
tech2022-09-02  115


This article is a review of the WebCampZG conference. All images are taken from WebCampZg’s official and Facebook page.

本文是WebCampZG会议的回顾。 所有图像均来自WebCampZg的官方页面和Facebook页面。

This weekend, Chris Ward (the mobile channel editor at SitePoint) and me attended Webcamp ZG, the annual international web-oriented conference in Zagreb, Croatia.

这个周末,Chris Ward(SitePoint的移动频道编辑)和我参加了Webcamp ZG ,这是在克罗地亚的萨格勒布举行的年度国际面向网络的会议。

The conference is a two day event, each day spearheaded by a keynote type of talk before diving into the bulk of the content. The schedules of both days contained plenty of breaks with food, drinks and snacks scattered throughout, providing for both energy and excellent socialization and networking contexts.

会议是为期两天的活动,每天都会以主题演讲为先导,然后再深入探讨其中的大部分内容。 这两天的日程安排中都有大量的休息时间,食物,饮料和小吃零散分布在各处,提供了活力以及出色的社交和社交环境。

The two main tracks were sponsored by two companies: Intercom and Reversing Labs, and while each had a sponsored talk slot, neither disappointed. The two tracks were also identified by their sponsors’ logo, so visitors could easily redirect themselves into the appropriate hall.

两个主要曲目由两家公司赞助: Intercom和Reversing Labs ,尽管每个都有赞助的演讲时段,但都没有令人失望。 这两条赛道还通过其赞助商的徽标进行标识,因此游客可以轻松地将自己重定向到相应的大厅。

第一天 (Day 1)

Day 1 started with a keynote from Bob Ippolito on functional programming. Bob is a master of his craft and knows what he’s talking about, but some of us still felt like we were boarding the hype train.

第一天的开始是Bob Ippolito的功能性编程主题演讲。 鲍勃(Bob)精通Craft.io,知道他在说什么,但我们中有些人仍然觉得自己像登上了炒作。

We also heard some interesting stories of feature development and vertical slicing from Intercom, in the “Building video replies” talk – a lesson on adding a complex and ridiculously difficult to build feature into their service just because they could – followed by a run through HTTP2 and an overview of when it’ll be widely available (spoiler alert: 2016 all around the web).


After a recruitment session and a talk on A/B testing with Optimizely – a tool which modifies the look and feel of your site after page load by means of a JS snippet and monitors user engagement with regards to the change – all 800 of us queued up for lunch which was, despite the incredible number of attendees, rather well organized.

在招聘会议和使用Optimizely进行A / B测试的演讲之后,该工具通过JS代码段修改了页面加载后网站的外观,并监视了用户对更改的参与度-我们所有人都在排队等候800参加午餐,尽管与会者人数惊人,但组织得很好。

Chris spoke next about distributed databases, and it seems like that space is also bursting at the seams with competition – like in JavaScript with a-framework-per-day, the DD market is flooded with constant newcomers, too numerous to objectively keep track of.


The next talk was the only disappointing one of the entire conference – two initially charming Toptal lads went into their sponsored slot with a well rehearsed cheesecake routine titled “State of Remote Freelancing” but it quickly degraded into a Toptal infomercial rich with amateurish PHP bashing from an obviously misinformed fellow. Considering Toptal’s percentage of income stemming from PHP, it’s surprising to me that they’d have such closed minds and risk alienating a very large chunk of the audience. I know it’s hard to keep track of everything that’s going on, especially when you’re new at web development, but blindly firing a gun into the general direction labeled “PHP” is neither funny nor accurate.

