
tech2022-09-02  105


When I say website security, do you feel excited, anxious or just unsure?


Most people find it hard to love security, even though we know it’s something that shouldn’t be neglected or overlooked.


WordPress users – did you know that WordPress powers a third of the web? This brings a lot of benefits – a great, supportive community, plenty of plugins and tools – but it also makes WordPress a popular target for attackers. As website owners or developers, we need to be responsible for the websites that we build and maintain. There’s a massive ecosystem of both free and paid tools and services to help keep our websites clean and secure.

WordPress用户 –您是否知道WordPress支持三分之一的网络? 这带来了很多好处-一个强大的,支持性的社区,许多插件和工具-但也使WordPress成为攻击者的流行目标。 作为网站所有者或开发人员,我们需要对我们构建和维护的网站负责。 有免费和付费工具与服务组成的庞大生态系统,可帮助我们保持网站的清洁和安全 。

We’ve been holding monthly webinars with experts on all manner of subjects, and this week we’ll be discussing WordPress security. Chris Burgess, Co-Founder of Clickify and SitePoint’s very own WordPress editor will be joining us to share his wisdom.

我们已经与专家就各种主题举行了每月一次的网络研讨会,本周我们将讨论WordPress安全性。 Clickify 联合创始人 Chris Burgess和SitePoint自己的WordPress编辑器将加入我们,分享他的智慧。

Chris will explore the risks associated with common web security issues and provide some handy tips. He’ll even cover some practical, real-world preventative measures you can use to protect and monitor your WordPress website right away. If that wasn’t enough to have you circling this event in your schedule — you’ll also have your chance to join in the discussion and ask Chris your very own question!

克里斯将探讨与常见的网络安全问题相关的风险,并提供一些方便的技巧。 他甚至将介绍一些实用的,实际的预防措施,您可以立即使用这些措施来保护和监视WordPress网站。 如果这还不足以让您按日程安排此活动,那么您还将有机会参加讨论,并向Chris提出您自己的问题 !

什么时候发生? (When is this happening?)

Set your alarm for: June 22nd, 2016 at 1pm (PST). Don’t miss out, register for the event now.

将闹钟设置为: 2016年6月22日下午1点(PST) 。 不要错过,立即注册参加活动 。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/spreading-the-word-on-wordpress-security/

