
tech2022-09-02  108


Do you keep hearing about cloud hosting and wonder how it differs from a regular hosting plan? Perhaps you just built a new site and are wondering if you should give the cloud a try?

您是否一直在听说云托管,并想知道它与常规托管计划有何不同? 也许您刚刚建立了一个新站点,并且想知道是否应该尝试一下云?

Cloud hosting is a more reliable, scalable, and secure option than a regular shared hosting plan. But shared hosting is, usually, cheaper and easier to set up.

与常规的共享托管计划相比,云托管是一种更可靠,可扩展和安全的选择。 但是,共享托管通常更便宜且更容易设置。

In this article, I’ll cover everything from control panel options, migration issues, and the pros and cons of each option. We’ll get to see what each option is about and —hopefully! — help to you decide whether it’s better for you to stick with shared hosting, or if you should switch to a cloud plan.

在本文中,我将介绍控制面板选项,迁移问题以及每个选项的优缺点。 我们将看到每个选项的含义,并且希望如此! —帮助您确定最好还是使用共享托管,还是应该切换到云计划。

曾几何时,共享托管计划… (Once Upon a Time on a Shared Hosting Plan …)

Traditionally, when we needed to put a site online, we’d buy a domain, get a hosting plan, and FTP the site from our computer to the web. We grew so used to it that it became second nature.

传统上,当我们需要将网站置于在线状态时,我们会购买域名,获得托管计划,然后将该站点从我们的计算机通过FTP传输到网络。 我们对它已经习以为常,以至于它成为了第二自然。

We would typically have features such as a very comprehensive control panel, statistics, and email hosting for the domains registered on that account, among other things. But also some hard limitations, such as a certain amount of disk space, a given bandwidth, and a fraction of the CPU and the server memory.

通常,我们将具有一些功能,例如非常全面的控制面板,统计信息以及该帐户所注册域的电子邮件托管等。 但是也有一些硬性限制,例如一定数量的磁盘空间,给定的带宽以及CPU和服务器内存的一小部分。

For many brochure, portfolio, blog and small business sites, that’s perfectly adequate. But for many businesses, it’s not ideal. And even for a freelancer maintaining a couple of simple sites, it’s possible to run out of resources for a given site from time to time. (It’s no fun being asked by a client why the site is down.)

对于许多小册子,投资组合,博客和小型企业网站,这是完全足够的。 但是对于许多企业来说,这并不理想。 即使对于维护几个简单站点的自由职业者,也可能会不时地耗尽给定站点的资源。 (被客户问到为什么该网站被关闭很无聊。)

VPS和专用服务器 (The VPS and Dedicated Server)

One way of upgrading is to buy a bigger, slightly more expensive plan with a little more resources, in the form of a VPS (virtual private server). And if that doesn’t cut it, you can rent a dedicated server — that is, a full rack on a hosting company’s data center.

升级的一种方法是以VPS(虚拟专用服务器)的形式购买更大,价格稍高一点但价格稍高的计划。 而且,如果这样做还不行,您可以租用一台专用服务器-即托管公司数据中心上的完整机架。

Image by Bruno Cordioli

图片由Bruno Cordioli提供

With a dedicated server, you get all of the server resources in a non-shared environment for, let’s say, $100 a month. Yes, about a 20x more expensive than a basic shared hosting plan — but hey, you wanted the whole thing, didn’t you?

有了专用服务器,您就可以在非共享环境中获得所有服务器资源,例如,每月100美元。 是的,比基本的共享托管计划贵20倍-但是,嘿,您想要整个东西,不是吗?

Whether you’ve stuck with shared hosting or jumped into the world of the VPS or dedicated server, it has probably all worked just fine, and you may never have contemplated trying anything else. Believe it or not, though, there’s now a generation of web developers that barely know what FTP is, having never used it.

无论您是坚持使用共享托管还是进入VPS或专用服务器领域,它都可能工作得很好,并且您可能从未考虑过尝试其他任何方法。 信不信由你,但是,如今有一代Web开发人员从未使用过FTP,而几乎不知道FTP是什么。

…然后云托管计划浮出水面 (… and Then the Cloud Hosting Plan Came Up)

When Amazon Web Services (AWS) was first introduced, everything was new and it seemed like you needed to take an intensive course before you were able to start operating with this cloud infrastructure.

首次引入Amazon Web Services(AWS)时,一切都是新的,并且您似乎需要进行深入的学习才能开始使用此云基础架构进行操作。

But things have changed since then. Not only have more providers come onto the scene, but also more solutions that can be used out-of-the-box, including cloud hosting.

