azure 和 aws比较

tech2022-09-04  113

azure 和 aws比较

Cloud backup is a form of cloud storage where data is stored and then retrieved from different distributed and interconnected cloud-based resources. Cloud-based backup solutions allow businesses and enterprises as well as individuals to safely store their data on the internet via a storage service provider.

云备份是一种云存储形式,其中存储数据,然后从不同的分布式和互连的基于云的资源中检索数据。 基于云的备份解决方案允许企业和企业以及个人通过存储服务提供商安全地将其数据存储在Internet上。

This cloud-based storage solution can be used instead of storing data locally on a physical disk like a hard drive. Cloud backup also allows users to access the provider's services remotely via a secure client login application. This can be used to back up files either from the user's computer or data center onto the online storage server by way of a secure and encrypted connection.

可以使用这种基于云的存储解决方案,而不是将数据本地存储在硬盘等物理磁盘上。 云备份还允许用户通过安全的客户端登录应用程序远程访问提供商的服务。 这可用于通过安全和加密的连接将文件从用户的计算机或数据中心备份到联机存储服务器。

In this article, we're going to dig deep into various characteristics of cloud pricing. We'll primarily focus on the top three cloud platforms – Google, Azure and AWS. We'll have a look at some of the factors like their features and capabilities, pricing, support and documentation etc.

在本文中,我们将深入研究云定价的各种特征。 我们将主要集中在前三名的云计算平台- 谷歌 , 天青和AWS 。 我们将研究一些因素,例如它们的特性和功能,价格,支持和文档等。

特性和功能 (Features and Capabilities)

All the cloud vendors offer a large array of features and backup solutions. Let's have a look at what the top three offer.

所有云供应商都提供大量功能和备份解决方案。 让我们看一下前三名提供的服务。

微软Azure (Microsoft Azure)

Microsoft Azure backup can be used to backup, protect as well as restore your data in the Microsoft Cloud. It replaces any existing on-premise, local or off-site backup solution by deploying a cloud-based reliable and secure solution.

Microsoft Azure备份可用于备份,保护以及还原Microsoft Cloud中的数据。 通过部署基于云的可靠和安全的解决方案,它替代了任何现有的本地,本地或异地备份解决方案。

Microsoft Azure has a number of different components that can be downloaded and deployed either on the appropriate server or computer or in the cloud. Irrespective of what you want to protect, all backup components provide users with the ability to back up data to a Recovery Services vault provided by Azure.

Microsoft Azure具有许多不同的组件,可以在适当的服务器或计算机上或在云中下载和部署这些组件。 无论您要保护什么内容,所有备份组件都为用户提供了将数据备份到Azure提供的Recovery Services保管库的能力。

Some of Microsoft Azure's key features include:

Microsoft Azure的一些关键功能包括:

Automatic Storage Management

自动存储管理 Unlimited Scaling

无限扩展 Multiple Storage Options

多种存储选项 Unlimited Data Transfer

无限数据传输 Data Encryption

数据加密 Application-Consistent Backup, and

应用程序一致性备份,以及 Long-Term Retention


亚马逊网络服务S3 (Amazon Web Services S3)

Amazon S3 or Simple Storage Service was designed keeping developers in mind and with the aim to help them build cloud computing tools.

Amazon S3或简单存储服务的设计旨在记住开发人员,并旨在帮助他们构建云计算工具。

Among the different cloud storage services available, only few can compare with the number of data center regions globally as Amazon S3 – 14. This is because AWS S3 shares the same infrastructure being used by Amazon's shopping platform.

在可用的各种云存储服务中,只有极少数可以与Amazon S3 – 14相比全球范围内的数据中心区域数量。这是因为AWS S3共享与Amazon购物平台使用的相同基础架构。

Given the global presence of its data center regions, AWS S3 allows users to select a region near them or a region close to where most of their web traffic originates. The benefit here is that it enables quicker transfers to and from the cloud.

