
tech2022-09-03  136

We skipped January’s Sourcehunt, but we’re back now, ready to boost the stardom of more projects!

我们跳过了一月份的Sourcehunt ,但现在又回来了,准备提高更多项目的知名度 !

多人伴侣/ cron经理 [125★] (mult1mate/cron-manager [125 ★])

mult1mate/cron-manager is a flexible tasks manager designed for MVC-type applications. It’s used instead of crontab and its purpose is to provide an easy way to manipulate repetitive tasks.

mult1mate / cron-manager是为MVC类型的应用程序设计的灵活任务管理器。 使用它代替crontab,其目的是提供一种操作重复性任务的简便方法。

In some ways, it’s similar to Laravel’s scheduler but framework-agnostic and comes with added interactive features which you can explore in the demo.


ayeayeapi [16★] (ayeayeapi [16 ★])

ayeayeapi bills itself as “a micro framework for building APIs […] designed to be easy to use, fast to develop with and to scale from tiny micro-services to world devouring titans.”

ayeayeapi称自己为“ 构建API的微框架[…],旨在易于使用,快速开发并从微型微服务扩展到吞噬世界的泰坦。 ”

AyeAye only provides request parsing and responses, and routes – it’s quite simplistic and can be augmented with any third party package you feel you need. Need authentication? Toss in an Oauth2 client / server combo. Need better logging or want requests displayed in Slack? Just plug in a PSR-3 compliant logger and you’re set.

AyeAye仅提供请求解析,响应和路由,这非常简单,可以通过您认为需要的任何第三方软件包进行扩充。 需要认证吗? 加入Oauth2客户端/服务器组合。 需要更好的日志记录还是希望在Slack中显示请求? 只需插入符合PSR-3的记录器,即可完成设置。

AyeAye, while proof of concept at this point, has potential to grow into something popular – so go ahead and contribute or use it to build something and give the author feedback. If you do something interesting with it, get in touch – we’ll pay you to write about your experiences!

虽然AyeAye目前仍是概念验证,但有潜力发展成流行的东西-因此,继续并贡献或使用它来构建东西并提供作者反馈。 如果您对它感兴趣,请与我们联系-我们会付钱给您写您的经历!

彼得森·派克 [0★] (peternijssen/packy [0 ★])

packy, by our very own Peter Nijssen, is a tool for checking the status of your dependencies – that is, whether or not they’re up to date.

packy是我们自己的Peter Nijssen编写的 ,是一种用于检查依赖项状态的工具-即它们是否最新。

What sets packy apart from similar tools that are run periodically from the command line, or tools like VersionEye, are the facts that it’s open source and self-hostable, and it supports several package managers and related remotes out of the box.

与从命令行定期运行的类似工具或VersionEye之类的工具相比 , packy的独特之处在于它是开源的且可自托管的,并且支持开箱即用的多个程序包管理器和相关远程工具。

Check it out and throw some feedback at Peter!


eddturtle /直接上传 [1★] (eddturtle/direct-upload [1 ★])

direct-upload is a nifty “shortcut” package for uploading files directly into an AWS S3 bucket. You’d think this isn’t a big deal, but when you consider the amount of code bureaucracy (codeaucracy?) that goes into hooking up a PHP app with S3 uploads the vanilla way, you definitely start to appreciate little cheats like these.

direct-upload是一个漂亮的“快捷方式”程序包,用于将文件直接上传到AWS S3存储桶。 您可能认为这没什么大不了的,但是当您考虑将代码官僚主义(codeaucracy?)用于连接S3上载PHP应用程序的方式很繁琐时,您肯定会开始喜欢这些小作弊。

In the words of the project’s introduction: “This package is designed to build the necessary signature (v4), policy and form inputs when sending files directly to Amazon’s S3 service.”

用项目介绍的话来说:“ 该软件包旨在在将文件直接发送到Amazon的S3服务时构建必要的签名(v4),策略和表单输入。 ”

The purpose and development process of the project is explained in this post.


The project comes with example uses, guides, unit tests, and everything else you might need to get started in no more than a few minutes.


sitepoint / rauth [4★] (sitepoint/rauth [4 ★])

We made sitepoint/rauth to allow access control on classes and methods, rather than routes. So instead of banning the route from anyone who lacks the group “admin”, you can ban the AdminController and some (or all) of its methods. Why? Because this lets you:

我们将sitepoint / rauth设置为允许对类和方法(而不是路由)进行访问控制。 因此,您可以禁止AdminController及其某些(或全部)方法,而不是禁止缺少“ admin”组的任何人使用路由。 为什么? 因为这样可以:

switch out routes on a whim and not worry about messed up permissions

随心所欲地切换路由,不必担心权限混乱 use the app in the command line or in the browser, and it works exactly the same – no routes needed

在命令行或浏览器中使用该应用程序,它的工作原理完全相同-无需路由 have more fine grained control over certain parts of the application


Naturally, this can be coupled with traditional route-based restrictions if that’s more your cup of tea, but our demo no-framework skeleton needed this exact approach.


There are several outstanding issues waiting for PRs or just comments, so if you have a minute, we’d appreciate some input, if not code!


刺痛/解析器反射 [4★] (goaop/parser-reflection [4 ★])

Last but not least, there’s goaop/parser-reflection or “reflection on steroids”. It’s far from the only new PHP-parser-powered reflection library upgrade, so to see the differences and discussion about alternatives, this issue is an interesting read.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是, 刺痛/解析器反射或“类固醇反射”。 它不是唯一的新的由PHP解析器提供支持的反射库升级 ,因此,要了解不同之处和有关替代方案的讨论, 这个问题很有趣。

In any case, with PHP7’s nifty internal upgrades coupled with speed improvements, reflection is becoming less and less expensive, so if you need to read any kind of meta data from your PHP files either for something like the Rauth package above, or documentation generation, it’s easier than ever!

无论如何,随着PHP7出色的内部升级以及速度的提高,反射变得越来越便宜,因此,如果您需要从PHP文件中读取任何类型的元数据,例如上述Rauth软件包或文档生成 ,它比以往更容易!

That’s it for February – as always, please throw your links at us with the hashtags #sourcehunt and #php – here’s the link to the combination. Naturally, if you’d like to sourcehunt a project written in another language, alter accordingly.

2月就这样了-与往常一样,请使用#sourcehunt和#php标签将您的链接扔给我们-这是组合的链接 。 自然,如果您想寻找其他语言编写的项目,请进行相应的更改。

Happy coding!


