
tech2022-09-03  103


This article was originally published on Blockchain Review. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文最初发表在《 区块链评论》上 。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

The top five things that you need to know.


The talk about Blockchain technology seems ubiquitous. But what exactly is a blockchain? More specifically, what are the blockchain essentials that you should really know?

关于区块链技术的讨论似乎无处不在。 但是区块链到底是什么? 更具体地说,您应该真正了解什么是区块链要素?

Let’s dive in to find out more about it, and separate the hype from the reality.


1.什么是区块链? (1. What is a Blockchain?)

A blockchain is a tamper-proof distributed public ledger that manages transactions.


Think of it like a magical Google spreadsheet in the cloud, or more specifically on a network.


Put simply, a blockchain is basically an incorruptible distributed ledger of data, which can be used to store informational assets ranging from managing cryptographic contracts to transferring value.


The most recognized application on a blockchain is Bitcoin. This allows the transfer of value from one person to another with no central intermediary, and without allowing a person or party to spend their Bitcoin twice – the double spend rule.

区块链上最受认可的应用是比特币。 这允许在没有中央中介的情况下将价值从一个人转移到另一个人,并且不允许一个人或一方花费其比特币两次(双重消费规则)。

What does this mean?


It means that “value” can have a change of title and ownership from one person or party to another, without the need of a trusted third party to validate and govern the trade.


How is that, you might ask?


Well, the governance is in the protocol.


Besidse being a ledger for “data of value,” or cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology is finding broader usage in peer-to-peer lending, (smart) contract management, healthcare data, stock transfers, and even elections.


Like any emerging and disruptive technology, no one can predict the future of Blockchain technology. But one thing’s for sure — it isn’t (just) for purchasing black market goods and services!

像任何新兴和破坏性技术一样,没有人能预测区块链技术的未来。 但是可以肯定的是,这不是(仅仅)购买黑市商品和服务!

As a matter of fact, blockchain technology is finding its way into big firms such as IBM, Microsoft, and major banks.


Interest in the technology is driven by fear of disruption – the fact that it excludes trusted third parties (banks and clearinghouses) during the transfer of value, which in turn results in fast, private and less expensive financial transactions.


Blockchain can facilitate the peer-to-peer transfer of anything that’s of value.


This may include assets, properties, and contracts. The most crucial and far-reaching blockchain application is applied in Bitcoin, with transfer of value, and Ethereum, with its enhancement of smart contracts.

这可能包括资产,财产和合同。 最关键和影响深远的区块链应用程序用于价值转移的比特币和以智能合约增强的以太坊。

Let’s jump in and learn the historical background of these blockchain essentials.


2.比特币 (2. Bitcoin)

The Bitcoin currency, as many have come to know it, has been with us since 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto — a person, or group of people — published a whitepaper about peer-to-peer electronic currency.


The major innovation that Bitcoin unveiled was direct and secure transfer of money or "value" directly to any party on the network.


The Bitcoin currency network is decentralized — there's no central authority — and the underlying blockchain technology is used to store information which is verified by a network of "miners" who validate all transactions on the network.


How should I think of this?


Bitcoin is simply a virtual currency system which resembles the real world cash system.


Since it's launch in 2008, through the boom and bust of the hype cycle, Bitcoin has continued to grow at an exponential rate, and the fringe curiosity that consumed a group of highly capable tech nerds has ushered in some new upgrades that have brought blockchain closer to the mainstream.


3.以太坊—区块链2.0 (3. Ethereum — Blockchain 2.0)

Ethereum is a blockchain system based on the concepts of Bitcoin.


It is considered a second generation blockchain technology that was designed to let any person, with a basic level of computer skills, to develop and deploy their own decentralized applications on the blockchain.


Just like Bitcoin, Ethereum is decentralized — no one regulates or owns it — and it has it's own cryptocurrency or "fuel" called "Ether" which acts in the same way bitcoin does. However, Ethereum has a few innovations worth noting. The first being a second application on its blockchain infrastructure called a "smart contract", it's own virtual machine which powers the memory and applications on the network called the "Ethereum Virtual Machine", and its own programming language called "Solidity".

