especially if you’ve been looking for a job for a while. Don’t.

您可能会想立即接受报价,特别是如果您已经找工作了一段时间。 别。

It’s always worth trying to negotiate, at least to some degree.


Before we move on, let’s talk about one more important point when it comes to getting an offer: the time frame.


I’ve had plenty of job interviews where I’ve waited for weeks before getting an offer or a rejection letter.


Chances are, if you got the job, you will get the offer fairly quickly within a few days of the interview — although this isn’t always the case.


It is always a good idea to follow up, especially if you can indicate subtly that you have another option you are considering.

跟进总是一个好主意 ,特别是如果您可以巧妙地指出您正在考虑其他选择的话。

Many programmers are afraid to follow up, but I can’t understand why.


Do you think that someone who wants to hire you for a job is going to decide to not hire you because you sent them an email asking about when to expect a decision or you followed up in some way?


It’s more likely that being aggressive and a go-getter will move a hiring manager from a “maybe” to a “yes,” so definitely follow up.


薪水不是万能的 (Salary Isn’t Everything)

We’ve already hit on this slightly, but let’s dive a little deeper into what makes up the entire package of a job offer.


Far too many software developers just look at one number — salary — when considering a job and an offer.

太多的软件开发人员在考虑一份工作和一份工作时只看一个数字- 薪水 。

Not only does this approach take many negotiating factors off the table and make your position weaker, but it also may cause you to short-change yourself by taking a job offer that appears to be worth more money, but actually isn’t.


Let’s consider a few scenarios, shall we?


Imagine having two offers. One is for $90,000 and the other is for $80,000.

想象有两个要约。 一个是90,000美元,另一个是80,000美元。

The $90,000 offer — we’ll call it “Offer A” — is from a small company. They are going to give you a .05% equity in their company which vests after three years.

$ 90,000的报价(我们称为“ Offer A”)来自一家小公司。 他们将给您持有其公司0.05%的股份,并在三年后归属。

The CEO indicates that, since they are a small startup, typical working hours are around 60 hours a week. Vacation time is “generous” and is combined with sick days to form a “take vacation when you need it” policy. Health insurance is provided, but only covered at 80%, and you have to pay $200 pre-tax into it via your paycheck. There is a 401k retirement plan, but no company matching. Your job title will be Senior Software Developer.

该首席执行官表示,由于这是一家小型创业公司,因此通常的工作时间约为每周60小时。 休假时间是“慷慨的”,并结合病假形成“需要时休假”的政策。 提供了健康保险,但只涵盖了80%,您必须通过薪水支票向其支付200美元的税前税。 有一个401k退休计划,但没有与之匹配的公司。 您的职位是高级软件开发人员。

The $80,000 offer — we’ll call it “Offer B” — is from a pretty large Fortune 500 company. You won’t get any equity in the company, but you may get stock options as a bonus, if the company has a good quarter.

$ 80,000的报价(我们称为“ Offer B”)来自一家相当大的《财富》 500强公司。 您不会获得公司的任何股权,但是如果公司业绩良好,您可能会获得股票期权作为奖励。

The company seems to have a good culture. Many developers work from home. They usually have social events where they take half-days on Fridays. You don’t get the impression that many people even work 40 hours a week. Work-life balance is an HR policy.

公司似乎有良好的文化。 许多开发人员在家工作。 他们通常会举办社交活动,每周五休息半天。 您不会有很多人甚至每周工作40小时的印象。 工作与生活的平衡是一项人力资源政策。

Vacation is being offered at “two weeks,” which increases after several years of service. You also get five paid sick days.

假期是在“两周”提供的,在服务了几年后,假期会增加。 您还将获得五天带薪病假。

Health insurance is fully provided with no extra cost at 100% coverage. There is a 401k retirement plan with 2% matching. There are a few other small benefits like an onsite, heavily discounted cafeteria, discounted child care, gym membership, etc. Your job title will be Software Engineer II.

