mongodb atlas

tech2022-09-02  143

mongodb atlas

This article was originally published on MongoDB. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文最初在MongoDB上发布。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Not unlike other startups, Blinkist grew its roots in a college dorm. Only, its creators didn’t know it at the time. It took years before the founders decided to build a business on their college study tricks. Blinkist condenses nonfiction books into pithy, but accessible 15-minute summaries which you can read or listen to via its app.

与其他初创公司不同,Blinkist扎根于大学宿舍。 只是,它的创造者当时还不知道。 创始人花了好几年的时间才决定利用他们的大学学习技巧来开展业务。 Blinkist将非小说类书籍浓缩为精妙的 15分钟摘要,您可以通过其应用阅读或收听。

“It all started with four friends,” says Sebastian Schleicher, Director of Engineering at Blinkist. “After leaving university, they found jobs and built lifestyles that kept them fully occupied—but they were pretty frustrated because their packed schedules left them no time for reading and learning new things.”

“这一切始于四个朋友,” Blinkist的工程总监Sebastian Schleicher说。 “离开大学后,他们找到了工作并建立了自己的生活,使他们完全忙着工作,但他们感到非常沮丧,因为他们的日程安排使他们没有时间阅读和学习新事物。”

Rather than resign themselves to a life without learning, they racked their brains as to how they could find a way to satisfy their craving for knowledge. They decided to revive their old study habits from university where they would write up key ideas from material that they’d read and then share it with each other. It didn’t take long for them to realise that they could build a business on this model of creating valuable easily accessible content to inspire people to keep learning. In 2012, Blinkist was born.

他们没有沉迷于没有学习的生活,而是绞尽脑汁地思考如何找到一种方法来满足对知识的渴望。 他们决定从大学中恢复过去的学习习惯,在大学中,他们将从阅读的材料中写下关键思想,然后彼此分享。 他们很快就意识到,他们可以在这种模式下建立业务,以创建有价值的易于访问的内容来激励人们继续学习。 2012年,Blinkist诞生了。

Six years later, the Berlin-based outfit has nearly 100 employees, but instead of writers and editors, they have Tea Masters and Content Ninjas. Blinkist has no formal hierarchical management structure, having replaced bosses with BOS, the Blinkist Operating System. The app has over five million users and, at its foundation, it has MongoDB Atlas, the fully managed service for MongoDB, running on AWS. But it didn’t always.

六年后,这家位于柏林的公司拥有近100名员工,但他们没有茶作家和编者,而是茶大师和内容忍者。 Blinkist没有正式的分层管理结构,已经用BOS( Blinkist操作系统)代替了老板。 该应用程序拥有超过500万用户,其基础是运行在AWS上的MongoDB完全托管服务MongoDB Atlas 。 但这并不总是如此。

“In four years, we had a million users and 2,500 books,” says Schleicher. “We’d introduced audiobooks and seen them become the most important delivery channel. We tripled our revenue, doubled our team, moved into a larger, open-plan office, and even got a dog. Things were good.”

“在四年内,我们拥有100万用户和2500本书,” Schleicher说。 “我们介绍了有声读物,并看到它们成为最重要的交付渠道。 我们的收入增加了两倍,团队增加了一倍,搬进了一个更大的开放式办公室,甚至还养了一条狗。 一切都很好。”

第三方MongoDB即服务遇到麻烦 (Running into trouble with 3rd party MongoDB as a Service)

Then came an unwelcome plot twist. Blinkist had built its service on Compose, a third-party database as a service, based on MongoDB. MongoDB had been an obvious choice as the document model provided Blinkist with the flexibility needed to iterate quickly, but the team was too lean to spend time on infrastructure management

然后出现了不受欢迎的情节转折。 Blinkist已在基于MongoDB的第三方数据库即服务Compose上构建了服务。 MongoDB是一个显而易见的选择,因为文档模型为Blinkist提供了快速迭代所需的灵活性,但是该团队过于精简,无法花时间在基础架构管理上

In 2016, Compose unexpectedly decided to change the architecture of its database, creating major obstacles for Blinkist as they would become locked in to an old version of MongoDB. “They left us alone,” says Schleicher. “They said, ‘Here’s a tool, migrate your data.’ I asked if they’d help. No dice. I offered them money. Not interested, no support. After being a customer for all those years? I said goodbye.”

在2016年,Compose意外地决定更改其数据库架构,给Blinkist造成了重大障碍,因为它们将被锁定在旧版本的MongoDB中。 “他们让我们一个人呆着,” Schleicher说。 “他们说,'这是一个工具,可以迁移您的数据。' 我问他们是否有帮助。 没有骰子。 我给他们钱。 不感兴趣,不支持。 这些年来都是客户吗? 我说再见。”

After years of issues, it became clear last year that Blinkist would need to leave Compose, which meant choosing a new database provider. “We looked at migrating to MySQL, we were that desperate. That would have meant freezing development and concentrating on the move ourselves. On a live service. It was bleak.”