鉴于其数据中心区域的全球分布,AWS S3允许用户选择附近的区域或靠近大多数Web流量起源的区域。 这样做的好处是,它可以更快地往返于云进行传输。

Some of AWS S3's key features include:

AWS S3的一些关键功能包括:

Durability and Availability

耐用性和可用性 Flexibility and Scalability

灵活性和可扩展性 Cost Effectiveness

成本效益 Security

安全 Compliance

合规 Flexible Data Transfer

灵活的数据传输 Largest Partner Ecosystem, and

最大的合作伙伴生态系统,以及 Additional Backup and Restore Resources


谷歌云存储 (Google Cloud Storage)

Google Cloud Storage is an enterprise-focused public cloud storage platform where users can store large unstructured data sets. Organizations can purchase storage for either primary or infrequently required data.

Google Cloud Storage是面向企业的公共云存储平台,用户可以在其中存储大型非结构化数据集。 组织可以购买存储的主要数据或不经常使用的数据。

As a service within the Google Cloud Platform, Google Cloud Storage allows unified object storage for live as well as archived data. Objects that have been stored here are grouped into buckets or containers within the cloud and can be individually assigned to different storage classes.

作为Google Cloud Platform中的一项服务,Google Cloud Storage允许对实时数据和存档数据进行统一的对象存储。 已存储在此处的对象被分组到云中的存储桶或容器中,并且可以分别分配给不同的存储类别。

Users can access their data via a web browser or a command line interface. Similar to AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage also gives users the option to select the geographical location where they prefer their data stored.

用户可以通过Web浏览器或命令行界面访问其数据。 与AWS S3相似,Google Cloud Storage还为用户提供了选择他们喜欢存储数据的地理位置的选项。

Some of Google Cloud Storage's key features include:

Google Cloud Storage的一些关键功能包括:

Single API across storage classes

跨存储类的单个API High availability across all storage classes

所有存储类别的高可用性 Ability to scale to exabytes of data

能够扩展到EB级数据 Time to first byte measured in milliseconds

到第一个字节的时间(以毫秒为单位) Strongly consistent listing, and

强烈一致的列表,以及 Designed for 99.99% durability


您应该选择哪一个? (Which one should you choose?)

AWS is the most popular choice for cloud backup solutions. It provides temporary storage which is allocated when an instance is started and is destroyed when the instance is terminated. It also provides Block Storage which is equivalent to hard disks, i.e., you have the choice to either attach it to any instance or keep it separate.

AWS是云备份解决方案的最受欢迎的选择。 它提供了一个临时存储,该存储在实例启动时分配,并在实例终止时销毁。 它还提供了等同于硬盘的块存储,即,您可以选择将其附加到任何实例或将其分开。

Additionally, AWS also provides object storage as part of its S3 Service as well as archiving services with Glacier.


Service ProviderTemporary StorageBlock StorageObject StorageAmazon S3YesEBSS3Microsoft AzureTemporary Storage – D DrivePage BlobsBlock Blobs and FilesGoogle Cloud StorageYesPersistent DisksGoogle Cloud Storage 服务提供者 临时存储 块存储 对象存储 亚马逊S3 是 电子广播系统 S3 微软Azure 临时存储– D盘 页面斑点 阻止斑点和文件 谷歌云存储 是 永久磁碟 谷歌云存储

云定价 (Cloud Pricing)

Each of the three services offers outstanding scalability and use the monthly cost-per-GB model. This makes comparisons between the three extremely easy. There are a certain amount of variations among the services mainly coming from the complexity of the different storage classes involved and how storing data in one class vs. another can impact rates. Here is a little more detail on the pricing front for each of the three service providers.