完全免费提供100%覆盖范围的健康保险。 有一个401k退休计划,匹配度为2%。 还有一些其他的小好处,例如现场服务,折扣幅度很大的自助餐厅,折扣的托儿服务,健身房会员资格等等。您的职位将是Software Engineer II。

We could spend all day talking about the differences between these offers, but I want to start with the most important and best way to compare two offers from a financial perspective.


Let’s talk about hourly rate. You see, salary tends to hide this.

让我们谈谈小时费率。 你看,薪水往往掩盖了这一点。

In order to get the real hourly rate you will be paid, we need to take into account the following important factors:


expected hours you will work in a week

您将在一周内工作的预期时间 expected compensation, including bonuses

预期薪酬,包括奖金 vacation time

放假时间 value of benefits you will use (especially health insurance)


This can get fairly complicated, but let’s try to keep it simple, since we are only looking for big differences. It’s not worth considering that one job ends up being $35/hour and the other is $36. Let’s take both offers and try to come up with an hourly rate.

这可能会变得相当复杂,但是由于我们只是在寻找较大的差异,因此让我们尝试保持简单。 值得一提的是,一份工作的时薪为每小时35美元,而另一份的时薪为36美元,这是不值得的。 让我们同时接受这两个报价,并尝试得出一个小时费率。

Offer A:


Hours worked in a typical week: 55 (give them the benefit of the doubt)

通常一个星期的工作时间: 55(给他们疑问的好处)

Straight compensation: $90,000

直接薪酬: 90,000美元

Bonuses: $0 (equity is usually worthless)

奖金: $ 0(平常通常毫无价值)

Vacation time: 5 days (when a company has an unlimited vacation policy and has 50-60 hour workweeks, you typically take very little, if any, vacation.)

休假时间: 5天(如果公司制定了不受限制的休假政策,并且每周工作50至60小时,那么您通常很少休假(如果有的话)。)

Health insurance: $700 a month


$90,000 + 0 + ($700 × 12) = $98,400

$ 90,000 + 0 +($ 700×12)= $ 98,400

$98,400 / (55 hour per week × (52 – 1 week vacation))

$ 98,400 /(每周55小时×(52 – 1周假期))

$98,400 / 2805 (total hours worked per year) = $35 an hour

$ 98,400 / 2805(每年总工作时间)=每小时$ 35

Offer B:


Hours worked in a typical week: 40

通常一个星期的工作时间: 40

Straight compensation: $80,000

直接补偿: 80,000美元

Bonuses: $2,400 (assume 3% average)

奖金: $ 2,400(假设平均为3%)

Vacation time: 10 days

休假时间: 10天

Health insurance: $1,500 a month

健康保险:每月$ 1,500

401k match: $400 a month

401k比赛:每月$ 400

Other benefits: $200 a month


$80,000 + $2,400 + ($1,500 + $400 + $200 × 12) = $107,600

$ 80,000 + $ 2,400 +($ 1,500 + $ 400 + $ 200×12)= $ 107,600

$107,600 / (40 hour per week × (52 – 2 week vacation))

$ 107,600 /(每周40小时×(52 – 2周假期))

$107,600 / 2000 (total hours worked per year) = $54 an hour

$ 107,600 / 2000(每年总工作时间)=每小时$ 54

Now, before you get all upset, I’m not saying a big company is necessarily better than a startup. It could be the other way around, but look at the difference here.

现在,在万事俱备之前,我并不是说大公司一定比初创公司更好。 可能是相反的方式,但请看这里的区别。

When you look at how much you are actually being paid an hour on one job where the salary is lower, the actual hourly value is about $54 an hour while the other job, which pays $10,000 more, is actually only about $35 an hour.

当您查看薪水较低的一项工作时,一个小时实际上能得到多少薪水, 实际时薪约为每小时54美元,而另一项工作时薪高出10,000美元,则实际上仅为时薪35美元。

This is huge! Even if I am off on some of my estimates, you can easily see how looking at salary alone is deceptive and can lead you down the entirely wrong path.