但是从那以后情况发生了变化。 不仅有更多的提供商出现在现场,而且还有更多可以直接使用的解决方案,包括云托管。

特征 (Features)

The “cloud” implies that, somehow, your site is not tied physically to one server, but spread over multiple locations and data centers; and you are not renting a “CPU” and a certain amount of disk space and memory, but rather, just accessing a huge pool of resources on-demand.

“云”意味着,以某种方式,您的站点并不物理绑定到一台服务器,而是分布在多个位置和数据中心; 您不必租用“ CPU”以及一定数量的磁盘空间和内存,而只是按需访问大量资源。

This brings many innovations to the table. On one side, you don’t need to worry anymore about running out of resources, because you can get as much of them as you need, when you need them.

这带来了许多创新。 一方面,您不再需要担心资源用尽,因为您可以在需要时根据需要获得尽可能多的资源 。

Under a shared hosting environment, you can scale up your needs to as much hardware is available. On the cloud, you can jump from 2 CPUs, to 10, to 100, to 1,000, and back to 2, pretty much on-demand.

在共享主机环境下,您可以扩展需求,以提供尽可能多的硬件。 在云上,您几乎可以按需从2个CPU跳到10个,100个,1,000个,然后再回到2个。

Same with your storage demands: you can upload and store as much stuff as you need to. Sure, you’ll be billed for that later, but you won’t ever reach a hard limit, and additionally, you can pay only for what you’re using, not for idle resources.

与存储需求相同:您可以上传和存储所需的内容。 当然,以后会向您收费,但您永远都不会达到硬性限制,此外,您只能为自己使用的内容付费,而不为空闲资源付费。

Another huge cloud hosting improvement over regular hosting involves latency — that is, the time it takes to send a request (“I want to see this page”) until it’s processed and delivered back to you (“sure, here it is”). Because the cloud is distributed to several data centers around the globe (you should check with your provider exactly where), requests are transparently routed to the nearest spot.

与常规托管相比,云托管的另一项重大改进涉及延迟 -即发送请求(“我要查看此页面”)直到处理并传送回给您(“确定,就在这里”)所花费的时间。 由于云已分布到全球各地的多个数据中心(您应与提供商确认确切的位置),因此请求将透明地路由到最近的位置。

Visitors to your site in Chicago, IL may have a very low latency (low is good) because there’s a nearby data center. But with cloud hosting, visitors in Saint Petersburg, Russia, can also experience fast loading if they’re also near a data center.

由于附近有数据中心,因此您在伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的站点的访问者的延迟可能非常低(低为好)。 但是,借助云托管,如果俄罗斯圣彼得堡的访客也位于数据中心附近,他们也可以体验快速加载。

There’s yet another advantage in terms of security. With cloud hosting, data is distributed through different places, often not quite as regular files but as “packets” of data which are constantly checked for integrity. So, data corruption (an HD crash) is something you can totally forget about. Also, because of the very nature of its huge pool of distributed resources, the infrastructure itself is more resilient to attacks such as DDoS and others.

在安全性方面还有另一个优势。 使用云托管时,数据分布在不同的位置,通常不像常规文件那样分布,而是作为数据的“数据包”,不断检查完整性。 因此,数据损坏(高清崩溃)是您完全可以忽略的事情。 而且,由于其庞大的分布式资源池的本质,基础结构本身对DDoS等攻击更具弹性。

As a result, fairly complex tasks that used to take a lot of effort and were very costly to implement, such as load balance, mirroring, data security, are all incredibly simplified with the cloud.

结果,云计算大大简化了过去非常费力且实施成本很高的复杂任务,例如负载平衡 , 镜像 , 数据安全性 。

好的,但是如何运作? (Okay, but How Does It Work?)

Hiring a cloud hosting service is very similar to getting a dedicated server, in that you get the server that you need to set up.


Many providers, however, offer “images” with an already preset configuration for, say, hosting a WordPress site, or a gaming spot, a database cluster, or a processing hub. So you’ll just fire up, for example, an “Ubuntu Server 16.04 with WordPress” image from a control panel, and in a minute or two you’ll be up and running. (Curious about how this works? Check out Understanding Docker, Containers and Safer Software Delivery.)

