携程 雇主

tech2022-09-02  105

携程 雇主

“No one will hire me.”


Jim Walters was blacklisted. His former boss tried to ruin his career. When prospective employers contacted Jim, they asked for references.

吉姆·沃尔特斯被列入黑名单。 他的前老板试图破坏他的职业。 当准雇主联系吉姆时,他们要求提供参考。

So he sent them.


Inevitably, these employers decided they didn’t want to hire Jim. 12 employers made an offer. They all backed out after contacting his references.

这些雇主不可避免地决定他们不想雇用吉姆。 12位雇主提出了要约。 在联系他的参考文献后,他们全都退出了。

His former boss was attempting to ruin his career.

他的前老板正试图破坏他的职业 。

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寻找下一个角色? SitePoint远程作业板可帮助您找到技术上最好的远程作业。

也许你的老板很糟糕 (Maybe Your Boss is Terrible)

Maybe they’re a tyrant, focused on dominating you. Or maybe they’re clueless micromanagers harassing you about your work. The real question, though, is this:

也许他们是暴君,专注于统治你。 或者,也许他们是无知的微观经理,在您的工作中骚扰您。 真正的问题是:

Will your boss ruin your career?


It doesn’t seem like a legitimate question at first glance.


Who cares? It’s not like they can ruin my career. What are they gonna do, tell on me?

谁在乎? 并不是说他们可以毁了我的事业。 他们要做什么,告诉我?

A terrible boss will ruin your career. Spend enough time with them and the damage becomes inevitable.

糟糕的老板会毁了你的职业。 花足够的时间和他们在一起,损害不可避免。

But how?


Aren’t there laws to protect employees?


Sort of.


Laws, for the most part, are limited to eavesdropping on private oral communication, anti-discrimination, equal opportunity, etc. But aside from that?


Employers, your boss, can pretty much do what they want, when they want.


Don’t believe me? Let’s look at a few examples.

不相信我吗 让我们看几个例子。

Lynne Gobbell was fired because her boss didn’t like the bumper sticker on her car. When her boss saw her sticker he said, “either work for John Kerry or work for me.” She refused to remove the sticker, and was immediately fired.

Lynne Gobbell被解雇是因为她的老板不喜欢她汽车上的保险杠贴纸。 当老板看到她的贴纸时,他说:“要么为约翰·克里工作,要么为我工作。” 她拒绝删除贴纸,并立即被解雇。

Best Lock Company in Indiana fired employees for social drinking at their home. The reason? Their president believes drinking alcohol is a sin. They even go so far as to deny unemployment.

最佳Lock公司在印第安纳解雇的员工 在他们家对社会饮用 。 原因? 他们的总统认为喝酒是一种罪过。 他们甚至甚至否认失业。

Johnson County Community College installed hidden cameras in their bathrooms and locker rooms. They stated workers had no right to privacy. What’s worse, they got away with it.

约翰逊县社区学院 在他们的浴室和更衣室中安装了隐藏式摄像头 。 他们说工人没有隐私权。 更糟糕的是,他们放弃了。

Glen Hillier was fired from his job at an ad agency. During the 2004 presidential race, he asked President Bush some embarrassing questions. One of his company’s customers felt offended and reported it to Hillier’s boss. One day later, Hillier was out of a job.

格伦·希利尔(Glen Hillier)被一家广告公司解雇了。 在2004年总统大选中,他问布什总统一些令人尴尬的问题 。 他公司的一位客户感到冒犯,并向希利尔的老板报告了这一情况。 一天后,希利尔失业。

Lewis Maltby, in his book Can They Do That? discloses the abuse workers face in detail.

刘易斯·马尔比(Lewis Maltby)在他的书《他们能做到吗? 详细披露虐待工人的面Kong。

And there’s the problem.


Your employers know they can do what they want. The vast majority of employees know it too, which is why so many people work in fear.

您的雇主知道他们可以做自己想做的事。 绝大多数员工也知道这一点,这就是为什么这么多人在恐惧中工作。

功能失调的雇主加剧了您的恐惧 (Dysfunctional Employers Feed on Your Fear)

They use sadistic and dysfunctional behavior to extract the results they want from their employees. Then, once you’re burned out and used up, they toss you aside.

他们使用虐待和功能失调的行为从员工中提取他们想要的结果。 然后,一旦您精疲力尽并精疲力尽,他们就会把您扔到一边。

When that happens, you’re treated as damaged goods.


