
tech2022-09-04  111

What if you could forget about updates, security patches, latency glitches, and bandwidth/disk space issues? Automattic, the company behind WordPress, has provided a hosting service so comprehensive that it even allows installation of third-party plugins and templates.

如果您忘记了更新,安全补丁,延迟故障以及带宽/磁盘空间问题该怎么办? WordPress背后的公司Automattic提供了全面的托管服务,甚至允许安装第三方插件和模板。

WordPress (WP) is not only the most popular content management system, but as of August 2017 it powers 28.5% of all of the web (see “Usage Statistics and Market Share of Content Management Systems for Websites“). This is largely because site owners are running a copy of the free software provided at WordPress.org (WP.org) on their own servers.

WordPress(WP)不仅是最受欢迎的内容管理系统,而且截至2017年8月,它为所有网络提供了28.5%的动力(请参阅“ 网站内容管理系统的使用统计和市场份额 ”)。 这主要是因为网站所有者正在其自己的服务器上运行WordPress.org (WP.org)提供的免费软件的副本。

Hosting your own copy of WP gives you the freedom to add plugins, tweak templates and customize the behavior of the software, but it does have downsides, such as having to deal with lots of updates, security problems, and other issues we’ll discuss in a moment.


WP also offers a hosted version of its software at WordPress.com (WP.com). Developers have tended to avoid this option, mainly because it offers considerably less control over customization, no custom templates and no plugins. But at the same time there are advantages, such as automatic updates, much tighter security, and global distribution. And more recently, WP.com has addressed some of its limitations and started offering a lot more control over the ways in which you can customize the software — even letting you install add-ons and custom themes!

WP还在WordPress.com (WP.com)上提供了其软件的托管版本。 开发人员倾向于避免使用此选项,主要是因为它对自定义项的控制要少得多,没有自定义模板,也没有插件。 但是同时也具有优势,例如自动更新,更严格的安全性和全球分发。 最近,WP.com解决了其一些局限性,并开始对自定义软件的方式提供更多控制,甚至允许您安装加载项和自定义主题!

In this article, we’ll look at what you can and can’t do with a WP.com site, and I’ll offer reasons to why you might reconsider WP.com over the self-hosting option.


WordPress.com:SaaS! (WordPress.com: SaaS!)

SaaS stands for Software as a Service. Essentially, the software itself — in this case, WordPress — is the service. And with the software also comes all of the infrastructure that’s needed to run it, and you don’t need to worry about server resources and all of what’s needed to run and manage a WP installation.

SaaS代表软件即服务 。 本质上,软件本身就是服务(在本例中为WordPress)。 该软件还附带了运行该软件所需的所有基础架构,您无需担心服务器资源以及运行和管理WP安装所需的所有资源。

WP.com is the official hosting supported by Automattic, the company that handed the WordPress trademark to the WordPress Foundation in 2010. Matt Mullenweg, the creator of WP, is the CEO and founder of Automattic, the company for all things WordPress. This is WP in the cloud.

WP.com是由Automattic支持的官方主机,该公司于2010年将WordPress商标移交给WordPress基金会 。 WP的创建者Matt Mullenweg是WordPress的所有公司Automattic的首席执行官和创始人。 这就是云中的WP 。

What you get for using a service like WP.com is the peace of mind that things won’t get broken even if you leave them entirely unattended. But let’s see in detail how switching out from a shared hosting plan to WP.com can simplify things.

你得到的用于使用服务像WP.com是平和的心态 ,事情不会得到,即使你离开他们完全无人打破。 但是,让我们详细看看从共享托管计划切换到WP.com如何简化事情。

更新和升级 (Updates and upgrades)

When running your own, self-hosted copy of WP, you need to perform regular updates in order to keep your installation safe. The engineering team at WP made the process really smooth, so if you have set certain writing permissions right, this is something that shouldn’t take you more than a minute or two. Still, you’ll need to do that on a somewhat regular basis. A lot of sites get out of date quickly, providing a lot of scope for crackers to get busy.

在运行自己的自托管WP副本时,需要执行常规更新以确保安装安全。 WP的工程团队使该过程非常顺利,因此,如果您正确地设置了某些写权限,那么此过程不会花费您一两分钟以上的时间。 不过,您仍需要定期执行该操作。 许多站点很快就会过时,这为饼干管理员忙碌提供了很大的空间。

Then you have the upgrades. Consider these scenarios:

然后就可以升级了。 请考虑以下情形:

an update going from, let’s say, version 4.8 to 4.8.1


an upgrade from 4.7 to 4.8

从4.7 升级到4.8

a major upgrade going from version 3.9 to 4.0.