但是,许多提供商都提供具有预先配置的“图像”,例如用于托管WordPress网站,游戏场所,数据库集群或处理中心。 因此,您只需从控制面板启动“带有WordPress的Ubuntu Server 16.04”图像,一两分钟即可启动并运行。 (对它的工作方式感到好奇吗?请查看了解Docker,容器和更安全的软件交付 。)

提供者 (Providers)

You could, technically, get a cloud computing service like AWS or similar, and build yourself your own cloud hosting solution, setting your own server, storage, database, and even networking. However, we’ll skip all that and focus on services that are already targeted at cloud hosting.

从技术上讲,您可以获取类似于AWS或类似产品的云计算服务,并构建自己的云托管解决方案,设置自己的服务器,存储,数据库甚至网络。 但是,我们将跳过所有这些内容,而将重点放在已经针对云托管的服务上。

This is, by no means, a comprehensive list!


Brightbox. “Simple and flexible UK cloud hosting for teams that insist on 100% uptime.”

Brightbox 。 “简单而灵活的英国云托管,适用于要求100%正常运行时间的团队。”

Codero. Very competitive cloud hosting configurations (starting at $5/mo), with plenty of options.

Codero 。 极具竞争力的云托管配置(起价为5美元/月),并提供多种选择。

DigitalOcean. A very popular cloud computing company, offering very easy to use control panels for speedy setups, and quite a big and active community with lots of docs, which is a big plus.

DigitalOcean 。 一家非常受欢迎的云计算公司,提供非常易于使用的控制面板以进行快速设置,并且是一个拥有大量文档的庞大而活跃的社区 ,这是一大优势。

ElasticHosts. Another completely cloud-based service with “hosting for sys admins, developers, and engineers.”

ElasticHosts 。 另一个完全基于云的服务,具有“为系统管理员,开发人员和工程师托管”。

HostGator. The popular shared hosting company also has a cloud hosting offering.

HostGator 。 流行的共享托管公司还提供云托管服务 。

Kyup. Scalable cloud hosting on Linux containers, with prices starting as low as $10/month.

y Linux容器上的可扩展云托管,价格低至每月10美元。

Linode. “Lightning-quick SSD servers for only $5/mo.” Hard to get any more competitive than that! Plus: also very extensive documentation and active community.

Linode 。 “闪电般的SSD服务器仅需$ 5 /月。” 很难比这更具竞争力! 加:也非常广泛的文档和活跃的社区。

VPS.net. “1,000% SLA” for zero downtime on their Cloud VPS Servers.

VPS.net 。 “ 1,000%SLA”可在其Cloud VPS服务器上实现零停机时间。

高端 (High-End)

There are also other companies that offer “managed” services; that is, the back-end may very well be AWS or the Google Cloud, whereas the front-end is the 3rd-party site, and you can even call your account manager with a certain configuration request and they’ll take care of setting things up for you, performing updates, etc. Naturally, these are a higher-end solutions, so expect higher prices.

还有其他公司提供“托管”服务; 也就是说,后端很可能是AWS或Google Cloud,而前端是第3方站点,您甚至可以通过特定的配置请求致电您的客户经理,他们将负责设置当然,这些都是高端解决方案,因此期望更高的价格。

Companies offering these services:


Interoute offers all sort of support, including application management.


MediaTemple offers a Fully Managed Cloud Hosting on Amazon and an Enterprise WordPress Hosting on AWS.

MediaTemple 在Amazon上提供了完全托管的云托管, 在AWS 上提供了企业WordPress托管 。

RackSpace cloud manages services for AWS, Microsoft Azure, OpenStack Cloud and VMWare.

RackSpace云管理AWS,Microsoft Azure,OpenStack Cloud和VMWare的服务。

SiteGround offers “fast, scalable, and fully managed” cloud hosting.


Storm on Demand offers cloud servers with different levels of management.

随需应变(Storm on Demand)为云服务器提供了不同级别的管理 。

推荐主机 (Recommended Hosting)

Fast. Scalable. Fully Managed Hosting. 快速。 可扩展 完全托管的主机。 SiteGround SiteGround Need a web host that offers fast performance, fantastic tools for web geeks, best in class support and incredibly reliable hosting? Go for SiteGround. 需要一个能够提供快速性能,适用于网络怪胎的出色工具,一流的支持以及令人难以置信的可靠托管的网络托管服务吗? 前往SiteGround。

同一天空上的不同云 (Different Clouds on the Same Sky)

Just so you know, the “cloud” is, in fact, a very broad spectrum of possibilities, not only for hosting but for many other things. For more, have a look at these companion articles:

众所周知,实际上,“云”具有广泛的可能性,不仅可以用于托管,还可以用于许多其他事情。 有关更多信息,请查看以下配套文章:

A Side-by-Side Comparison of AWS, Google Cloud and Azure.

