
tech2022-09-03  104


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本文是与Mekanism合作创建的。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

We’re always on the lookout for the best web tools and services available for designers and developers. Which resources should we be using? Most customers don’t need a website built from scratch — only customizations are necessary for many to find a perfect fit for their projects. That’s why you can easily use the ListingPro WordPress directory theme to build business directory websites or Brizy, or other website builders we have included in the showcase. Using these resources will help you stay competitive in terms of pricing and project delivery dates.

我们一直在寻找适用于设计人员和开发人员的最佳Web工具和服务。 我们应该使用哪些资源? 大多数客户不需要从头开始构建网站-许多人只需进行自定义即可找到适合他们项目的完美选择。 这就是为什么您可以轻松地使用ListingPro WordPress目录主题来构建业务目录网站或Brizy或我们包含在展示柜中的其他网站构建器的原因。 使用这些资源将帮助您在定价和项目交付日期方面保持竞争力。

Web designers and developers told us what they are using in their projects to get things done faster and better. Here are 29 solutions that work.

Web设计师和开发人员告诉我们他们在项目中使用什么来更快更好地完成工作。 这里有29种有效的解决方案。

1. ListingPro:排名第一的WordPress目录主题 (1. ListingPro: The #1 WordPress Directory Theme)

ListingPro is the world’s #1 best-selling end-to-end WordPress directory solution. It’s the only theme that includes all the core directory features, and no paid plugins are required. This makes it super easy to build an online directory and start monetizing from day one. All for a fraction of the cost, with no coding knowledge required.

ListingPro是全球最畅销的端到端WordPress目录解决方案。 这是唯一包含所有核心目录功能的主题,并且不需要付费插件。 这使构建在线目录并从第一天开始获利变得非常容易。 所有这些仅需花费一小部分成本,而无需任何编码知识。

Whether you want to build a directory like Yelp, the Yellow Pages, Zomato, Foursquare or even Justdial, ListingPro is the best directory listing software for all kinds of business directory use-cases, including:

无论您要构建类似Yelp,Yellow Pages,Zomato,Foursquare还是Justdial的目录,ListingPro都是适用于各种业务目录用例的最佳目录列表软件,包括:

Restaurants directories, like Yelp, Zomato or Foursquare

餐厅目录,例如Yelp,Zomato或Foursquare Local search business directories, like Yellow Pages and Justdial

本地搜索业务目录,例如黄页和Justdial Medical directories, like ZocDoc

医疗目录,例如ZocDoc Tour & travel review directories, like TripAdvisor

游览评论目录,例如TripAdvisor Hotel directories, like Airbnb

酒店目录,例如Airbnb Software review sites, like Capterra


The core value proposition for ListingPro is simple: no paid plugins needed for all the core directory features. For more info on all the features, visit ListingPro’s official website.

ListingPro的核心价值主张很简单:所有核心目录功能都不需要付费插件。 有关所有功能的更多信息,请访问ListingPro的官方网站 。

2. Userfeel.com:测试任何网站或移动应用程序 (2. Userfeel.com: Test Any Website or Mobile App‎)

Userfeel is the usability testing tool that gives you videos of real users speaking their thoughts as they use your website or app. It is designed and developed by usability researchers, for usability researchers, but also for newcomers to UX research and anyone who wants to optimize their website or app.

Userfeel是可用性测试工具,可为您提供真实用户在使用您的网站或应用程序时表达其想法的视频。 它是由可用性研究人员,可用性研究人员以及UX研究的新手以及想要优化其网站或应用程序的任何人设计和开发的。

Something that traditionally was difficult, costly and time-consuming, now is put at your disposal for an affordable cost. Every web designer, after they build their website with WordPress, should run a usability test to see whether the website is sending the right message and whether it’s easy to use.

传统上很难,昂贵且费时的东西现在可以以负担得起的成本使用。 每个网站设计师在使用WordPress构建网站后,都应进行可用性测试,以查看网站是否发送了正确的消息以及它是否易于使用。

Userfeel is offering the option to become a tester for the service, and earn $10 per test. Each test lasts 10-20 minutes, and you can do it from your home computer or smartphone.

Userfeel提供了成为该服务的测试人员的选项,每次测试可赚取10美元。 每次测试持续10到20分钟,您可以通过家用计算机或智能手机进行测试。

Start testing your website for yourself or for your customers.


3. DealJumbo –折扣设计包 (3. DealJumbo – Discounted Design Bundles)

Dealjumbo brings you exclusive deals from the best web and graphic designers, writers, and artists from all over the world. The website was launched in 2013 and it was one of the first graphic design deal websites on the market, with excellent reviews in the industry.

