Sourcehunt 2016.8-有助于回归,正则表达式,ORM等

tech2022-09-04  126

Sourcehunt 2016年8月 (Sourcehunt August 2016)

Vacations are over, and it’s time to hunt some open source contributions again!


austintoddj /帆布 [561★] (austintoddj/Canvas [561 ★])

Canvas is a new mini-CMS aimed at developers who need personal blogs. It aims to be both pretty, and pretty usable. I’ve tried it out in my hunt for a personal blogging engine, and while it fell a bit short at the time, the owner is very responsive to pull requests and ideas, and the tool as it is today is very different to the one I tried out a mere month ago.

Canvas是面向需要个人博客的开发人员的新型微型CMS。 它旨在既美观又实用 。 我在寻找个人博客引擎的过程中尝试了该方法,尽管那时它有点不足,但所有者对请求请求和想法非常敏感,并且今天的工具与以前的工具截然不同我在一个月前尝试过。

If you’re looking for an easy-to-use, easy-to-set-up, and easy-to-deploy CMS, I encourage you to give Canvas a go and submit extensions and pull requests to expand its already very vibrant community.


phpthinktank / blast-orm [64★] (phpthinktank/blast-orm [64 ★])

Blast ORM is “yet another ORM”. If people’s gripes about it on Reddit are to be taken seriously, it has a ways to go before it looks and feels professional.

爆炸ORM是“另一个ORM”。 如果要认真对待人们对Reddit的控制,那么它在看起来和感觉专业之前还有一段路要走。

However, like Todd from Canvas, the author of Blast is also very receptive to feedback and is actively (and publicly) learning, improving the package along the way. Whether or not this ORM is something that’s bound to stick around for some time to come isn’t obvious, but it’s a young and ambitious project which could use (and deserves) the help. In an ecosystem where almost every ORM is either framework specific or Doctrine, introducing some new players is definitely refreshing.

但是,就像Canvas的Todd一样,Blast的作者也非常乐于接受反馈,并且积极(并公开地)学习并不断改进软件包。 这个ORM是否一定会持续一段时间尚不清楚,但这是一个年轻而雄心勃勃的项目,可以使用(并应得)帮助。 在几乎每个ORM都是特定于框架或Doctrine的生态系统中,引入一些新参与者绝对令人耳目一新。

Talesoft /故事玉 [66★] (Talesoft/tale-jade [66 ★])

Jade is a “dialect” of HTML, like what CoffeeScript is to JavaScript. Tale-jade is a “complete and fully-functional implementation of the Jade template language for PHP”.

Jade是HTML的“方言”,就像CoffeeScript是JavaScript一样。 Tale-jade是“用于PHP的Jade模板语言的完整且功能齐全的实现”。

“But aren’t there already Jade ports for PHP?” you may be wondering. Yes and no. As the author explains in the introductory reddit post, the PHP Jade packages currently out in the wild are incomplete and buggy – missing features from the JS version because a direct port was attempted. This one is a complete rewrite, with some syntax sugar for loops added in – something the default Jade is missing. This does break away from the spec a bit, yes, but the author also states that his goal was to create a “Jade-like templating engine”, not a full port in itself like the previous attempts. Whether that’s a good or bad idea remains to be seen.

“但是还没有PHP的Jade端口吗?” 您可能想知道。 是的,没有。 正如作者在介绍性Reddit帖子中所解释的那样,当前普遍使用PHP Jade软件包不完整且有错误-由于尝试了直接移植,因此JS版本缺少功能。 这是一个完整的重写,其中添加了一些用于循环的语法糖 -默认缺少Jade。 是的,这确实与规范有些冲突,但是作者还指出,他的目标是创建一个“像翡翠一样的模板引擎”,而不是像以前的尝试那样在其本身上提供一个完整的端口。 这是一个好主意还是个坏主意,还有待观察。

Jade’s popularity is picking up, but there’s much more to be done. Why not jump in and help out?

玉器的受欢迎程度正在提高,但还有很多事情要做。 为什么不跳出来帮忙呢?

galvao / compartpartment [5★] (galvao/comphpartment [5 ★])

Short and sweet: “A component to access Pocket’s API through PHP and Guzzle”. How does this differ from something like this? First, comphpartment is alpha and very, very incomplete. So if you want stability, the other package is the way to go. Second, it uses Guzzle – something the other package does not (it uses Curl exclusively).

简短而有趣:“通过PHP和Guzzle访问Pocket API的组件”。 这是如何从类似的不同这个 ? 首先,陪伴是阿尔法,而且非常非常不完整。 因此,如果您想保持稳定性,则可以选择其他方法。 其次,它使用Guzzle-其他软件包没有的东西(它仅使用Curl)。

Some people prefer to use Guzzle to get some abstraction, others prefer a direct, speedy Curl access. Others fetch their API calls with file_get_contents (I know… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and others still abstract even Guzzle out of a package. It’s a matter of personal preference, and right now, comphpartment doesn’t offer (or seem to plan to offer) anything of any extraordinary value. However, it’s a young package utilizing modern API communication practices and a robust package, missing some simple but critical features. As such, it’s the perfect candidate for people to wet their open source contribution whistle!