从3.9版到4.0版的重大升级 。

The first, “update” type is normally smooth, with just security and performance issues involved.


Upgrades can sometimes be problematic, since new features are introduced.


But major upgrades are almost guaranteed to be a pain, with templates and plugins needing to be rewritten in order to work properly with the upgraded API.


Since WP.com is run by the same folks who maintain the WP.org codebase, all of the updates and upgrades are smoothly synchronized from one to the next.

由于WP.com由维护WP.org代码库的同一个人运行 ,因此所有更新和升级都可以顺利地从一个同步到另一个同步。

负载平衡和全球分布 (Load balancing and global distribution)

Performance matters today more than ever. With developers under pressure to deliver sites fast, it’s not enough to throw a site on shared hosting and leave it at that. Issues like load balancing, and CDNs to deliver content globally immediately, have become a big consideration when setting up a site.

今天的绩效比以往任何时候都重要。 由于开发人员承受着快速交付站点的压力,仅将站点扔到共享主机上并留在那是不够的。 设置站点时,负载平衡和CDN立即在全球范围内交付内容等问题已成为一个重要考虑因素。

If your sites have an international audience, you’ll always have the visitors near to the data center accessing your site very fast, but the more you get away from it, the less responsive your sites will become (for example, having a site hosted on the US West Coast, and accessing it from Europe.)


WP.com provides load balancing out of the box. No matter now big your site, no matter how much traffic it has, or how globally distributed your audience is, WP.com can handle all of it, and more. And it also comes with the benefits of what a cloud hosting service is (see “A Comparison of Shared and Cloud Hosting, and How to Choose“), including being part of a network distributed across the globe, which makes your site nearly instantly available, no matter if accessed from Shanghai, Rome, Johannesburg, New York City, or Rio de Janeiro.

WP.com开箱即用地提供负载平衡 。 无论您的网站现在有多大,无论其流量如何,或者您的受众群体在全球的分布情况如何,WP.com都可以处理所有这些,以及更多。 它还具有云托管服务的好处(请参阅“ 共享和云托管的比较以及如何选择 ”),包括成为遍布全球的网络的一部分,这使您的网站几乎可以立即使用,无论是从上海,罗马,约翰内斯堡,纽约市还是里约热内卢访问。

服务器升级和维护 (Server upgrades and maintenance)

And the same goes with the software that WP relies on to run — PHP and MySQL. Every once in a while, your hosting company will go through a major upgrade, with plenty of notification emails, documentation and tutorials on how to make the transition, setting the company’s forums on fire. Again, server upgrades don’t happen often, but when they do it’s a time-consuming process that involves setting things up again, testing, and the risk of getting your sites broken if you failed to do the transition properly.

WP依赖运行的软件(PHP和MySQL)也是如此。 托管公司每隔一段时间就会进行一次重大升级,其中包括大量有关如何进行过渡的通知电子邮件,文档和教程,从而使公司的论坛着火了。 再说一次,服务器升级并不经常发生,但是升级时却是一个耗时的过程,涉及到再次进行设置,测试以及如果您未能正确完成转换就可能破坏站点的风险。

If you have a couple of WP installations, the maintenance time will add up, and you’ll need to be very methodical to avoid problems in the mid and long run. And the more diverse your clientele, the more servers you’ll need to keep an eye on, and the less you’ll be able to simplify updates.

如果您有几个WP安装,则将增加维护时间,并且您将需要非常有条理地避免中长期的问题。 客户群越多样化,需要监视的服务器越多,简化更新的能力就越低。

WP.com engineers maintain all of the infrastructure for you, and even major upgrades (both software and hardware) are handled smoothly. This is the magic of SaaS, where the software itself is the service, and you don’t need to worry about anything else other than just using it.

WP.com工程师会为您维护所有基础结构,甚至主要升级(软件和硬件)也都可以顺利处理。 这就是SaaS的魔力,其中软件本身就是服务,除了使用软件外,您无需担心其他任何事情。

Because of the best DevOps practices, you won’t ever find out that such major changes happened to the infrastructure. And this won’t affect your site’s uptime, which will be 100% even during major software and hardware upgrades.

由于采用了最佳的DevOps实践 ,您将永远不会发现基础架构发生了如此重大的变化。 而且这不会影响您的站点的正常运行时间 ,即使在进行主要的软件和硬件升级时, 运行时间也将达到100%。

安全 (Security)

A problem of not performing updates in time is that you’ll end up with an insecure WP installation where any script kiddie can take control of your sites, by just scanning vulnerable WP versions on the web.