Dealjumbo为您带来来自世界各地最好的网络和图形设计师,作家和艺术家的独家交易。 该网站于2013年推出,它是市场上第一个图形设计交易网站之一,在行业中获得了好评。

You can download 1580+ free fonts and graphics. All come with a standard commercial license.

您可以下载1580多种免费字体和图形 。 全部都带有标准的商业许可证。

Check the website — it is packed with tons of items and design bundles with huge discounts.


4. 轻松–快速创建WordPress页面 (4. Brizy – Create WordPress Pages Quickly)

Brizy is the friendliest and most complete WordPress page builder on the market, allowing users to build pages visually. Designers will find a huge collection of more than 4,000 icons at their disposal. There’s no need to have any coding skills.

Brizy是市场上最友好,最完整的WordPress页面构建器,允许用户直观地构建页面。 设计师将可以使用多达4,000多个图标。 不需要任何编码技能。

As for developers, it comes with 150 pre-made design blocks. You can start from scratch and build anything you want, but if that is a little intimidating you can use the pre-made blocks to start your design. Developers can create a page on Brizy’s website and save the HTML for free, and use it anywhere they like in personal or commercial projects.

对于开发人员,它带有150个预制设计模块。 您可以从头开始构建任何想要的东西,但是如果这有点令人生畏,则可以使用预制块来开始设计。 开发人员可以在Brizy的网站上创建一个页面并免费保存HTML,并在个人或商业项目中随意使用它。

Brizy is a WordPress plugin and free to use. A Pro version is in the works with a presale lifetime deal available on its website.

Brizy是一个WordPress插件,可以免费使用。 Pro版本正在开发中,其网站上提供终身预售协议。

5. Deeezy.com –网页设计师的免费赠品 (5. Deeezy.com – Freebies for Web Designers)

Deeezy is a brand new website offering awesome free and premium fonts and graphic design items. You will find 237 exclusive freebies and premium items offered with an extended license – for an unlimited number of commercial projects, or for your digital or physical items for sale.

Deeezy是一个全新的网站,提供出色的免费和高级字体以及图形设计项目。 您会发现237个独家免费赠品和带有扩展许可的高级产品-用于无限数量的商业项目,或用于销售的数字或实物。

You can subscribe for free and the premium plans start from $9 per month.


6. actiTIME (6. actiTIME)

actiTIME is a powerful and popular time tracking app used by thousands of companies around the world. With its flexible configuration, actiTIME fits companies from many industries: IT, design, architecture, engineering and others.

actiTIME是一款功能强大且流行的时间跟踪应用程序,已被全球数千家公司使用。 凭借其灵活的配置,actiTIME适合来自多个行业的公司:IT,设计,架构,工程等。

Using actiTIME, you can easily manage project scope, assign tasks, track time and analyze your project performance based on the collected data. Everybody can benefit from using it day-to-day: employees, team managers and business owners.

使用actiTIME,您可以根据收集的数据轻松管理项目范围,分配任务,跟踪时间并分析项目绩效。 每个人都可以从日常使用中受益:员工,团队经理和企业主。

7. Notism-团队的设计和视频协作 (7. Notism — Design & Video Collaboration for Teams)

Notism is an excellent design and video collaboration tool for creative teams making creative content review more effective. Yes, Notism also supports video collaboration. Finally, you can review and collaborate on your motion design work by adding notes, sketches or selections to the video timeline.

对于创意团队来说,Notism是出色的设计和视频协作工具,可以使创意内容审核更加有效。 是的,Notism还支持视频协作。 最后,您可以通过在视频时间轴中添加注释,草图或选择来审查和协作进行运动设计工作。

Sometimes it makes more sense to sketch directly on the work rather than adding notes. Notism offers several tools to draw on your uploaded content: a pencil, rectangle, and circle. You can also choose a line type, width or add a splashing color.

有时,直接在作品上绘制草图而不是添加注释更有意义。 Notism提供了多种工具来绘制您上载的内容:铅笔,矩形和圆形。 您还可以选择线型,宽度或添加醒目的颜色。

8. Goodie网站 (8. Goodie Website)

Goodie is a powerful web development service that allows you to have your website designed and coded by professionals from only $999. Everybody is looking to receive top quality for a reasonable price and this is what you will receive from this team of professionals. Goodie’s approach to help you is different: it hires only experienced web developers and lets them cooperate directly with you.

