
tech2022-09-04  109


The web is an amazing platform that has easy access for developers and users alike. Its low friction provides easy distribution and enables simple A/B testing. When Flipboard launched for the first time, they reported that their monthly active users increased by 75%. On the web, users can get to a new website with a single tap, while mobile apps can be a little more limited.

网络是一个了不起的平台,开发人员和用户均可轻松访问。 它的低摩擦力易于分配,并且可以进行简单的A / B测试。 Flipboard首次发布时,他们报告其每月活跃用户增加了75%。 在网络上,用户只需轻按一下即可访问新网站,而移动应用程序则受到更多限制。

In many countries, app installation happens when you buy a new phone. In other countries, you may have access to an app store, but data can be expensive and WiFi can be difficult to find. Downloading updates for apps can be a significant challenge. When a user clicks on a link on the browser, they don't have to make any big choices up front and they do not implicitly sign up for anything.

在许多国家/地区,购买新手机都会进行应用安装。 在其他国家/地区,您可能可以访问应用程序商店,但是数据可能很昂贵,而且WiFi可能很难找到。 为应用下载更新可能是一个巨大的挑战。 当用户单击浏览器上的链接时,他们不必事先做出任何重大选择,也无需隐式注册任何内容。

Progressive Web Apps are just websites that took all the right vitamins. They add new capabilities like being top-level in the task switcher, on the home screen or in the notification tray. Beyond the Rack, which recently added push notifications, saw a 72% increase in time spent and 26% increase in average spent per visit and repeat visits went up by 50%.

渐进式Web Apps只是摄取所有正确维生素的网站。 他们在任务切换器,主屏幕或通知托盘中添加了诸如顶级功能的新功能。 在最近添加了推送通知的The Beyond The Rack之外,每次访问花费的时间增加了72%,平均每次访问花费了26%,重复访问次数增加了50%。

Flipkart, India's largest e-commerce company switched from an app-only strategy to launch Flipkart Lite, a progressive web app.

印度最大的电子商务公司Flipkart从仅应用程序策略转变为推出渐进式Web应用程序Flipkart Lite。

63% of Flipkart Lite users reached the website via a 2G network, so a fast user experience was essential. To decrease load times, Flipkart streamlined the website to help consumers quickly reach the product they were looking for while using three times less data.

63%的Flipkart Lite用户通过2G网络访问该网站,因此快速的用户体验至关重要。 为了减少加载时间,Flipkart简化了网站,以帮助消费者使用少于三倍的数据来快速找到他们想要的产品。

With all these improvements, here are 6 advantages of Progressive Web Apps for your startup:


渐进式Web应用帮助启动的6个原因? (6 Reasons Why Progressive Web Apps Help Startups?)

1.点击更大的受众群体 (1. Tap on Larger Audience)

On a progressive web app, you can tap on a wider audience on multiple devices. Progressive web apps showcase your portfolio, online store, and services for a large audience on their preferred devices. Since progressive web apps are receptive and compatible across screens, your startup can reach out to an audience that's on an aircraft, tucked in bed or in the busiest of crowds. Businesses can also benefit from an online and offline feature that result in better engagement across users.

在渐进式Web应用程序上,您可以在多种设备上点击更广泛的受众。 渐进式Web应用程序在其首选设备上向大量受众展示您的产品组合,在线商店和服务。 由于渐进式Web应用程序在屏幕上具有接受性和兼容性,因此您的初创公司可以接触飞机上,藏在床上或最忙碌的人群中的受众。 企业还可以受益于在线和离线功能,从而更好地吸引用户。

2.无需安装 (2. No Installation Required)

A common challenge with mobile apps is the need to download and install them on multiple devices and you eventually run out of storage. A study suggests 25% of app users have to delete an app for more storage on their mobile device. Progressive apps work just like regular apps except that you access them through your web browser on your preferred device.

移动应用程序的一个常见挑战是需要在多个设备上下载并安装它们,最终导致存储空间不足。 一项研究表明,有25%的应用程序用户必须删除应用程序才能在移动设备上存储更多内容。 渐进式应用程序的工作方式与常规应用程序相同,不同之处在于您可以通过首选设备上的网络浏览器访问它们。

3.最新版本 (3. Latest Version)

It can be really painful to be notified of an update to the latest version of your mobile applications. Progressive web apps have taken care of this and since they work like websites, they are automatically updated.

收到有关移动应用程序最新版本的更新的通知可能会非常痛苦。 渐进式Web应用程序已解决了这一问题,并且由于它们像网站一样工作,因此会自动更新。

4.消耗更少的数据并脱机工作 (4. Consumes Less Data and Works Offline)

Offline access is one of the biggest aspects of progressive web apps and can function even with low-quality internet and even when you're offline.


5.减少摩擦,提高灵活性 (5. Less Friction and More Flexibility)

This is an important reason for startups to choose progressive web apps. When using native apps, users have to download apps from the store and are required to accept app permissions before using them. With progressive apps, customers only need to find your website and get launched into the business without having to download anything. This also means a user has an absolute native app experience and it imitates any action you would find on a native app. Progressive web apps vary from online ordering to customer information management. Web users also have the flexibility to save the progressive web apps shortcut to their home screen that enables access at any time.

这是初创企业选择渐进式Web应用程序的重要原因。 使用本机应用程序时,用户必须从商店下载应用程序,并且必须接受应用程序权限才能使用。 借助渐进式应用程序,客户只需要找到您的网站即可开始业务,而无需下载任何内容。 这也意味着用户具有绝对的本机应用程序体验,并且可以模仿您在本机应用程序上会发现的任何操作。 渐进式Web应用程序从在线订购到客户信息管理不等。 Web用户还可以灵活地将渐进式Web应用程序快捷方式保存到其主屏幕,从而可以随时进行访问。

6.更好的安全性 (6. Better Security)

More websites are programmed to shift to HTTPS websites since they offer a guarantee to keep your information secure. Web app developers also make use of Fetch APIs and Cache to load progressive web apps faster, speeding up the time to load content.

由于提供了保证您的信息安全的保证,因此更多的网站被编程为转移到HTTPS网站。 Web应用程序开发人员还利用Fetch API和Cache更快地加载渐进式Web应用程序,从而缩短了加载内容的时间。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/should-you-invest-in-progressive-web-apps-for-your-startup/