就像比特币一样, 以太坊是去中心化的-没有人监管或拥有它-并且它拥有自己的加密货币或称为“以太”的“燃料”,其作用与比特币相同。 但是,以太坊有一些创新值得注意。 第一个是其区块链基础架构上的第二个应用程序,称为“智能合约”,它是自己的虚拟机,为网络上的内存和应用程序提供动力,称为“以太坊虚拟机”,其自身的编程语言为“ Solidity”。

Ethereum is kinda like Bitcoin on steroids, but made to be more accessible.


It was developed by Vitalik Buterin, a 19 year old Russian Canadian in 2013 as a next generation blockchain technology, with capabilities to be able to program and perform arbitrary and complex computations.

它是由19岁的加拿大裔加拿大人Vitalik Buterin在2013年开发的,它是下一代区块链技术,具有能够编程和执行任意复杂的计算的功能。

Rather than just providing users with a set of predefined operations — like Bitcoin transactions — Ethereum lets users develop their own operations with the complexity they wish.


4.智能合约 (4. Smart Contracts)

What is a "smart" contract?


Well, they actually aren’t that “smart.”


Think of them like self executing dumb software robots that live and do business on a decentralized network.


Smart contracts are autonomous computer systems, written in code, that manage executions between individuals on the blockchain.


The code resides at specified addresses on the Ethereum blockchain. These contracts are powered by our friend, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), and by Ether. It's the little engine that could, that keeps all the smart contracts running on time and coordinates them with the rest of the network.

该代码位于以太坊区块链上的指定地址。 这些合同由我们的朋友以太坊虚拟机(EVM)和以太币提供动力。 这是可以使所有智能合约按时运行并与网络其余部分进行协调的微型引擎。

In order to create an added layer of customization and security, Ethereum created some high-level languages that are used to create smart contracts for the EVM. These are Solidity, Serpent, and LLL.

为了创建更多的自定义和安全层,以太坊创建了一些高级语言,用于为EVM创建智能合约。 它们是Solidity,Serpent和LLL。

These are the major innovation that Ethereum has brought to blockchains, and it allows for many amazing types of autonomous program.


Next, let's explore the consensus mechanisms in blockchain.


5.共识机制 (5. Consensus Mechanisms)

When you interact with multiple parties, you need some sort of consensus mechanism to ensure everyone has got the right records. – Dan O'Prey, co-founder of Hyperledger

与多方互动时,您需要某种共识机制来确保每个人都有正确的记录。 – Hyperledger联合创始人Dan O'Prey

Both Bitcoin and Ethereum use a decentralized system to confirm the transactions without relying on a trusted third party.


Therefore, consensus, or coming to a uniform agreement, helps a network of autonomous programs and computers come to an agreed state of the blockchain without conflict.


As a matter of fact, this consensus is the backbone of the blockchain and any other decentralized and distributed technology.


The proof of work, proof of stake and closed consensus are the most common mechanisms used in blockchain technologies.


A.工作证明 (A. Proof of Work)

The most common consensus mechanism that's used for blockchain technology is what's called "proof of work". It is the system used in Bitcoin.

用于区块链技术的最普遍的共识机制是所谓的“工作量证明”。 它是比特币中使用的系统。

When a transaction is initiated, the information is stored in a candidate block, which is filled with the transaction's information. A cryptographic beacon is sent out to the mining network that the candidate block has been created, and the miners get to work on solving a cryptographic puzzle that has a prize for whomever solves it, in the form of newly minted coins/currency.

启动交易时,该信息将存储在候选块中,并在其中填充交易信息。 加密信标被发送到挖矿网络,表明已创建了候选区块,矿工开始研究以新铸造的硬币/货币的形式解决有奖赏的加密难题。

Miners have what some would think of as supercomputers that are much more powerful than the average person's MacBook Pro. These machines have a "hashrate" or computing power that gives them an advantage when competing to solve consensus problems for reward.

矿工将某些人视为超级计算机,它们比普通人的MacBook Pro强大得多。 这些机器具有“哈希值”或计算能力,在竞争解决共识性问题以获得奖励时会为其提供优势。

I know what all you climate control advocates are saying: Doesn't that demand a lot of electricity and processing power?


The short answer is yes, the cost of mining is based primarily, on hardware, electricity costs, and to some degree temperature.