经过多年的讨论,去年很明显Blinkist需要离开Compose,这意味着选择新的数据库提供商。 “我们曾考虑过迁移到MySQL,这真是令人绝望。 那将意味着冻结发展并自己专注于行动。 上线服务。 太暗了。”

发现MongoDB地图集 (Discovering MongoDB Atlas)

By this time, MongoDB’s managed cloud Atlas service was well established and seemed to be the logical solution. “We downloaded MongoDB’s free mongomirror service to make the transition,” says Schleicher, “but we hit a brick wall. Compose had locked us into a very old version of the database and who knows what else, and we couldn’t work it out.”

到这个时候,MongoDB的托管云Atlas服务已经很好地建立了,并且似乎是合理的解决方案。 Schleicher表示:“我们下载了MongoDB的免费mongomirror服务以进行过渡,但我们遇到了mongomirror 。 Compose已将我们锁定在一个非常旧的数据库版本中,谁知道其他内容,我们就无法解决。”

At that point, Schleicher made a call to MongoDB. MongoDB didn’t say, ‘Do it yourself.’ Instead, they sent their own data ninja—or, in more conventional, business-card wording, a principal consulting engineer. “It was the easiest thing in the world,” Schleicher remembers. “In one day, he implemented four feature requests, got the migration done and our databases were in live sync. Such a great experience.”

那时,Schleicher致电MongoDB。 MongoDB没有说“自己动手”。 相反,他们发送了自己的数据忍者-或更传统的名片文字是首席咨询工程师。 “这是世界上最容易的事情,”施莱希尔回忆道。 “有一天,他实现了四个功能请求,完成了迁移,并且我们的数据库处于实时同步状态。 很棒的经历。”

Now that Blinkist is on Atlas, Schleicher feels like they have a very solid base for the future. “Performance is terrific. Our mobile app developers accidentally coded in a distributed denial of service attack on our own systems. Every day at midnight, in each time zone, our mobile apps all simultaneously sync. This pushes the requests load up from a normal peak of 7,500 requests a minute to 40,000 continuous. That would have slaughtered the old system, with real business impacts—killing sign-ups and user interactions. This time, nobody noticed anything was wrong.”

现在Blinkist在Atlas上,Schleicher感到他们为未来奠定了坚实的基础。 “性能很棒。 我们的移动应用程序开发人员不小心在我们自己的系统上进行了分布式拒绝服务攻击的编码。 每天午夜,每个时区,我们的移动应用程序都同时同步。 这将请求负载从正常的高峰(每分钟7500个请求)提高到连续的40,000个。 那会破坏旧的系统,并产生实际的业务影响—杀死注册和用户交互。 这次,没有人注意到有什么问题。”

Right now it feels like we have a big tech advantage. With MongoDB Atlas and AWS, we’re on the shoulders of people who can scale the world. I know for the foreseeable future I have partners I can really rely on.

目前看来,我们拥有巨大的技术优势。 借助MongoDB Atlas和AWS,我们站在了可以扩展世界的人们的肩膀上。 我知道在可预见的将来,我有可以依靠的伙伴。

Sebastian Schleicher, Director of Engineering, Blinkist

Blinkist工程总监Sebastian Schleicher

Schleicher adds: “We’re building our future through microarchitecture with all the frills. Developers know they don’t have to worry about what’s going on behind the API in MongoDB. It just works. We’re free to look at data analytics and AI—whatever techniques and tools we believe will help us grow—and not spend all our time maintaining a monolithic slab of code.”

Schleicher补充说:“我们正在通过微架构与所有的装饰来构建我们的未来。 开发人员知道,他们不必担心MongoDB中API背后的功能。 它只是工作。 我们可以自由地研究数据分析和AI,无论我们相信哪种技术和工具都能帮助我们发展,而不必花费所有时间来维护完整的代码段。”

With Blinkist’s global ambitions, scaling isn’t just a technical challenge; it tests company culture—no matter how modern—to the limits. MongoDB’s own customer focused culture, it turns out, is proving as compatible as MongoDB’s data platform.

借助Blinkist的全球野心,扩展不仅仅是技术上的挑战。 它可以测试公司文化(无论多么现代)达到极限。 事实证明,MongoDB自己的以客户为中心的文化被证明与MongoDB的数据平台一样兼容。

“Talking to MongoDB isn’t like being exposed to relentless sales pressure. It’s cooperative, it’s reassuring. There are lots of good technical people on tap. It’s holistic, no silos, whatever it takes to help us.”

“与MongoDB交流并不像面临无休止的销售压力。 合作,令人放心。 有很多优秀的技术人员可供使用。 这是整体的,没有孤岛,无论需要什么帮助我们。”

This partnership is helping make Blinkist a great place to be a developer.


“A new colleague we hired last year told me we’ve created an island of happiness for engineers. Once you have an understanding of the business needs and vision, you get to drive your own projects. We believe in super transparency. Everyone is empowered.”

“我们去年聘用的一位新同事告诉我,我们为工程师们创造了一个幸福的小岛。 一旦了解了业务需求和愿景,就可以推动自己的项目。 我们相信超级透明。 每个人都有能力。”

“Oh, and did I mention we have a dog?”


Atlas is the easiest and fastest way to get started with MongoDB. Deploy a free cluster in minutes.

Atlas是MongoDB入门的最简单,最快的方法。 数分钟内即可部署一个免费集群。


mongodb atlas

相关资源:terraform-provider-mongodbatlas:MongoDB Atlas的Terraform提供程序-源码