
tech2022-09-03  110


There are only four months left to go in 2017, and we’re developing a pretty clear picture of this year’s best web tools and services that provide excellent value. Most of them are highly reputed solutions that are getting better and better (like pCloud, xFive or Themify) and some are quite new to the market, but already doing a great job (Goodie, Codester, and others).

2017年仅剩四个月了,我们正在为今年提供出色价值的最佳Web工具和服务开发一个清晰的画面。 其中大多数是知名度更高的解决方案,并且越来越好(例如pCloud,xFive或Themify),有些是对市场来说很新的,但已经做得很好(Goodie,Codester等)。

In this showcase, we’ll quickly review 25 web tools and services that can make life easier for web designers, developers, and other web pros.


1. pCloud (1. pCloud)

pCloud was launched 4 years ago but has already established itself as an excellent, safe storage platform with a full range of features. It is used by all kind of people and companies, including huge corporations like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, IKEA, LinkedIn, Uber, and many others. pCloud’s numbers look as great as the tool: 7 million users, 7 petabytes of maintained information and 1.3 billion files.

pCloud于4年前推出,但已经确立了自己的地位,成为具有各种功能的出色,安全的存储平台。 它被各种人和公司使用,包括可口可乐,百事可乐,宜家,LinkedIn,Uber等许多大公司。 pCloud的数量与该工具一样大:700万用户,7 PB的已维护信息和13亿个文件。

pCloud is your personal cloud space where you can store all your files and folders in a safe and professional way. It is accessible from any platform or device: web, iOS, Android, macOS, Linux or Windows.

pCloud是您的个人云空间,您可以在其中安全安全地存储所有文件和文件夹。 可从任何平台或设备上访问它:Web,iOS,Android,macOS,Linux或Windows。

The friendly user interface shows you where everything is located and what each feature does. If you install pCloud on your computer (through its desktop application pCloud Drive), you will have a virtual drive that will extend your local storage space.

友好的用户界面可显示所有内容的位置以及每个功能的作用。 如果您在计算机上安装pCloud(通过其桌面应用程序pCloud Drive),则将拥有一个虚拟驱动器,它将扩展您的本地存储空间。

Everything you put on the virtual drive will go into the cloud. Your files will always be secured against attacks, errors or HDD failure. Whatever changes you make in pCloud will be seen immediately on your computer, phone or tablet, and everything is continuously synchronized.

您放置在虚拟驱动器上的所有内容都将进入云。 您的文件将始终受到保护,免受攻击,错误或HDD故障。 无论您在pCloud中所做的任何更改,都将立即在您的计算机,手机或平板电脑上看到,并且所有内容都将持续同步。

Unique in this market, pCloud is offering a Lifetime license that starts from $125 – a one-time cost with great features included (500GB storage, 500GB download link traffic, unlimited remote upload traffic and 30 days of trash history). It also has free plans, up to 20 GB of free storage, and a web extension that will save your favorite web images, videos, and text.

在这个市场中,pCloud独树一帜,它提供的终身许可证起价为125美元-一次性费用,其中包含很多功能(500 GB存储,500 GB下载链接流量,无限的远程上传流量和30天的垃圾记录)。 它还具有免费计划,最多20 GB的免费存储空间和一个Web扩展程序,该扩展程序将保存您喜欢的Web图像,视频和文本。

Pricing: Lifetime license from $125.

定价 :终身许可证起价为125美元。

2. 蒂克拉 (2. Tickera)

With over 80,000 downloads, Tickera is the best way to sell event tickets with WordPress. Using this plugin, you can quickly deliver digital tickets to your buyers. When using Tickera’s WordPress plugin to sell tickets for your event, you are essentially setting up your own hosted ticketing solution where you control the profits without any middleman fees. Tickera works great with any well-coded WordPress theme out there.

Tickera拥有超过80,000的下载量,是使用WordPress销售活动门票的最佳方式。 使用此插件,您可以快速将数字票证交付给买家。 使用Tickera的WordPress插件出售活动门票时,您实际上是在建立自己的托管票务解决方案,在其中您无需任何中间人费用即可控制利润。 Tickera可以很好地与任何经过良好编码的WordPress主题配合使用。

There are currently 26 professional add-ons that will further increase Tickera’s functionality. One of the add-ons, for example, will allow you to sell tickets with WooCommerce, another will let your attendees choose the best seats for your show, and another allows you to deliver physical tickets automatically.   The pricing starts from $49/year plus a $70 one-time fee, and comes with a year of premium support and updates. With each license you can use the Tickera plugin on unlimited websites.

