
tech2022-09-02  123


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Is JavaScript giving you headaches? Do you wish other developers knew how important Swift and Rust will be in the coming years? It’s your chance to turn your opinions into a tool of change! The new Developer Economics survey is open starting from April 30, calling out all software developers to take part. Start right away.

JavaScript让您头痛吗? 您是否希望其他开发人员知道Swift和Rust在未来几年中的重要性? 您有机会将自己的观点转变为变革的工具! 新的Developer Economics调查从4月30日开始,呼吁所有软件开发人员参加。 立即开始 。

Don’t miss a chance to join over 40,000 developers from 160+ countries who take part in the Developer Economics surveys every year to tell the world where software development is going next.


谁可以参加调查? (Who can take the survey?)

Pretty much everyone writing code and getting their hands on software development in Mobile, Desktop, IoT, AR/VR, Machine Learning & Data Science, Web, Backend and Games. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hobbyist, a startupper or an enterprise dev – the survey is open for all real developers out there!

几乎每个人都在移动,台式机,物联网,AR / VR,机器学习和数据科学,Web,后端和游戏中编写代码并着手进行软件开发。 无论您是业余爱好者,初创公司还是企业开发人员,都没关系-该调查对所有真正的开发人员开放!

他们问什么样的问题? (What sort of questions are they asking?)

The survey is designed to dive into real-life developer issues, from coding skills and favorite tools to satisfaction with learning resources and communities.


Expect questions like:


Which are your favorite tools and platforms?

您最喜欢哪些工具和平台? What’s going up and what’s going down in the software industry?

在软件行业中,正在发生什么?正在发生什么? Are you working on the projects you would like to work on?

您是否正在从事要从事的项目? Where do you think development time should be invested?


There are also deep-dive questions based on your area of expertise, like Machine Learning, IoT, web development and more where you can really show you’re a pro and answer more complex questions about your favorite frameworks and vendors.


Read to take the survey?

阅读以参加调查 ?

为什么要参加调查? (Why should you take the survey?)

It’s fun, for starters! The survey is designed to reveal your sci-fi profile, so the more you engage, the closer you get to finding out your place in the galaxy far far away.

对于初学者来说很有趣! 这项调查旨在揭示您的科幻资料,因此,参与越多,就越能发现您在遥远星系中的位置。

Then there’s prizes. This time, devs who take part and complete the survey can win stuff like iPhone X, Samsung S9 Plus, HTC Vive Pro, GitHub Developer Plan, Amazon vouchers and other useful things to help you test your work or just play around.

然后有奖品。 这次,参与并完成调查的开发人员可以赢得iPhone X,Samsung S9 Plus,HTC Vive Pro,GitHub Developer Plan,Amazon凭单和其他有用的东西,以帮助您测试工作或玩转游戏。

You can also take part in the referral program, which allows you to win up to $700 in cash by referring other developer friends to take the survey.


Last but not least, everyone who takes the survey will get a insights with key findings from the survey as well as free report with the highlights and up-and-coming trends.


If you have a few minutes to spare and want to have a quality time, then this survey is for perfect for you! You can start right here. Extra tip: if you need to take a break, just click to save your responses and then you can come back and continue where you left off.

如果您有几分钟的空闲时间并希望度过一段美好的时光,那么此问卷调查非常适合您! 您可以从这里开始 。 额外提示:如果您需要休息一下,只需单击以保存您的回复,然后您可以返回并从上次中断的地方继续。

Good luck!


Take the survey now!

立即参加调查 !

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/developer-economics-survey-your-chance-to-win-prizes-voice-opinions/

