
tech2022-09-04  95

ExamPro is a study platform to help people pass cloud certification exams.


Cloud certification exams are challenging, and involve retaining large quantities of technical information. They also open up significant new doors for career advancement and learning potential.

云认证考试具有挑战性,涉及保留大量技术信息。 他们还为职业发展和学习潜力打开了重要的新大门。

What if there was a platform that reduced your study time and increased your chances of passing? ExamPro helps participants pass by using a smart learning methodology powered by an AI instructor that reviews your study habits.

如果有一个平台可以减少您的学习时间并增加通过的机会,该怎么办? ExamPro通过使用由AI讲师提供动力的智能学习方法来帮助参与者通过学习您的学习习惯。

ExamPro’s founders talk about what they’ve built, and the pain points the product addresses for developers.


This article is part of The Roadmap, where we look at the creation and promotion of products from the developer’s perspective. We’ll share top lessons from product leaders, and give technical founders a space to share their early-stage products with you. If you’re interested in being featured, let us know.

本文是The Roadmap的一部分,我们从开发人员的角度研究产品的创建和促销。 我们将分享产品负责人的最新经验,并为技术创始人提供与您分享其早期产品的空间。 如果您有兴趣被推荐,请告诉我们 。

云改变了我们构建应用程序的方式 (The Cloud Has Changed the Way We Build Applications)

Before Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) like Amazon Web Services, you would have to build and maintain your digital infrastructure yourself.

在使用Amazon Web Services之类的云服务提供商(CSP)之前,您必须自己构建和维护数字基础架构。

Previously, if you wanted to add a full-text search engine to your web application, you would have to:


install open-source software such as ElasticSearch

安装开源软件,例如ElasticSearch maintain that server via upgrade and security patches

通过升级和安全补丁维护该服务器 configure the open-source software to be highly optimized

将开源软件配置为高度优化 scale by adding load balancing and orchestrating multiple servers

通过添加负载平衡和协调多个服务器来扩展 and create a schedule for data backups.


Now with AWS, you can use the AWS ElasticSearch Service. It will launch a server that scales and is secure by default, and is already configured to be highly optimized. AWS employs world-class engineers to maintain that service.

现在,通过AWS,您可以使用AWS ElasticSearch Service。 它将启动一个服务器,该服务器在默认情况下可以扩展并进行安全保护,并且已经配置为高度优化。 AWS聘请了世界一流的工程师来维护该服务。

Widespread cloud adoption has driven the cost down through cost-sharing of the underlying servers so far that it’s hard to justify paying for an in-house engineer when you can just pay to use the service for a fraction of a penny per hour.


使用云引入了科技公司的新需求 (Using the Cloud Has Introduced a New Demand from Tech Companies)

AWS is the most popular CSP among startups and technology companies. A CSP is a company with a collection of cloud services that you can use to build applications hosted on the cloud.

AWS是新兴公司和技术公司中最受欢迎的CSP。 CSP是一家拥有一系列云服务的公司,可用于构建托管在云上的应用程序。

AWS is a special kind of CSP because it has hundreds of cloud services for any conceivable use case, and they all seamlessly work together.


Do you need to host a database? Then use AWS RDS.

您需要托管数据库吗? 然后使用AWS RDS。 Do you need a server? Then use AWS EC2.

您需要服务器吗? 然后使用AWS EC2。 Do you need a chatbot? Then use AWS Lex.

您需要聊天机器人吗? 然后使用AWS Lex。 Do need to generate reports for terabytes of data? Then use AWS Redshift.

是否需要生成有关TB级数据的报告? 然后使用AWS Redshift。 Do you need long-term storage for 7 years? Then use AWS Glacier.

您需要长期存放7年吗? 然后使用AWS Glacier。 Do you need to rent a satellite? Then use AWS Ground Station.

您需要租用卫星吗? 然后使用AWS Ground Station。

And then the list goes on and on.


AWS allows companies to compete globally and have access to a wide range of cloud services to build complex applications.


For a company to take advantage of the cloud, they need someone who knows how to use AWS. Since there are 200+ services, they will need knowledgeable people in different combinations of cloud services based on their use case and business goals.

为了使公司能够利用云,他们需要知道如何使用AWS的人员。 由于有200多种服务,因此根据用例和业务目标,他们将需要知识渊博的人员使用不同的云服务组合。

什么是AWS认证? (What Are AWS Certifications?)

AWS has officially created AWS Certifications to help companies identify qualified hiring candidates for cloud roles, and as of writing this article, they have 12 possible AWS certifications:


Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP)

认证云从业者(CCP) Solutions Architect Associate (SAA)

解决方案架构师(SAA) Developer Associate

开发人员助理 SysOps Administrator Associate

SysOps管理员助理 DevOps Professional

DevOps专业 Solutions Architect Professional

解决方案架构师专业 Machine Learning Specialty

机器学习专业 Data Analytics Specialty

数据分析专业 Databases Specialty

数据库专业 Security Specialty

安全专业 Advanced Networking Specialty

高级网络专业 Alexa Skill Builder Specialty

Alexa Skill Builder专业

The two most popular AWS certifications are the CCP and the SAA, because they cover the broadest number of AWS services.


The CCP is the introduction to AWS. The certification costs $100 USD to sit the exam at a test center or online, which can be passed with one to two weeks of study and is valid for three years. The SAA covers more in-depth services included in the CCP. The certification costs $150 USD to sit the exam at a test center or online, which can be passed with three to five weeks of study and is valid for three years.