当前有26个专业附加组件,这些附加组件将进一步提高Tickera的功能。 例如,其中一个附加组件将使您可以通过WooCommerce出售门票,另一个将使您的参与者为您的演出选择最佳座位,而另一个则使您能够自动交付实物门票。 价格从每年49美元起,外加70美元的一次性费用,并提供一年的高级支持和更新。 有了每个许可证,您就可以在无限制的网站上使用Tickera插件。

Pricing: Starting from $49/year + a one-time fee of $70.

定价 :每年$ 49美元起+一次性费用$ 70美元。

3. Xfive (3. Xfive)

With more than 10 years of experience on the market, formerly working under the XHTML brand, Xfive is a complete web development agency serving global customers. These friendly developers can do everything you need in front-end and back-end development, working with JavaScript, WordPress, eCommerce, Sketch to HTML and much more.

Xfive拥有10多年的市场经验,以前以XHTML品牌工作,是一家为全球客户提供服务的完整Web开发代理。 这些友好的开发人员可以与JavaScript,WordPress,电子商务,Sketch to HTML等一起使用,完成前端和后端开发所需的一切。

Xfive has an excellent global track record, working with small companies or large corporations like eBay, Microsoft, Twitter, FOX, and others. We strongly believe that Xfive is one of the top global web development teams that should be approached for a quote and discussion for every project of yours.

Xfive具有出色的全球记录,与eBay,Microsoft,Twitter,FOX等小型公司或大型公司合作。 我们坚信Xfive是全球顶级的Web开发团队之一,应与您的每个项目进行报价和讨论。

Pricing: Depends on the project.

定价 :取决于项目。

4. 什么是字体 (4. WhatFontIs)

WhatFontIs is a popular service that identifies the name of the awesome font that you just saw on a website or in a picture. It is mostly used by graphic designers, photographers, and advertisers. The software works quickly and if the identification is not a 100% match, WhatFontIs will offer you 100 similar alternatives — you can choose the one that most resembles your font. It also provides links to the best places to download or buy the identified fonts.

WhatFontIs是一种流行的服务,用于标识您刚刚在网站或图片中看到的超酷字体的名称。 它主要由图形设计师,摄影师和广告商使用。 该软件可以快速运行,并且如果标识不是100%匹配,WhatFontIs将为您提供100种类似的替代品-您可以选择最类似于您的字体的替代品。 它还提供了指向下载或购买已识别字体的最佳位置的链接。

It has a premium plan priced at $2.99/month — or, at $29.90/year, you can pick up a 17% discount. The premium plan includes no advertising, the ability to select from 25 sources for commercial fonts, and an unlimited number of identifications and forum posts per day.

它有一个高级计划,价格为每月2.99美元-或每年29.90美元,您可以享受17%的折扣。 高级计划不包括广告,可以从25种来源中选择商业字体,并且每天可以无限制地添加标识和论坛帖子。

Pricing: Free to use. Premium plan at $2.99 per month.

定价 :免费使用。 每月2.99美元的高级计划。

5. 主题化 (5. Themify)

One of the most powerful, flexible WordPress themes created by Themify is the Ultra Theme. It’ll help you easily and quickly create beautiful, responsive websites. Take full control of your theme design from header to footer. Ultra is a “must-have” theme for designers and developers, also coming with a bonus theme and one year of support and updates.

Themify创建的最强大,最灵活的WordPress主题之一是Ultra Theme。 它可以帮助您轻松快速地创建美观,响应Swift的网站。 从页眉到页脚完全控制您的主题设计。 Ultra是设计师和开发人员的“必备”主题,还带有奖励主题以及一年的支持和更新。

Use it on unlimited sites, for any kind of project that you may have. Keep in mind that they’re offering a 30-day money back guarantee.

在无限制的站点上使用它,可用于任何类型的项目。 请记住,他们提供30天退款保证。

Pricing: Standard License at $49.

定价 :标准许可价格为49美元。

6. Argento主题 (6. Argento Theme)

Looking for the best Magento template for your store? Argento is more than just another template created for Magento. It was built based on the best eCommerce store practices and according to Magento developer guidelines. It’s powered with more than 18 popular Magento extensions to bring your store to the next level.

寻找适合您商店的最佳Magento模板? Argento不仅仅是为Magento创建的另一个模板。 它是根据最佳电子商务商店实践并根据Magento开发人员指南构建的。 它具有超过18种流行的Magento扩展程序,可将您的商店提升到一个新的水平。

Argento was optimized both for speed and SEO, and tested in popular browsers and different mobile devices in order to increase conversions and improve the shopping experience.


Argento provides support for both Magento 1 and Magento 2 releases.