Future employers are suddenly nervous about hiring you. You’re blacklisted by your dysfunctional employer directly or implicitly. It’s suddenly difficult to get a new job.

未来的雇主突然对雇用您感到紧张。 功能失调的雇主将您直接或间接列入黑名单。 突然很难找到新工作。

That’s the thing about a ruined career.


It creeps up on you slowly, gradually. Ignore the signs, wait too long and the damage may be irreversible.

它慢慢地,逐渐地爬上你。 忽略这些迹象,等待太久,损坏可能是不可逆的。

Here’s the worst part.


The vast majority of developers reject these signals automatically. “It won’t happen to me,” they tell themselves. Their rejection is based on a wide variety of reasons.

绝大多数开发人员会自动拒绝这些信号。 他们告诉自己: “这不会发生在我身上。” 他们的拒绝基于多种原因。

Most believe the solution is beneath them somehow.

多数人认为解决方案在某种程度上位于其下方。 Some are afraid they’ll dig up unpleasant things.


My company isn’t like that, they tell themselves.

他们告诉自己, 我的公司不是那样的 。

Others think “working hard” or doing a “good job” is enough. (It’s not.)

其他人则认为“努力工作”或“做好工作”就足够了。 ( 不是 。)

Things are good, so why bother with that now?


As developers, we create rationalizations to avoid facing stupid or unpleasant things. But the signs of a bad employer are there, screaming for us to pay attention. You can protect and save your career … if you know how to read the signals. Here are four signals, numbered from 4 to 1 …

作为开发人员,我们进行合理化处理,以避免面对愚蠢或不愉快的事情。 但是那儿有一个坏老板的迹象,尖叫着让我们注意。 如果您知道如何阅读信号,则可以保护和挽救您的职业生涯。 这是四个信号,编号从4到1…

信号4:慢性情绪无效 (Signal #4: Chronic Emotional Invalidation)

Invalidation is an attempt by others to control how you feel about something and how long you feel that way.


It’s accomplished by rejecting, mocking, judging or minimizing someone else’s thoughts, values or feelings. It’s a devastating part of work that most developers have come to accept as a normal, everyday part of work.

通过拒绝,嘲笑,判断或最小化他人的思想,价值观或感受来实现。 它的工作,大部分开发商已经开始接受作为工作正常 ,日常生活的一部分毁灭性的一部分。

What does that look like?


Procrastinators are made. A fear of failure, perfectionism, or a lack of focus is all that’s needed to induce procrastination. The sad part? All three of these causes are really part of the same problem. Make a mistake and you’ll probably lose your job.

拖拖拉拉 。 惧怕失败,完美主义或缺乏专注力才是导致拖延的必要条件。 可悲的部分? 这三个原因实际上都是同一问题的一部分。 犯错,您可能会丢掉工作。

Silent and disengaged. Co-workers who couldn’t care less about their jobs and are eagerly looking forward to the weekend/holidays/vacation, etc. Thanks to interpersonal dynamics, the idea of doing a job at work has completely lost its appeal for them.

沉默而脱离。 同事不太关心自己的工作,并热切期盼​​周末/节假日/假期等。由于人际关系的动态,在工作中工作的想法完全失去了他们的吸引力。

Distracted co-workers are fixated on all the wrong things. They’re not working on exciting projects, aren’t being trained to do more or simply aren’t in the environment of their choice. So these developers focus their time and attention on doing as little as they can.

分心的同事专心于所有错误的事情。 他们没有从事令人兴奋的项目,没有受过训练去做更多的事情,或者根本就不在他们选择的环境中。 因此,这些开发人员将他们的时间和精力集中在尽力而为上。

Fearful. Your manager or boss asks for an “honest opinion” or “feedback” in a meeting. Everyone looks down. They stare at the table or their hands. Everyone in that meeting knows feedback or honest opinion is code for tell me what I want to hear. Mess it up and you’re out of a job.

可怕。 您的经理或老板在会议上要求“诚实的意见”或“反馈”。 每个人都看不起。 他们凝视着桌子或手。 这次会议中的每个人都知道反馈或诚实的意见是告诉我我想听的内容的代码。 搞砸了,你失业了。

An organization struggling with these dysfunctions runs into a predictable problem. A-player developers quickly leave, while B- and C-players do their best to survive.