太好了! 即使我超出了我的某些估计,您也可以轻松地看到仅凭薪水看便具有欺骗性,并且会导致您走上完全错误的道路。

Always, always do this kind of calculation when you get a job offer.


Now, of course, it doesn’t just come down to money. You might be much happier at one job versus another, so definitely take that into consideration as well. But as far as negotiating is concerned, make sure you are making a fair comparison from a financial perspective.

现在,当然,它不仅仅取决于金钱。 您可能在一项工作上比在另一项工作上要快乐得多,因此也一定要考虑到这一点。 但是就谈判而言,请确保从财务角度进行公平的比较。

We’ll talk about negotiating next, but think about how much of a difference this kind of information makes to what you ask for. Knowing this information, you might ask the startup company for $120,000 in order to make it comparable or a better deal than the large company offer.

接下来我们将讨论谈判,但是请考虑一下这种信息与您所要求的有多大不同。 了解了这些信息后,您可以向初创公司索要120,000美元,以使其与大型公司的报价具有可比性或更好的价格。

Without this information, you might have assumed the startup company’s offer was actually better.


谈判中 (Negotiating)

Okay, now that we’ve properly set the stage, we can actually talk about negotiating.


Without having the background knowledge we covered above, I’m sure you can see how your negotiations would be much less effective. First of all, let’s talk about why negotiating is so important.

如果没有我们上面介绍的背景知识,我敢肯定您会看到您的谈判将变得不太有效。 首先, 让我们谈谈谈判为何如此重要。

I hear plenty of times from software developers that they didn’t want to hassle with negotiating and risk losing the job, so they just took the offer. Often, these well-meaning developers try to convince me it wouldn’t have made much of a difference anyway.

我从软件开发人员那里听到很多次他们不想麻烦谈判并冒失去工作的风险,所以他们只是接受了这个提议。 通常,这些好心的开发人员试图说服我,无论如何也不会带来太大的改变。

Respectfully, I disagree. Here’s why. One big reason is that it is much easier to impact your salary when you first begin a job than through getting raises at a job.

尊重,我不同意。 这就是为什么。 一个很大的原因是, 刚开始工作时影响薪水比通过工作加薪要容易得多。

If you can raise your overall compensation by 10% — which is usually easily obtainable — you can possibly put yourself ahead by 2–3 years in terms of raises, which usually are around 2–3%, but might actually be 0%.


This alone might not seem like a huge deal, but the power of compounding — what Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world — can make it so. Let’s see how.

仅此一项似乎并不算什么大问题,但复合的力量-爱因斯坦称之为世界第八大奇迹-可以做到。 让我们看看如何。

We’ll just use salary negotiations for this example, but ultimately you want to negotiate on every factor we talked about in the previous example to influence the overall compensation.

在此示例中 ,我们仅使用薪金谈判 ,但最终您需要就上一个示例中讨论的每个因素进行谈判,以影响总体薪酬。

Suppose you took a job for $80,000 instead of negotiating and getting $90,000. The chart below assumes a 3% raise every year. Let’s see what the difference would be after 10 years:

假设您以80,000美元的价格工作,而不是通过谈判获得90,000美元。 下图假设每年增加3%。 让我们看看十年后会有什么不同:

Year 1$80,000$90,000Year 2$82,400.00$92,700.00Year 3$84,872.00$95,481.00Year 4$87,418.16$98,345.43Year 5$90,040.70$101,295.79Year 6$92,741.93$104,334.67Year 7$95,524.18$107,464.71Year 8$98,389.91$110,688.65Year 9$101,341.61$114,009.31Year 10$104,381.85$117,429.59Total$917,110$1,031,749 1年级 $ 80,000 $ 90,000 2年级 $ 82,400.00 $ 92,700.00 3年级 $ 84,872.00 $ 95,481.00 4年级 $ 87,418.16 $ 98,345.43 5年级 $ 90,040.70 $ 101,295.79 6年级 $ 92,741.93 $ 104,334.67 7年级 $ 95,524.18 $ 107,464.71 8年级 $ 98,389.91 $ 110,688.65 9年级 $ 101,341.61 $ 114,009.31 10年级 $ 104,381.85 $ 117,429.59 总 $ 917,110 $ 1,031,749

That represents a difference of $114,639. That might not make you rich, but it is a pretty decent amount of money.