Argento同时支持Magento 1和Magento 2版本。

Pricing: $125 Lifetime theme license.

定价 :$ 125终身主题许可证。

7. 经络主题 (7. Meridian Themes)

Since 2015, Meridian Themes has been dedicated to providing gorgeous WordPress themes built on rock-solid code standards. Its themes are fully integrated with the native WordPress Customizer to let you make real-time changes. Merian Themes’s clean code ensures that your site is compatible with important plugins like Yoast SEO, Contact Form 7, WPForms, and many others. Check out its website for great themes that suit a multitude of projects.

自2015年以来,子午线主题一直致力于提供基于坚如磐石的代码标准的华丽WordPress主题。 它的主题与本地WordPress定制程序完全集成,可让您进行实时更改。 Merian Themes的干净代码确保您的网站与重要的插件(如Yoast SEO,Contact Form 7,WPForms以及许多其他插件)兼容。 在其网站上查看适合大量项目的主题。

Pricing: WordPress themes starting from $49.

定价 :WordPress主题起价为49美元。

8. Activello主题 (8. Activello Theme)

Activello is a clean, minimal multi-purpose WordPress blog theme, using Bootstrap to make it fully responsive and mobile-friendly. It features pixel-perfect design, several custom widgets and a full-screen slider to showcase your content with style.

Activello是一个简洁,最小化的多功能WordPress博客主题,使用Bootstrap使其完全响应且对移动设备友好。 它具有完美的像素设计,几个自定义小部件和一个全屏滑块,以样式展示您的内容。

Pricing: Free!

定价 :免费!

9. 托管展位 (9. Hosting Booth)

Having a great hosting solution is mandatory in 2017. Websites need to load fast, have the highest security standards and most importantly, always be live. To achieve that is not complicated: check out the Hosting Booth’s hosting solutions comparison and sign up for the provider that fits your needs.

在2017年,必须拥有出色的托管解决方案。网站需要快速加载,具有最高的安全标准,最重要的是始终保持在线状态。 要做到这一点并不复杂:请查看Hosting Booth的托管解决方案比较,并注册适合您需求的提供商。

Pricing: Depends on the hosting solution.

定价 :取决于托管解决方案。

10. Codester (10. Codester)

One new destination for web developers and designers is Codester. Codester is a useful marketplace which provides hundreds of scripts, themes, plugins, extensions and much more. It’s growing rapidly and has the attention of the entire WordPress community.

Web开发人员和设计人员的一个新目的地是Codester。 Codester是一个有用的市场,它提供了数百个脚本,主题,插件,扩展等等。 它正在Swift发展,并引起了整个WordPress社区的关注。

Pricing: Marketplace — depends on the product.

定价 :市场-取决于产品。

11. 维多 (11. Wideo)

With over 1,700,000 clients, Wideo is one of the best video animation maker for your business. Using this excellent web tool, you can easily create, edit and share videos. Just drag and drop elements or upload your own images and start animating in a few clicks with the best online animation tool. It’s as simple as it sounds. Register for the 7-day free trial.

Wideo拥有超过1,700,000个客户,是您业务中最佳的视频动画制作商之一。 使用这个出色的网络工具,您可以轻松地创建,编辑和共享视频。 只需拖放元素或上传自己的图像,然后使用最佳的在线动画工具单击几下即可开始制作动画。 听起来很简单。 注册7天免费试用。

Pricing: From $19/month.

价格 :每月19美元起。

12. 取消编码 (12. Uncode)

Uncode is a popular pixel-perfect multi-purpose WordPress designed with terrific attention to detail, flexibility, and performance. Uncode comes bundled with a tailored version of the famous drag-and-drop Visual Composer page builder, Revolution Slider, LayerSlider headers, and iLightbox.

Uncode是一种流行的像素完美多功能WordPress,其设计着重于细节,灵活性和性能。 Uncode与著名的拖放式Visual Composer页面构建器,Revolution Slider,LayerSlider标头和iLightbox的定制版本捆绑在一起。

With over 40+ premade concepts ready to go or combine (full-screen, full-width, boxed, one-page scroll, landing page), anything you can think of can be built. If you are searching for innovative WordPress Theme, Uncode is a top recommendation.

借助40多种预制概念可供使用或组合(全屏,全角,盒装,一页滚动,登陆页面),您可以想到的任何东西都可以构建。 如果您正在寻找创新的WordPress主题,则最好选择Uncode。

Pricing: $59.

定价 :59美元。

13. 每页 (13. Pagely)

Pagely is among the best WordPress hosting solutions on the market. Its solutions are adapted for a variety of uses and customer types. Pagely’s hosting stack is built on Amazon Web Services. This allows them to leverage a near-infinite amount of resources and advanced tooling to scale and support your WordPress app.