遭受这些功能障碍困扰的组织遇到了可预见的问题。 A玩家开发人员Swift离开,而B玩家和C玩家则尽力生存。

Those who stay absorb these bad habits like a sponge, taking them wherever they go, ruining their careers in the process.

那些留下来的人会像海绵一样吸收这些不良习惯,将它们带到何处, 破坏了职业生涯 。

Most developers will allow their boss, their employer to hurt their careers — even after learning about these details.




They believe that feelings/emotions don’t matter. “I’m a logical thinker, I’m clear-headed. These things just don’t get to me.” Here’s why that’s a problem.

他们认为感觉/情绪无关紧要。 “我是一个合乎逻辑的思想家,我头脑清醒。 这些东西根本不了解我。” 这就是为什么这是一个问题。

It’s a lie.


That’s because logical decision making is a myth.


Antonio Damasio, Professor at the University of Southern California, made the surprising discovery. His research focused on patients who were normal in every way, except one. They all had a damaged limbic system.

南加州大学教授安东尼奥·达马西奥(Antonio Damasio)做出了令人惊讶的发现。 他的研究集中于各种方面正常的患者,除了一种。 他们的肢体系统均受损。

They couldn’t feel emotions at all. This led to a surprising but unusual problem.

他们根本感觉不到情绪。 这导致了一个令人惊讶但不寻常的问题。

None of Damasio’s patients could make decisions.


They were able to logically describe what they should do, but without emotion, they found it incredibly difficult to make the simplest decisions. These people couldn’t decide what to eat, when to eat it or even how they should eat.

他们能够从逻辑上描述他们应该做什么,但是没有情绪,他们发现做出最简单的决定极其困难。 这些人无法决定吃什么,何时吃甚至应该怎么吃。

Damasio found that emotions are absolutely vital for decision making.


It gets worse.


Negative emotions, fear, stress and anxiety, kills your performance. Whether we like it or not, these emotions are slowly chipping away at our ability to perform, giving dysfunctional employers the ammunition they need to hurt our careers.

负面情绪, 恐惧,压力和焦虑会削弱您的表现 。 无论我们是否喜欢,这些情绪正在逐渐削弱我们的表现能力,为功能失调的雇主提供了伤害他们职业所需的弹药。

信号3:共同依赖与戏剧三角 (Signal #3: Codependency and the Drama Triangle)

It’s a silent epidemic, codependency in the workplace. It’s something that makes developers (and employees), in general, miserable. But, what is it?

这是一种无声的流行病,在工作场所相互依存。 通常,这会使开发人员(和员工)感到痛苦。 但是,那是什么?

Here’s a simple definition.


When I work on your desires, goals, fears and frustrations more than you do. It’s a behavioral problem that masks itself in lots of different ways.

当我为您的愿望,目标,恐惧和挫败感而努力时,比您做的更多。 这是一个行为问题,以许多不同的方式掩盖了自己。

The micromanaging boss

微观老板 Abandoning your work routine to bail out a co-worker

放弃日常工作以纾困同事 Allowing someone else to take the credit for your work


Feeling compelled — almost forced — to help an irresponsible co-worker solve the problem they created


Offering unasked for advice

提供未征求意见 Controlling others with guilt, helplessness, threats, shame, advice-giving, manipulation, domination, etc.

用内,无助,威胁,羞辱,给予建议,操纵,控制等方式控制他人。 Pretending a problem isn’t happening or isn’t as bad as it really is.


This isn’t a comprehensive list. It’s meant to show the types of behaviors present in a dysfunctional workplace.

这不是一个完整的列表。 它旨在显示功能失调的工作场所中存在的行为类型。

Why does this matter?


The Drama Triangle is a social model of unhealthy human interaction. In an unhealthy environment, developers and employers play a dysfunctional role where everyone fights for control.

戏剧三角是人类不健康互动的社会模式。 在不健康的环境中,开发人员和雇主的职能失调,每个人都在争夺控制权。

Here’s how it works.


This dynamic is at play in our personal and professional relationships. Here’s an example of what that looks like.

这种动态正在我们的个人和专业关系中发挥作用。 这是一个看起来像的例子。

An employer decides to become a rescuer, choosing an employee they feel will help them but also finding one they feel needs a leg up.

