
tech2022-09-03  86


Another three months have passed, and our author roster has expanded again.


We’ve got six more authors joining us this trimester and they are, in order:


印度纳拉扬普鲁斯蒂 (Narayan Prusty, India)

Narayan is a very active blogger at Qnimate who actually wrote for SitePoint extensively before – on the WordPress channel. It was only recently that he decided to dive into PHP related topics as well, debuting with a piece on sending emails with PhpMailer – one of the oldest and most reliable email sending packages in the PHP ecosystem.

Narayan是Qnimate的一位非常活跃的博客作者,实际上他之前曾在WordPress频道上为SitePoint撰写过大量文章。 直到最近,他才决定也涉足 PHP相关主题,并首次发表了有关使用PhpMailer发送电子邮件的文章-PhpMailer是PHP生态系统中最古老,最可靠的电子邮件发送程序包之一。

英国杰米·希尔兹 (Jamie Shields, UK)

Jamie, a senior web developer at Stickyeyes, joined us a while back but took a while to push out his first article. It was worth the wait, though – he revisits the forgotten topic of paginating PHP-fetched data with jQuery, something many people either take for granted or flat out deride these days.

Stickyeyes的高级Web开发人员Jamie 不久前加入了我们,但花了一些时间才发表他的第一篇文章。 值得等待的是–他重新审视了用jQuery对PHP提取的数据进行分页的被遗忘的话题,如今,许多人要么认为这是理所当然的,要么就是ride之以鼻。

Rather than spend aeons learning [insert JS framework here] only to be considered out of date when [insert 2 days newer JS framework here] comes out, why not bake in those jQuery ajaxing skills and get things done while the cool kids argue about what to use?


美国克里斯托弗·托马斯 ( Christopher Thomas ) (Christopher Thomas, USA)

Chris is an App Development Manager for one of the top medical schools in Southern California. He has contributed to a few open source PHP projects, as evident by his Github profile. He joined us rather recently, but pounced on a topic hot off the press – Laravel’s 5.1 release and the new Broadcast Events feature. In his tutorial, he focuses on developing an application which doesn’t need a refresh to reflect updates that happened elsewhere, giving the appearance of real-time.

克里斯(Chris)是南加州其中一所顶级医学院的应用程序开发经理。 从他的Github个人资料可以明显看出,他为一些开源PHP项目做出了贡献。 他是最近才加入我们的,但是引起了媒体的热议-Laravel的5.1版本和新的Broadcast Events功能 。 在他的教程中,他专注于开发不需要刷新即可反映其他地方发生的更新的应用程序,从而呈现实时状态。

伊朗Parham Doustdar (Parham Doustdar, Iran)

Parham Doustdar is a completely blind developer from Iran. He specializes in writing clean, maintainable back-end code with a high test coverage, and believes that code must be readable with the smallest amount of effort.

Parham Doustdar是来自伊朗的完全盲目的开发商。 他专注于编写干净,可维护的后端代码,并具有很高的测试覆盖率,并且认为必须以最小的努力来读取代码。

Parham debuted on SitePoint with a post about building an app for fetching a region’s most popular Github users and is a very active peer review program member. Due to his enthusiasm and excellent work produced so far, I’m confident we’ll see his name in the next Regular Authors section!

帕拉姆(Parham)在SitePoint上首次亮相,发布了有关构建应用程序以吸引该地区最受欢迎的Github用户的帖子,并且是一位非常活跃的同行评审计划成员。 由于到目前为止他的热情和出色的作品,我相信我们会在下一个“ 常规作者”部分看到他的名字!

英国Nicola Pietroluongo (Nicola Pietroluongo, UK)

Nicola, a developer from London and the creator of the Fakerino data faking library, got in touch with us rather recently. He wrote about the Chain of Responsibility – a seldom explored pattern that offers a very powerful implementation for linking together actions that depend on one another and where each has the ability to break the chain at any moment, stopping further execution, unlike the Decorator pattern to which this seems similar.

来自伦敦的开发人员和Fakerino数据伪造库的创建者Nicola不久前与我们联系。 他撰写了《责任链》一文,这是一种极少探索的模式,它提供了一种非常强大的实现方式,可以将相互依赖的动作链接在一起,并且每个动作都可以随时断开该链,停止进一步执行,这与装饰器模式不同。这看起来很相似。

Nicola has some more work in the pipeline already, so stay tuned!


印度Vaihav Singhal (Vaihav Singhal, India)

Vaibhav, a developer at Orobind with an interest in telecommunication is also one of SitePoint’s newest joinees, passing initiation with a list of JavaScript charting libraries. On the PHP channel, he revisited the context by listing the four best options for chart generation that have PHP components.

Orobind的开发人员Vaibhav对电信很感兴趣,他也是SitePoint的最新参与者之一,并通过JavaScript图表库列表进行了初始化。 在PHP频道上,他通过列出 具有PHP组件 的四个最佳图表生成选项来重新审视了上下文。

A hearty welcome to all! Hope to see much more from you in the near future!

热烈欢迎大家! 希望在不久的将来能看到更多!

同行评审 (Peer Review)

Our Peer Review program is booming. The quality of posts has noticeably increased, and we’re constantly working on improving the process further.

我们的同行评审计划正在蓬勃发展。 帖子的质量已明显提高,我们正在不断努力以进一步改善流程。

We’ll be expanding the approach to other channels soon (the first one being the mobile channel), and have thus consolidated the documentation into a set of pages, rather than documents in individual channel Github repos. This was done in order to provide a decent point of entry into the peer review approach for all new authors and those interested in helping with reviews.

我们将很快将该方法扩展到其他渠道(第一个是移动渠道 ),因此将文档合并到了一组页面中 ,而不是将文档合并到单独的Github存储库中。 这样做是为了为所有新作者和有兴趣提供帮助的作者提供一个进入同行评审方法的不错的切入点。

加入我们? (Join us?)

That’s it for this trimester’s update. If you’d like to be kept up to date more regularly and be informed about posts and discussions on the PHP channel, feel free to sign up to our newsletter here and in case you’ve missed some, check out the archive.

这是本季度的更新。 如果您想更经常地了解最新信息,并希望了解有关PHP频道上的帖子和讨论的信息,请随时在此处注册我们的新闻通讯,如果您错过了一些通讯,请查看档案 。

Would you like to join up? Come help us out either as an author or peer reviewer – you’d be doing the community a huge favor, while growing your own developer profile! We’re looking for introductions to libraries and software, objective app benchmarks, PHP7 posts, tutorials on interesting features (maybe you had to build or optimize something unconventional at work recently?) and more – don’t hesitate to approach us!

你想参加吗? 欢迎以作者或同行审稿人的身份帮助我们-在增加自己的开发人员资料的同时,您将为社区带来巨大的帮助! 我们正在寻找库和软件的介绍,客观的应用基准测试,PHP7帖子,有趣功能的教程(也许您最近不得不在工作中构建或优化一些非常规的东西?)等等–随时与我们联系 !