三种服务均提供出色的可扩展性,并使用每月每GB成本模型。 这使得三者之间的比较极为容易。 服务之间存在一定程度的差异,主要是由于所涉及的不同存储类别的复杂性以及在一类与另一类中存储数据如何影响速率所致。 这是三个服务提供商各自在定价方面的更多详细信息。

微软Azure (Microsoft Azure)

Microsoft Azure's storage rates are based on the amount of storage you need, your geographical location, how frequently you need to access the stored data and the kind of data redundancy you choose. Though sophisticated, Azure's pricing model allows users to control costs when appropriately managed.

Microsoft Azure的存储速率取决于所需的存储量,地理位置,访问存储数据的频率以及选择的数据冗余类型。 尽管比较复杂,但Azure的定价模型允许用户在进行适当管理时控制成本。

The table below illustrates the prices for blob storage for a data center located in the Eastern United States –


LRS – CoolLRS – HotGRS – CoolGRS – HotFirst 50 TB per month$0.0152$0.0208$0.0334$0.0458Next 450 TB per month$0.0152$0.0200$0.0334$0.0440Over 500 TB per month$0.0152$0.0192$0.0334$0.0422 LRS –很酷 LRS –热门 GRS –很酷 GRS –热门 每月前50 TB $ 0.0152 $ 0.0208 $ 0.0334 $ 0.0458 每月接下来的450 TB $ 0.0152 $ 0.0200 $ 0.0334 $ 0.0440 每月超过500 TB $ 0.0152 $ 0.0192 $ 0.0334 $ 0.0422

*LRS – Local Redundant Storage. LRS allows for multiple and synchronous copies of your data to be stored in a single data center.

* LRS – 本地冗余存储 。 LRS允许将数据的多个副本和同步副本存储在单个数据中心中。

**GRS – Geographically Redundant Storage. GRS is used to store a second synchronized set of your data in a different data center hundreds of miles away from the first. The benefit is that GRS provides an additional layer of redundancy enabling quicker access times for users in a different geographical location.

** GRS – 地理冗余存储 。 GRS用于将第二组数据同步存储在距离第一个数据中心数百英里的另一个数据中心中。 好处是GRS提供了额外的冗余层,从而使不同地理位置的用户可以更快地访问。

If you want to cut down pricing, there are third-party vendors for the Azure platform that offers low priced backup solutions that are optimized for a category of users. Nimble, HPE and NetApp are popular in that regard.

如果您想降低价格,则可以使用Azure平台的第三方供应商,这些供应商提供针对特定用户类别进行了优化的低价备份解决方案。 在这方面,Nimble,HPE和NetApp很受欢迎。

亚马逊S3 (Amazon S3)

Amazon S3 provides a lot of the similar flexibility for scaling storage as Azure. Users are charged for storage used with no upfront costs or termination fees.

Amazon S3在扩展存储方面提供了许多与Azure类似的灵活性。 向用户收取使用存储的费用,没有任何前期费用或终止费用。

The most substantial difference between Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure lies in the fact that, unlike Azure, Amazon S3 does not have multi-regional storage. However, S3 does provide a middle tier class between standard and archival storage. This is known as 'Standard-Infrequent Access.'

Amazon S3与Microsoft Azure之间的最大区别在于,与Azure不同,Amazon S3没有多区域存储。 但是,S3确实在标准存储和档案存储之间提供了一个中间层。 这称为“标准不频繁访问”。

The table below illustrates the prices for storage in the Eastern United States (North Virginia) region:


TierStandard per gigabyteStandard – infrequent access per gigabyteFirst 50 TB / month$0.023$0.0125Next 450 TB / month$0.022$0.0125Over 500 TB / month$0.021$0.0125 层级 每GB标准 标准-很少访问每GB 前50 TB /月 $ 0.023 $ 0.0125 接下来的450 TB /月 $ 0.022 $ 0.0125 每月超过500 TB $ 0.021 $ 0.0125

Note: Costs may differ slightly by region, either intra-country or inter-country. However, intra-country cost differences usually amount to within a few cents.