雇主决定成为一名救援人员 ,选择他们认为会帮助他们的员工,但也会找到他们认为需要帮助的员工。

Their employee realizes they’re making less than their friends and feels victimized, cheated by the employer because they’re not being paid enough.

他们的员工意识到他们正在做不到他们的朋友和感觉受害 ,由用人单位欺骗,因为他们没有得到足够的。

The employee asks for a raise. Employer, feeling taken advantage of (victim state), says No, becomes a persecutor telling their employee they need to see a performance improvement first.

员工要求加薪。 雇主说(被害人状态)感到被利用,便拒绝了,成为一名迫害者,告诉他们的员工他们需要首先看到绩效的提高。

The employee becomes enraged and swears revenge. They make the move to persecutor doing everything they can to punish their employer and their co-workers.

员工变得愤怒并发誓复仇。 他们转向迫害者,尽其所能惩罚雇主和同事。

The employee takes revenge, completes the cycle of persecution and destroys the company.


Sounds a bit extreme, doesn’t it? I mean, who’d go to the trouble of doing something malicious like this? Ask JournalSpace. JournalSpace was a blogging platform. The keyword is was, because their IT guy (the same guy who was caught stealing from the company), maliciously wiped out the main database (for which there was no backup). JournalSpace shut down immediately.

听起来有点极端,不是吗? 我的意思是,谁会为做这样的恶意事情而烦恼? 询问JournalSpace。 JournalSpace是一个博客平台。 该关键字是 ,因为他们的IT人(谁被抓住了从公司偷同一个人), 恶意歼灭主数据库 (对此没有备用)。 JournalSpace立即关闭。

Here’s how his employer described the whole affair.


It was the guy handling the IT (and, yes, the same guy who I caught stealing from the company, and who did a slash-and-burn on some servers on his way out) who made the choice to rely on RAID as the only backup mechanism for the SQL server. He had set up automated backups for the HTTP server which contains the PHP code, but, inscrutably, had no backup system in place for the SQL data. The ironic thing here is that one of his hobbies was telling everybody how smart he was.

是选择处理IT的人(是的,是我从公司那里偷来的那个人,并且在出门时对某些服务器进行了大幅削减)选择了RAID作为SQL Server的唯一备份机制。 他已经为包含PHP代码的HTTP服务器设置了自动备份,但是无法避免的是,没有为SQL数据准备备份系统。 具有讽刺意味的是,他的爱好之一是告诉所有人他有多聪明。

Notice how both employer and employee decided to persecute each other. They both had a role to play but neither wanted to accept any responsibility for their role in the situation.

注意雇主和雇员都是如何相互迫害的。 他们俩都应发挥作用,但都不愿为自己在这种情况下的作用承担任何责任。

That’s the destructive power of codependency and the drama triangle at work.


信号2:强制控制 (Signal #2: Coercive Control)

Many employers and organizations have a problem with coercive control. It’s a methodology employers use to maintain power and control over employees.

许多雇主和组织在强制控制方面存在问题。 这是雇主用来维持权力和控制雇员的方法。

The areas of control are typically focused around the following:


Psychological control can appear as emotional blackmail, social rejection, the silent treatment, love bombing and mind games.

心理控制可以表现为情感敲诈 , 社交排斥 , 沉默对待 , 爱情轰炸和智力游戏 。

Physical control typically takes the form of hazing and workplace bullying.


Sexual control can be as extreme as trading favors for money or as subtle and complex as trading attention for money


Financial control typically comes in the form of compliance in exchange for rewards, rather than receiving a raise based on merit.


Legal control. If your employer owns your personal projects, there’s a problem. If they’re focused on restrictive non-disclosure agreements, harsh non-competes, you’re being controlled.

法律控制。 如果您的老板拥有您的个人项目,那就有问题了。 如果他们专注于限制性保密协议,严厉的非竞争协议,那么您将受到控制。

Bosses and co-workers may also display controlling behavior by …


demanding absolute loyalty and total commitment

要求绝对忠诚和全面承诺 dictating the details of employees’ personal life

决定员工个人生活的细节 making unexpected and unreasonable demands on employees

对员工提出意外和不合理的要求 using shame, guilt and fear to gain compliance

感到羞耻,内和恐惧,以获取遵守 extending favors and rewards to compliant workers.


What are the symptoms of a controlling employer/workplace?