Pagely是市场上最好的WordPress托管解决方案之一。 其解决方案适用于各种用途和客户类型。 Pagely的托管堆栈基于Amazon Web Services构建。 这使他们可以利用几乎无限量的资源和高级工具来扩展和支持WordPress应用程序。

Pricing: From $499/month.

价格 :每月499美元起。

14. Logo123 (14. Logo123)

Logo123 is a professional logo maker with Artificial Intelligence (its algorithm learns your preferences and presents more designs that match your tastes). It offers a free, basic plan and its first premium package starts from only $49.

Logo123是使用AI的专业徽标制造商(其算法可了解您的偏好并提供更多符合您口味的设计)。 它提供免费的基本计划,其首个高级套餐仅售49美元。

Pricing: Free, and first premium plan from $49.

定价 :免费,第一个高级计划从$ 49起。

15. MailMunch (15. MailMunch)

With MailMunch you can easily convert visitors into subscribers and customers. Creating beautiful opt-in forms takes less than a minute and there is no need to write a single line of code. It’s an all-in-one solution for your lead generation, with a free-forever plan and budget-friendly premium plans.

使用MailMunch,您可以轻松地将访问者转换为订阅者和客户。 创建漂亮的选择加入表单只需不到一分钟的时间,无需编写任何代码。 这是针对您的潜在客户的一站式解决方案,提供永久免费的计划和预算友好的高级计划。

Pricing: Free, and first premium plan from $6.3/month.

定价 :免费,第一个高级计划从$ 6.3 /月起。

16. uCalc (16. uCalc)

uCalc.pro is a calculator builder that requires no coding skills. Create a calculator from scratch or choose from 15 templates. The builder is easy-to-use, allows an unlimited number of fields and all types of input data, collects emails and phone numbers, and sends notifications and invoices. Once a calculator is created, it can be connected to goals in Google Analytics.

uCalc.pro是不需要编码技能的计算器生成器。 从头开始创建计算器,或从15个模板中选择。 该构建器易于使用,允许无限数量的字段和所有类型的输入数据,收集电子邮件和电话号码,以及发送通知和发票。 创建计算器后,就可以将其连接到Google Analytics(分析)中的目标。

Pricing: Free.

定价 :免费。

17. uSocial (17. uSocial)

uSocial.pro is a builder of “Like” and “Share” buttons that work well on any website. Over a hundred button designs are available and can be added to a web page in minutes. The “eye-catcher” technology draws attention to buttons when viewing a page. Visitors will definitely share interesting content with friends and followers on social media, which will drive more traffic to your website.

uSocial.pro是“ Like”和“ Share”按钮的构建器,可在任何网站上正常使用。 提供了一百多种按钮设计,并且可以在数分钟内将其添加到网页中。 查看页面时,“引人注目的”技术将注意力吸引到按钮上。 访问者肯定会在社交媒体上与朋友和关注者共享有趣的内容,这将为您的网站带来更多流量。

Pricing: Free.

定价 :免费。

18. RumbleTalk (18. RumbleTalk)

RumbleTalk is a professional online group chat solution. You can use it to create a social chat room, or for private communities, web chats, and live events. There are more than 558,000 group chats created so far, with many clients considering it one of the best options on the market.

RumbleTalk是专业的在线群聊解决方案。 您可以使用它来创建社交聊天室,或用于私人社区,网络聊天和现场活动。 到目前为止,已经创建了超过558,000个群聊,许多客户认为这是市场上最好的选择之一。

Pricing: Free, with premium plans from $14/month.

定价 :免费,高级计划从每月14美元起。

19. 同伴 (19. Salesmate)

Salesmate is a smart business CRM that helps you close deals and automate several tasks. It can be used by teams of any size or shape.

Salesmate是一种智能业务CRM,可帮助您完成交易并自动执行多项任务。 任何规模或形状的团队都可以使用它。

Pricing: $15/month billed monthly, or $12/month billed annually.

定价 :每月15美元/月,或每年12美元/年。

20. 糖果 (20. Goodie)

Goodie is a different approach to building websites from a web development agency. They have a fixed cost of $999/website and it’s super simple to work with them.

Goodie是Web开发机构提供的另一种网站构建方法。 他们每个网站的固定成本为999美元,与他们合作非常简单。

Pricing: $999/website.

定价 :$ 999 /网站。

21. InvoiceBerry (21. InvoiceBerry)

InvoiceBerry simplifies invoicing and expense tracking, helping you save time and money. Create your first, professional, gorgeous invoice in less than 60 seconds. This platform is perfectly suited to small businesses and freelancers.