注意:国家/地区或国家/地区之间的费用可能会略有不同。 但是,国家内部的成本差异通常在几美分之内。

The third-party AWS backup solutions offer low-priced storage volumes that you can deploy in a region of your choice. You can also set up VPC network for all your AWS resources. Some of the popular vendors for AWS backup include CyberDuck, CloudBerry and N2WS.

第三方AWS备份解决方案提供了价格低廉的存储卷,您可以在所选区域中进行部署。 您还可以为所有AWS资源设置VPC网络。 一些流行的厂商为AWS备份包括Cyber​​duck的 , 云莓和N2WS 。

谷歌云 (Google Cloud)

With Google Cloud, users get the benefit of a nice mix of the different storage class options that Microsoft Azure and Amazon S3 offer. This makes Google Cloud fairly more scalable than the other two. The combination provided by Google includes multi-regional as well as regional options, a mid-range option known as 'nearline' and an archival option similar to Glacier, known as 'coldline'.

借助Google Cloud,用户可以充分利用Microsoft Azure和Amazon S3提供的不同存储类选项的组合。 这使得Google Cloud比其他两个具有更高的可扩展性。 Google提供的组合包括多区域和区域选项,称为“近线”的中档选项和类似于Glacier的称为“冷线”的档案选项。

Here's a look at the costs that Google Cloud Storage charges:

以下是Google Cloud Storage收取的费用:

Multi-regional per GBRegional per GBNearline per GBColdline per GBGeneral pricing$0.026$0.020$0.010$0.007Tokyo pricingN/A$0.023$0.016$0.010 每GB多区域 每GB区域 每GB近线 每GB的热线电话 一般定价 $ 0.026 $ 0.020 $ 0.010 $ 0.007 东京定价 不适用 $ 0.023 $ 0.016 $ 0.010

An important aspect to keep in mind here is that Google Cloud Storage takes an approach similar to Microsoft Azure and Amazon S3 in that it does away with the option of variable pricing by region as well as tier based pricing per total GB stored.

这里要记住的一个重要方面是,Google Cloud Storage采取了与Microsoft Azure和Amazon S3类似的方法,因为它取消了按区域进行可变定价以及基于存储的总GB的基于层的定价的选项。

Google Cloud Storage offers just two options – A Tokyo-specific pricing for the North East Asia regions and a general pricing for the rest of the world. Users are charged the same rate irrespective of whether they store 50GB or 1000TB worth of data.

Google Cloud Storage仅提供两种选择-东北亚地区在东京的特定定价以及世界其他地区的一般定价。 无论用户存储的是50GB还是1000TB的数据量,均向用户收取相同的费用。

您应该选择哪一个? (Which one should you choose?)

When it comes to pricing, Google Cloud might be a better choice. Though all three service providers offer a pay-as-you-go model of billing, Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure charge the user at a per-minute basis. Amazon S3, on the other hand, costs users on a per-hour basis.

在定价方面,Google Cloud可能是更好的选择。 尽管所有三个服务提供商都提供按需付费的计费模式,但是Google Cloud和Microsoft Azure会按分钟向用户收费。 另一方面,Amazon S3按小时收费。

This, coupled with the fact that Google Cloud offers a useful mix of a different storage class options which make it more scalable than Amazon and Azure, convinces us that Google Cloud site above the other two service providers in the pricing aspect.

再加上Google Cloud提供了不同存储类别选项的有用组合,这使其比Amazon和Azure具有更高的可扩展性,这使我们相信Google Cloud在定价方面位于其他两家服务提供商之上。

支持和文件 (Support and Documentation)

In this section, we'll talk about the different customer support services offered by Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. As expected, all three provide free necessary support and paid premium support aimed at production environments and developers.