Addiction to control. Bosses and managers seem to be obsessed with power and control over their subordinates. Their actions are always for themselves.

沉迷于控制。 老板和经理似乎沉迷于对下属的权力和控制。 他们的行为永远是自己的。

Low or falling productivity. Unhappy employees aren’t efficient or productive. Scientific research shows fear, stress and anxiety kill your performance, remember?

生产力低下或下降。 不满意的员工效率低下或生产效率低下。 科学研究表明, 恐惧,压力和焦虑会影响您的表现 ,还记得吗?

Poor behavior, low EQ. Employers and co-workers display what John Gottman calls the four horsemen. Criticism, Defensiveness, Stonewalling and Contempt. These behaviors destroy workplace culture, morale and most importantly relationships.

行为不佳,情商低。 雇主和同事展示约翰·戈特曼所说的四个骑士。 批评,防御,石墙和蔑视。 这些行为破坏了工作场所的文化,士气以及最重要的关系。

Self-absorbed behavior. Controllers believe they know what your problem is before you tell them. They offer unasked for advice, then they get angry when you fail to follow their advice. They simply don’t understand why others think and feel differently than they do.

自我吸收的行为。 管制员相信,在您告诉他们之前,他们就知道您的问题所在。 他们没有提出建议,但是如果您不遵循他们的建议,他们就会生气。 他们只是不理解为什么别人的想法和感受与他们不同。

Dysfunctional employers use financial leverage to gain and maintain control over their employees.


You already know that, though.


Most employees know it. They feel the fear that comes with a dysfunctional employer having control over their career. If you’re already a part of a dysfunctional organization that exhibits these symptoms, you have options.

大多数员工都知道这一点。 他们感到,功能失调的雇主对自己的职业有所控制会带来恐惧。 如果您已经是出现这些症状的功能失调组织的成员,则可以选择。

You can detach. Maybe that’s finding another job, limiting how much time you spend with your employer, or you can go remote, go freelance, request a transfer. And that’s the point. No matter where you are, even if you feel stuck, you have options.

您可以分离。 也许这是在寻找另一份工作,限制了您与雇主共度的时间,或者您可以偏远,自由职业,要求调动工作。 这就是重点。 无论您身在何处,即使您感到被困,也可以选择。

But what if you haven’t been hired yet? Is there a way to spot these red flags ahead of time?

但是,如果您还没有被录用,该怎么办? 有没有办法提前发现这些危险信号?

Absolutely …


信号1:他们如何推销您,将如何为您服务 (Signal #1: How They Sell You is How They’ll Serve You)

Matt Buckland was an HR executive; he was responsible for hiring candidates at his company. One morning as he rode the train to work, an impatient commuter shoved Buckland out of the way. The rude commuter shouted at Buckland and told him to, “** himself.” The commuter launched into a foul mouthed tirade, continuing to abuse Buckland for standing in his way.

Matt Buckland是一名人力资源主管。 他负责在公司招聘候选人。 一天早上,当他乘火车上班时,一位急躁的通勤者将巴克兰推开。 粗鲁的通勤者对巴克兰大喊,并告诉他:“ * *他自己。” 通勤者陷入了肮脏的长笛表演,继续滥用巴克兰的立场。

Buckland and his rude commenter would meet again in a few hours … for a job interview.




Karma: the guy who pushed past me on the tube and then suggested I go * myself just arrived for his interview … with me …


— Matt Buckland (@ElSatanico) February 16, 2015

—马特·巴克兰(@ElSatanico) 2015年2月16日

This awkward example goes both ways.


How an employer treats you in the initial negotiation is often a good indication of how they’ll treat you once you’re hired. Or, as the saying goes, “How they sell you is how they’ll serve you.”

雇主在最初的谈判中如何对待您通常可以很好地表明一旦您被雇用,他们将如何对待您。 或俗话说:“他们如何卖给您就是他们将如何为您服务。”

It’s tough for employers to hide these signals.


They may be able to hide a few of these signals, but they simply can’t hide all of them. If you know what you’re looking for, you’ll see the signs everywhere.

他们也许可以隐藏其中的一些信号,但根本无法隐藏所有这些信号。 如果您知道要查找的内容,那么到处都会看到标志。

From other employees, customer reviews, even vendors and partners. You’re looking for trends of bad behavior.

