
tech2022-09-02  118


Almost a year and a half ago we published the results of a framework survey on the PHP channel. The survey, while producing fewer entries than our IDE survey still provided us with valuable insight into our audience and the state of individual vs. team developers out there.

大约一年半之前, 我们在PHP频道上发布了框架调查的结果 。 这项调查虽然产生的条目少于我们的IDE调查,但仍然为我们提供了对受众以及个人与团队开发人员状况的宝贵见解。

With Laravel 5 fresh out of the oven, Phalcon being kickstarted into full-time development, and others reaching a much anticipated maturity, it’s only natural we’re curious about your preferences – have they changed? Do they remain unbudged? Do you wish you could switch so hard you can taste it, but aren’t allowed to by your company? We’re interested in all these points and much more.

随着Laravel 5的推出,Phalcon 开始全职开发 ,而其他人达到了预期的成熟度 ,我们自然对您的喜好感到好奇–他们改变了吗? 他们没有预算吗? 您是否希望可以如此艰难地切换以品尝它,但是您的公司不允许这样做? 我们对所有这些点以及更多内容都感兴趣。

The survey will run for exactly one month starting today, and to help with the spread, Jetbrains graciously kicked in some PhpStorm licenses for the top three resharers of the link to this post. Zend also wants to see this survey do well and is offering three Zend Studio licenses – so a total of six top resharers will be rewarded. Three random resharers will also get a three month Learnable license.

该调查将从今天开始仅进行一个月的调查,为了帮助传播, Jetbrains亲切地为该帖子链接的前三名转发者提供了一些PhpStorm许可。 Zend还希望看到这项调查做得好,并提供了三个Zend Studio许可-因此将奖励总共六个顶级转发者。 三个随机转发者还将获得三个月的可学习许可证。

Instructions on resharing are at the bottom of this post, but first, please fill out the survey that follows.


Disclaimer: Note that email will be censored in the final results – we’ll use it only as a means of contacting you if you win the raffle and won’t share it with any third party services. We also need your email as a sort of proof of uniqueness. The required fields “country” and “age” are extremely important variables and lead to interesting patterns, but we guarantee that they won’t be paired with your email in any shape or form – we’ll use them exclusively for data mining, and not to serve you ads or otherwise invade your privacy. If you agree to these terms, the survey is just below.

免责声明:请注意,电子邮件将在最终结果中被检查-如果您赢得抽奖而不会与任何第三方服务共享,则我们仅将其用作与您联系的方式。 我们还需要您的电子邮件作为唯一性证明。 必填字段“国家/地区”和“年龄”是非常重要的变量,会导致有趣的模式,但我们保证它们不会与您的电子邮件以任何形式或形式配对-我们将仅将它们用于数据挖掘,并且不得向您投放广告或以其他方式侵犯您的隐私。 如果您同意这些条款,则调查仅在下面。

The survey is now over. Results will be published soon.

调查现已结束。 结果即将发布。

转载 (Resharing)

To help us accurately track who got the most shares (only shares that resulted in someone filling the survey out count, though), please generate a link for yourself below. The link simply hashes your email address and appends it to a ref tag of the URL to this post, so we can reliably tell which survey participant lead you here. If you lose the link, just re-enter your email in the form below and the same one will be regenerated.

为了帮助我们准确地跟踪谁获得了最多的股份(尽管只有那些导致某人填写调查计数的股份),请在下面为自己创建一个链接。 该链接只是对您的电子邮件地址进行哈希处理,并将其附加到该帖子的URL的ref标记中,因此我们可以在此处可靠地确定是哪个调查参与者将您引向了您。 如果您丢失了链接,只需按照以下表格重新输入您的电子邮件,即可重新生成相同的电子邮件。

Generate 生成

Your link will appear here


结果 (Results)

The results will be published in full exactly one month after today. The results will be produced in both parsed form (prettified in graph form) and in raw form, so you can grab and analyze them on your own as well.

结果将在今天后的一个月内完整发布。 结果将以解析形式(以图形形式表示)和原始形式生成,因此您也可以自己获取和分析它们。


