xmas cissp

tech2022-09-02  127

xmas cissp

Before we round the year up, there’s one more issue of Sourcehunt to publish, as a small Xmas gift to all the underrepresented open source projects out there. Let’s get everyone some more contributors, shall we?

在整年之前,还有一期Sourcehunt要发行,作为礼物,赠予所有代表性不足的开源项目。 让我们给每个人更多的贡献者,对吧?

mindplay-dk / unbox [8★] (mindplay-dk/unbox [8 ★])

There’s no shortage of container-interop compatible container implementations. Unbox stands out in the way it’s documented – the Github repo features an impressively comprehensive list of methods and their explanations, wrapping it all up nicely in a set of demos.

容器互操作兼容的容器实现并不缺乏。 Unbox在记录方式上脱颖而出– Github存储库提供了令人印象深刻的全面方法列表及其说明,并将其很好地包装在一组演示中。

If the included performance benchmarks are anything to go by, Unbox sits comfortably between Pimple and PHP-DI, nearer to Pimple (on the light-weight side). We’re planning a comprehensive comparison of container-interop implementations early next year but in the meanwhile, if you’re looking for a well tested and extremely well documented container to get familiar with, why not this one?

如果要使用包含的性能基准,Unbox可以舒适地位于Pimple和PHP-DI之间,更靠近Pimple(轻巧)。 我们计划在明年初对容器互操作的实现进行全面比较,但是与此同时,如果您正在寻找一个经过良好测试并有充分文献证明的容器来熟悉它,为什么不这样做呢?

anobii / sainsburys-http-service [4★] (anobii/sainsburys-http-service [4 ★])

This is a rather peculiar gem – it advertises itself as a micro framework for REST or HTTP RPC services but is in fact a wrapper around an existing framework – Slim 3.

这是一个非常特殊的瑰宝–它宣传自己是REST或HTTP RPC服务的微型框架,但实际上是现有框架Slim 3的包装。

By depending on Slim 3, it automatically inherits container-interop for its dependency injections, PSR-3 for logging, and PSR-7 for request and response handling, but has some additional restrictions. For example, a controller mustn’t be a closure, but a standalone no-inheritance class.

通过依赖Slim 3,它会自动继承容器交互操作(用于依赖项注入), PSR-3(用于日志记录)和PSR-7(用于请求和响应处理),但还有一些其他限制。 例如,控制器不得为闭包,而应为独立的非继承类。

The example application included in the repo is quite straightforward and interesting, but I’m personally failing to see the advantage of this package over assembling something micro on your own with Composer.


Would you like to take it for a spin for us and tell us about everything it brings to the table? We’ll pay!

您想为我们试一下一下,并告诉我们它带来的一切吗? 我们会付款!

马卡西姆/亚当 [3★] (makasim/yadm [3 ★])

Yadm is an ODM for MongoDB. It makes reading from and writing to Mongo databases significantly simpler. It’s super simple to use with a learning curve as shallow as Medoo’s, so you’ll be up and running in no time.

Yadm是MongoDB的ODM。 它使读取和写入Mongo数据库变得非常简单。 使用像Medoo一样浅的学习曲线非常简单,因此您可以立即启动并运行。

The docs could use help with examples and some language fixes, so if not code-wise, why not contribute that way?


xparse / ElementFinder [0★] (xparse/ElementFinder [0 ★])

The description says it all:


Extract data from html with elegant xpath/css expressions and prepare data with regexp in single line.

使用优雅的xpath / css表达式从html提取数据,并使用regexp在单行中准备数据。

How does this differ from the built-in xpath methods? For one, it offers a fluent preg_match / split / replace interface, which lets you replace characters on the spot. Additionally, it can leverage Symfony’s CSSselector component to use CSS selectors for traversing HTML as well. It’s little mote than a wrapper with bells and whistles, but those bells and whistles sure do come in handy.

这与内置的xpath方法有何不同? 首先,它提供了一个流畅的preg_match / split / replace接口,使您可以当场替换字符。 此外,它还可以利用SymfonyCSSselector组件来使用CSS选择器来遍历HTML。 比起带有铃铛和口哨声的包装纸来说,这是微不足道的,但是那些铃铛和口哨声确实可以派上用场。

The docs could use more examples and the author has opened some other issues deserving attention, so why not chime in with feedback or even a PR or two?


api平台/ api平台 [493★] (api-platform/api-platform [493 ★])

API platform is a rather popular project by now, but still deserves a mention purely because we haven’t had time to cover it in depth on the channel (yet!). It’s a framework for building API-first applications built on top of Symfony and JSON-LD.

API平台目前是一个相当受欢迎的项目,但是仍然值得一提,因为我们还没有时间在渠道上深入介绍它(到目前为止!)。 这是一个用于构建基于Symfony和JSON-LD的API优先应用程序的框架。

With the release of Symfony 3 and some of its helper components, it might seem to be a bit out of date and too complex to use at first, given that Symfony now has Guard for easier authentication and a microkernel that effectively makes setting it up almost as simple as Silex, but I still encourage you to check the beast out and form your own opinion. If you have an application you’d like to demonstrate and write about your experiences with the platform, please let us know, we’d love to publish your findings!

随着Symfony的3和一些辅助部件的释放,它似乎是有点过时和过于复杂的先用,因为Symfony的现在有警卫更容易验证和微内核,有效地进行设定它几乎和Silex一样简单,但我仍然鼓励您检查一下野兽并形成自己的见解。 如果您有一个应用程序想要演示和编写有关该平台的体验,请告诉我们,我们很乐意发布您的发现!

Contributions-wise, the project is quite mature and as such doesn’t have a lot of issues, but the few that are there could use your help!