这意味着相差114,639美元。 那可能不会使你富有,但这是一笔相当可观的钱。

That assumes you stay at the same job for 10 years and get 3% raises, but what happens if you switch jobs and negotiate again or you negotiate your raises? And what happens if you take that extra money you are making and invest it?

假设您在同一份工作上工作了10年并获得3%的加薪,但是如果您换工作并再次谈判或谈判加薪会怎样? 如果拿走自己赚的钱并进行投资,会发生什么呢?

Oh, and, if you are curious what the difference might be over the course of your entire career, say 30 years, it’s $475,754.16!


定位 (Positioning)

One of the first things to consider when entering any negotiation is the relative positioning of both parties.


This is one of the main reasons why I spend so much time teaching software developers how to build a personal brand and market themselves.


The better your position is coming into a negotiation, the better the outcome you can get from the negotiation.


The person who can most afford to walk away from a deal always has the best position — remember that.

最有能力摆脱交易的人始终拥有最佳职位 -请记住这一点。

Probably your best possible position is to have a company seek you out specifically and try and recruit you based on your unique talents, abilities, or reputation and for you to already have a very nice, high-paying job along with several other offers.


Oh, and you also have plenty of money in the bank to live off for the next three months or more.


Does this seem like fantasy?


It’s not. When I was still writing code full time, before I went out on my own, I was able to put myself in this exact position, and it was great.

不是。 当我仍然全职编写代码时,在我自己出去之前,我能够把自己摆在这个确切的位置上,这很棒。

Let’s look at the contrast.


The worst position you could be in is to have applied for a job without a referral. You are barely qualified for the job since they asked for someone with a college degree, and you don’t have one.

您可能遇到的最糟糕的职位是在没有推荐的情况下申请工作。 您几乎没有资格获得这份工作,因为他们要一个拥有大学学位的人,而您却没有。

The interview didn’t go well, and you were the third choice for the position. The other two candidates declined the offer.

面试进展不顺利,您是该职位的第三选择。 其他两名候选人拒绝了这一提议。

You don’t have another job lined up. You are about to get kicked out of your apartment, and you have a bunch of unpaid bills.

您没有其他工作。 您将被赶出公寓,而且还有很多未付的账单。

Can you see how you’d be in a much better negotiating position in the first case as compared to the second?


Before you even get into negotiations, you want to do as much as possible to try to get yourself as close to the first case as you can.


You never want to be caught in what I call “the squeeze,” or a squeeze situation. This is a situation where your choices are extremely limited, and you are forced to make some suboptimal choices because of some constraint like finances, a deadline, or some other calamity. So, what can you do to improve your position?

您永远都不想陷入所谓的“挤压”或挤压情况。 在这种情况下,您的选择非常有限,并且由于财务,截止日期或其他一些灾难,您不得不做出一些次优的选择。 那么,您该怎么做才能改善自己的位置呢?

First of all, you can make sure you are not desperate. Don’t quit a job before you have another job lined up —even if your boss is a jerk.

首先,您可以确保自己绝望。 在安排另一份工作之前,不要辞职,即使您的老板是个混蛋。

Try to have a few months of living expenses saved up at all times. Anyone can do this and it will keep you out of quite a few squeeze situations in your life. (Trust me on this one.)

设法随时节省几个月的生活费用。 任何人都可以做到这一点,它将使您摆脱生活中的诸多困境。 (请相信我。)

Try to apply for a job from a referral if at all possible.

