
tech2022-09-02  111


Gary Tramer is the co-founder of successful sales engine enterprises SearchWords and LeadChat, and most recently PoweredLocal, a wireless marketing and data analysis automation system. As an expert in sales, lead generation and conversion maximization, Gary is the perfect person to talk to about how businesses create and grow customer bases.

Gary Tramer是成功的销售引擎企业SearchWords和LeadChat以及最近的无线营销和数据分析自动化系统PoweredLocal的联合创始人。 作为销售,潜在客户生成和转化最大化的专家,加里(Gary)是谈论企业如何建立和发展客户群的理想人选。

在出售产品之前,切勿制造任何产品 (You Should Never Build a Product Before You Sell It)

The first thing most people think about when launching a new enterprise is what they’ll be selling, but what they should really be focusing on is who they’ll be selling to. Although your product is important, no matter how good it is, if people aren’t interest in buying it, then your business is likely going to struggle.

大多数人在创办新企业时首先想到的是他们将要出售的东西,但是他们真正应该关注的是向谁出售东西。 尽管您的产品很重要,但是无论产品有多好,如果人们对购买它不感兴趣,那么您的业务可能就会陷入困境。

When Gary Tramer first became an entrepreneur, the term “start-up” hadn’t even been popularized yet. All he had to rely on for launching a business were past models, all of which told him that a business plan and a well-developed product were the ways to achieve success.

当加里·特拉默(Gary Tramer)首次成为企业家时,“创业”一词甚至还没有得到普及。 他创办企业所依赖的只是过去的模式,所有这些模式都告诉他,商业计划和完善的产品是取得成功的方法。

But after spending over $200,000 on development and none on marketing, all Gary and his business partner had achieved was an amazing product that nobody has ever used. The lesson learned was painful but important: never build something before you sell it.

但是在花了超过20万美元用于开发,却没有花在营销上之后,加里和他的商业伙伴所获得的全部成就就是一个令人惊讶的产品,没人使用过。 得到的教训是痛苦的,但很重要: 在出售之前,切勿制造任何东西 。

But that doesn’t mean you should give up either.


The hardest part of starting a new business is figuring out why people should care and, more importantly, why they would want to spend their money on it.


Using his personal experience as a door-to-door salesperson, Gary began his first successful enterprise, SearchWords, by signing clients up to SEO packages before he had even created an operating team — testing the product’s viability long before it ever existed.

Gary凭着自己上门推销员的个人经验,通过在甚至还没有组建运营团队之前就签约SEO软件包的客户,开始了他的第一个成功的企业SearchWords -测试产品的生存能力早于其存在。

After three months he had gained over 600 clients that had paid upfront, and three years later that client base had grown to over 6000.


But Gary and his partners soon had a “mass realization” that trying to sell something that directly competed with giant companies like Google probably wasn’t going to work in the long run.


They decided to dig a little deeper, and discovered that one of the main operating issues for SearchWords was converting website visits into actual purchases. And after building a solid client base first, they created a second successful business (LeadChat) out of fixing that problem for people.

他们决定更深入地研究,发现SearchWords的主要运营问题之一是将网站访问转化为实际购买。 在首先建立稳固的客户基础之后,他们又为人们解决了这个问题,从而创建了第二家成功的企业(LeadChat)。

Then they did it again by identifying a problem with the LeadChat model — but this time for an ecommerce business.


People asked us “What’s the secret to making ecommerce work?”, and the secret was that Facebook allowed us to target people quite uniquely … We also had an email database that we were growing [so] that we could re-market to people, and we knew everyone visiting the website by using web cookies.


This experience taught Gary Tramer something fundamental about what a successful business looks like. You need customers, but you also need to know them – and collecting data is the best way to achieve that.

这段经历教会了Gary Tramer关于成功企业的基础知识。 您需要客户,但同时也需要了解他们-收集数据是实现目标的最佳方法。

If I was teaching a younger me today how to do sales, I would say “Step one: you have to figure out who your ideal customer base is.”


Gary Tramer (right) presenting at the WeTeachMe Masters Series Gary Tramer(右)在WeTeachMe大师系列赛上发表

But how do you gain this knowledge?


By using insight tools like SimilarTech to find out everything about your customers, from their geography to their job to their gender, and reverse engineering that information to discover the common thread between those people. That common thread is a target customer profile.

通过使用类似于SameTech的洞察力工具,可以找到有关客户的所有信息,从客户的地理位置,工作到性别,然后对这些信息进行反向工程以发现这些人之间的共同点。 该通用线程是目标客户资料。

And once you know who your target customers are, you can begin selling to them.


To learn more about building your customer base with data and insight tools, watch Gary Tramer’s WeTeachMe’s Masters Series chat.

要了解有关使用数据和洞察力工具建立客户基础的更多信息,请观看Gary Tramer的WeTeachMe的Masters Series聊天。