Goodie是一项功能强大的Web开发服务,使您只需999美元即可由专业人员设计和编码您的网站。 每个人都希望以合理的价格获得最优质的产品,这就是您将从此专业团队中获得的。 Goodie为您提供帮助的方法有所不同:它只雇用经验丰富的Web开发人员,并让他们直接与您合作。

9. Codester.com –购买代码,脚本,主题和插件 (9. Codester.com – Buy Code, Scripts, Themes & Plugins)

Codester is a huge marketplace for web designers and developers which is quickly growing and it has attracted all the industry eyes. The website is loaded with tons of great items including PHP scripts, website themes for different platforms and much more.

Codester对于Web设计人员和开发人员而言是一个巨大的市场,并且正在Swift发展,并且吸引了整个行业的眼球。 该网站上载有许多很棒的项目,包括PHP脚本,不同平台的网站主题等等。

If you want an additional income, you should sell your products on Codester — they don’t request exclusivity over your items.


10. Designhooks — Web设计人员和开发人员的免费资源 (10. Designhooks — Free Resources for Web Designers & Developers)

At Designhooks you will find awesome free resources for web designers and developers. The website is updated daily and lots of good stuff is constantly being added. You will find PSD mockups, Sketch and HTML templates, WordPress themes and much more. It’s a save-to-list website for web professionals.

在Designhooks,您将为网页设计师和开发人员找到很棒的免费资源。 该网站每天更新,并且不断添加许多好东西。 您将找到PSD样机,Sketch和HTML模板,WordPress主题等等。 这是网站专业人员的保存到列表的网站。

11. 取消编码–您值得拥有一个令人惊叹的网站 (11. Uncode – You Deserve a Stunning Website)

Looking for a stunning WordPress website? Uncode is a pixel-perfect theme designed with terrific attention to detail, flexibility, and performance. Each concept can be easily imported. Start with any of these layouts or create your own.

寻找一个令人惊叹的WordPress网站? Uncode是一个完美像素的主题,设计时特别注重细节,灵活性和性能。 每个概念都可以轻松导入。 从任何这些布局开始或创建自己的布局。

Check out the showcase of high-quality websites made with Uncode and you will want it installed immediately.


12. Pixpa –创意作品集网站 (12. Pixpa – Portfolio Websites for Creatives)

Using Pixpa, anybody can easily create a gorgeous, fully-packed portfolio website with integrated e-commerce, client proofing, and blogging tools. No coding is needed and you can try it for free for 15 days. You will find an excellent drag-and-drop builder included.

使用Pixpa,任何人都可以轻松创建具有集成电子商务,客户证明和博客工具的功能齐全的华丽网站。 无需编码,您可以免费试用15天。 您会发现其中包含出色的拖放生成器。

13. 格式–投资组合的免费Bootstrap模板 (13. Format – Free Bootstrap Template for Portfolios)

Format is a creative, clean, modern, and free website template that you can use for your next portfolio project. If you need a template as a designer, freelancer, agency, or web studio, Format is perfect for you! It features pop-up video, a smooth portfolio overlay, and animation upon scrolling. Check it now!

格式是一种创意,简洁,现代且免费的网站模板,可用于下一个投资组合项目。 如果您需要模板作为设计师,自由职业者,代理商或网络工作室,格式就是您的理想选择! 它具有弹出视频,平滑的作品集叠加以及滚动时的动画。 现在检查!

14. 内容陷阱-收集客户的内容 (14. Content Snare — Gather Content from Your Clients)

Content Snare helps digital agencies get website & marketing content from their clients on time, in the right format, without email. You will forget about chasing your customers for content, as Content Snare automates the gathering process to save you hours of your precious time on every website or funnel you build.

Content Snare帮助数字代理商按时以正确的格式从客户那里获取客户的网站和营销内容,而无需发送电子邮件。 您会忘记追逐客户获取内容的机会,因为Content Snare会自动执行收集过程,从而为您节省了在构建的每个网站或渠道上的宝贵时间。

Pricing starts from $24 per month.


15. uSocial.pro (15. uSocial.pro)

uSocial.pro is a service for creating “Like” and “Share” buttons that work well on any website. There are over 100 designs available. Buttons can be added to a webpage in a few minutes. A special “eye-catcher” technology draws viewers’ attention to the buttons on a page. Visitors will want to share interesting content with their followers on social networks, which will attract even more traffic to your website.

uSocial.pro是一项用于创建在任何网站上都能正常使用的“赞”和“共享”按钮的服务。 有100多种设计可供选择。 可以在几分钟内将按钮添加到网页。 一种特殊的“引人注目的”技术将观众的注意力吸引到页面上的按钮上。 访问者希望在社交网络上与他们的关注者分享有趣的内容,这将为您的网站吸引更多流量。

16. 即时徽标设计 (16. Instant Logo Design)

Exactly as the name says, Instant Logo Design will help you get a beautiful logo on the spot. You simply enter the business name, you receive several options to choose from and you download the files. As simple as it sounds. The pricing starts at $29.