尽可能尝试从推荐人那里申请一份工作 。

Be extremely well-prepared for an interview so that you can have the strongest performance possible. If you “ace” an interview, you are going to be in a much stronger position than if you barely squeak by.

为面试做好充分的准备,以便您获得最佳表现。 如果您“面试”一次面试,您的地位将比勉强勉强过的要强得多。

See if you can get multiple offers lined up at the same time.

看看您是否可以同时获得多个优惠 。

Make sure you know the job market, the company you are negotiating with, and the salary information we talked about above. Knowledge is power. In any negotiation, the party with more knowledge is in a much better position than the party who lacks it.

确保您知道工作市场,与您进行谈判的公司以及我们上面讨论的薪资信息 。 知识就是力量。 在任何谈判中,拥有更多知识的政党比没有政党的政党的地位要好得多。

Establish a good reputation. The better your reputation is, the better your position will be. This is one of the main reasons I advocate for every software developer having a regularly updated blog and learning some basic marketing and branding skills.

建立良好的声誉。 您的声誉越好,您的职位就越好。 这是我提倡每个软件开发人员都拥有定期更新的博客并学习一些基本的营销和品牌技巧的主要原因之一。

Before you begin any negotiation process, evaluate your position and the position of the company you are negotiating with.


先输号码的人 (Whoever Names a Number First Loses)

Remember how I said knowledge is really important in positioning? One of the biggest pieces of knowledge you or a company can have about you is salary information.

还记得我怎么说知识对定位真的很重要吗? 您或公司可以获取的关于您的最大知识之一就是薪水信息。

In just about any negotiation, whoever names a number first loses, or is at least at a distinct disadvantage.


Under no circumstances should you reveal your current salary and you should never name the salary you are looking for until you’ve been given an offer first.


Yes, I know this is easier said than done. Yes, I know companies will directly ask you both your current salary and what salary you want for the job you are applying for, but there are several ways around this.

是的,我知道这说起来容易做起来难。 是的,我知道公司会直接询问您当前的薪水以及您申请工作所需的薪水,但是可以通过多种方法来解决。

First of all, if you are asked what your current salary is, you can say that it is confidential information from your current employer and you wouldn’t feel right giving out that information.


You could simply state you prefer not to say. If pressed why, you could say that you consider the entire compensation package which includes benefits and other non-tangible items, so you wouldn’t want to talk in terms of salary alone.

您可以简单地说出您不想说的话。 如果被迫这么做,您可以说您考虑了包括薪酬和其他非有形项目在内的整个薪酬方案 ,因此您不想单单谈薪资。

You could also take a more blunt approach and simply state that you feel like talking about your current salary would put you at a distinct disadvantage in negotiating your salary at this job, because if your salary was significantly lower you would get less than you are worth, and if it were significantly higher, you might not get an offer which you might have considered.

您也可以采取更直截了当的方法,简单地说, 您觉得谈论当前的薪水会使您在就这份工作进行薪水谈判时处于明显的劣势 ,因为如果薪水显着降低,您将得到的薪水将少于您的身价,如果该价格高得多,则可能无法获得您曾考虑过的要约。

This exact same advice can be applied when you are asked to name a number for your current salary expectations. In addition, you could say that you will entertain any reasonable offer or that you would like to know about the entire compensation package rather than to just name an arbitrary number.

当要求您为当前的期望薪水命名一个数字时,可以应用完全相同的建议。 另外,您可以说您会接受任何合理的报价,或者您想知道整个补偿方案,而不仅仅是给出一个任意的数字。

(This is actually a very smart thing to say when you consider how much of a difference the overall compensation package made to the hourly value of the two offer examples we looked at above.)