AWS,Google Cloud和Azure的并排比较 。

Cloud Storage: Choosing Between Dropbox, Drive, S3 and Others (notice that “storage” is a specific type of hosting, just as “archiving” is a specific kind of storage.)

云存储:在Dropbox,Drive,S3和其他存储设备之间进行选择 (注意,“存储”是一种特定类型的托管,就像“归档”是一种特定类型的存储一样。)

现在等等……混合动力车诞生了 (Now Wait … a Hybrid Was Born)

Let’s talk software as a service (SaaS). Basically, any website that somehow replaces a desktop or mobile application, where the software that runs the site is the service itself, falls under this category. It could be any web email service, or photo editing site, or online calendar, or online [enter your app type here]. Even hosting itself can be integrated into a SaaS product.

让我们谈谈软件即服务 (SaaS)。 基本上,任何以某种方式代替台式机或移动应用程序的网站均属于此类别,其中运行该网站的软件即服务本身。 它可以是任何Web电子邮件服务,照片编辑网站,在线日历或在线[在此处输入您的应用类型] 。 甚至托管本身也可以集成到SaaS产品中。

Take Squarespace. This is a website where a complete novice can create an amazingly professional-looking website in minutes. We’re not talking about uploading templates, or setting plugins: that’s already all been taken care of, and you just load some content and pay for the hosting of it. Basically, it’s software so easy to use that it’s putting out of business many “web professionals” around the world … and with reason! Who’ll pay $700 to get a site in a month with a couple of bugs from a somewhat unreliable developer, when you can get the thing online right now for $16/month — for a result that might even look a lot better? (Yes, the web is changing, and you’ll have to add more value now!)

以Squarespace为例。 这是一个完整的新手可以在几分钟内创建外观专业的网站的网站。 我们不是在谈论上传模板或设置插件:已经处理完了,您只需加载一些内容并为托管它付费。 基本上,它的软件是如此易于使用,以至于使世界各地的许多“网络专业人员”纷纷倒闭……而且是有道理的! 谁愿意花700美元在一个月内从一个不太可靠的开发人员处获得一个带有一些错误的网站,而现在您可以每月16美元的价格将其在线购买,结果看上去甚至会好得多? (是的,网络正在发生变化,您现在必须增加更多的价值!)

WordPress.com — the commercial hosting service of the very well known, open-source blogging software WordPress.org — is another example of this business model: you take care of the content, they take care of everything else. WordPress.com realized that developers would very gladly pay for a hosting plan to have some of the powerful features they already like and know from the WordPress.org software (even including, as of now, uploading plugins and themes), while letting things like updates, hosting, mirroring, distributions across the globe be dealt with by somebody else (Automattic).

WordPress.com是非常著名的开源博客软件WordPress.org的商业托管服务,它是此业务模型的另一个示例:您负责内容,他们负责其他所有内容。 WordPress.com意识到,开发人员将很乐意为托管计划付费,以拥有他们已经喜欢并从WordPress.org软件中了解的一些强大功能(甚至包括到目前为止的上传插件和主题),同时让诸如全球范围内的更新,托管,镜像,分发由其他人处理( Automattic )。

And no, we’re not off-topic. All of this becomes relevant given it’s hosting we’re discussing here. You can get hosting sorted out in the cloud, while also solving even bigger problems at the same time, such as updates, settings, uptime, etc.

不,我们不是题外话。 鉴于我们在这里讨论托管问题,因此所有这些都变得相关。 您可以在云中整理托管,同时还可以解决更大的问题,例如更新,设置,正常运行时间等。

好,让我们比较一下! (OK, Let’s Compare!)