CCP是AWS的简介。 认证费用为$ 100美元,用于在考试中心或在线参加考试,可以通过一到两周的学习并通过,有效期为三年。 SAA涵盖了CCP中包含的更深入的服务。 认证费用为$ 150美元,可以在考试中心或在线参加考试,可以通过三到五个星期的学习并通过,有效期为三年。

When you pass an AWS Certification, you get the next half off, so it’s common for people to take the CCP for $100 USD and then take the SAA at $75 USD.


什么是ExamPro? (What is ExamPro?)

ExamPro is a “smart” study platform for cloud certifications. What makes the platform “smart” and sets it apart from other study platforms? We embed a variety of learning systems that are then continuously tweaked based on a collection of previous student study habits. So fundamentally, our study platform is driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

ExamPro是用于云认证的“智能”学习平台。 是什么使平台“智能”并使其与其他学习平台区分开? 我们嵌入了各种学习系统,然后根据以前的学生学习习惯对它们进行连续调整。 因此,从根本上讲,我们的学习平台是由人工智能(AI)驱动的。

测验与听课 (Lecture comprehension with quizlets)

Our courses can comprise many hours of lecture video content. To ensure the information is easily digestible, we break videos down into shorter videos, and we have short quizzes (quizlets) on every lecture video. This keeps students engaged and accountable for understanding the content, and wards off poor study habits of just watching without understanding.

我们的课程可能包含许多小时的讲座视频内容。 为确保信息易于消化,我们将视频分为较短的视频,并且每个讲座视频都有简短的测验。 这样可以使学生参与其中并为理解内容负责,并避免只看而又不理解的不良学习习惯。

分步实验说明 (Step-by-step lab instructions)

Learning by doing is essential to understand cloud services from a practical perspective. We have follow-along videos that will have you creating cloud projects in your own cloud accounts. We also provide every step-by-step instruction that you can check off. It allows us to identify where people commonly get stuck and will enable us to help or tweak the lessons to better complete cloud projects.

边干边学对于从实际角度了解云服务至关重要。 我们还有后续视频,可让您在自己的云帐户中创建云项目。 我们还提供您可以检查的所有分步说明。 它使我们能够确定人们通常会遇到的困难,并使我们能够帮助或调整课程以更好地完成云项目。

抽认卡间隔重复学习 (Flashcard spaced repetition learning)

Studying for cloud certifications requires remembering many technical facts that you need to store in your long-term memory. To help students remember the information, we have a flashcard system powered using spaced repetition learning.

学习云认证需要记住许多需要存储在长期记忆中的技术事实。 为了帮助学生记住信息,我们提供了使用间隔重复学习功能的抽认卡系统。

Spaced repetition learning is a learning methodology where you space the interval between study sessions based on an algorithm that determines when you are on the cusp of forgetting study material. Each study interval per flashcard is further apart and increases memory retention.

间隔重复学习是一种学习方法,其中您可以根据确定您何时处于忘记学习材料风口浪尖的算法来间隔学习会话之间的间隔。 每个抽认卡的每个学习间隔都更远,从而增加了内存保留。

练习考试掌握和题型变化 (Practice Exam mastery and question variation)

Practice Exams are exams that simulate the real paid exam. Without practice exams, students have a high chance of failure. Practice exams generally have a single lifetime use — meaning that once you take a practice exam, if you retake the same questions, your brain may unconsciously remember the position or keywords of the previous answer without attempting to comprehend the question and choices. This study behavior will lead the student to falsely believe they are doing well since they have a higher score.

练习考试是模拟真实付费考试的考试。 没有练习考试,学生失败的机会就很高。 练习考试通常只使用一辈子,这意味着一旦参加了练习考试,如果您再次回答相同的问题,您的大脑可能会不知不觉地记住上一个答案的位置或关键字,而不会试图理解问题和选择。 这种学习行为会导致学生错误地认为自己表现良好,因为他们的分数更高。

ExamPro combats this with the mastery system. We treat the first practice exam like the real exam giving it a pass or fail score. We encourage you to master the incorrect questions before moving on to the practice exam. To avoid users remembering the previous questions, we substitute the previously wrong question with a variant, so your brain can’t cheat and recall based on keyword and position.

ExamPro通过精通系统与之抗争。 我们将第一次练习考试与真正的考试一样,给予通过或不及格分数。 我们建议您在继续练习考试之前先掌握不正确的问题。 为了避免用户记住以前的问题,我们用变体替换了以前的错误问题,因此您的大脑无法根据关键字和位置进行作弊和回忆。

就绪计 (Readiness meter)

Most students can’t tell when they’re ready to sit an exam, and they may begin to over study. Over studying can increase the chances of failure because students increase their study time, and falsely believe they remember the information at the start of the journey when they have forgotten. Our readiness meter improves the chance of passing and helps you quickly progress to your new certification to advance your career and cloud knowledge as efficiently as possible.

大多数学生无法告诉他们何时准备参加考试,他们可能会开始过度学习。 过度学习会增加失败的机会,因为学生会增加学习时间,并且错误地认为自己忘记了旅途便会记住这些信息。 我们的就绪度计可以提高通过的机会,并帮助您快速获得新的认证,从而尽可能高效地发展您的职业和云知识。

结语 (Wrapping It Up)

If you’re interested in cloud certification, we’d love it if you used ExamPro and its smart learning features to pass your exam. Right now, many prep courses are available for US$21 (65% off), and we’re building out new ones all the time.

如果您对云认证感兴趣,那么如果您使用ExamPro及其智能学习功能通过了考试,我们将不胜感激 。 目前,许多预备课程的价格为21美元(优惠65%),我们一直在开发新的课程。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/how-exampro-helps-developers-get-cloud-certified/