Here’s an example from a blog post I wrote on this topic:


Suppose you applied for a job and you expected that the salary for that job was $70,000. You get offered the job and the first question you are asked is what your salary requirements are. You state that you are looking for something around $70,000. Perhaps you are even clever and say somewhere in the range of $70,000 to $80,000. The HR manager immediately offers you a salary of $75,000. You shake hands, accept the deal and are pretty happy — only there is one big problem: the HR manager had budgeted from $80,000 to $100,000 for the job. Since you named a number first, you ended up costing yourself potentially as much as $25,000 a year. Whoops.

假设您申请了一份工作,并且希望该工作的薪水为$ 70,000。 您获得了这份工作,首先要问的是您的薪水要求是多少。 您声明您正在寻找$ 70,000左右的东西。 也许您甚至很聪明,说在70,000美元到80,000美元之间。 人力资源经理会立即为您提供75,000美元的薪水。 您握手,接受交易并感到很高兴–只有一个大问题:人事经理的预算是80,000美元到100,000美元。 由于您首先命名了一个号码,因此最终自己每年可能要花费25,000美元。 哎呀

不要害怕还价 (Don’t Be Afraid to Counteroffer)

In just about all situations, when you do get a job offer, you should counteroffer. This is what is known as an arbitrage situation, because there is very little downside but a very large upside.

在几乎所有情况下,当您获得工作机会时,都应该还价。 这就是所谓的套利情况 ,因为它的下行空间很小,但上行空间很大。

What I mean by this is that you have very little to risk and a large amount to gain.


It would be rare for an offer of employment to be revoked simply because you made a counteroffer. In most cases, the worst they can do is say “no.”

仅仅因为您提出还价而被撤销工作机会的情况很少。 在大多数情况下,他们能做的最糟糕的事情是说“不”。

So, you should almost always make some kind of counteroffer.

因此, 您几乎应该总是做出某种还价。

What kind of counteroffer you make will greatly depend on the situation and context. You should, however, have a clear goal in mind for what you would like to get out of any negotiation and the minimum you are willing to accept, before going into negotiations.

您做出哪种还价将在很大程度上取决于情况和环境。 但是,在进行谈判之前,您应该牢记一个明确的目标,即您希望从任何谈判中得到什么以及您愿意接受的最低限度。

This will make it much easier for you to know what your counteroffer should be.


I’ve also learned that, when it comes to negotiations, usually whoever makes the biggest move or concession ends up losing in the long run.

我还了解到,就谈判而言, 通常采取最大行动或让步的人从长远来看最终会失败 。

In one of the only legal battles I’ve ever had to seriously endure in my career, I was in negotiations over a settlement that was in arbitration. The original damage to me was around $10,000, but my lawyer came in asking for an initial settlement of $50,000. The first round of negotiations ended with the other party countering our $50,000 request with his own offer of exactly zero dollars.

在我职业生涯中必须认真忍受的唯一一场法律斗争中,我正在就一项仲裁解决方案进行谈判。 最初对我造成的损失约为10,000美元,但我的律师要求我先赔偿50,000美元。 第一轮谈判结束了,另一方以我们自己提供的正好为零的美元来反对我们的50,000美元的请求。

My inclination was to immediately drop the ask to $25,000 or so, so that he’d at least start coming up. To my shock, both the judge and my lawyer agreed that the best number in this case would be around $45,000.

我的倾向是立即将要价降到25,000美元左右,这样他至少会开始上涨。 令我震惊的是,法官和我的律师都同意,在这种情况下,最好的数字大约是45,000美元。

What happened next was magic. Suddenly we were looking at a counteroffer of $9,000. Again, I was inclined to counter back at around $15,000 or so to “meet in the middle.”

接下来发生的是魔术。 突然,我们收到了$ 9,000的还价。 再一次,我倾向于以大约15,000美元左右的价格反击,以“达到中间水平”。

My lawyer and the judge both agreed that coming back with $39,000 would be the best number. This continued back and forth with the other side coming up and us barely moving down, until we ended up somewhere close to $16,000. (Remember, my original goal was just $10,000.)