 Shared HostingCloud HostingManagementUsually simpler, with standardized control panels.Lack of standardization, with every company having its own API and interfaces.ResourcesLimited.Unlimited.ReliabilitySomewhat reliable, though downtimes are to be expected.100% uptime.SecurityUpdates, patches and upgrades need to be addressed individually. Poor data security, and vulnerability to DDoS attacks, among others.More resilient infrastructure, better data security, and managed services.ScalabilityOnly up to the resources that had been put available to the user.Unlimited scalability and automation of deployment (DevOps orchestration).InteroperabilityFully interoperable: a site can be taken out of one host to another most of the time seamlessly as a drop-in replacement; only minor settings issues would need to be replicated.Certain cloud implementations may have their own ways to operate. With hybrid services like Squarespace or WordPress.com, transferring a site to a different server can be even more problematic, when not impossible.Cost breakdownPer month with a flat rate, no matter what resources or services are unused (idle).Per month, hour, and even minutes; with on-demand capabilities in order not to be billed by idle services. 共享主机 云托管 管理 通常更简单,带有标准化控制面板。 缺乏标准化,每个公司都有自己的API和接口。 资源资源 有限。 无限。 可靠性 尽管可以预期会出现停机,但它还是有些可靠的。 100%的正常运行时间。 安全 更新,补丁和升级需要单独解决。 数据安全性差,易受DDoS攻击等。 更具弹性的基础架构,更好的数据安全性和托管服务。 可扩展性 仅限于已提供给用户的资源。 无限的可扩展性和部署自动化(DevOps编排)。 互通性 完全可互操作:一个站点可以在大多数时间无缝地从一台主机移出到另一台,以作为替代产品; 只需要复制较小的设置问题。 某些云实施可能有其自己的操作方式。 使用Squarespace或WordPress.com之类的混合服务,将网站转移到另一台服务器时,即使不是不可能,也可能会遇到更多问题。 费用明细 每月按固定费率使用,无论未使用(闲置)什么资源或服务。 每月,每小时甚至几分钟; 具有按需功能,以便不由空闲服务计费。

何时共享主机 (When to Share Host)

If you’ve got simple sites, static or dynamic, with not many visits, which you just need to FTP somewhere, then shared hosting is still your best call. But remember that when the PHP/ASP version gets updated (if not now, then in a few years), chances are that things will get broken. But OK, maybe it won’t be your problem by then.

如果您有简单的站点(静态的或动态的),并且访问量很少,而您只需要在某处通过FTP进行访问,则共享托管仍然是您的最佳选择。 但是请记住,当更新PHP / ASP版本时(如果不是现在,那么会在几年内),事情很可能会坏掉。 但是好吧,也许届时这将不是您的问题。

Also, if you’re making static websites and are convinced that this is a business with a future, again, shared hosting is probably your best option.


何时托管云 (When to Cloud Host)

If you’ve got a slightly international audience, if your website’s likely to get plenty of visits, if you’re likely to need some extra space at some point, extra CPU for the database, or are somewhat dissatisfied with your experience with share hosting, then consider giving the cloud a try.

如果您的受众群体略微国际化,或者您的网站可能会吸引大量访问,或者某个时候可能需要一些额外的空间,数据库需要额外的CPU,或者您对共享托管的体验有些不满意, ,然后考虑尝试一下云。

Also, I’d argue that if you’re considering a VPS or dedicated server, you should rather go cloud. Costs are nearly the same, and can even be quite cheaper if you properly manage your resources. And you’ll have a lot more flexibility in nearly every aspect.

另外,我认为如果您考虑使用VPS或专用服务器,则应该选择使用云。 成本几乎是相同的,如果您正确地管理资源,甚至可以便宜得多。 而且,您几乎在各个方面都将拥有更大的灵活性。

何时加入SaaS主机 (When to SaaS Host)

As a front-end developer, you can rely on services like Squarespace to quickly and tightly customize a site that suits your clients’ needs, add your extra value tweaking welcome screens, pictures and stylesheets to make something unique. And you can totally forget about everything else, for good, by just paying a bit extra for hosting (which your clients pay for anyway).

作为前端开发人员,您可以依靠Squarespace等服务来快速而紧密地自定义适合您客户需求的网站,并通过调整欢迎屏幕,图片和样式表来添加您的额外价值,以使其具有独特性。 您只需支付一点额外的托管费用(您的客户无论如何都要付费),就可以彻底忘记所有其他一切。

As a programmer, you can benefit greatly from WordPress.com, since you can focus on the value you want to add to your client (being plugins, customizations, even design) and get the peace of mind of not needing to deal with maintenance ever again — for just a small monthly fee.


结语 (Wrap Up)

Hopefully I’ve clarified some key aspects about shared and cloud hosting, how they differ, and where they offer maximum value.


Statistically, shared hosting is slightly in decline, while the cloud seems to be expanding:


Data sourced from Google Trends


That doesn’t mean shared hosting plans will disappear any time soon, but you can see where the tide’s been turning for some time now.


So, when choosing hosting, focus not just on what you need now, but what you may need later on. From that perspective, there’s often a compelling reason to get started with cloud hosting.

因此,在选择主机时,不仅要关注现在需要的东西,还要关注以后可能需要的东西。 从这个角度来看,通常有一个令人信服的理由开始使用云托管。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/shared-vs-cloud-hosting-how-to-choose/