火石/潜伏者 [115★] (flint/Lurker [115 ★])

A package with the singular purpose of watching files for changes. Extremely useful in projects like Robo when you’re trying to remove the curse of NodeJS from your workflow.

一个具有唯一目的的包,用于监视文件的更改。 当您尝试从工作流中删除NodeJS的诅咒时,在Robo等项目中极为有用。

PHP之友/挑剔 [671★] (FriendsOfPHP/pickle [671 ★])

Pickle is a promising alternative to manual compilation of PHP extensions. In fact, it also looks like a viable replacement for the archaic PEAR.

Pickle是手动编译PHP扩展的有希望的替代方法。 实际上,它似乎也可以替代古老的PEAR。

The project maintainers are currently working on implementing Pickle with Composer so that we can require PHP extensions and have them installed alongside packages, but in the meanwhile, there’s dozens of issues that need solving, some of them bugs. If you’d like to contribute to the next guaranteed-high-profile PHP package, now’s your chance!

项目维护人员目前正在与Composer一起实现Pickle,以便我们可以require PHP扩展并将其与软件包一起安装,但是与此同时,还有许多问题需要解决,其中一些错误。 如果您想为下一个保证备受瞩目PHP软件包做出贡献,那么现在就是您的机会!

php-school / cli-menu [389★] (php-school/cli-menu [389 ★])

CLI-menu is, rather obviously, a package for building beautiful CLI menus. Rather than build on top of some of the popular consoles, these guys went at it from scratch and did a hell of a job.

显然,CLI菜单是用于构建漂亮的CLI菜单的软件包。 这些家伙不是在某些流行的控制台之上构建的,而是从头开始研究并完成了一项艰苦的工作。

Their menus are simple to build, turn out very pretty, and the entire project is extremely well documented. Sadly, no Windows support for now (Windows is a little special as far as command lines are concerned, which is why we recommend Git Bash in our popular Homestead Improved quick tip) but it’s being worked on, at least in some form.

他们的菜单很容易构建,非常漂亮,并且整个项目都有很好的文档记录。 遗憾的是,目前尚无Windows支持(就命令行而言,Windows有点特殊,这就是为什么我们在受欢迎的Homestead Improvement快速提示中推荐Git Bash的原因),但它正在以至少某种形式进行开发。

The package was originally built as a driver for the http://www.phpschool.io/ website which seems like a great place to keep an eye on for quality tutorials in the future!


humhub / humhub [2991★] (humhub/humhub [2991 ★])

Last but not least, based on the relatively recent Yii2 framework, there’s Humhub – a toolkit for building social network applications. Personally, I find the idea very interesting, but the code confuses me – the approaches used are far from best practices.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,基于相对较新的Yii2框架 ,提供了Humhub –一种用于构建社交网络应用程序的工具包。 就个人而言,我觉得这个想法很有趣,但是代码使我感到困惑–所使用的方法远非最佳实践。

For example, everything is in the same folder as the front controller, so it remains publicly accessible unless one is using Apache (notice the inclusion of the htaccess file, which will have no effect on many modern servers which use Nginx). Indeed, the project seems to require Apache.

例如,所有内容都与前端控制器位于同一文件夹中,因此除非使用Apache,否则它始终是可公开访问的(注意包括htaccess文件,这对使用Nginx的许多现代服务器没有影响)。 实际上,该项目似乎需要 Apache 。

The composer.json file also has some unstable version constraints – many packages require * (i.e. “any version”). This makes it susceptible to breakage, as packages get major version upgrades with breaking changes.

composer.json文件还具有一些不稳定的版本限制-许多软件包都需要* (即“任何版本”)。 这使得它很容易损坏,因为程序包会随着重大更改而升级到主要版本。

Likewise, there are no instructions for running the toolkit in a VM-friendly way and no Vagrant configuration for easy local development has been provided, something most modern devs will be interested in, while the docs are packed with typos and slip-ups.


The project, thus, while interesting and extremely feature rich (as evident by the demo runnable from the home page) could use some help with both code and docs. There are hundreds of open issues, and the project is quite popular, so if you’re looking to make a mark on an already strong repo, this is a perfect opportunity.

因此,该项目虽然有趣且功能极其丰富(如可从主页上运行的演示所示),但可以在代码和文档方面使用一些帮助。 有数百个未解决的问题,并且该项目非常受欢迎,因此,如果您希望在一个已经很强大的仓库上打个记号,这是一个绝好的机会。

A more in-depth look at Humhub will come early next year!


That’s it for this month’s Sourcehunt – the last one in 2015! If you’re struggling with finding projects to contribute to, please re-read the list above and see if anything strikes your fancy. Let us know if you do send a PR or two, and we’ll feature them in the next Sourcehunt when we report on the activity!

本月的Sourcehunt就是这样-2015年的最后一次! 如果您正在努力寻找可为之贡献的项目,请重新阅读上面的列表,看看是否有您喜欢的东西。 让我们知道您是否发送一个或两个PR,我们在报告活动时将在下一个Sourcehunt中介绍它们!

To suggest projects you’d like to see on this list next month, just shout out tweets with hashtags #sourcehunt and #php – here’s the link to the combination. Naturally, if you’d like to sourcehunt a project written in another language, alter accordingly.

为了建议您希望在下个月在此列表中看到的项目,只需使用#sourcehunt和#php标签大喊大叫 -这是该组合的链接 。 自然,如果您想寻找其他语言编写的项目,请进行相应的更改。

Merry Xmas, and happy contributing!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/sourcehunt-php-xmas-2015-give-the-gift-of-pull-requests/

xmas cissp