在本节中,我们将讨论由Amazon S3,Microsoft Azure和Google Cloud提供的不同的客户支持服务。 正如预期的那样,这三者都针对生产环境和开发人员提供了免费的必要支持和付费高级支持。

微软Azure (Microsoft Azure)

Besides the free, basic support, Azure provides the option to pay for an additional three layers of advanced support.


Free support provides users with access to a 24/7 helpline for billing concerns and online resources to assist with other areas. For the three paid support levels, please refer to the table below:

免费支持使用户可以访问24/7热线服务,以解决计费问题,并获得在线资源以协助其他领域。 有关三个付费支持级别,请参阅下表:

DeveloperStandardProfessional DirectMonthly cost$29$300$1,000Tech supportBusiness hours24/724/7Response time for critical issues\< 8 hours\< 2 hours\< 1 hourAccount managementNoNoYesAdvisory servicesNoNoYes 开发者 标准 专业直销 每月费用 $ 29 $ 300 $ 1,000 技术支持 营业时间 24/7 24/7 关键问题的响应时间 \ <8小时 \ <2小时 \ <1小时 帐户管理 没有 没有 是 咨询服务 没有 没有 是

*Technical support also includes non-Microsoft technologies that are running on Azure.


Azure also has a 'Premier Support' option. This covers every Microsoft product, has a response time of fewer than 15 minutes and also provides the subscriber with personal account management and advisory service.

Azure还具有“高级支持”选项。 它涵盖了所有Microsoft产品,响应时间少于15分钟,还为订户提供了个人帐户管理和咨询服务。

The pricing for Premier Support is available only by requesting a quote.

“ 高级支持 ”的价格仅可通过请求报价获得。

All support requests start with a ticket. Live chat or telephonic support is not an option. That said, given the nature and severity of your issue, a support request may result in a live conversation in case that can provide a quick resolution.

所有支持请求均以票证开头。 不能进行实时聊天或电话支持。 就是说,鉴于问题的性质和严重性,如果可以快速解决问题,则支持请求可能会导致实时对话。

亚马逊S3 (Amazon S3)

Free support at Amazon S3 gives you 24/7 access to support for basic troubleshooting and billing related problems. Amazon's support portal also has reference material including documentation, white papers, and forums for common issues.

Amazon S3的免费支持使您可以24/7全天候访问基本故障排除和计费相关问题的支持。 亚马逊的支持门户还提供了参考资料,包括文档,白皮书和常见问题论坛。

Technical support for the developer support plan can be accessed only via email. This puts you in touch with a cloud support associate. Enterprise and Business technical support includes a live chat and a telephone support option. Additionally, you will have more experienced cloud support engineers assisting you instead of a support associate.

开发人员支持计划的技术支持只能通过电子邮件访问。 这使您与云支持人员联系。 企业和企业技术支持包括实时聊天和电话支持选项。 此外,您将有更多经验丰富的云支持工程师代替您的支持人员来帮助您。

The response time for technical support is dependent on the severity of the problem. General inquiries usually have a response time of 24 hours.

技术支持的响应时间取决于问题的严重性。 一般查询的回复时间通常为24小时。

DeveloperBusinessEnterpriseMonthly costFrom $29From $100From $15,000Technical supportBusiness hours24×724×7Response time for critical issues\< 12 hours\< 1 hour\< 15 minutesArchitectural supportBest practiceUse-caseConsultationsThird-party software supportNoYesYesOperations supportNoNoReviews and reportingHealth supportPersonal health dashboardPersonal health dashboard and health APIsPersonal health dashboard and health APIsTrusted advisor checksFourAccess to all checksAccess to all checks 开发者 商业 企业 每月费用 起价$ 29 $ 100起 澳元$ 15,000起 技术支援 营业时间 24×7 24×7 关键问题的响应时间 \ <12小时 \ <1小时 \ <15分钟 建筑支持 最佳实践 用例 咨询服务 第三方软件支持 没有 是 是 运营支持 没有 没有 评论和报告 健康支援 个人健康仪表板 个人健康仪表板和健康API 个人健康仪表板和健康API 值得信赖的顾问检查 四个 访问所有支票 访问所有支票

Customer support for Amazon S3 is managed via a central support platform. Users can find notes on current issues as well as create and monitor helpdesk tickets.

