
tech2022-09-02  108

Whether it’s being hailed as a game-changer or derided as hype, these days blockchain is everywhere. But it’s hard to get trustworthy, unbiased news and tutorials about the tech. If you’re trying to enter the blockchain dev world, there’s a high price of entry.

无论是被誉为改变游戏规则还是被嘲笑为炒作,如今,区块链无处不在。 但是,很难获得有关该技术的可信赖的,公正的新闻和教程。 如果您想进入区块链开发者世界,入门价格会很高。

This newsletter will offer a curated collection of links – news, tutorials, tool and projects – that’ll highlight some of the more interesting and exciting developments in this emerging field. These will be sourced by me, Adam. You may know me from my weekly Back-end and Design newsletters, or from Versioning, my daily newsletter focused on the bleeding-edge of web dev and design.

该新闻通讯将提供精选的链接集-新闻,教程,工具和项目-将重点介绍该新兴领域中一些更有趣和令人兴奋的发展。 这些将由我来,亚当。 您可能从我的每周后端新闻和设计时事通讯 ,或者从Versioning中了解我,我的每日时事通讯着重于Web开发和设计的前沿。

I promise this will be both on-the-chain and off-the-chain! Sign up here!

我保证这将同时在链上和链下! 在此注册!







还不确定吗? 这是第一版! (Still unsure? Here’s the first edition!)

明亮的火花 (Bright Spark)

资源资源 (Resources)

First up, links to two programming languages for writing smart contracts on Ethereum.


Flint and




For the latter, here’s a collection of programming patterns and best-practices


A new idea: crypto composables, allowing one non-fungible token to own another. The (useful, for me) metaphor used in the article was buying a house – you’re actually buying the title for land, the house is just part of the transaction.

一个新想法:可组合加密货币,允许一个不可替代的令牌拥有另一个 。 文章中的(对我来说,有用)比喻是买房-您实际上是在购买土地所有权,房屋只是交易的一部分。

Advice for those using React Create App to build DApps – the React Service Worker may trip you up.

对于使用React Create App来构建DApp的人员的建议– React Service Worker可能会让您失望 。

达皮·吉尔摩 (DAppy Gilmore)

学习 (Learning)

An intro to a 2-month study plan for learning blockchain, and the links for the various subjects mentioned.

为期2个月的学习区块链学习计划的介绍 ,以及所提到的各个学科的链接 。

An intro exactly what DApps are.

关于DApp到底是什么的介绍 。

5 very interesting DApps.

5个非常有趣的DApp 。

If you haven’t already, check out the Golem network, given it’s a very prominent example of a non-cryptocurrency application of the blockchain, here’s an intro to what that thing is.

如果您还没有的话,请查看Golem网络,因为它是区块链的非加密货币应用程序的一个非常突出的例子 , 这是它的介绍 。

An intro to EOS, the Epic Operating System, set to launch June 7.


A good podcast discussion of Popula, a blockchain-powered, censorship-proof(? maybe) publication.

关于Popula的精彩播客讨论,Popula是一种由区块链支持的,可确保审查制度的(也许是)出版物 。

Cryptocurrency vloggers are literally being robbed because they’re sharing waaaaay too much information about their logins, portfolios etc.

加密货币vlogger实际上被抢劫了,因为他们分享太多有关其登录名,投资组合等的信息 。

整个拿铁咖啡的爱 (Whole Latte Love)

好玩的东西 (Fun stuff)

This Seattle startup is combining coffee and the blockchain and virtual reality to transform the coffee industry. Is it possible, and just go with me here, that they are maybe throwing too many things into the mix here? Just me? OK.

这家位于西雅图的初创公司将咖啡与区块链和虚拟现实相结合,以改变咖啡行业 。 和我一起去这里,他们是否可能在这里投入太多东西了? 只有我? 好。

Finally, CryptoWorldCup is a DApp on the Ethereum blockchain that allows you to securely, transparently bet on the Russia World Cup. If you’re curious, this thread on /r/ethdev has a nice little critique of the structure of the DApp – might be handy to all y’all Dapp-ists out there.

最后, CryptoWorldCup是以太坊区块链上的DApp,可让您安全,透明地投注俄罗斯世界杯。 如果您对此感到好奇,那么/ r / ethdev上的该线程会对DApp的结构提出一些很好的批评–可能对所有在场的Dapp主义者都很方便。

There’s the inaugural Blockchain Newsletter! I hope it was to your liking – please, please, please let me know if you have ideas or requests for improvements. On my end, it’s fun to explore this world that I usually just glimpse and slowly back away from.

有首个区块链新闻通讯! 我希望这是您的喜好–如果有任何想法或要求改进,请告诉我。 就我而言,探索这个我通常只是瞥见然后慢慢远离的世界是很有趣的。







翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/introducing-the-sitepoint-blockchain-newsletter/