Also, even if your self-hosted WP instance is up to date, it only takes an unattended vulnerability on the server for a more skilled cracker to take over. And while this doesn’t happen all the time, it’s something many of us have painfully experienced.

此外,即使您的自托管WP实例是最新的,它也只需在服务器上安装无人值守的漏洞,即可让技术更熟练的黑客接手。 尽管这种情况并非一直发生,但我们许多人都经历过痛苦的经历。

Every patch is applied to WP.com as soon as it becomes available to WP.org. Also, because of the globally distributed nature of the cloud, the impact of DDoS attacks is heavily minimized. And even in the event of a zero-day exploit being used on WP.com to compromise its websites, as soon as the attack is detected the engineers will immediately reverse the bogus changes and patch the security hole.

每个修补程序一旦可用于WP.org,即会应用到WP.com 。 此外,由于云的全球分布特性, DDoS攻击的影响已大大降低。 甚至在WP.com上使用零日攻击来破坏其网站的情况下,一旦检测到攻击,工程师将立即撤消伪造的更改并修补安全漏洞。

已经在专用服务器或托管计划上? 再想一想! (Already on a Dedicated Server or Managed Plan? Think Again!)

A dedicated server is the power version of a shared hosting plan, or should I say, it’s a “shared hosting plan” without the “shared” part.


Effectively, you’ll have more “dedicated” resources, such as bandwidth, CPU, RAM memory, disk space. But in essence, you’re still not solving any of the problems described above, so in this sense a dedicated server offers little added value.

实际上,您将拥有更多的“专用”资源,例如带宽,CPU,RAM内存,磁盘空间。 但从本质上讲,您仍然无法解决上述任何问题,因此从这种意义上讲,专用服务器几乎没有提供附加值 。

And you’ll pay a lot for it! The long-term costs of having a dedicated server can be around $1000/yr. And with just three dedicated servers running a couple of WP sites, you can very easily reach the $500/mo mark.

而且您将为此付出很多! 拥有专用服务器的长期成本约为1000美元/年。 而且,只有三个运行两个WP站点的专用服务器,您就可以轻松达到$ 500 / mo的水平。

Turns out that a more cost-effective solution is available, that will not only assign you as much bandwidth, CPU, RAM and space as you can possibly need, but it will also solve all of the above mentioned issues at the same time.

事实证明,可以使用一种更具成本效益的解决方案 ,该解决方案不仅会为您分配尽可能多的带宽,CPU,RAM和空间,而且还将同时解决所有上述问题。

WordPress.com计划 (WordPress.com Plans)

As of August 2017, WP.com offers a 4-tier plan structure. You can see the full details in https://wordpress.com/pricing/, but here’s the big picture:

截至2017年8月,WP.com提供了4层计划结构。 您可以在https://wordpress.com/pricing/中查看完整的详细信息,但这是全局的图片:

FreePersonalPremiumBusiness$0$4/mo$8.25/mo$24.92/mo3 GB6 GB13 GBUnlimited storage.WordPress.com subdomainCustom domainCustom domainCustom domainSupport though forumsE-mail & live chat supportE-mail & live chat supportE-mail & live chat supportAdsNo adsNo adsNo ads  Unlimited premium themesUnlimited premium themes  CSS customizationCSS customization  Run ads via WordAdsRun ads via WordAds   Install plugins   Upload themes   Google Analytics   Remove WordPress.com branding 自由 个人 保费 商业 $ 0 $ 4 /月 $ 8.25 /月 $ 24.92 / mo 3 GB 6 GB 13 GB 无限的存储空间。 WordPress.com子域 自定义域 自定义域 自定义域 通过论坛支持 电子邮件和实时聊天支持 电子邮件和实时聊天支持 电子邮件和实时聊天支持 广告 无广告 无广告 无广告 无限的高级主题 无限的高级主题 CSS定制 CSS定制 通过WordAds投放广告 通过WordAds投放广告 安装插件 上载主题 谷歌分析 删除WordPress.com品牌

Notice that prices are per month but billed annually.

请注意,价格为每月,但按年计费 。

第三方插件和自定义主题 (Third-party plugins and custom themes)

Yes, we were getting to this! You’ve been all saying “look, this is all fine, it’s an excellent service but I need plugins and custom templates, and WP.com just doesn’t cut it.” Well, they have heard you, and from August 2017, this is a feature of the Business Plan:

是的,我们正要做到这一点! 您一直在说:“看,这很好,这是一项出色的服务,但我需要插件和自定义模板,而WP.com却没有做到。” 好吧,他们听说过您, 从2017年8月开始 ,这是业务计划的一项功能:

This is a major improvement over what’s been holding back many developers and designers from using WP.com.