接下来的演讲是整个会议中唯一令人失望的会议–两位最初迷人的Toptal小伙子带着精心制作的名为“远程自由职业的状态”的芝士蛋糕例程进入了赞助商的行列,但很快就沦为Toptal信息商业,并​​受到业余PHP的抨击。一个显然误会的家伙。 考虑到Toptal来自PHP的收入百分比,令我感到惊讶的是,他们如此封闭的心态并冒着疏远很大一部分受众的风险。 我知道很难跟踪正在发生的一切,尤其是当您刚接触Web开发时,但是盲目朝标有“ PHP”的一般方向开枪既不好笑也不准确。

Immediately afterwards, I headed into the “Continuous deployment at Etsy” talk by Premshree Pillai, and learned that they all commit directly to master, but use source code flags to turn features on and off. This baffled many an attendee, and yet made a certain degree of sense when looked at from a very specific angle. What boggled the mind, though, was how many proprietary tools they use to make this chain of deployment work (many of them open sourced now) – I counted 10 or so completely unknown ones. It was an interesting talk, but not because of the approach, but rather because I am now wondering how they manage to onboard new devs with such a large toolchain debt.

之后,我立即进入Premshree Pillai的“ Etsy的连续部署”演讲,了解到它们都直接提交给master,但是使用源代码标志来打开和关闭功能。 这使许多与会者感到困惑,但是从非常特定的角度看时却具有一定的意义。 但是,让他们感到困惑的是,他们使用了多少专有工具来完成这一部署链的工作(其中许多现在已开源)–我算出了10个左右的完全未知的工具。 这是一次有趣的演讲,但这不是因为采用这种方法,而是因为我现在想知道他们如何设法承担起如此巨大的工具链债务。

The next talk was chosen by the community, and dealt with an overdiscussed but underutilized concept – testing. It didn’t really offer anything we haven’t heard before from testing enthusiasts, in blog or video or conference talk form, but it did offer it in a way that resonated with most attendees, explaining what manner of testing actually wastes our time and how to avoid it altogether. The community chose well, and I do hope the tradition of community voted talks continues.

下一次演讲是由社区选择的,涉及的是讨论过度但未充分利用的概念-测试。 它并没有提供我们以前从未从测试爱好者那里听到的任何东西,无论是博客,视频还是会议演讲形式,但它确实以一种引起大多数与会者共鸣的方式提供了信息,解释了哪种测试方式实际上浪费了我们的时间和精力。如何完全避免它。 社区的选择不错,我希望社区投票的传统继续下去。

As a closure to day one, we heard about real-time collaboration with JSON by means of JSON PATCH and PuppetJS, a very interesting concept for reducing the weight of JSON back-and-forth by merely applying patches to previous payloads, rather than send entire new ones. Besides using JSON-PATCH, the library also does two-way binding, ideal for dropping right into an app.

作为第一天的结束,我们听说了通过JSON PATCH和PuppetJS与JSON进行实时协作的情况 ,这是一个非常有趣的概念,它通过仅将补丁应用于先前的有效负载而不是发送来减轻JSON的权重全新的。 除了使用JSON-PATCH之外,该库还执行双向绑定,非常适合直接放入应用程序。

Here’s what the attendance of day 1 looked like:


After all was said and done, we had time for lightning talks – short 10 minute talks from various individuals testing the “speaking at conferences” waters or just plain wanting to deliver something interesting.


The evening was wrapped up with snacks and a drinkup – an infinite amount of craft beer from NovaRunda, a young company looking to make their mark. All the beer was poured right there, on tap, and it was delicious.

晚上,人们到处都是零食和酒水-无限量的NovaRunda精酿啤酒,这是一家年轻的公司,希望在自己的品牌上留下自己的印记。 所有的啤酒都直接倒在那儿,很美味。

第二天 (Day 2)

Day 2 was a bit shorter. After an introductory word from the diamond sponsor (Toptal) – which was rather interesting and well delivered – Jaime Levy held her keynote on the evolution and importance of UX strategy. She also forced us to unleash a veritable tweetstorm, giving away some of her books at the end.