来自其他员工,客户评论,甚至是供应商和合作伙伴。 您正在寻找不良行为的趋势。

您能看到真实的行为问题吗? (Can You See the Real Behavior Problem?)

The one problem hiding beneath these symptoms? It’s control.

隐藏在这些症状下的一个问题? 是控制

Each of these signs points to a problem with control. A controlling boss will go out of their way to bend you to their will. Lynne Gobbell was fired because her boss didn’t like the bumper sticker on her car. Barbara Webb was fired for becoming pregnant.

这些迹象都表明控制存在问题。 控制老板会竭尽全力使您屈服于他们的意愿。 Lynne Gobbell被解雇是因为她的老板不喜欢她汽车上的保险杠贴纸。 芭芭拉·韦伯因怀孕而被解雇 。

It’s gets bizarre.


Employees have been fired for taking an approved vacation, for almost dying, for having tattoos — you name it. But the root cause in each case was the same: controlling behavior.

员工因休假,几乎快死,有纹身而被解雇 。 但是在每种情况下,根本原因都是相同的: 控制行为。

Of the vast majority of employees who lose their jobs, most never completely recover their previous levels of psychological well being, self-esteem and life satisfaction.

在失业的绝大多数员工中, 大多数人永远无法完全恢复以前的心理健康,自尊心和生活满意度。

But this doesn’t really ruin your career, does it? I mean, you can find another job, right?

但这并不会真的毁了你的职业,不是吗? 我的意思是,您可以找到另一份工作,对吗?

It all depends.


Why? The background check. When you’re laid off or terminated, it appears on your background check. And what do employers assume when they see it?

为什么? 后台检查。 下岗或解雇时,它会显示在背景调查中。 雇主看到这些东西时会假设什么?

You’re damaged goods.

你货物损坏了 。

If you’re lucky, the amount employers are willing to offer you, your benefits package and incentives, will all go down. If you’re unlucky, like most employees you’ll struggle to get a job.

如果您很幸运,雇主愿意为您提供的金额,您的福利和激励措施都将减少。 如果您不走运,就像大多数员工一样,您将很难找到工作。

Want to protect your career?


Avoid controlling employers. Read customer reviews, talk with former employees, reach out to vendors and partners, troll prospective companies on Glassdoor.

避免控制雇主。 阅读客户评论,与前员工交谈,与供应商和合作伙伴联系,在Glassdoor上吸引潜在的公司。

坏老板不会自动等于职业生涯失败。 (A Bad Boss Doesn’t Automatically Equal a Ruined Career.)

Controlling behavior is the red flag.


Employers use controlling behavior to extract the results they want from you, their employee. Then, once you’re burned out and used up, they toss you aside.

雇主使用控制行为从他们的雇员那里提取他们想要的结果。 然后,一旦您精疲力尽并精疲力尽,他们就会把您扔到一边。

You can protect your career. You can avoid a ruined career if you steer clear of controlling behavior. If you’re a good developer, you’re good at your job. You’re reliable and focused — an A-player.

您可以保护自己的职业。 如果您避免控制行为,则可以避免职业生涯的失败。 如果您是一名优秀的开发人员,那么您就很擅长工作。 您可靠,专心-一个A玩家 。

Don’t let a controlling boss take that away from you. Set clear boundaries. Focus your time and attention on the right employer and you’ll find they’re eager and willing to protect your career.

不要让控制老板从你身边夺走它。 设定清楚的界限。 将时间和精力集中在合适的雇主身上,您会发现他们渴望并愿意保护您的职业。

Looking for more on Employment and Salaries? Check out these great links:

寻找更多关于就业和薪资的信息吗? 查看以下重要链接:

10 Ways to Keep Your Programming Skills Sharp Between Jobs


The Software Developer’s Guide to Salary Negotiation


How to Land a Development Job Without Experience


10 In-demand Tech Skills That Don’t Involve Coding


Best Programming Languages For Job Demand and Salaries


11 High-paying and Remote Jobs In High Demand in 2016


5 Simple Strategies to Double Your Salary


How to Keep Your Employees and Avoid Turnover


How to Negotiate a Higher Freelance Rate


Check out SitePoint Premium for more books, courses and free screencasts.

查阅SitePoint Premium ,了解更多书籍,课程和免费截屏视频。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/4-signs-your-employer-will-ruin-your-career/

携程 雇主