顾名思义,即时徽标设计将帮助您当场获得漂亮的徽标。 您只需输入公司名称,就会收到几个选项供您选择,然后下载文件。 听起来很简单。 定价从29美元起。

17. uCalc (17. uCalc)

uCalc allows you to create a calculator or form with no coding skills. Build a calculator from scratch or use one of 15 templates. The service is user-friendly, supports an unlimited number of fields and all kinds of input data, collects phone numbers and emails, sends email notifications and provides invoices. When a calculator is ready, you can connect it to goals in Google Analytics.

uCalc允许您创建没有编码技能的计算器或表格。 从头开始构建计算器,或使用15个模板之一。 该服务是用户友好的,支持无限数量的字段和各种输入数据,收集电话号码和电子邮件,发送电子邮件通知并提供发票。 准备好计算器后,您可以将其连接到Google Analytics(分析)中的目标。

18. 印染 (18. Inkydeals)

At Inkydeals, web professionals will find the best deals for digital design assets. The website is literally packed with tons of good stuff, both free and premium, but hugely discounted. You will save lots of money from the first deal you take.

在Inkydeals,网络专业人员将为数字设计资产找到最优惠的价格。 该网站字面上堆满了许多免费和高级的好东西,但打折幅度很大。 您从第一笔交易中可以节省很多钱。

19. 克雷洛 (19. Crello)

Crello is the simplest online image editor that can hugely improve your projects. Create your own designs — posts, covers, graphics, and posters using the best software on the web. It’s easy and there is no need to have any special knowledge. There are 12,000 free templates and more than 60 million stock photos.

Crello是最简单的在线图像编辑器,可以极大地改善您的项目。 使用网络上最好的软件创建自己的设计-帖子,封面,图形和海报。 这很容易,不需要任何特殊知识。 有12,000个免费模板和超过6000万张图片。

20. MailMunch (20. MailMunch)

Using MailMunch you can quickly grow your email list. The software will capture leads from your website and convert visitors into subscribers, customers, and life-long readers. Anybody can create beautiful opt-in forms that will convert highly without writing a single line of code.

使用MailMunch,您可以快速增加电子邮件列表。 该软件将捕获您网站上的潜在客户,并将访问者转化为订户,客户和终身读者。 任何人都可以创建漂亮的选择加入表单,这些表单可以高度转换而无需编写任何代码。

21. 元素 (21. Elementor)

With over 900,000 users, Elementor is a popular WordPress page builder that is faster than others. Forget waiting for the software to react — everything will happen instantly, in real-time. With Elementor you can easily make high-end designs without writing a single line of code. It’s the future, so try it.

Elementor拥有超过900,000个用户,是一个受欢迎的WordPress页面构建器,其速度比其他任何人都要快。 无需等待软件做出React-一切都将立即实时发生。 使用Elementor,您无需编写任何代码即可轻松进行高端设计。 这是未来,所以尝试一下。

The cost for one website is $49 and you will get one year of updates, support, and pro features.


22. 控制 (22. Controlio)

Controlio is a great app that will help you monitor employees’ PC activity from anywhere. You can watch users desktop live, check who is active or away, and get a list of running apps and opened websites. All of these are only a fraction of what Controlio can do for you. Check out the website — it is packed with info and usage scenarios.

Controlio是一款出色的应用程序,可帮助您从任何地方监视员工的PC活动。 您可以实时查看用户的桌面,检查谁在活动或不在活动中,并获得正在运行的应用程序和打开的网站的列表。 所有这些只是Controlio可以为您做的一小部分。 查看网站-它包含了信息和使用情况。

23. UptimeRobot (23. UptimeRobot)

Imagine that you have invested lots of money into your marketing campaign and now your website is down. UpTimeRobot lets you know that on the spot so you can fix it, and even more, it has been free since 2013. It is a popular solution, trusted by more than 500,000 users, including MINI, Expedia, and Fandango.

想象一下,您已经在营销活动中投入了大量资金,而现在您的网站已经关闭。 UpTimeRobot让您立即知道,以便您可以修复它,甚至更多,从2013年开始免费。它是一个受欢迎的解决方案,受到超过500,000个用户的信任,包括MINI,Expedia和Fandango。

24.InvoiceBerry (24. InvoiceBerry)

InvoiceBerry is a powerful invoicing app that you can use to send invoices, track expenses, create reports, manage customers and much more. Creating fully customized invoices takes less than 60 seconds and the pricing starts from $15 per month (35 customers, 2 users, 15 invoice templates). Try it for free for 30 days.