有些人喜欢使用Guzzle进行抽象,另一些人则喜欢直接,快速的Curl访问。 其他人则使用file_get_contents获取API调用(我知道... \ _(ツ)_ /¯),而其他人甚至将Guzzle都从包中抽象出来。 这是个人喜好问题,现在,陪同人员无法提供(或计划提供)任何非凡的价值。 但是,这是一个年轻的软件包,它利用了现代的API通信实践和强大的软件包,缺少了一些简单但关键的功能。 因此,它是人们弄清开源贡献口哨的最佳人选!

带宽油门/令牌桶 [174★] (bandwidth-throttle/token-bucket [174 ★])

token-bucket is “a threadsafe implementation of the Token Bucket algorithm in PHP. You can use a token bucket to limit an usage rate for a resource (e.g. a stream bandwidth or an API usage).”

token-bucket是“ PHP中的令牌桶算法的线程安全实现。 您可以使用令牌桶来限制资源的使用率(例如流带宽或API使用率)。”

It being threadsafe means multiple threads can execute the same thing at the same time without there being any negative consequences. It should be noted that the thread safety applies only to the package itself, not the the code it’s bucketing.

具有线程安全性意味着多个线程可以在同一时间执行同一件事,而不会产生任何负面影响。 应当指出的是,线程安全的只适用于它本身,而不是代码它的瓢泼大雨 。

The package can be used to limit access to APIs or certain parts of a site (slowing down downloads, for example) without having to tweak anything internally or deal with queues, databases, logging, or anything else complicated beyond the point of installing and configuring this package.


Activity on the package’s source code has picked up again lately, so now is a perfect chance to get a PR or two in there, or maybe write a tutorial about this package for us!

软件包源代码上的活动最近又恢复了,因此现在是获得一个或两个PR的绝佳机会,或者为我们编写有关此软件包的教程 !

麦考丁利/回归 [55★] (mcordingley/Regression [55 ★])

Math and statistics are less the domain of PHP and more the domain of something like R, but that doesn’t mean common data analysis algorithms can’t be reproduced in our favorite language as well.

数学和统计信息不再是PHP的领域 ,而是R之类的东西 ,但这并不意味着通用数据分析算法也无法以我们喜欢的语言进行复制。

In a nutshell, “…it attempts to find the line of best fit to describe a relationship within the data. It takes in a series of training observations, each consisting of features and an outcome, and finds how much each feature contributes to the outcome.”

简而言之, “……它试图找到最合适的线来描述数据中的关系。 它接受一系列训练观察,每个观察观察都由特征和结果组成,并找出每个特征对结果有多大贡献。”

As the docs say, regression is computationally expensive, which makes me think it might be the perfect candidate for being rewritten in Zephir. If you’re not into contributing to this package, why not attempt that rewrite? Loads of knowledge to be gained, and we’ll pay you handsomely for it!

正如文档所说,回归在计算上是昂贵的,这使我认为它可能是用Zephir重写的理想选择 。 如果您不打算对此软件包做出贡献,为什么不尝试重写呢? 您将获得大量的知识,我们将为此付出可观的报酬!

spatie /正则表达式 [223★] (spatie/regex [223 ★])

Last but not least, we have a package aiming to make writing regular expressions a non-threatening experience. While being little more than object oriented wrappers for PHP’s preg_ functions, it offers a verbose, usable, and readable public API for userland consumption. Note that this doesn’t offer any new functionality per se – it only makes the preg functions more accessible due to turning their API inside out.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们提供了一个软件包,旨在使正则表达式的编写成为一种非威胁性的体验。 它只不过是PHP的preg_函数的面向对象的包装器,它提供了详细,可用和可读的公共API来消耗用户土地。 请注意,这本身不提供任何新功能-由于将API内翻,因此只能使preg函数更易于访问。

One possible downside with this library is its license. Whereas it may have started as a joke, Github takes licenses in its repos seriously and, theoretically, this could make trouble for someone. While there aren’t many people who actually abide by licenses or even read them, I can definitely see this scaring off a company or another formal / legal entity. Maybe the first PR to this package should be an update to their license? :)

该库的一个可能缺点是其许可证 。 尽管它可能只是开个玩笑,但Github认真对待其回购中的许可证,从理论上讲,这可能会给某人带来麻烦。 虽然没有多少人真正遵守许可证甚至阅读许可证,但我绝对可以看到这吓倒了公司或其他正式/法人实体。 也许此软件包的第一个PR应该是其许可证的更新? :)

That’s it for August – as always, please throw your links at us with the #sourcehunt hashtag!


Happy coding!