The problem with the Proof of Work consensus is that it requires the miner to use their supercomputer to try out millions of computations per second, in competition with other supercomputers around the world, to determine if the blockchain can be updated or not.


B.股权证明 (B. Proof of Stake)

The main objective of this mechanism is to allow stakeholders, the people with the most invested, or owned, in the Blockchain ecosystem to have the strongest incentives to lead in the provision of consensus solutions for a blockchain transaction.


In simple terms:


Proof of Stake consensus allows miners that have more "money", cryptocurrency, or "skin in the game" to have a greater opportunity to mine blocks and make decisions for the network.


The process starts with the miner consuming his/her cryptocurrency — commonly referred to as the kernel — which provides privileges for updating the blockchain, which is similar to Proof of Work.


However, the hashing computation in Proof of Stake is done using a limited search space, where stakeholders with the greatest stakes have the ability to mine a commensurate allocation of the network, and are effectively stewards of the Blockchain system.


Think of it like : the more a miner has, the more they can get, and the more they can decide.

可以这样想 :矿工越多,他们得到的越多,他们就可以做出更多的决定。

The one benefit of this controversial crypto-economic system is that by allowing stakeholders with incentives to take charge of consensus, the mechanism reduces the computing power required for consensus.


This should make the climate control kids happy, but…


The main problem of this mechanism is that it disadvantages other miners in the network since only the "richest" stakeholders are permitted to have control of consensus in the blockchain.


C.封闭共识 (C. Closed Consensus)

In a Closed consensus mechanism, certain nodes are required to put up a security deposit in order to participate in updating the blockchain.


This consensus mechanism doesn't require mining, and is growing in popularity in some banking and insurance segments.


The management of the consensus is done using security deposits which incentivize the validators. The "arbitrators" — conflict management nodes — are the enforcers on the blockchain, and they adjudicate when something is not right or if a miner is not acting fairly.

共识的管理使用保证金来激励验证者。 “仲裁者”(冲突管理节点)是区块链上的执行者,当事情不正确或矿工行为不当时,他们会做出裁决。

The main objective of using an arbitrator's protocol is to enforce consensus among the autonomous nodes in the blockchain.


If a validator authenticates a transaction which the arbitrators have considered illegitimate, then the validator loses their security deposit, and they also forfeit their privileges of providing consensus in the blockchain network in the future.


结论 (Conclusion)

Now that you understand the basic essentials of blockchain technology, you should be able to answer very easily:


What is a blockchain?

什么是区块链? How does bitcoin work?

比特币如何运作? What are the major innovations that the Ethereum blockchain brought to the technology?

以太坊区块链技术带来了哪些重大创新? What is a smart contract?

什么是智能合约? What are the different types of consensus mechanism that power a blockchain?


Hopefully this inspires further exploration and your own personal discovery, and exploration of how you might be able to join in the conversation and experiment.


If you want more information, and you missed the first post in this series, check out this easy to understand post here: How Does the Blockchain Work?

如果您想了解更多信息,而又错过了本系列的第一篇文章,请在此处查看以下易于理解的文章: 区块链如何工作?

Or, if you are ready to move forward, you can read the rest of the series:


How does the Blockchain Work? Part 3 – what is consensus and why does it matter?

区块链如何运作? 第三部分 – 什么是共识,为什么重要?

How does the Blockchain Work? Part 4 – what’s the difference between private, public, and consortium blockchain?

区块链如何运作? 第4部分 – 私有,公共和联盟区块链之间有什么区别?

The main take away that you should get from these articles is that understanding the blockchain is not that hard, and when you do, you have the ability to affect your team, startup, and industry in ways that you might not thought possible in the past.

从这些文章中可以得出的主要结论是,了解区块链并不难,而且当您这样做时,您就有能力以过去可能无法想象的方式影响您的团队,创业公司和行业。 。

I’m always interested in meeting blockchain founders, academic researchers, and technologists who are working on challenging projects, so please feel free to contact me on LinkedIn, or by email at collin@intrepid.ventures.


Looking for a new cryptocurrency? Check out the introduction to Metabase.

寻找新的加密货币? 查看Metabase的介绍。

Want to launch your own ICO? Apply now at Token Deck.

想启动自己的ICO吗? 现在在Token Deck申请。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-does-the-blockchain-work-pt-2/