InvoiceBerry是一个功能强大的发票应用程序,您可以使用它发送发票,跟踪费用,创建报告,管理客户等等。 创建完全定制的发票不到60秒,价格从每月15美元起(35个客户,2个用户,15个发票模板)开始。 免费试用30天。

25. StickerYou (25. StickerYou)

StickerYou is your one-stop shop to make your business branding stick. You can create custom stickers, labels, decals, magnets, patches, badges, iron-ons and more in any size, shape, and order quantity. If you’re a reseller or printing custom vinyl stickers for your own business, StickerYou has you covered.

StickerYou是您打造企业品牌烙印的一站式​​商店。 您可以创建任何尺寸,形状和订购数量的自定义贴纸,标签,贴花,磁铁,贴片,徽章,熨斗等。 如果您是转销商或为自己的业务打印定制的乙烯基贴纸 ,那么StickerYou可以满足您的要求。

26. Foxy.io (26. Foxy.io)

Foxy.io is a powerful hosted cart and payment page which allows you to sell anything, using your existing website or platform. Instantly connect to over 90 payment methods and take advantage of features such as: coupons, discounts, live and custom shipping rates, automatic tax calculations, and more.

Foxy.io是功能强大的托管购物车和付款页面,使您可以使用现有网站或平台出售任何东西。 立即连接到90多种付款方式,并利用诸如优惠券,折扣,实时和自定义运费,自动税额计算等功能。

27. Pofo —最佳的产品组合,博客和电子商务WordPress主题 (27. Pofo — the Best Portfolio, Blog & eCommerce WordPress Theme)

Pofo is a creative agency, corporate, and portfolio multi-purpose WordPress theme. The pixel-perfect and vibrant design will help your website visitors convert better and your company will have a better image. On the theme demo website, you will find many examples of what can be achieved with POFO, including portfolio, blog and eCommerce demos.

Pofo是一个创意代理,公司和投资组合的多功能WordPress主题。 完美的像素和充满活力的设计将帮助您的网站访问者更好地转换,并且您的公司将拥有更好的形象。 在主题演示网站上,您可以找到许多使用POFO可以实现的示例,包括投资组合,博客和电子商务演示。

28. RumbleTalk (28. RumbleTalk)

With more than 571,000 group chats created so far, RumbleTalk is the most popular and powerful web chat solution for websites. Get a fully hosted HTML5 online group chat on your website! It takes 2 minutes to create your own stylish group chat and your website visitors will highly appreciate a direct line to you.

到目前为止,RumbleTalk已创建了超过571,000个群聊,是网站上最受欢迎,功能最强大的Web聊天解决方案。 在您的网站上获得完全托管HTML5在线群聊! 创建您自己的时尚群聊需要2分钟,您的网站访问者将非常喜欢直接拨打给您的电话。

29. WrapPixel (29. WrapPixel)

WrapPixel offers free and premium Bootstrap admin dashboard templates and UI kits. WrapPixel was founded to offer quality-driven items for web designers, developers, and agencies to save time and money.

WrapPixel提供免费和高级的Bootstrap管理仪表板模板和UI套件。 WrapPixel的成立是为了为网页设计师,开发人员和代理商提供质量驱动的产品,以节省时间和金钱。

30. Monstroid2 –多用途WordPress主题 (30. Monstroid2 – Multipurpose WordPress Theme)

Monstroid2 is the ultimate WordPress template, intended to become a rock-solid foundation for a range of niche-specific sites. This is a GPL-licensed template that is free to be used on the unlimited number of websites. A growing collection of child skins is included at no cost. You can switch between any of them without losing a piece of content. The theme features a fully editable structure that includes collections of pre-designed header and footer layouts, ready-made pages, content modules, widgets, and other options. A variety of premium extensions are provided as a bonus for everyone who downloads the theme. Moreover, Monstroid2 is ready to be modified code-free.

Monstroid2是最终的WordPress模板,旨在成为一系列特定于利基市场的网站的坚实基础。 这是GPL许可的模板,可在无限数量的网站上免费使用。 免费提供了越来越多的儿童皮肤。 您可以在其中任何一个之间切换而不会丢失任何内容。 该主题具有完全可编辑的结构,其中包括预先设计的页眉和页脚布局,现成的页面,内容模块,小部件和其他选项的集合。 为下载主题的每个人提供了各种高级扩展作为奖励。 此外,Monstroid2准备好进行无代码修改。





翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/30-awesome-tools-web-designers-developers/