InvoiceBerry简化了发票和费用跟踪,可帮助您节省时间和金钱。 在不到60秒的时间内创建第一张专业的精美发票。 该平台非常适合小型企业和自由职业者。

Pricing: Free forever plan, and their first premium package starts from $15/month.

价格 :永久免费,他们的第一个高级套餐每月15美元起。

22.用户解析 (22. Userlytics)

There are a lot of platforms out there to help you with designing a website, landing page or mobile app, and lots of tools that analyze what users do with these assets when you place them into production. But how do you find out why users are doing what your analytics tools tell they are doing? And how do you bring the user and the customer into the design and development cycle? That is where the Userlytics User Testing platform can help you.

有很多平台可以帮助您设计网站,登录页面或移动应用程序,还有许多工具可以分析用户将这些资产投入生产时如何处理这些资产。 但是,您如何找出用户为什么要执行您的分析工具告诉他们的操作呢? 以及如何将用户和客户带入设计和开发周期? 这就是Userlytics用户测试平台可以为您提供帮助的地方。

Iteratively user test your designs, concept sketches, wireframes and high-fidelity prototypes with participants interacting with them from their homes and offices.


You’ll get Picture-in-Picture videos of your target Persona as they interact with your prototype from their home or office. As if you were looking over their shoulder!

当目标角色在家里或办公室与原型交互时,您将获得其画中画视频。 好像您在看着他们的肩膀一样!

Userlytics provides Time on Task, Success/Failure & System Usability Scale (SUS) metrics. Branching logic personalizes the user experience test script to the actions and responses of each participant, like moderated usability testing but with the scalability of unmoderated UX testing.

Userlytics提供任务执行时间,成功/失败和系统可用性量表(SUS)指标。 分支逻辑将用户体验测试脚本个性化为每个参与者的动作和响应,例如适度的可用性测试,但具有未审核的UX测试的可伸缩性。

23. PSDCenter (23. PSDCenter)

PSDCenter is a front-end web development agency created in 2009. In that time they’ve worked with some of the best marketing companies, graphic designers, and small businesses alike. They offer great communication throughout the project cycle and ensure that their clients are confident with the end result. PSDCenter offers enterprise solutions for graphic design, theme creation, application development, and front-end development, being a complete box solution for any business needs.

PSDCenter是一家成立于2009年的前端Web开发代理。在那时,他们与一些最佳的营销公司,图形设计师以及小型企业合作。 他们在整个项目周期中提供了良好的沟通,并确保其客户对最终结果充满信心。 PSDCenter提供用于图形设计,主题创建,应用程序开发和前端开发的企业解决方案,是满足任何业务需求的完整解决方案。

Pricing: Depends on the project.

定价 :取决于项目。

24. CloudCart (24. CloudCart)

With CloudCard you don’t need to hire a programmer or team of programmers to have a professional, beautiful online store. It offers the safest and fastest hosting courtesy of Google Cloud. Creating an online store takes a couple of minutes and CloudCart offers free templates. Try CloudCart without a credit card on the free 14-day trial.

使用CloudCard,您无需雇用程序员或程序员团队就可以拥有专业,美观的在线商店。 它提供了Google Cloud最安全,最快的托管服务。 创建在线商店需要花费几分钟,CloudCart提供免费模板。 免费试用14天,无需信用卡即可试用CloudCart。

Pricing: Starts from $9.99/month.

定价 :每月$ 9.99起。

25. Ezee排名跟踪器 (25. Ezee Rank Tracker)

Ezee Rank Tracker is the best all-in-one rank tracker for Google, Bing and Yahoo, YouTube, social signals and more. Its SERP checker is 100% free and is considered the best solution on the market.

Ezee排名跟踪器是适用于Google,必应和Yahoo,YouTube,社交信号等的最佳多合一排名跟踪器。 它的SERP检查器是100%免费的,被认为是市场上最好的解决方案。

Most competitors charge monthly or for updates, but Ezee Rank Tracker is available for a one-off fee. It’s been updated regularly for the last four years.

大多数竞争对手按月收取费用或进行更新,但Ezee Rank Tracker可以一次性支付。 最近四年定期进行了更新。

Pricing: $99 Lifetime license.

定价 :$ 99终身许可证。

Most of the web tools and services we tested provide free trials or even free plans. It’s easy to check out the apps and see exactly how your company or team will benefit.

我们测试的大多数Web工具和服务都提供免费试用甚至免费计划。 签出应用程序并准确了解您的公司或团队将如何受益很容易。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/25-tested-web-tools-services-for-2017/