这是对阻止许多开发人员和设计师使用WP.com的一个重大改进 。

There are, however, some limitations. You still can’t alter the WP core, and the service is for plugins officially supported at WP.org. But this change brings a lot of flexibility for a wide array of needs. And let’s face it, if as a developer you need to change the WP core, you’re not familiar enough with the WordPress APIs and can’t write plugins properly.

但是,存在一些限制。 您仍然无法更改WP核心,该服务适用于WP.org正式支持的插件。 但是这种变化为多种需求带来了很大的灵活性 。 让我们面对现实,如果作为开发人员需要更改WP核心,则您对WordPress API不够熟悉,并且无法正确编写插件。

何时遵守常规托管计划 (When to Stick to a Regular Hosting Plan)

If you have a modified WP installation (and I already commented on how this isn’t generally a good thing to do), you’ll need a place to run it, so sticking to a regular hosting plan will be a necessity.


Another case for which you’ll need a regular hosting plan is if you have custom or modified plugins that are not in WP.org.

您需要定期托管计划的另一种情况是, 如果您有自定义或修改的插件 ,这些插件不在WP.org中。

Finally, if you evaluate costs vs features and still don’t want to pay $25 for the ability to use a plugin or upload a custom template, that’s fine, and it’s up to you. After all, just four sites with these features would account for about $100/mo. But consider, however, that you can transfer this cost to your client. Instead of saying “hosting is $5/mo,” you’d say “hosting is $25/mo and it includes custom support, load balance, constant updates, global distribution” … and so on. You get the idea.

最后,如果您评估成本与功能之间的关系 ,但仍然不想为使用插件或上传自定义模板的功能支付25美元,那很好,这取决于您。 毕竟,只有四个具有这些功能的网站的费用约为$ 100 /月。 但是请考虑一下,您可以将这笔费用转移给客户。 与其说“托管是$ 5 / mo”,不如说是“托管是$ 25 / mo,它包括自定义支持,负载平衡,不断更新,全球分布”……等等。 你明白了。

最终选择:托管WordPress.com (The ultimate alternative: managed WordPress.com)

WP runs nearly a third of the internet, and it’s no surprise that a whole commercial ecosystem has flourished around it. This includes “managed” solutions: that is, you pay a company to run the software for you.

WP运行着近三分之一的互联网,毫不奇怪,整个商业生态系统都围绕着它蓬勃发展。 这包括“托管”解决方案:即,您向一家公司付费以运行该软件。

While many of these companies will see their business model seriously damaged by WP.com’s recently added support for plugins and themes, some still offer competitive prices by allowing you to run several WP sites on a single server, and an edge by allowing you to modify the entire WP installation, while handling everything else for you.


Some of them include: DreamHost, Flywheel, GoDaddy, MediaTemple, Pagely, Pressable, Pressidium, SiteGround, and WPEngine.

其中一些包括: DreamHost , Flywheel , GoDaddy , MediaTemple , Pagely , Pressable , Pressidium , SiteGround和WPEngine 。

See “Managed WordPress Hosting: The Pros and Cons” for more info.

有关更多信息,请参见“ 托管WordPress托管:优点和缺点 ”。

结语 (Wrap Up)

Updates, upgrades, security, uptime, load balancing, distribution … WP.com solves a number of the problems that can be very hard for you to handle, even when paying for a $150/mo dedicated server. Yes, it has some limitations intrinsic to the SaaS delivery model, like not being able to modify certain aspects of the software, particularly the code. But still, its flexibility covers a wide range of uses.

更新,升级,安全性,正常运行时间,负载平衡,分配... WP.com解决了许多问题,即使您要为每月150美元的专用服务器付费,也很难解决。 是的,它具有SaaS交付模型固有的一些限制,例如无法修改软件的某些方面,尤其是代码。 但是,它的灵活性涵盖了广泛的用途。

It’s peace of mind for a few extra dollars, which sometimes you might be able to transfer to your client, and sometimes not. But it’s also, in many cases, a reasonable price to pay for totally forgetting about maintaining a site ever again.

只需多花几美元,您就可以放心,有时您可以将其转移给客户,有时却不能。 但是,在许多情况下,完全忘记再次维护站点也是要付出的合理价格。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/developers-consider-wordpress-com-hosting/