通过中央支持平台管理对Amazon S3的客户支持。 用户可以找到有关当前问题的注释,以及创建和监视服务台故障单。

谷歌云存储 (Google Cloud Storage)

Similar to Microsoft and Amazon, Google Cloud Storage also provides support for billing inquiries while technical support is a paid service.

与Microsoft和Amazon类似,Google Cloud Storage还提供了对账单查询的支持,而技术支持是一项付费服务​​。

Google's tutorial support center is free to access. This has documentation on basic FAQs, tutorials as well as community forums. An advantage here is that due to Google's sheer popularity with developers, it can boast of one of the most active community base of any cloud service provider.

Google的教程支持中心是免费的。 其中包含有关基本FAQ,教程和社区论坛的文档。 这样做的一个优势是,由于Google在开发人员中的广泛欢迎,它可以称得上是任何云服务提供商中最活跃的社区基础之一。

Another area that Google scores above its peers is in the sound tutorial libraries it has built. Also, it goes without saying, all these libraries are indexed and searchable.

Google建立的声音教程库是Google在同行中得分最高的另一个方面。 而且,不用说,所有这些库都已建立索引并可以搜索。

SilverGoldPlatinumMonthly cost$150Starts at $400By quote onlyTechnical supportBusiness hours24/7 (critical issues only)24/7Response time for critical issues4 business hours1 hour15 minutesPhone supportNoYesYesArchitecture supportBest practiceUse-caseUse-caseConsultationsNoYesYesTechnical account managementNoNoYes 银 金 铂 每月费用 $ 150 开始于$ 400 仅引用 技术支援 营业时间 24/7(仅严重问题) 24/7 关键问题的响应时间 4个工作时间 1小时 15分钟 电话支持 没有 是 是 架构支持 最佳实践 用例 用例 咨询服务 没有 是 是 技术客户管理 没有 没有 是

Interestingly, gold and platinum support are charged at minimum costs. The usage-based rates are a percentage of the cost a user spend on Google Cloud Storage which is charged if only if the figure exceeds the minimum support price. Depending on the amount a user spends, this can vary between 3 and 9 percent.

有趣的是,黄金和铂金的支持费用最低。 基于使用率的费率是用户在Google Cloud Storage上花费的费用的百分比,仅当该数字超过最低支持价格时才收取费用。 根据用户的支出金额,此百分比可能在3%到9%之间变化。

您应该选择哪一个? (Which one should you choose?)

In our opinion, Google Cloud Storage again wins this section. The deciding factor for this choice lies in the vast amount of resources and reference material that Google has built up in terms of documentation and libraries. Apart from that, they also have an immensely active community forum at their command. More often than not, these result in a quick and accurate resolution which is what every user wants.

我们认为,Google云存储再次赢得了这一部分。 做出此选择的决定性因素在于Google在文档和库方面积累的大量资源和参考资料。 除此之外,他们还拥有一个非常活跃的社区论坛。 这些结果通常会导致快速而准确的分辨率,这正是每个用户想要的。

摘要 (Summary)

While it may be difficult to reach a certain choice on the best cloud backup service provider for you, hopefully, we have provided you with the knowledge to help you make a balanced decision.


The actual research before choosing one of these three providers is primarily governed by your needs and how one of these providers can address them best.


However, one thing is for sure – as cloud computing matures, the arena will continue to get increasingly competitive, and prices should drop. You can, therefore, be assured to get the most bang for your buck.

但是,有一点可以肯定–随着云计算的成熟,这个领域将继续变得越来越有竞争力,价格应该会下降。 因此,您可以放心,让自己得到最大的收益。


azure 和 aws比较