我的律师和法官都同意,拿回39,000美元是最好的数字。 这种情况持续不断地来回,而另一侧又来了,我们几乎没有下跌,直到最终接近$ 16,000。 (请记住,我最初的目标只是10,000美元。)

What I learned from this negotiation is that you should be extremely careful moving down from what you want and instead try and force the other party to come up.

从这次谈判中我了解到, 您应该非常小心地从想要的位置移开,而是试图迫使另一方挺身而出。

I also learned that by having someone represent you, through the power of agency, you have much more leverage than representing yourself. So don’t be afraid to counteroffer and when you do counteroffer, know what you want, aim much higher than that number, and come down slowly.

我还了解到,通过代理人的力量让某人代表您,您比代表自己拥有更多的杠杆作用。 因此,不要害怕还价,当您还价时,知道自己想要什么,目标远高于该数字,然后慢慢下降。

And don’t be afraid to make more than one counteroffer.


There is a limit. I probably wouldn’t make more than two or three because, at that point, your prospective employer will probably be questioning how badly you actually want the job, but you should at least make one and, in most cases, two.

有一个限制。 我的薪水可能不会超过2或3,因为在那一点上,您的准雇主可能会质疑您实际想要这份工作有多严重,但您至少应赚1,在大多数情况下,应为2。

一切都可以商量 (Everything Is Negotiable)

When you negotiate, do not just negotiate on salary alone.


Remember how we broke out all the components of an offer and actually figured out the hourly rate difference between Offer A and Offer B? Even though Offer B was for $10,000 less salary, it turned out to be a much better deal than Offer A.

还记得我们如何分解要约的所有组成部分,并实际上算出了要约A和要约B之间的小时费率差异吗? 即使要约B的薪水要少10,000美元,但事实证明这比要约A更好。

If you only negotiate on salary, you’ll be leaving a large amount of your negotiating power off the table.


It’s always important to remember that different aspects of a deal have different values to different people involved.


While salary might be really important for your prospective employer because they have a set range and HR policies that prevent them from going above it, they might be able to be much more flexible with vacation days, medical benefits, or some other perks that could impact the overall deal just as much or even more than salary alone.


It’s crucial that you not only look at every component of a compensation package or offer, but also negotiate on as many points as possible if you want to maximize your opportunity.


Even working hours can be negotiated ahead of time. It is very possible to negotiate that you will only work 40 hours max per week at a job with a startup company where most employees work 50 and 60 hour weeks.

甚至可以提前安排工作时间。 很有可能需要协商,在一家大多数员工每周工作50和60小时的初创公司中,您每周最多只能工作40个小时。

It’s also not unreasonable.


Negotiating something like this ahead of time can be extremely valuable, especially if you can put those other hours to good use.


The point is to negotiate on all points. You will have more to work with and can increase your overall compensation much more than you will by just negotiating on salary.

关键是要就所有问题进行谈判。 您将有更多的工作要做,并且比仅仅通过薪水谈判可以增加更多的总体薪酬。

不要屈服于时间压力 (Don’t Succumb to Time Pressure)

One of the best negotiating tactics possible is to put the other party under time pressure — artificial or real.


When you are under time pressure, you feel rushed, so you are more likely to make a bad decision.


You’ll notice used car salesmen and timeshare vacation salespeople heavily employ this tactic, along with a large amount of pressure. Make sure you always have time to think about and consider your options.

您会注意到,二手车销售人员和分时度假销售人员大量采用了这种策略,并且承受了巨大的压力。 确保您总是有时间思考和考虑您的选择。

One of the best way to do this is to ask or to simply state that you need more time.


Just because you received an offer that has a deadline three days from now doesn’t mean that you have to make a decision in that time frame.


If you need more time — or if you are waiting for other offers, see below — just say you need a few more days to consider the offer.


If the company you are working with won’t “play ball,” you can try making a fairly high counteroffer right at the deadline.


This can often buy you more time as they will have to come back with another offer and give you more time to think about it.