第2天要短一些。 在钻石赞助商(Toptal)作了介绍性的演讲之后,这很有趣并且效果很好。JaimeLevy就UX策略的发展和重要性发表了主题演讲。 她还强迫我们发动一场名副其实的鸣叫声 ,最后还赠送了她的一些书。

A crash course in cloud security followed (don’t commit your keys, basically) but was a bit disappointing as it only focused on Amazon, and then we were walked through the evolution of user interfaces with nostalgic screenshots from the good old Monkey Island. The pre-lunch section was wrapped up by Johannes from Confetti.events who introduced Yayson, a library implementing JSON-API for inter-app communication, and explained JSON-API, step by step, concept by concept.

随后出现了云安全性崩溃课程(基本上不提交您的密钥),但由于它只专注于Amazon,因此有点令人失望,然后我们浏览了用户界面的演变以及带有很好的旧猴子岛的怀旧截图。 午餐前部分由Confetti.events的Johannes 总结 ,他介绍了Yayson (一个实现JSON-API进行应用间通信的库),并逐步,逐个概念地解释了JSON-API。

Peter Chittum from Salesforce took the stage after lunch, presenting the company’s recent endeavor into open source and their efforts to (re)connect with the community, though how possible that is with a company that still requires a safe harbor warning before a conference talk is questionable. Baby steps, though. The talk covered XHR request queueing with some neat libraries developed by Salesforce internally, and even did a live demo of monitoring a stream of hundreds of gyroscope changes from a mobile device using only two XHR requests (due to the queue).

来自Salesforce的Peter Chittum在午餐后上台,介绍了公司最近在开源方面的努力以及他们与社区(重新)联系的努力,尽管这对于仍需要在会议演讲之前发出安全港警告的公司来说是可行的。可疑的。 婴儿的步骤,但是。 演讲涵盖了由Salesforce内部开发的一些简洁的库对XHR请求进行排队,甚至进行了现场演示,仅使用两个XHR请求(由于队列)就监视了来自移动设备的数百个陀螺仪变化流。

The final two talks of the day focused on automating tedious dev tasks to make room for new projects, and on making your code usable by others by following some well established principles, respectively.


I look forward to seeing the talks online in a couple of weeks so I can catch up with those I’ve missed, but all in all, it was a very satisfactory conference with some incredibly interesting topics, and even more interesting people to meet.


结论 (Conclusion)

The organization was flawless. Not only was everything almost exactly as scheduled and anticipated, but there was abundance as well, all to make sure the attendees don’t feel like they’re missing something. From swag and food, to coffee and juices, everything was provided and constantly restocked.

该组织是完美无缺的。 不仅所有内容几乎都完全按计划和预期进行,而且还有很多内容,以确保与会人员不会觉得自己缺少任何东西。 从赃物和食物到咖啡和果汁,一切都已提供并不断补充。

The sound was amazing, a professional recording crew was on site, the volunteers were very helpful and omnipresent. The projections were of excellent quality and highly legible from any point in the two halls.

声音令人惊叹,现场有专业录音人员,志愿者们非常乐于助人,无所不在。 从两个大厅的任何位置看,投影的质量都很高,而且清晰易读。

The WiFi was the only pain point, as they usually are, and the provider hilariously notified the organizers that the problems should be fixed “now” – a day after the conference. This wasn’t a big deal, however, as the workshop-free nature of the conference didn’t really require all that much internet access, save for a tweet or two.

WiFi是唯一的痛点,通常情况是这样,提供商嘲笑地通知组织者应该在会议后的第二天“立即”解决问题。 但是,这没什么大不了的,因为会议的无研讨会性质实际上并不需要那么多的互联网访问,只需要发送一条或两条推文即可。

In conclusion, WebCamp ZG was a blast, and I’m definitely coming next year – perhaps even hoping to score a speaking slot. See you then? We’ll be announcing the next early bird discount code as soon as the 2016’s conference is up!

总而言之,WebCamp ZG是一个爆炸,我肯定会在明年-甚至可能希望获得一个演讲时段。 回头见? 2016年会议结束后,我们将宣布下一个早鸟优惠代码!

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/functional-programming-distributed-databases-json-patch-and-more/