Just make sure you are not making a rushed decision based on the time limit. In many cases, it’s better to pass in life than make rushed decisions.

只要确保您没有根据时间限制做出紧急决定即可。 在许多情况下,过生活比做出匆忙的决定更好。

多个优惠 (Multiple Offers)

If you are fortunate to be in a multiple offer situation, you might find it stressful because you don’t know what to do.


It’s great to have options, but is it okay to play your options against each other? And how do you do it?

拥有选择权很棒,但是彼此选择权也可以吗? 那你怎么做呢?

First of all, you should have multiple offers if you are doing things right. Try and make it so that you have more than one offer on the table at the same time. Schedule your interviews and apply for jobs in such a way that maximizes this potential.

首先,如果您做对的话,应该有多个优惠。 尝试使它同时在桌子上有一个以上的报价。 安排您的面试并以最大程度地利用这种潜力的方式申请工作。

In the real estate business, some savvy agents will “premarket” a house by advertising what date it will go on the market. When that date rolls around, they get multiple offers at the same time and often can trigger a bidding war.

在房地产业务中,一些精明的代理商会通过广告房屋上市的日期来“预售”房屋。 当日期临近时,他们会同时获得多个要约,通常会引发竞标战。

So, there is value in having multiple offers, but you have to play it carefully.


I think the best way to play it is to let the parties involved know that you do have multiple offers you are considering, but not to directly use or reveal that information to each party.


What I mean by this is that you should be honest that you are considering other offers because you want to find the best opportunity for your future and where you can make the best contribution.


This is perfectly reasonable, and it puts a certain amount of pressure on a prospective employer to give you the best offer possible and raises your value in their eyes since you are a “hot commodity.”


Nevertheless, you should not go to one prospective employer and say, “Well, so-and-so company offered me X amount of dollars and Y amounts of vacation, so you’d need to at least offer me Z. Plus, they have a cafeteria. What do you have?” That is a really good way to have the pending offer withdrawn and to have them say, “No, thank you.”

不过, 您不应该去找一个准雇主说:“某某某公司给了我X笔美元和Y笔假期,所以您至少需要给我Z笔。另外,他们有一个自助餐厅。 你有什么?” 这是取消待处理报价并让他们说“不,谢谢”的一种好方法。

No one likes to feel like someone is putting the squeeze on them.


It’s one thing to be honest that you have more than one offer, but it’s another thing to use that information to try and bully someone and force their hand.


If a prospective employer asks about how big another offer is and what you are considering, it might be okay to reveal a little bit of information, but you’ll have to be really careful to do it in a modest way that doesn’t sound like you think you are all that.


Use discretion and consider the situation and context.


Ultimately, the real value in having multiple offers does not come from directly playing offers against each other, but in having options. Having options gives you the most valuable negotiating position: the ability to walk away.

最终, 拥有多个要约的真正价值不在于直接相互竞争要约,而是在于拥有选择权。 有选择权给您带来最有价值的谈判地位:走开的能力。

When you have two or three offers, you can confidently negotiate each one hard and not worry if you lose one or two. Just remember to tread carefully and don’t be a jerk.

当您收到两个或三个要约时,您可以放心地艰难地协商每个要约,而不必担心如果丢失一两个就可以。 只要记住要小心行事,不要混蛋。

从这往哪儿走 (Where to Go From Here)

With the techniques I’ve covered in this post, you’re better prepared to negotiate an above-market compensation package than most of the software developers I’ve met in my 17 years in this industry.


I’ve just scratched the surface though of the steps you can take to further your career as a developer.


In fact, I’ve put together an entire book just for developers who want to grow as professionals and earn more income while doing work they love.


It’s called The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide. For more information, please click here.

这就是《完整软件开发人员职业指南》 。 有关更多信息, 请单击此处 。

You can also read two more excerpts from this book on SitePoint:


How to Learn Programming Languages Faster


The Software Developer’s Guide to Getting a Job


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/the-software-developers-guide-to-salary-negotiation/

